// $Id: PreferencesUI.strings,v 1.1 2004/09/03 09:10:01 cvsuser Exp $ "Account with login '%@' already exists." = "'%@' izeneko erabiltzaile bat dagoeneko badago."; "GMT+0100" = "GMT+0100"; "GMT+0200" = "GMT+0200"; "GMT+0300" = "GMT+0300"; "GMT+0400" = "GMT+0400"; "GMT+0500" = "GMT+0500"; "GMT+0600" = "GMT+0600"; "GMT+0700" = "GMT+0700"; "GMT+0800" = "GMT+0800"; "GMT+0900" = "GMT+0900"; "GMT+1000" = "GMT+1000"; "GMT+1100" = "GMT+1100"; "GMT+1200" = "GMT+1200"; "GMT-0100" = "GMT-0100"; "GMT-0200" = "GMT-0200"; "GMT-0300" = "GMT-0300"; "GMT-0400" = "GMT-0400"; "GMT-0500" = "GMT-0500"; "GMT-0600" = "GMT-0600"; "GMT-0700" = "GMT-0700"; "GMT-0800" = "GMT-0800"; "GMT-0900" = "GMT-0900"; "GMT-1000" = "GMT-1000"; "GMT-1100" = "GMT-1100"; "GMT-1200" = "GMT-1200"; "No last name set" = "Abizena falta da"; "No login set" = "Logina falta da"; 00="00:00"; 01="01:00"; 02="02:00"; 03="03:00"; 04="04:00"; 05="05:00"; 06="06:00"; 07="07:00"; 08="08:00"; 09="09:00"; 100="100"; 10="10:00"; 11="11:00"; 12="12:00"; 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