// $Id$ Frame: LSWSkyrixFrame {} Window: LSWWindowFrame { title = label; onClose = closeWindow; hasTest = isTestMode; onTest = disableTest; } Buttons: SkyButtonRow { oid = documentId; ordering = ( pubpreview, editasnew, delete, rename, checkout, reject, release, lock, unlock, mail, upload, edit, test, refresh, unzip, saveas); /* default buttons */ onClip = placeInClipboard; onEdit = edit; onMail = mailObject; onDelete = deleteDocument; onRename = renameDocument; onTest = testDocument; onEditasnew = editAsNew; onCheckout = checkoutDocument; onReject = rejectDocument; onRelease = releaseDocument; onLock = lockDocument; onUnlock = unlockDocument; onUpload = upload; onRefresh = refresh; onUnzip = unzipDocument; onSaveas = saveAs; urlMail = objectUrl; hasMail = hasMail; hasClip = hasClip; hasEditAsNew= hasEditAsNew; hasTest = canTestDocument; hasCheckout = hasCheckout; hasReject = hasReject; hasRelease = hasRelease; hasLock = hasLock; hasUnlock = hasUnlock; hasUpload = hasUpload; hasEdit = hasTypeEdit; hasDelete = hasDelete; hasRename = hasRename; hasUnzip = hasUnzip; hasSaveAs = hasSaveAs; hasPubPreview = hasPubPreview; targetPubPreview = "pubPreviewTarget"; urlPubPreview = pubPreviewURL; /* labels */ checkout = labels.checkout; reject = labels.reject; release = labels.release; lock = labels.lock; unlock = labels.unlock; upload = labels.upload; edit = labels.edit; delete = labels.delete; rename = labels.rename; mail = labels.send; editasnew = labels.editAsNew; test = labels.test; refresh = labels.refresh; unzip = labels.unzip; saveas = labels.saveAs; pubpreview = labels.pubPreview; } ShowOnlyForm: WOConditional { condition = showOnlyForm; } ShowNotOnlyForm: WOConditional { condition = showOnlyForm; negate = YES; } HasForm: WOConditional { condition = hasForm; } UseStdViewer: WOConditional { condition = YES; } IsDesigner: WOConditional { condition = isAccountDesigner; } Form: WOComponentReference { // the form which replaces the std viewer component = formComponent; /* pass-through vars */ document = document; formDocument = formDocument; fileManager = fileManager; preview = NO; } /* standard viewer */ MainButtonRow: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "tr"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_mainButtonRow; } DocIcon: SkyP4DocumentIcon { projectName = fileSystemInfo.NSFileSystemName; documentPath = _documentPath; mimeType = documentAttributes.NSFileMimeType; } DocPath: SkyP4DocumentPath { fileManager = fileManager; documentId = documentId; currentPath = folderPath; document = document; action = folderClicked; } TitleFont: SkyConfigFont {} FileName: WOString { value = documentName; } TabView: SkyTabView { selection = session.userDefaults.skyp4_documentviewer_tab; } FormTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "form"; label = labels.form; //action = reloadForm; } VersionsTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "versions"; label = labels.versions; } ContentsTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "contents"; label = labels.contents; } AttributesTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "attributes"; label = labels.attributes; } LogTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "log"; label = labels.logsLabel; } /* versions */ VersionList: SkyProject4VersionList { fileManager = fileManager; dataSource = historyDataSource; documentId = documentId; } /* locking */ IfLocked: WOConditional { condition = isDocumentLocked; } LockUser: SkyRichString { color = "red"; value = documentAttributes.NSFileOwnerAccountName; } LockedBy: WOString { value = labels.lockedLabel; } /* content */ DownloadAttr: SkySubAttribute { label = labels.download; } DownloadLink: SkyP4DownloadLink { projectId = fileSystemInfo.NSFileSystemNumber; documentPath = _documentPath; versionTag = versionToView; } VersionString: WOString { value = versionString; } MimeTypeAttr: SkySubAttribute { label = labels.mimetype; string = documentMimeType; } SizeAttr: SkySubAttribute { label = labels.size; string = documentAttributes.NSFileSize; } BLOBContentViewer: SkyProject4BLOBViewer { fileManager = fileManager; documentId = documentId; document = document; mimeType = documentMimeType; } /* log */ /* props */ PropViewer: SkyObjectPropertyViewer { globalID = documentGlobalID; defaultNamespace = defaultPropertyNamespace; } PropButtons: SkyButtonRow { ordering = ( edit ); onEdit = editProperties; edit = labels.edit; hasEdit = hasEditAttrs; } /* form preview tab */ IsForm: WOConditional { condition = isSkyrixForm; } IsNotForm: WOConditional { condition = isSkyrixForm; negate = YES; } PreviewTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "form"; action = formTabClicked; label = labels.form; } PreviewTabTitle: LSWViewerTitle { title = labels.formPreview; gentable = YES; } FormPreview: WOComponentReference { // form preview in the std viewer component = previewFormComponent; /* pass-through vars */ preview = YES; formDocument = document; fileManager = fileManager; } HasLog: WOConditional { condition = hasJavaScriptLog; } Log: WOString { value = session.javaScriptLog; insertBR = YES; } ClearLog: WOHyperlink { action = clearJavaScriptLog; string = labels.clear; } PreviewLogTitle: LSWViewerTitle { title = labels.javaScriptLog; gentable = YES; } /* access */ AccessTab : SkySimpleTabItem { key = "access"; action = accessTabClicked; label = labels.access; } AccessTitle: LSWViewerTitle { title = labels.access; gentable = YES; } AccessButtons: SkyButtonRow { onEdit = editAccess; ordering = ( edit ); edit = labels.edit; } TeamRep: WODictionaryRepetition { dictionary = teamList; key = currentAccessCompany; item = currentAccess; } AccountRep: WODictionaryRepetition { dictionary = accountList; key = currentAccessCompany; item = currentAccess; } CompanyName: SkySubAttribute { label = currentAccessCompanyName; width = "30%"; } AccessRight: WOString { value = currentAccess; } ContentsTabTitle: LSWViewerTitle { title = labels.contents; gentable = YES; } PropertiesTitle: LSWViewerTitle { title = labels.attributes; gentable = YES; } Properties: WOString { value = labels.attributes; } StandardAttrsTitle: LSWViewerTitle { title = labels.standardAttributes; gentable = YES; } AttrsButtons: SkyButtonRow { ordering = ( edit ); onEdit = editStandardAttrs; edit = labels.edit; hasEdit = hasEditAttrs; } AccessList : SkyAccessList { accessList = accessIds; isInTable = NO; accessChecks = accessChecks; labels = labels; isViewerMode = YES; } AttrViewer : WODictionaryRepetition { dictionary = docStandardAttrs; key = key; item = item; } AttrKey : SkySubAttribute { label = labels.$key; width = "15%"; } AttrItem : WOString { value = item; } /* SkyPublisher */ HasPublisher: WOConditional { condition = hasPublisher; } /* PublisherTabs: SkyPubDocViewTabs { fileManager = fileManager; document = document; } */ PubPreviewTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "pub_preview"; label = labels.preview; icon = "preview"; } PubLinksTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "pub_links"; label = labels.links; icon = "links"; } PubSourceTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "pub_source"; label = labels.source; icon = "source"; } PubShowPreview: WOConditional { condition = showPubPreview; } PubShowSource: WOConditional { condition = showPubSource; } PubShowLinks: WOConditional { condition = showPubLinks; } PubPartPreview: SkyPubPartPreview { fileManager = fileManager; document = document; } PubSource: SkyPubPartSourceViewer { fileManager = fileManager; document = document; } PubLinks: SkyPubLinks { fileManager = fileManager; document = document; } IsNotAVersion: WOConditional { condition = isVersion; negate = YES; } /* Form customizing stuff */ HasDocContentForm: WOConditional { condition = hasDocContentForm; } DocContentForm: WOComponentReference { component = docContentForm; preview = NO; document = document; } HasDocAttributesForm: WOConditional { condition = hasDocAttributesForm; } DocAttributesForm: WOComponentReference { component = docAttributesForm; preview = NO; document = document; } HasDocVersionsForm: WOConditional { condition = hasDocVersionsForm; } DocVersionsForm: WOComponentReference { component = docVersionsForm; preview = NO; document = document; } // download log ShowDownloadLogsCond: WOConditional { condition = session.userDefaults.skyp4_log_documentdownload; } DownloadLogTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "log"; label = labels.logsLabel; } DownloadLogList: SkyP4DocumentDownloadLogList { document = document; } IsEnterpriseEdition: WOConditional { condition = application.isEnterpriseEdition.boolValue; } NoReadAccessWarning : SkyRichString { color="red"; value = labels.noReadAccessWarning; } HasReadAccessElse : WOConditional { condition = canReadFile; negate = YES; } HasReadAccess : WOConditional { condition = canReadFile; } SupportsProperties : WOConditional { condition = supportsProperties; } SupportsAccess : WOConditional { condition = fileManager.supportAccessRights; } HasNoProjectLite : WOConditional { condition = session.hasProjectLite; negate = YES; }