// bind template to controller Frame: LSWSkyrixFrame {} Window: OGoWindowFrame { title = labels.MailEditorTitle; onClose = cancel; focusField = "searchString"; focusForm = "uploadform"; } UploadForm: WOForm { name = "uploadform"; ENCTYPE = "multipart/form-data"; } AddressRep: WORepetition { list = addresses; item = addressEntry; index = count; // TODO: this is confusing?! } // TODO: this should be an own dynamic element! AddressKeysPopup: WOPopUpButton { list = addressKeys; item = addressKey; string = addressKeyLabel; selection = addressEntry.header; } RecipientsPopup: WOPopUpButton { // addressEntry is an 'OGoMailAddressRecordResult' object list = addressEntry.emails; string = addressEntryPopupItem.label; selection = addressEntry.email; item = addressEntryPopupItem; } SearchLabel: WOString { value = labels.search; } MailText: SkyTextEditor { text = mailText; name = "mailText"; wrap = "physical"; rows = session.userDefaults.mail_editor_text_rows; columns = session.userDefaults.mail_editor_text_columns; enableEpoz = useEpoz; } Subject: WOTextField { value = mailSubject; size = textFieldSize; name = "mailSubject"; } ValueCell: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "td"; align = "left"; bgcolor = config.colors_valueCell; width = "100%" } ValueCellMailText: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "td"; ALIGN = "left"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_valueCell; WIDTH = "100%"; } ValueCellAttachment: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "TD"; ALIGN = "middle"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_valueCell; WIDTH = "100%"; } AttributeCell: SkyAttributeCell {} SubjectLabel: WOString { value = labels.subject; } MailLabel: WOString { value = labels.mail; } OptionsLabel: WOString { value = labels.mail_editor_options; } Cancel: WOHyperlink { action = cancel; string = labels.sendNotLabel; class = "button_narrow"; } CancelAppointmentNotification: WOHyperlink { action = cancelAndDeleteAppointment; string = labels.sendNotLabel; class = "button_narrow"; } SearchTextField: WOTextField { value = searchString; size = textFieldSize; name = "searchString"; } AddSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = addAddress; value = labels.mail_editor_addrecipient; class = "button_narrow"; } UploadRep: WORepetition { list = uploadArray; item = uploadItem; index = uploadArrayIdx; } UploadField: WOFileUpload { data = uploadData; filePath = uploadFileName; } UploadConfirm: WOSubmitButton { action = confirmUpload; value = labels.upload; class = "button_wide"; } UploadString: WOString { value = labels.upload; } MailTextString: WOString { value = labels.mailText; } AttachedObjectRepetition: WORepetition { list = attachments; item = attachment; } AttachedObjectViewer: WOComponentReference { component = currentAttachedObjectComponent; isInForm = YES; attachData = attachment.attachData; objectData = attachment.objectData; objectDataType = attachment.objectDataType; objectDataContentDisposition = attachment.objectDataContentDisposition; } AttachmentRepetition: WORepetition { list = mimeParts; item = attachment; } AttachmentViewer: WOComponentReference { component = currentAttachmentComponent; isInForm = YES; } MimePartViewer: LSWMultipartMixedBodyViewer { body = attachmentParts; nestingDepth = nestingDepth; } PlainTextLabel: WOString { value = labels.plainText; } ReturnReceiptLabel: WOString { value = labels.returnReceipt; } ExtSearchLabel: WOString { value = labels.mail_editor_extsearch; } PlainTextCheckbox: WOCheckBox { name = "sendPlainText"; checked = sendPlainText; } ReturnReceiptCheckbox: WOCheckBox { name = "returnReceipt"; checked = returnReceipt; } ExtSearchCheckbox: WOCheckBox { name = "extsearch"; checked = isExtendedSearch; } Font: SkyConfigFont {} EditFont: SkyConfigEditFont {} RemoveAttachment: WOHyperlink { action = removeAttachment; string = labels.remove; class = "button_narrow"; } BindingRep: WORepetition { list = bindingKeys; item = binding; } BindingName: WOString { value = binding; } BindingLabel: WOString { value = bindingLabel; } AttachObjectLabel: WOString { value = labels.attachObject; } AttachObjectCheckBox: WOCheckBox { checked = attachment.sendObject; } SendMail: WOSubmitButton { action = send; value = labels.send; class = "button_narrow"; } SaveMail: WOSubmitButton { action = save; value = labels.saveButtonLabel; class = "button_narrow"; } IsJavaScriptEnabled: WOConditional { condition = session.isJavaScriptEnabled; } IsJavaScriptDisabled: WOConditional { condition = session.isJavaScriptEnabled; negate = YES; } HasImapContext: WOConditional { condition = hasImapContext; } HasNoImapContext: WOConditional { condition = hasImapContext; negate = YES; } IsAppointmentNotification: WOConditional { condition = isAppointmentNotification; } IsNotAppointmentNotification: WOConditional { condition = isAppointmentNotification; negate = YES; } WarningModeCond: WOConditional { condition = isInWarningMode; } WarningModeCondElse: WOConditional { condition = isInWarningMode; negate = YES; } Warning: LSWWarningPanel { onOk = "send"; onCancel = "nothing"; phrase = "noCopyToSentFolder"; } CopyMailToSent: WOConditional { condition = session.userDefaults.SkyNoMailCopyToSent; negate = YES; } LoginName: WOHiddenField { value = session.activeAccount.login; name = "loginName"; } PageName: WOHiddenField { value = name; name = "restorePageName"; } PageLabel: WOHiddenField { value = labels.RestoreImapMailEditor; name = "restorePageLabel"; } PrevToSelections: WOHiddenField { value = prevToSelections; name = "prevToSelections"; } PrevCcSelections: WOHiddenField { value = prevCcSelections; name = "prevCcSelections"; } PrevBccSelections: WOHiddenField { value = prevBccSelections; name = "prevBccSelections"; } NoCopyMailToSent: WOConditional { condition = session.userDefaults.SkyNoMailCopyToSent.boolValue; } Login: LSWImapMailLogin { password = password; login = login; host = host; savePassword = savePassword; isInEditEditPage = YES; hideSendField = hideSendField; } WarningPhrase: WOString { value = warningPhrase; } IsFirstUploadField: WOConditional { condition = isFirstUploadField; } HasOnlyOneField: WOConditional { condition = uploadArray.count; value = 1; } HasMoreThanOneField: WOConditional { condition = uploadArray.count; value = 1; negate = YES; } UploadsString: WOString { value = labels.uploads; } IsLastUploadField: WOConditional { condition = isLastUploadField; } IsFromPopupEnabled: WOConditional { condition = session.userDefaults.mail_enableFromPopup; } FromLabel: WOString { value = labels.from; } FromPopup: WOPopUpButton { list = fromList; selection = selectedFrom; } PlainTextCheckboxEnabled: WOConditional { condition = isPlainTextCheckboxEnabled; }