// $Id: OGoWebMail.strings,v 1.1 2004/09/03 09:10:01 cvsuser Exp $ "Login failed: authentication failure" = "Loginak huts egin du."; "begins with" = "horrelako hasiera du"; "doesn't contain" = "ez dauka"; "ends with" = "horrelako bukaera du"; "interval has to be greater then 0" = "Errepikatutako interbaloa 0 baino handiagoa izan behar da."; "isn't" = "isn't"; "missing conditional for selecting message" = "Missing conditional for selecting messages."; "missing email(s)" = "Missing email(s)"; "missing folder to move" = "Missing folder to move."; "missing forward address" = "Missing email for redirect the matching mails."; "missing password" = "Missing password for mail server."; "save and send" = "login-a egin eta bidali"; "save mail" = "mezua gorde"; "to:cc" = "To edo CC"; CopyFailedWithReason = "Copy mails failed with reason"; CouldntAddAttachmentSizeExceeded = "Ezin izan da fitxategirik erantsi. Gehienengo tamaina gainditu da"; DefaultAccessPreferences = "Lehenetsitako Sarrera-hobespenak"; DefaultsMDN = "Return Receipt"; DefaultsMailList = "Mail/Sentmail List"; DefaultsSearchMailList = "Search Mail List"; DefaultsSpecialFolder = "Special Mail Folders"; DeleteMailsAnyway = "Really delete selected mails?"; EmptyTrashFailedWithReason = "Zakarrontzia ezin izan da hustu"; FolderEditorTitle = "Mail Folder Editor"; FolderMovePermissionDenied = "Ez duzu baimenik karpeta hona mugitzeko: '%@'."; FolderMoveTitle = "Mail Folder Move"; FromPopupInitialValues = "From popup initial-values"; FromPopupValues = "From Popup Values"; GeneralDefaults = "Common"; GeneralMailListDefaults = "Mail Lists (common)"; Imap = "Mezuak"; ItsNotAllowedToUseChar = "Its not allowed to use a '%@' character in folder-names."; LSWImapMailEditor = "Compose Mail"; LSWImapMailFilterEditor = "Edit Mail Filter"; LSWImapMailFolderEditor = "Karpeta Editatu"; LSWImapMailFolderMove = "Move Mail Folder"; LSWImapMailMove = "Move Mail"; LSWImapMailViewer = "View Mail"; LSWImapMails = "Mail"; LSWMailFilterEditor_windowTitle = "Mail Filter Editor"; LSWMailPreferences = "Mail Preferences"; LastError = "Azken Errorea:"; ListDescription = "Azalpena"; ListEmailCount = "e-posta kopurua"; ListEmails = "mezuak"; ListName = "Mailing list name"; ListUpload = "Mezuak kargatu"; Mail = "mezua"; MailCopyTitle = "Mail Copier"; MailEditorTitle = "Mail Editor"; MailFilterList = "mail filters"; MailListAttributes = "Mail list attributes"; MailListBlockSize = "Mail list block size"; MailMoveTitle = "Mail Move"; MailSource = "mail source"; MailViewerTitle = "Mail Viewer"; MailingListAddr = "Mailing List: %@ [emails: %d]"; MailingListManager = "mailing lists"; MailingListManagerLabel = "Mailing Lists"; MessageFileTooBig = "Ezin izan da mezua bidali. Arrazoia: mezua handiegia (%@ Byte)."; MoveFailedWithReason = "Move mails failed with reason"; MoveMailToTrashFailedWithReason = "Mezuak ezin izan dira zakarrontzira bota"; NO = "Ez"; NoExecutableSendmailBinary = "Couldn`t find executable sendmail file at path %@."; NoQuotaInformationsAreGiven = "No quota information available."; OnlyRootVisiblePreferences = "For root only visible preferences"; QuotaReport = "Kuota: %d/%d MB (%d%%) erabilita."; RestoreImapMailEditor = "Zure saioa amaitu egin da bitartean. Mesedez, sartu zure pasahitza mezua bidaltzen amaitzeko."; SaveFolderFailed = "Karpeta ezin izan da gorde"; SearchMailListAttributes = "Search mail list attributes"; SearchMailListBlockSize = "Search mail list block size"; SentMailListAttributes = "Sent mail list attributes"; SkyVacationEditor = "Edit Vacation Notice"; VacationViewer = "oporrak"; YES = "Bai"; action = "Ekintza"; add = "gehitu"; addButtonLabel = "gehitu"; addresses = "e-posta helbideak"; allowedAddressError = "Following address-domains are allowed"; and = "ondorengo guztiak"; andThe = "eta"; asIcon = "ikono gisa"; ask = "galdetu"; attachObject = "Objektua erantsi"; automatic = "automatiko"; body = "Gorputza"; cancelButtonLabel = "utzi"; cc = "cc"; clearButtonLabel = "formularioa hustu"; clientSideScrollTreshold= "Treshold for JavaScript scrolling"; clip = "clip"; contains = "contains"; content = "Edukia"; contentLen = "Tamaina"; contentLength = "Tamaina"; contentType = "Eduki Mota"; copy = "kopiatu"; copyMail = "mezua kopiatu"; copyMail2Project = "Copy mail to project/enterprise"; copyTo = "hona kopiatu:"; copyToSendOrdnerFailed = "Messages sucessfully send to recipients, but copying to sent folder failed with reason"; couldNotSaveMessageToDraft = "Couldn't save message to drafts folder"; couldntLoginToHost = "Couldn`t login to host"; date = "Data"; deleteButtonLabel = "ezabatu"; deleteFolder = "karpeta ezabatu"; deleteMail = "ezabatu"; doClientSideScroll = "JavaScript Scrolling"; download = "mezuak jaitsi"; downloadAll = "dena jaitsi"; draftsFolder = "Draftsfolder"; editAsNew = "edit as new"; editFolder = "karpeta editatu"; editVacation = "editatu"; emailFolderName = "Kokapena"; emptyTrash = "zakarrantzia hustu"; enableFromPopup = "Enable from popup in maileditor"; external = "Kanpokoa"; fewerButtonLabel = "Gutxiago"; filter = "Filtroa"; filterName = "Filtername"; filterPos = "Filter Position"; folder = "Karpeta"; folderName = "Karpetaren Izena"; folder_noSub = "Azpikarpetarik ez"; folder_title = "KarpetaIzena"; folders = "Karpetak" ; footerRowLabel1 = "SKYRiX"; footerRowLabel2 = "2000-2009 SKYRIX Software AG"; forward = "aurrera"; forwardAddress = "Redirect Address"; forwardedStatus = "forwarded"; from = "Bidaltzailea"; fromPopupInitialValues = "From popup list"; fromPopupList = "From popup list"; hideFolderTree = "Hide folder tree"; host = "Ostalaria"; html = "Html"; ignore = "------------------------------------ ezikusi ------------------------------------"; imapHost = "imap ostalaria"; imapPasswd1 = "imap pasahitza"; imapPasswd2 = "imap pasahitza errepikatu"; imapServerDoesNotSupportVacation = "Your imap server doesn`t support vacation notice"; imapUser = "imap erabiltzaile izena"; inDays = "Egun(s)"; internal = "Barnekoa"; is = "is"; isFlagged = "Markatuta"; isNew = "Irakurrita/EzIrakurrita"; isRead = "irakurrita"; keepMails = "mezuak gorde"; label_prohibited = "debekatuta"; lastError = "Azken Errorea:"; login = "login"; logout = "logout"; lswmails_windowtitle = "Mezua"; mail = "mezua"; mailFromTypeEnabled = "Enable edit of 'From' mailheader in maileditor"; mailLabel = "SKYRiX Mail" ; mailListAttributes = "Mail list attributes"; mailListBlockSize = "Mail list block size"; mailQuota = "Postontziaren kuota (MB-etan)"; mailText = "Testua"; mailTitle = "Mezuak"; mail_MDN_subject = "Gaia"; mail_MDN_text = "Testua"; mail_MDN_type = "Return receipt"; mail_draftsFolderName = "Zirriborroak"; mail_editor_options = "Aukerak"; mail_editor_type = "Type of maileditor"; mail_editor_extsearch = "full search in contact data (slow)"; mail_editor_addrecipient = "+"; mail_enableFromPopup = "Enable from popup in Maileditor"; mail_fromPopupInitialValues = "From popup list"; mail_fromPopupList = "From popup list"; mail_from_type_enabled = "Enable edit of 'From' mailheader in maileditor"; mail_nextMesgAfterDelete = "Show next message after delete"; mail_numberOfUploadFields = "Number of upload fields in maileditor"; mail_organization = "Organizazioaren goiburua"; mail_reply-to = "Reply-To header"; mail_send_type = "Send mail as"; mail_senderLength = "Sender Length"; mail_sentFolderName = "Bidalitakoak"; mail_showHtmlMailTextInline = "Show html mail text inline"; mail_showUnreadMesgAsNext = "Irakurri gabeko hurrengo mezua erakutsi"; mail_show_all_unread_links = "View show all/unread icons"; mail_show_target_folder = "Show target-folder in filter list"; mail_show_unsubscribed_folder = "Harpidetutako karpetak bakarrik erakutsi"; mail_show_unsubscribed_folder_in_root = "Show only subscribed folders in root"; mail_subjectLength = "Gaiaren Luzeera"; mail_trashFolderName = "Zakarrontzia"; mail_useEpozMailEditor = "Use Epoz in mail editor"; mail_viewAttachmentBodysInEditor = "Artxibo erantsiak editorean ikusi"; mail_viewAttachmentsInline = "Artxibo erantsiak inline ikusi"; mail_viewImagesInline = "View images inline"; mail_wrapLongLines = "Lerro luzeak zatitu"; mailstobemoved = "Mezuak"; markFlagged = "mark flagged"; markRead = "mark read"; markUnflagged = "mark unflagged"; markUnread = "mark unread"; match = "Match"; mdnBuildMessageError = "Building a receipt for the sender failed!"; mdnSendMessageError = "Sending a receipt for the sender failed!"; mdnSendProhibitedToError = "Sending a receipt for the sender failed because of account restrictions!"; mdnSubject = "Receipt subject"; mdnSubjectHelp = "leave empty for auto subject"; mdnText = "Receipt text"; mdnTextHelp = "available wildcards: $to$, $cc$, $bcc$, $subject$, $sender$, $size$, $organization$, $priority$, $messageId$, $contentType$, $date$"; mdnType = "Return receipt"; mdn_subject = "Disposition Notification (displayed)"; messageId = "Message-ID"; messageStatus = "Mail status"; messages = "Mezuak"; moreButtonLabel = "Gehiago"; move = "move to"; moveFolder = "karpeta eraman"; moveMail = "move"; moveTo = "move to"; name = "Izena"; navigation_separator = "/"; navigation_startLabel = "Hemen zaude:"; never = "inoiz ez"; new = "mezu berria"; newFilter = "filtro berria"; newFolder = "karpeta berria"; newList = "Berria"; newMail = "berria"; newMailsPanelTitle = "Jasotako mezu berriak..."; newStatus = "berria"; newVacation = "berria"; next = ">>"; nextMesgAfterDelete = "Show next message after delete"; nextUnread = "irakurri gabe>>"; noAddressError = "no email address"; noCopyToSentFolder = "Bidalketa posiblea da, baina ezin izan da mezua Bidalitakoen karpetan kopiatu. Lehenengo login-a egin, edo bestela mezua kopiatu gabe bidali!"; noMailTitle = "izenbururik ez"; noSavingMail = "Lehenengo logina egin. Ondoren gorde Zirriborroen karpetan."; noVacationNoticeDefined = "There is no vacation-notice defined"; non_selection_title = "aukeratu gabeko eremuak"; numberOfUploadFieldsInMailEditor = "Number of upload fields in maileditor"; object = "ObjectViewer"; object_deleted = "Objektua ezabatu egin dugu!"; ofTheMessage = "of the message"; ok = "Ok"; or = "ondorengo edozein"; orThe = "edo"; organization = "Organizazioa"; organizationField = "Organizazioaren goiburua"; panelIfNewMails = "New mail window"; password = "Pasahitza"; plain = "Testua"; plainText = "Testu huts gisa bidali"; popupIfNewMails = "Show popup on new mail"; prev = "<<"; prevUnread = "<