/* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Whitemice Consulting This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "zOGIAction.h" #include "zOGIAction+Object.h" #include "zOGIAction+Note.h" #include "zOGIAction+Appointment.h" #include "zOGIAction+Project.h" @implementation zOGIAction(Note) -(id)_getNotesForKey:(NSString *)_objectId { NSArray *notes; NSMutableArray *noteList; NSDictionary *note; int count; notes = [self _getUnrenderedNotesForKey:_objectId]; if ([notes count] == 0) return notes; noteList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[notes count]]; for (count = 0; count < [notes count]; count++) { note = [notes objectAtIndex:count]; [noteList addObject:[self _renderNote:note]]; } return noteList; } /* end _getNotesForKey */ -(id)_getNoteById:(id)_objectId { id note; note = [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get", @"documentId", _objectId, nil]; [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get-attachment-name", @"notes", note, nil]; if ([note isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) note = [note lastObject]; if ([note isNotNull]) return [self _renderNote:note]; else return [self _makeUnknownObject:_objectId]; } /* end _getNoteById */ -(id)_renderNote:(NSDictionary *)_note { return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [_note valueForKey:@"documentId"], @"objectId", @"note", @"entityName", [_note valueForKey:@"title"], @"title", [_note valueForKey:@"firstOwnerId"], @"creatorObjectId", [_note valueForKey:@"currentOwnerId"], @"ownerObjectId", [_note valueForKey:@"creationDate"], @"createdTime", [self ZERO:[_note valueForKey:@"projectId"]], @"projectObjectId", [self ZERO:[_note valueForKey:@"dateId"]], @"appointmentObjectId", [self ZERO:[_note valueForKey:@"companyId"]], @"companyObjectId", [self NIL:[NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[_note valueForKey:@"attachmentName"]]], @"content", nil]; } /* end _renderNote */ /* Retrieve and return the unrendered notes for the specified object. */ -(id)_getUnrenderedNotesForKey:(NSString *)_objectId { NSArray *notes; NSString *entityName; notes = nil; entityName = [self _getEntityNameForPKey:_objectId]; if ([entityName isEqualToString:@"Date"]) { notes = [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get", @"dateId", _objectId, @"returnType", intObj(LSDBReturnType_ManyObjects), nil]; } else if ([entityName isEqualToString:@"Project"]) { notes = [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get", @"projectId", _objectId, @"returnType", intObj(LSDBReturnType_ManyObjects), nil]; } if (notes == nil) return [NSArray array]; [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get-attachment-name", @"notes", notes, nil]; return notes; } /* end _getUnrenderedNotesForKey */ /* Save notes Note dictionaries in _notes with an objectId of "0" are created as new, notes with a non-zero objectId are updated. If the object has notes not provided in the array they are deleted. */ -(id)_saveNotes:(NSArray *)_notes forObject:(NSString *)_objectId { NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSDictionary *note; NSString *objectId; NSMutableArray *noteList; NSArray *objectNotes; if ([self isDebug]) [self logWithFormat:@"Saving notes on object %@", _objectId]; if (_notes == nil) { if ([self isDebug]) [self logWithFormat:@"No _NOTES key.", _objectId]; return nil; } if ([_notes count] == 0) { if ([self isDebug]) [self logWithFormat:@"No notes on object, deleing all notes."]; return [self _deleteAllNotesFromObject:_objectId]; } noteList = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[_notes count]]; enumerator = [_notes objectEnumerator]; while ((note = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { objectId = [note objectForKey:@"objectId"]; if ([objectId isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) objectId = [objectId stringValue]; if ([objectId isEqualToString:@"0"]) { // objectId == 0, create note note = [self _insertNote:_objectId withTitle:[note objectForKey:@"title"] withContent:[note objectForKey:@"content"]]; if ([note isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) { return note; } [noteList addObject:[note objectForKey:@"objectId"]]; } else { // objectId != 0, update note note = [self _updateNote:objectId withTitle:[note objectForKey:@"title"] withContent:[note objectForKey:@"content"]]; if ([note isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) { return note; } [noteList addObject:[note objectForKey:@"objectId"]]; } // End else objectId != 0 } // End while (note = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) // Delete notes that were not provided by the client objectNotes = [self _getUnrenderedNotesForKey:_objectId]; if (objectNotes == nil) { return nil; } enumerator = [objectNotes objectEnumerator]; while ((note = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { objectId = [note objectForKey:@"documentId"]; if ([noteList containsObject:objectId]) { } else { [self _deleteNote:objectId withCommit:NO]; } } // End while ((note = [[self _getNotesForKey:objectId] nextObject]) return nil; } /* end _saveNotes */ /* Delete all the notes from an object */ -(id)_deleteAllNotesFromObject:(NSString *)_objectId { NSArray *objectNotes; NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSDictionary *note; objectNotes = [self _getUnrenderedNotesForKey:_objectId]; enumerator = [objectNotes objectEnumerator]; while ((note = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) { [self _deleteNote:_objectId withCommit:NO]; } // End while ((note = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) return nil; } /* end _deleteAllNotesFromObject */ /* Insert a note attached to the specified object, that object must be an appointment, a project, or a company. */ -(id)_insertNote:(id)_objectId withTitle:(id)_title withContent:(id)_content { id entityName; entityName = [self _getEntityNameForPKey:_objectId]; if ([entityName isEqualToString:@"Date"]) { return [self _insertNote:_content withTitle:_title forProject:nil forAppointment: _objectId forCompany:nil withCommit:0]; } else if ([entityName isEqualToString:@"Project"]) { return [self _insertNote:_content withTitle:_title forProject:_objectId forAppointment:nil forCompany:nil withCommit:0]; } else if (([entityName isEqualToString:@"Person"]) || ([entityName isEqualToString:@"Enterprise"])) { return [self _insertNote:_content withTitle:_title forProject:nil forAppointment:nil forCompany:_objectId withCommit:0]; } return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:500 reason:@"Cannot attach note to this object type"]; } /* end _insertNote */ -(id)_insertNote:(id)_content withTitle:(id)_title forProject:(id)_projectId forAppointment:(id)_dateId forCompany:(id)_companyId withCommit:(BOOL)_doCommit { id note, dateId, projectId, companyId; NSNumber *accountId; accountId =[self _getCompanyId]; dateId = (_dateId != nil) ? _dateId : (id)[EONull null]; projectId = (_projectId != nil) ? _projectId : (id)[EONull null]; companyId = (_companyId != nil) ? _companyId : (id)[EONull null]; if ([self isDebug]) [self logWithFormat:@"Inserting note on %@,%@,%@", dateId, projectId, companyId]; note = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: dateId, @"dateId", projectId, @"projectId", companyId, @"companyId", accountId, @"firstOwnerId", accountId, @"currentOwnerId", _title, @"title", _content, @"fileContent", [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"isFolder", [NSNumber numberWithInt:[_content length]], @"fileSize", nil]; note = [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::new" arguments:note]; if (note == nil) return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:500 reason:@"Note creation failed"]; if (_doCommit) [[self getCTX] commit]; [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get-attachment-name", @"note", note, nil]; return [self _renderNote:note]; } /* end _insertNote */ /* Delete the specified note */ - (id)_deleteNote:(id)_noteId withCommit:(BOOL)_doCommit { id note, result; if ([_noteId isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) _noteId = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[_noteId intValue]]; note = [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get", @"documentId", _noteId, nil]; if (note == nil) return [NSException exceptionWithHTTPStatus:500 reason:@"Note does not exist"]; result = [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::delete", @"documentId", _noteId, @"reallyDelete", [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], nil]; if (_doCommit) [[self getCTX] commit]; return [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]; } /* end _deleteNote */ /* Update the title and content of the specified note TODO: Does Logic auto update last modified time & user ? */ -(id)_updateNote:(id)_noteId withTitle:(id)_title withContent:(id)_content { id note; NSString *content; note = [[[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get", @"documentId", _noteId, nil] lastObject]; [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get-attachment-name", @"note", note, nil]; content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[note valueForKey:@"attachmentName"]]; if (![content isEqualTo:_content]) { [note takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[_content length]] forKey:@"fileSize"]; [note takeValue:_content forKey:@"fileContent"]; [note takeValue:_title forKey:@"title"]; [[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::set", @"object", note, @"fileContent", _content, nil]; note = [[[self getCTX] runCommand:@"note::get", @"documentId", _noteId, nil] lastObject]; } return [self _renderNote:note]; } /* end _updateNote */ @end /* End zOGIAction(Note) */