// $Id$ "Really Delete" = "Valóban törölni szeretné ezt a bejegyzést?" 00_created = "Készült" 05_changed = "Változtatva" 10_archived = "Iratározva" LastError = "Az utolsó hiba:" SkyErrorPanel = "Hibalista" SkyRequestViewer = "View Browser Request" SkyWizardChoicePage = "Choice Page (wizard mode)" SkyWizardResultList = "Result Page (wizard mode)" action = "Action" actor = "Actor" bookmarks = "Könyvjelzők" calendarPopupBirthday = "Születésnapok tallózása" calendarPopupEndDate = "browse for endDate" calendarPopupStartDate = "browse for startDate" cancel = "Mégsem" clearErrorString = "Törlés" creationDate = "Dátum" delete = "Törlés"; desktop = "Asztal" deselectAll = "Minden kijelölést töröl" fastSearch = "Gyorskeresés" first = "Első" footer_logstate = "Kapcsolat bontva" footer_skyrixag = "SKYRIX Software AG" footer_skyrix = "SKYRiX" footer_user = "Felhasználó" gotoEditLabel = "Szerkesztés" gotoFirstLabel = "Első" gotoImportLabel = "Új adatok importálása" gotoLastLabel = "Utolsó" gotoNewLabel = "Új adatok" gotoNewLinkLabel = "Új" gotoNextLabel = "Következő" gotoPreviousLabel = "Előző" last = "Utolsó" logText = "Szöveg Naplózása" logout = "Kijelentkezés" logsLabel = "Napló" logsTitle = "Napló" mdnReturnReceiptQuestion = "The sender of the message requested a receipt to be returned. Do you wish to send one?"; navposition = "You are here:" next = "next"; noCopyToSentFolder = "Sending is possible, but copying the message to sent folder will fail! Send?"; of = "of"; ofLabel = "of"; ok = " Rendben "; page = "Oldal"; pageLabel = "Oldal"; preferences = "Beállítások" previous = "előző"; reallyDeleteMail = "Are you sure you want to move the selected messages into the trash?"; reallyEmptyTrash = "Are you sure you want to empty the trash?"; reallyRemoveFolder = "Are you sure you want to move the selected folder into the trash?"; reallyImmRemoveFolder = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected folder?"; save = "Mentés"; selectAll = "Mindet kijelöl" sortColumn = "Oszlop rendezése"; sortColumnLabel = "Oszlop rendezése"; tableview_importLinkLabel = "Importálás"; tableview_newLinkLabel = "Új"; tableview_refreshLinkLabel = "Frissítés"; to = "to"; toLabel = "to"; week = "Hét" wizardBack = "Vissza" wizardCancel = "Mégsem" wizardChoiceTitle = "Choice Page (wizard mode)" wizardFinish = "Vége" wizardResultListTitle = "Result Page (wizard mode)" wizardSave = "Mentés" OGo = "OGo" misc = "Egyéb" home = "Kezdőoldal" desk = "Asztal" mail = "Levél küldése" inbox = "Bejövő levelek"