#!/bin/sh # Frank Reppin OGO_USER="ogo" OGO_GROUP="ogo" OGO_GECOS="OpenGroupware Suite" OGO_HOME_BASEDIR="/var/lib" OGO_HOME="${OGO_HOME_BASEDIR}/opengroupware.org" OGO_LOGDIR="/var/log/opengroupware" OGO_VERSION="%%OGO_VERSION%%" SYSCONFDIR="/usr/local/etc" PKG_PREFIX="${PKG_PREFIX:=/usr/local}" CHMOD="/bin/chmod" CHOWN="/usr/sbin/chown" LN="/bin/ln" MKDIR="/bin/mkdir" PW="/usr/sbin/pw" SU="/usr/bin/su" case "$2" in POST-INSTALL) if [ ! -e "${OGO_HOME}/.preconfigure_done" ]; then if [ ! -d "${OGO_HOME_BASEDIR}" ]; then echo -e "=> creating home basement (${OGO_HOME_BASEDIR})" ${MKDIR} -p ${OGO_HOME_BASEDIR} fi if [ ! "`${PW} groupshow ${OGO_GROUP}`" ]; then echo -e "=> group '${OGO_GROUP}' not found..." echo -e "=> will create group ${OGO_GROUP}" ${PW} groupadd -n ${OGO_GROUP} else echo -e "found group ${OGO_GROUP}" fi if [ ! "`${PW} usershow ${OGO_USER}`" ]; then echo -e "=> user ${OGO_USER} not found..." echo -e "=> will create user ${OGO_USER}" ${PW} useradd -g "${OGO_GROUP}" -c "${OGO_GECOS}" -d "${OGO_HOME}" -n "${OGO_USER}" -s "/bin/csh" echo -e "=> locking its password" ${PW} lock ${OGO_USER} else echo -e "found user ${OGO_USER}" fi echo -e "=> creating necessary directories in '${OGO_HOME}'" ${MKDIR} -p ${OGO_HOME}/.libFoundation/Defaults ${MKDIR} -p ${OGO_HOME}/documents ${MKDIR} -p ${OGO_HOME}/news ${MKDIR} -p ${OGO_HOME}/skyfs echo -e "=> creating log dir '${OGO_LOGDIR}'" ${MKDIR} -p ${OGO_LOGDIR} echo -e "=> readjusting directory permissions" ${CHOWN} -R ${OGO_USER}:${OGO_GROUP} ${OGO_HOME} ${CHOWN} ${OGO_USER}:${OGO_GROUP} ${OGO_LOGDIR} ${CHMOD} 0750 ${OGO_HOME} ${CHMOD} 0750 ${OGO_HOME}/.libFoundation ${CHMOD} 0750 ${OGO_HOME}/.libFoundation/Defaults ${CHMOD} 0750 ${OGO_HOME}/documents ${CHMOD} 0750 ${OGO_HOME}/news ${CHMOD} 0750 ${OGO_HOME}/skyfs ${CHMOD} 0750 ${OGO_LOGDIR} echo -e "=> do some basic configuration" ${SU} - ${OGO_USER} -c " Defaults write NSGlobalDomain JobPreferredExecutantsEnabled Yes Defaults write NSGlobalDomain JobReferredPersonEnabled Yes Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSCreateAccountsReadonly = Yes; Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSAttachmentPath '${OGO_HOME}/documents' Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSConnectionDictionary '{hostName=\"\"; userName=OGo; password=\"\"; port=5432; databaseName=OGo}' Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSDisableSessionLog Yes Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSNewsImagesPath '${OGO_HOME}/news' Defaults write NSGlobalDomain LSNewsImagesUrl '/ArticleImages' Defaults write NSGlobalDomain scheduler_apttype_input_type PopUp Defaults write NSGlobalDomain scheduler_memberteams_only Yes Defaults write NSGlobalDomain SkyFSPath '${OGO_HOME}/skyfs' Defaults write NSGlobalDomain skyrix_id `hostname` Defaults write NSGlobalDomain TimeZoneName GMT Defaults write NSGlobalDomain WODefaultSessionTimeOut 3600 Defaults write NSGlobalDomain WOHttpAllowHost '( localhost,, localhost.localdomain)' Defaults write NSGlobalDomain WOSendMail '/usr/sbin/sendmail' Defaults write ogo-nhsd-${OGO_VERSION} NGBundlePath '${PKG_PREFIX}/lib/opengroupware.org-${OGO_VERSION}/conduits' Defaults write skyaptnotify AptNotifyVerbose NO Defaults write skyaptnotify AptNotifyFromAdress '${OGO_USER}@`hostname`' Defaults write skyaptnotify AptNotifySendmailPath '/usr/sbin/sendmail' Defaults write skyaptnotify AptNotifySentResourcesFile '${OGO_LOGDIR}/sent-resources' Defaults write skyaptnotify AptNotifySkyrixPassword '\"\"' Defaults write skyaptnotify AptNotifySkyrixUser root " 1>/dev/null echo -e "configuration by post-install done!" >${OGO_HOME}/.preconfigure_done if [ ! -h "${SYSCONFDIR}/opengroupware.org" ]; then echo -e "=> expose configuration directory as symlink: '${SYSCONFDIR}/opengroupware.org'" ${LN} -s ${OGO_HOME}/.libFoundation/Defaults ${SYSCONFDIR}/opengroupware.org fi else echo -e "=> Your configuration should be already ok - I quit!" echo -e "=> If you really think that this is wrong - remove ${OGO_HOME}/.preconfigure_done and 'make reinstall' me." fi ;; esac