# $Id$ OGoWebMail ========== IMAP4 based web mailer, uses the NGMime library from SOPE/skyrix-core. Notifications ============= Class-Hierachy ============== [hh: probably outdated] NSObject WOComponent LSWComponent LSWContentPage LSWMailEditor LSWEditorPage LSWMailFolderEditor LSWMailFolderTree LSWMailMove LSWMails LSWMailViewer LSWPartBodyViewer LSWTextPlainBodyViewer LSWAppOctetBodyViewer LSWMessageRfc822BodyViewer LSWMultipartBodyViewer LSWMultipartMixedBodyViewer LSWMultipartAlternativeBodyViewer LSWMimePartViewer LSWMimeMessageViewer LSWMimeBodyPartViewer NOTES ===== - addresses in the mail editor are stored in some weird NSDictionary format - TODO: make objects for all that What happens if I press 'reply' in the mail viewer? === - [self activateObject:[self object] withVerb:@"reply"] - the object always seems to be an NGImap4Message - the activated object is the LSWImapMailEditor - prepareForActivationCommand: runs on LSWImapMailEditor - calls _prepareForReply - sets editor flag isReply - fetches transfer object from pasteboard - fetches 'reply-to' or 'sender' from message - calls _buildReplyHeader:msg to:from h:nil - calls _setBodyForReply:msg from:from part:nil - _buildReplyHeader:msg to:from h:nil - calls -_buildReplyHeader:msg toOne:from h:_h emptyEntry: - set the editor 'mailSubject' using -_processReplyMailSubject: - _setBodyForReply:msg from:from part:nil