// $Id: OGoPalm.strings,v 1.1 2004/09/03 09:10:01 cvsuser Exp $ SkyPalmAddressEditor = "Edit palmaddress"; SkyPalmAddressViewer = "Palmaddress Viewer"; SkyPalmAssignAddress = "OGo Kontaktua Esleitu"; SkyPalmAssignDate = "OGo Hitzordua Esleitu"; SkyPalmAssignJob = "OGo Lana Esleitu"; SkyPalmAssignMemo = "OGo Dokumentua Esleitu"; SkyPalmDateCopyViewer = "Palmdate Viewer"; SkyPalmDateEditor = "Edit Palmdate"; SkyPalmDateViewer = "Palmdate Viewer"; SkyPalmJobEditor = "Edit Palmtask"; SkyPalmJobViewer = "Palmtask Viewer"; SkyPalmMemoEditor = "Edit Palmmemo"; SkyPalmMemoViewer = "Palmmemo Viewer"; SkyPalmPage = "Palm-aren Sinkronizazioa"; SkyPalmPref_postSyncMustBeActivated = "(PostSync-a aktibatu egin behar da)"; SkyPalmPref_preSyncMustBeActivated = "(PreSync-a aktibatu egin behar da)"; SkyPalmPreferences = "Palm Sync Preferences"; SkyPalmPreferences_address = "Helbidea"; SkyPalmPreferences_addressAttributes = "Zutabeak"; SkyPalmPreferences_dateAttributes = "Zutabeak"; SkyPalmPreferences_datebook = "Hitzorduen Liburua"; SkyPalmPreferences_importOGoContacts = "import OGo contacts into Palm"; SkyPalmPreferences_importOGoDates = "import OGo dates into Palm"; SkyPalmPreferences_importOGoDatesFrom = "between"; SkyPalmPreferences_importOGoDatesTo = "and"; SkyPalmPreferences_importPalmContacts = "import Palm contacts into OGo"; SkyPalmPreferences_importPalmDates = "import Palm dates into OGo"; SkyPalmPreferences_job = "Todolist"; SkyPalmPreferences_jobAttributes = "Zutabeak"; SkyPalmPreferences_memo = "Memo Pad"; SkyPalmPreferences_memoAttributes = "Zutabeak"; SkyPalmPreferences_ogoDateDefaultReadAccess = "default OGo date read access"; SkyPalmPreferences_ogoDateDefaultWriteAccess = "default OGo date write access"; SkyPalmPreferences_ogoTwoWaySync = "OGo 2Way-Sync"; SkyPalmPreferences_palmSync = "HotSync"; SkyPalmPreferences_postSync = "PostSync-a aktibatu"; SkyPalmPreferences_postSyncHelp = "sync with OGo after HotSync"; SkyPalmPreferences_preSync = "PreSync-a aktibatu"; SkyPalmPreferences_preSyncHelp = "sync with OGo before HotSync"; SkyPalmPreferences_private = "- pribatua -"; SkyPalmPreferences_skyrixAddressAttributeMapping = "OGo helbide-mapa"; SkyPalmPreferences_skyrixAddressType = "OGo helbide-mota"; SkyPalmPreferences_skyrixEnterpriseSync = "OGo Enterprise Synchronization"; SkyPalmPreferences_skyrixEnterpriseSyncAttributes = "Attribute mapping"; SkyPalmPreferences_skyrixPersonSync = "OGo Person Synchronization"; SkyPalmPreferences_skyrixPersonSyncAttributes = "Attribute mapping"; SkyPalmPreferences_webui = "Web UI"; action_assignSkyrixAddress = "Assignment to OGo address table"; action_assignSkyrixAppointment = "assignment to OGo appointment"; action_assignSkyrixJob = "assignment to OGo task"; action_assignSkyrixMemo = "Assignment to OGo document"; action_changeAddress = "helbidea aldatu"; action_changeAddresses = "helbideak aldatu"; action_changeAppointment = "hitzordua aldatu"; action_changeFile = "fitxategia aldatu"; action_changeFolder = "karpeta aldatu"; action_changeJobAssignment = "asignazioa aldatu"; action_changeProject = "proiektua aldatu"; action_complete = "amaitu"; action_createEnterprises = "OGo konpainiak sortu"; action_createNewFile = "fitxategi berria sortu"; action_createNewSkyrixRecord = "OGo sarrera sortu"; action_createPersons = "OGo pertsonak sortu"; action_createSkyrixRecords = "create OGo records"; action_delete = "ezabatu"; action_deleteDates = "datak ezabatu"; action_detachDate = "detach date"; action_detachDates = "detach dates"; action_detachSkyrixEntry = "detach OGo entry"; action_edit = "editatu"; action_forceOGoOverPalm = "overwrite changes in Palm"; action_forcePalmOverOGo = "overwrite changes in OGo"; action_hidedeleted = "ezabatutako sarrerak ezkutatu"; action_markAsNew = "mark as new"; action_refresh = "freskatu"; action_save = "gorde"; action_searchAddress = "helbidea bilatu"; action_searchCategories = "kategoriak bilatu"; action_select = "aukeratu"; action_select_category_device = "select category/device"; action_showAppointments = "hitzorduak erakutsi"; action_syncWithSkyrixEntry = "synchronize with OGo record"; action_uncomplete = "ez da bukatu"; action_undelete = "undelete"; action_unhidedeleted = "ezabatutako sarrerak erakutsi"; alarmUnit_0 = "Minutu"; alarmUnit_01 = "Minutu"; alarmUnit_0n = "Minutu"; alarmUnit_1 = "Ordu"; alarmUnit_11 = "Ordu"; alarmUnit_1n = "Ordu"; alarmUnit_2 = "Egun"; alarmUnit_21 = "Egun"; alarmUnit_2n = "Egun"; and = "eta"; aptType_birthday = "jaioteguna"; aptType_call = "telefono deia"; aptType_duedate = "epea"; aptType_holiday = "oporrak"; aptType_home = "etxean"; aptType_ill = "gaixorik"; aptType_meeting = "batzarra"; aptType_none = "- zehaztu gabe -"; aptType_outward = "outward appointment"; aptType_tradeshow = "tradeshow"; assign-skyrix-record = "Assignment to OGo entry"; attribute_00nothing = "--"; attribute_access = "sarrera"; attribute_address = "helbidea"; attribute_alarm = "alarma"; attribute_aptType = "mota"; attribute_categoryName = "kategoria"; attribute_city = "herria"; attribute_company = "konpainia"; attribute_country = "herrialdea"; attribute_custom0 = "Custom Field 0"; attribute_custom1 = "Custom Field 1"; attribute_custom2 = "Custom Field 2"; attribute_custom3 = "Custom Field 3"; attribute_custom4 = "Custom Field 4"; attribute_date = "data"; attribute_dateExceptions = "Salbuespenak"; attribute_description = "azalpena"; attribute_deviceId = "device"; attribute_duedate = "duedate"; attribute_email = "e-posta"; attribute_enddate = "enddate"; attribute_fax = "faxa"; attribute_filename = "filename"; attribute_firstname = "izena"; attribute_home = "home"; attribute_isCompleted = "complete"; attribute_jobStatus = "herrialdea"; attribute_lastname = "abizena"; attribute_location = "herria"; attribute_main = "main"; attribute_memo = "memo"; attribute_mobile = "sakelekoa"; attribute_name = "izena"; attribute_nickname = "ezizena"; attribute_note = "oharra"; attribute_number = "zenbakia"; attribute_other = "beste batzuk"; attribute_owner = "jabea"; attribute_pager = "pager"; attribute_palmSync = "Palm synchronization"; attribute_priority = "lehentasuna"; attribute_projectCode = "projectcode"; attribute_projectLeader = "projectlead"; attribute_repeat = "repeat type"; attribute_repeatEnddate = "repeat enddate"; attribute_size = "neurria"; attribute_skyrixRecord = "OGo sarrera"; attribute_skyrixSync = "OGo sinkronizazioa"; attribute_skyrixSyncType = "OGo sinkronizazioa mota"; attribute_startdate = "hasi"; attribute_state = "herrialdea"; attribute_title = "izenburua"; attribute_work = "lana"; attribute_zipcode = "postakodea"; autoScrollSize_0 = "disabled"; autoScrollSize_1000 = "1000 pixel"; autoScrollSize_200 = "200 pixel"; autoScrollSize_250 = "250 pixel"; autoScrollSize_300 = "300 pixel"; autoScrollSize_400 = "400 pixel"; autoScrollSize_500 = "500 pixel"; autoScrollSize_600 = "600 pixel"; autoScrollSize_700 = "700 pixel"; autoScrollSize_800 = "800 pixel"; bool_no = "Ez"; bool_yes = "Bai"; calendarPopupDuedateLabel = "search duedate"; calendarPopupEnddateLabel = "search enddate"; calendarPopupStartdateLabel = "search startdate"; cancelButtonLabel = "utzi"; complete = "ekin"; complete_archived = "complete (archived)"; conflict_handling_0 = "sync nothing"; conflict_handling_1 = "OGo sarrera berria sortu"; conflict_handling_2 = "OGo sarrerako aldaketak gainetik idatzi"; conflict_handling_3 = "overwrite changes in Palm entry"; conflict_notification_0 = "ez jakinarazi"; conflict_notification_5 = "lan bat sortu"; create-skyrix-record = "OGo sarrera sortu"; enterprise = "lantegia"; error_nodeviceentry = "No device entry found in database. Please sync with your PDA first!"; forTheNext = "for the next"; frequencyFirst = ""; frequencyLast = "azkena"; frequencyND = "nd"; frequencyRD = "rd"; frequencyST = "st"; frequencySecond = "other"; frequencyTH = "th"; from = "from"; import_ogo_contacts_sync_favorites = "Gogokoak karpetako kontaktuak inportatu"; import_ogo_contacts_sync_nothing = "ez inportatu"; import_ogo_contacts_sync_owned_contacts = "import owned contacts"; import_palm_contacts_sync_all = "import all palm contacts"; import_palm_contacts_sync_non_private = "import non-private palm contacts"; import_palm_contacts_sync_nothing = "import nothing"; import_palm_dates_sync_all = "import all palm dates"; import_palm_dates_sync_non_private = "import non-private palm dates"; import_palm_dates_sync_nothing = "import nothing"; incomplete = "incomplete"; incomplete_archived = "incomplete (archived)"; is_archived = "Artxibatuta"; is_deleted = "Ezabatuta"; is_modified = "Eraldatuta"; is_new = "Berria"; is_untouched = ""; label_addressType = "Address type"; label_autoScrollSize = "auto scroll size (only for specific browsers)"; label_batchSize = "sarrerak orrialdeko"; label_conflict_handling = "conflict handling"; label_conflict_notification = "conflict notification"; label_days = "egun"; label_every = "every"; label_file = "fitxategia"; label_filename = "filename"; label_files = "fitxategi"; label_folder = "direktorioa"; label_hotsync_conduits = "HotSync conduits"; label_newFile = "fitxategi berria"; label_non_selection_title = "non selected"; label_onlyMyAppointments = "nire hitzorduak bakarrik"; label_palmAddress = "palm helbidea"; label_palmAddresses = "palm helbideak"; label_palmDate = "palm data"; label_palmJob = "palm lana"; label_palmMemo = "palm memo"; label_pda_timezone = "palm ordutegia"; label_popup_all = "dena"; label_privateProjects = "proiektu pribatuak"; label_project = "proiektua"; label_publicProjects = "proiektu pribatua"; label_readAccess = "irakurri"; label_removeException = "salbuespena kendu"; label_repeatDaily = "egunero"; label_repeatMonthlyByDate = "monthly by date"; label_repeatMonthlyByDay = "monthly by weekday"; label_repeatNone = "none"; label_repeatSkyrix14Daily = "14 egun"; label_repeatSkyrixMonthly = "hilero"; label_repeatSkyrixWeekday = "astegunak"; label_repeatWeekly = "astero"; label_repeatYearly = "urtero"; label_repeat_days = "Day(s)"; label_repeat_months = "Month(s)"; label_repeat_weeks = "Week(s)"; label_repeat_years = "Year(s)"; label_repetition = "repetition"; label_repetitions = "repetitions"; label_searchResult = "search result"; label_selection_title = "aukeratuta"; label_showAppointments = "hitzorduak erakutsi"; label_skyrixAddress = "OGo address"; label_skyrixAddresses = "OGo addresses"; label_skyrixAppointment = "OGo appointment"; label_skyrixAppointments = "OGo appointments"; label_skyrixDocument = "OGo document"; label_skyrixJob = "OGo task"; label_skyrixJobs = "OGo tasks"; label_toDoJobs = "to do list"; label_validFiles = "fitxategi egokiak"; label_writeAccess = "idatzi"; list_title_address = "Palm Addresses"; list_title_date = "Palm Dates"; list_title_job = "Palm Tasks"; list_title_memo = "Palm Memos"; month_1 = "Urtarrila"; month_10 = "Urria"; month_11 = "Azaroa"; month_12 = "Abendua"; month_2 = "Otsaila"; month_3 = "Martxoa"; month_4 = "Apirila"; month_5 = "Maiatza"; month_6 = "Ekaina"; month_7 = "Uztaila"; month_8 = "Abuztua"; month_9 = "Iraila"; new-from-skyrix-record = "new from OGo entry"; new_address = "new palmaddress"; new_address_from_skyrix = "new from OGo contact"; new_date = "new palmdate"; new_date_from_skyrix = "new from OGo Appointment"; new_job = "new palmtask"; new_job_from_skyrix = "new from OGo task"; new_memo = "new palmmemo"; new_memo_from_skyrix = "new from document"; person = "pertsona"; pri_high = "Handia"; pri_low = "Txikia"; pri_normal = "Ertaina"; pri_very_high = "Oso handia"; pri_very_low = "Oso txikia"; record_id_deleted = "Record will be deleted on sync"; record_is_archived = "Record is deleted on Palm"; record_is_modified = "Record is modified"; record_is_new = "Record is new"; record_is_untouched = "Record is untouched"; repeatDailyFormat = "%@ egunetik behin"; repeatMonthlyByDateFormat = "The %@ of every %@ month"; repeatMonthlyByDayFormat = "The %@ %@ of every %@ month"; repeatNoneFormat = ""; repeatWeeklyFormat = "Every %@ week on %@"; repeatYearlyFormat = "%@ of %@ every %@ year"; showButtonLabel = "erakutsi"; showRepeatings = "errepikapenak erakutsi"; skyrixAddressType_ = "--"; skyrixAddressType_bill = "Ordainketarako helbidea"; skyrixAddressType_location = "Location address"; skyrixAddressType_mailing = "Mailing address"; skyrixAddressType_private = "Helbide pribatua"; skyrixAddressType_ship = "Ship address"; skyrixAttribute_00nothing = "--"; skyrixAttribute_01_tel = "Telefonoa (1)"; skyrixAttribute_02_tel = "Telefonoa (2)"; skyrixAttribute_03_tel_funk = "Sakelekoa"; skyrixAttribute_05_tel_private = "Telefono pribatua"; skyrixAttribute_10_fax = "Faxa"; skyrixAttribute_15_fax_private = "Fax pribatua"; skyrixAttribute_account = "Kontua"; skyrixAttribute_assistantName = "laguntzailearen izena"; skyrixAttribute_associatedCompany = "associated company"; skyrixAttribute_bank = "Banketxea"; skyrixAttribute_bankCode = "Banketxearen kodea"; skyrixAttribute_birthday = "Jaioteguna"; skyrixAttribute_bossName = "ugazaba"; skyrixAttribute_comment = "Komentarioa"; skyrixAttribute_degree = "Maila"; skyrixAttribute_department = "saila"; skyrixAttribute_email = "e-posta"; skyrixAttribute_email1 = "e-posta (1)"; skyrixAttribute_email2 = "e-posta (2)"; skyrixAttribute_email3 = "e-posta (3)"; skyrixAttribute_firstname = "Izena"; skyrixAttribute_gender = "Sexua"; skyrixAttribute_imAddress = "Instant Messenger Address"; skyrixAttribute_job_title = "Position"; skyrixAttribute_keywords = "Kategoriak"; skyrixAttribute_login = "Login"; skyrixAttribute_middlename = "Middlename"; skyrixAttribute_name = "Izena"; skyrixAttribute_name1 = "Izena 1"; skyrixAttribute_name2 = "Izena 2"; skyrixAttribute_name3 = "Izena 3"; skyrixAttribute_nickname = "Ezizena"; skyrixAttribute_number = "Zenbakia"; skyrixAttribute_occupation = "lanbidea"; skyrixAttribute_office = "bulegoa"; skyrixAttribute_other_title1 = "Other Position 1"; skyrixAttribute_other_title2 = "Other Position 2"; skyrixAttribute_palmCategory = "Palm Category"; skyrixAttribute_partnerName = "partner name"; skyrixAttribute_salutation = "Agurra"; skyrixAttribute_url = "Url"; skyrixjob_state_00_created = "sortua"; skyrixjob_state_02_rejected = "rejected"; skyrixjob_state_05_accepted = "onartua"; skyrixjob_state_20_processing = "processing"; skyrixjob_state_25_done = "burututa"; skyrixjob_state_30_archived = "artxibatuta"; sync_state_100 = "OGo and Palm record synchronized"; sync_state_101 = "Palm record changed"; sync_state_102 = "OGo record changed"; sync_state_103 = "OGo and Palm record changed"; sync_state_short_100 = ""; sync_state_short_101 = "Palm record changed"; sync_state_short_102 = "OGo record changed"; sync_state_short_103 = "Both records changed"; sync_type_0 = "Do nothing"; sync_type_1 = "OGo record overwrites Palm record"; sync_type_2 = "Palm record overwrites OGo record"; sync_type_3 = "2way sync"; sync_type_short_0 = "OGo || Palm"; sync_type_short_1 = "OGo ==> Palm"; sync_type_short_2 = "OGo <== Palm"; sync_type_short_3 = "OGo <=> Palm"; tab_address = "helbidea"; tab_addressBook = "helbidea"; tab_attributes = "atributuak"; tab_dateBook = "date book"; tab_memo = "memo"; tab_memoPad = "memo pad"; tab_origin = "jatorria"; tab_palmSync = "Palm sync"; tab_repetitions = "errepikapenak"; tab_skyrixSync = "OGo sync"; tab_todoList = "to do list"; to = "to"; weekday_long_0 = "Igandea"; weekday_long_1 = "Astelehena"; weekday_long_2 = "Asteartea"; weekday_long_3 = "Asteazkena"; weekday_long_4 = "Osteguna"; weekday_long_5 = "Ostirala"; weekday_long_6 = "Larunbata"; weekday_short_0 = "Ig"; weekday_short_1 = "As"; weekday_short_2 = "At"; weekday_short_3 = "Ak"; weekday_short_4 = "Os"; weekday_short_5 = "Or"; weekday_short_6 = "La";