// bind template to controller class Font: SkyConfigFont {} WeekColumnView: WEWeekColumnView { list = appointments; item = appointment; weekStart = weekStart; dayIndex = dayIndex; isInfoItem = isAllDayApt; infoItems = allDayApts; titleColor = titleColor; // "#FFDAAA"; contentColor = dayCellColor; // contentColor; // "#FAE8B8"; WIDTH = "100%"; BORDER = "0"; CELLSPACING = 2; CELLPADDING = 4; } TitleMode: WEWeekColumnViewTitleMode {}; InfoMode: WEWeekColumnViewInfoMode {}; ContentMode: WEWeekColumnViewContentMode {}; Appointment: SkySchedulerDateCell { appointment = appointment; weekday = weekday; participants = appointment.participants; isClickable = appointmentViewAccessAllowed; isPrivate = isPrivateAppointment; action = viewAppointment; privateLabel = labels.private; icon = dateCellIcon; aptTypeLabel = aptTypeLabel; } WeekdayTitle: LSWSchedulerDateTitle { title = labels.$weekday; newLabel = labels.new; highlight = weekday.isToday; date = weekday; disableNew = isResCategorySelected; directActionName = dayDirectActionName } HasDayInfoCond: WOConditional { condition = hasCurrentDayInfo; } HasHolidayInfo: WOConditional { condition = hasHolidays; } HasAllDayApts: WOConditional { condition = hasAllDayApts; } HolidayInfo: SkyRichString { value = currentDayInfo; size = "-2"; isBold = YES; } AllDayApts: WORepetition { list = allDayApts; item = appointment; } // Month-Browser Browser: SkyMonthBrowser { month = weekStart.monthOfYear; year = weekStart.yearOfCommonEra; months = 2; timeZone = weekStart.timeZone; showWeekOfYear = YES; date = browserDate; isInMonth = browserDateInMonth; } BrowserDayLabel: SkyRichString { value = browserDayLabel; color = browserFontColor; } IsInMonthCond: WOConditional { condition = browserDateInMonth; } IsInMonthCondElse: WOConditional { condition = browserDateInMonth; negate = YES; } // design of appointment ViewAccessAllowedCond: WOConditional { condition = appointmentViewAccessAllowed; } ViewAccessAllowedCondElse: WOConditional { condition = appointmentViewAccessAllowed; negate = YES; } AptInfoIcon: WOImage { filename = dateCellIcon; border = "0"; valign = "top"; alt = shortTextForApt; title = shortTextForApt; } StartTime: SkyRichString { value = startTime; color = config.colors_appointmentLink; } EndTime: SkyRichString { value = endTime; color = config.colors_appointmentLink; } AptTitleSpan: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "span"; class = aptTitleCellClass; } AptTitle: WOString { value = appointment; formatter = aptTitleFormatter; //color = config.colors_titleColor; } Semicolon: SkyRichString { value = ";"; color = config.colors_contentText; } AptContentText: SkyRichString { value = appointment; formatter = aptContentFormatter; color = config.colors_contentText; } ViewAptLink: WOHyperlink { directActionName = "viewApt"; ?oid = appointmentOID; ?entity = appointmentEntity; ?tz = appointment.startDate.timeZone.abbreviation; ?ctx = context.contextID; title = shortTextForApt; class = "skydatecell_link"; } ViewAptAction: WOHyperlink { action = viewAppointment; title = shortTextForApt; class = "skydatecell_link"; } UseDACond: WOConditional { condition = useDirectActionForView; } UseDACondElse: WOConditional { condition = useDirectActionForView; negate = YES; } IsListOnlyApt: WOConditional { condition = appointment.permissions; value = "l"; } IsViewableApt: WOConditional { condition = appointment.permissions; value = "l"; negate = YES; } DropZone: WEDropContainer { elementName = "td"; isAttached = YES; tags = ( appointment ); swapColors = YES; droppedObject = appointment; action = droppedAppointment; } DragZone: WEDragContainer { tag = "appointment"; object = appointment; }