// bind template to controller Content: WOComponentContent { } Stylesheet: WOGenericElement { elementName = "link"; rel = "stylesheet"; type = "text/css"; href = stylesheetURL; } ShortcutIcon: WOString { value = shortcutLink; escapeHTML = NO; } ColoredScrollBars: WOString { value = coloredScrollBars; escapeHTML = NO; } IsJavaScript: WOConditional { condition = session.isJavaScriptEnabled; } IsNotJavaScript: WOConditional { condition = session.isJavaScriptEnabled; negate = YES; } DropScript: WEDropScript {} DragScript: WEDragScript {} // active page type ActivePageIsEditor: WOConditional { condition = session.navigation.activePage.isEditorPage; } ActivePageIsNotEditor: WOConditional { condition = session.navigation.activePage.isEditorPage; negate = YES; } // expiration PageIsExpirable: WOConditional { condition = pageIsExpirable; } ExpirePage: WOMetaRefresh { //action = expirePage; directActionName = "activePage"; timeout = pageExpireTimeout; ?o = context.contextID; // force different URI for refresh ?wosid = YES; ?login = existingSession.activeLogin; // just for tracking in logs ... } // the navigation Navigation: SkyNavigation { linksDisabled = session.navigation.activePage.isEditorPage; pages = session.navigation.pageStack; } ClipboardHasContents: WOConditional { condition = session.clipboardContainsObject; } ClipboardContentLink: WOHyperlink { action = context.page.showClipboardContent; string = session.labelForObjectInClipboard; } Favorites: SkyFavorites { linksDisabled = session.navigation.activePage.isEditorPage; } HasFavorites : WOConditional { condition = session.containsFavorites; } IsFirstFavElse : WOConditional { condition = idx; value = 0; negate = YES; } FavoritesRep : WORepetition { list = session.favorites; item = session.choosenFavorite; index = idx; } FavoriteContentLink : WOHyperlink { action = context.page.showChoosenFavorite; } FavoriteLabel: WOString { value = session.labelForChoosenFavorite; } LastErrorLabel: WOString { value = labels.lastError; } HasErrorString: WOConditional { condition = showErrorBar; } ErrorString: WOString { value = context.page.errorString; insertBR = YES; } PanelErrorString: WOString { value = panelErrorString; escapeHTML = shouldEscapePanelErrorString; } ClearErrorLink: WOHyperlink { action = clearErrorString; } ClearErrorText: WOString { value = labels.clearErrorString; } /* */ ConfirmPanel: JSConfirmPanel { action = confirmAction; confirmMessage = panelConfirmString; showPanel = pageHasConfirmToShow; } YouAreHereLabel : WOString { value = labels.navposition; } LeftHeaderCell: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "td"; ALIGN = "left"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_headerCell; } RightHeaderCell: WEDropContainer { action = newFavoriteDropped; droppedObject = newFavoriteObject; tags = ( "*" ); elementName = "td"; ALIGN = "right"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_headerCell; COLSPAN = colspanDependingOnTrash; } // the dock Dock: SkyDock { } // the footer Version: WOString { value = application.version; } ActiveUser: WOString { value = session.activeLogin; } SessionExpireDate: WOString { value = sessionExpireInfo; } LeftFooterCell: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "td"; ALIGN = "left"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_footerCell; } RightFooterCell: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "td"; ALIGN = "right"; WIDTH = "10%"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_footerCell; } Logout: SkyButtonRow { ordering = ( logout ); onLogout = logout; logout = labels.logout; } /* Logout: WOHyperlink { action = logout; //directActionName = "logout"; filename = "logout.gif"; ALT = labels.logout; BORDER = "0"; ALIGN = "TOP"; } */ FooterRowLabel2a: WOHyperlink { string = labels.footer_skyrixag; href = "http://www.skyrix.com/knoppix/skyrix/"; TARGET = "SKYRIX"; } FooterRowLabel3a: WOString { value = labels.footer_user; escapeHTML = NO; } ExpireLabel: WOString { value = labels.footer_logstate; escapeHTML = NO; } Langs: WOString { value = session.languages; } IsInternetExplorer: WOConditional { condition = isInternetExplorer; } SearchPanel: SkySearchPanel { panelName = "SkySearchPanel"; filename = "zoom.gif"; } /* text mode support */ IsTextMode: WOConditional { condition = session.isTextModeBrowser; } IsNotTextMode: WOConditional { condition = session.isTextModeBrowser; negate = YES; } Small: WOConditional { condition = smallFont; } /* timing */ Timings: WOString { value = timingsString; } /* Trash */ ShowTrashCond: WOConditional { condition = showTrash; } TrashCell: WEDropContainer { tags = ( "*" ); action = deleteDroppedObject; droppedObject = droppedObject; elementName = "TD"; WIDTH = "20"; ALIGN = "CENTER"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_headerCell; } TrashIcon: WOImage { filename = "icon_trash.gif"; ALIGN = "CENTER"; VALIGN = "MIDDLE"; BORDER = 0; ALT = "Trash"; } /* Clip */ ClipIcon: WOImage { filename = "icon_clip.gif"; ALIGN = "CENTER"; VALIGN = "MIDDLE"; BORDER = 0; ALT = "Clip"; } OGoLogo: WOImage { filename = "menu_logo_top.gif"; ALIGN = "center"; VALIGN = "middle"; BORDER = 0; ALT = ""; } OGoLink: WOHyperlink { target = "OGo"; href = "http://www.opengroupware.org"; } PrefsLink: WOHyperlink { directActionName = "dock"; ?page = "LSWPreferencesViewer"; ?cid = context.contextID; CLASS = "skydockfont"; } PrefsLabel: WOString { value = labels.preferences; } HomeLink: WOHyperlink { directActionName = "downloadBookmark"; actionClass = "DirectAction"; ?pkey = session.activeAccount.companyId.stringValue; target = "private_desktop"; CLASS = "skydockfont"; } HomeLabel: WOString { value = labels.home; } DeskLink: WOHyperlink { directActionName = "downloadBookmark"; actionClass = "DirectAction"; ?pkey = "10000"; target = "public_desktop"; CLASS = "skydockfont"; } DeskLabel: WOString { value = labels.desktop; } LogoutLink: WOHyperlink { action = logout; CLASS = "skydockfont"; } LogoutLabel: WOString { value = labels.logout; } InboxLink: WOHyperlink { directActionName = "mail"; ?folder = "inbox"; CLASS = "skydockfont"; } InboxLabel: WOString { value = labels.inbox; } MailLink: WOHyperlink { directActionName = "mail"; CLASS = "skydockfont"; } MailLabel: WOString { value = labels.mail; } LogoImageLink: WOHyperlink { target = "skyrix"; href = "http://www.skyrix.de"; } LogoImage: WOImage { filename = "skyrix_logo.gif"; ALT = "SKYRIX Software AG"; BORDER = 0; } MiscBox: OGoMenuBox { title = labels.misc; } Line: WOImage { filename = "menu_line.gif"; } LinePix: WOImage { filename = "line_stretch.gif"; } LineLeft: WOImage { filename = "line_left.gif"; } LineRight: WOImage { filename = "line_right.gif"; } MetaSessionID: WOGenericElement { elementName = "meta"; name = "OGoSessionID"; content = existingSession.sessionID; }