// $Id: AddressUI.strings,v 1.1 2004/09/03 09:10:01 cvsuser Exp $ "01_dear_ms" = "Dear Ms."; "02_dear_mrs" = "Dear Mrs."; "03_dear_mr" = "Dear Mr."; "04_dear_prof" = "Dear Prof."; "05_dear_dr" = "Dear Dr."; "06_geehrt_herr" = "Sehr geehrter Herr"; "07_geehrt_frau" = "Sehr geehrte Frau"; "08_geehrt_herr_prof" = "Sehr geehrter Herr Prof."; "09_geehrt_herr_dr" = "Sehr geehrter Herr Dr."; "10_geehrt_frau_prof" = "Sehr geehrte Frau Prof."; "11_geehrt_frau_dr" = "Sehr geehrte Frau Dr."; "12_monsieur" = "Monsieur"; "13_madame" = "Madame"; "14_signora" = "Signora"; "15_signore" = "Signore"; "Mappe versch." = "Mappe versch."; "job_title" = "Kargua"; "other_title1" = "Kargua 2"; "other_title2" = "Kargua 3"; 00_created = "sortua"; 01_tel = "Telefonoa (1)"; 01_tel_search = "Telefonoa (1)"; 02_rejected = "rejected"; 02_tel = "Telefono (2)"; 02_tel_search = "Telefono (2)"; 03_tel_funk = "Sakelekoa"; 05_accepted = "onartuta"; 05_changed = "aldatuta"; 05_tel_private = "Telefono pribatua" ; 05_tel_private_search = "Telefono pribatua"; 06_tel = "Telefonoa (3)"; 06_tel_search = "Telefonoa (3)"; 07_tel = "Telefonoa (4)"; 07_tel_search = "Telefonoa (4)"; 08_tel = "Telefonoa (5)"; 08_tel_search = "Telefonoa (5)"; 09_tel = "Telefonoa (6)"; 09_tel_search = "Telefonoa (6)"; 10_archived = "artxibatuta"; 10_commented = "komentatuta"; 10_fax = "Faxa"; 10_fax_search = "Faxa"; 15_divided = "divided"; 15_fax_private = "Fax pribatua"; 15_fax_private_search = "Fax pribatua"; 20_email = "E-posta"; 20_processing = "lanean"; 21_email = "E-posta"; 25_done = "eginda"; 25_isdn = "ISDN"; 27_reactivated = "reactivated"; 30_archived = "artxibatuta"; AddressAccessPreferences = "Lehenetsitako Sarrera Hobespenak"; AddressPreferences = "Konpainia/Kontaktua Hobespenak"; Contacts = "Kontaktuak"; EditEnterpriseLabel = "Konpainia Editatu"; EnterpriseEditorAssignTitle = "Person Assignment"; EnterpriseEditorTitle = "Company Editor"; EnterpriseSearchPageTitle = "Company Search (wizard mode)"; Enterprises = "Konpainiak"; ExtendedView = "Konpainiak Erakutsi"; FormLetterLink = "Formletter"; LSWAddressEditor = "Helbidea Editatu"; LSWAddressPreferences = "Contacts/Enterp. 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