NOTES - never return 'null' for collection accessors - otherwise "for (Object k: collection)" doesn't work - pageWithName im App-Objekt nimmt den resourceManager vom context.component()! - hm, macht das Sinn? sind das nicht eher globale lookups? - gibt es einen guten Ersatz im J2EE 5 fuer NSFormatter? - anscheinend ja, aber welchen? ;-) - was machen wir mit locales? - NSUserDefaults - brauchen wir die? - WODynamicElement bindings - maybe the init could be done automagically by annotating WOAssociation ivars? (@binding or something like that) - it sucks that actions must return WOActionResults. It should be possible to return arbitrary objects and then trigger a renderer based on that (like in SOPE SoObjectRequestHandler)