/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id: # // does not support 'takeValuesFromRequest:inContext:' #import #include #define SecondsPerWeek (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) #define SecondsPerDay (24 * 60 * 60) static NSString *SkyWeekRep_TitleMode = @"SkyWeekRep_TitleMode"; static NSString *SkyWeekRep_InfoMode = @"SkyWeekRep_InfoMode"; static NSString *SkyWeekRep_ContentMode = @"SkyWeekRep_ContentMode"; static inline WOElement *WECreateElement(NSString *_className, NSString *_name, NSDictionary *_config, WOElement *_template) { Class c; WOElement *result = nil; NSMutableDictionary *config = nil; if ((c = NSClassFromString(_className)) == Nil) { NSLog(@"%s: missing '%@' class", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _className); return nil; } config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4]; { NSEnumerator *keyEnum; id key; keyEnum = [_config keyEnumerator]; while ((key = [keyEnum nextObject])) { WOAssociation *a; a = [WOAssociation associationWithValue:[_config objectForKey:key]]; [config setObject:a forKey:key]; } } result = [[c alloc] initWithName:_name associations:config template:_template]; return result; } @interface SkyWeekRepetition : WODynamicElement { @protected WOAssociation *list; WOAssociation *item; WOAssociation *index; WOAssociation *identifier; WOAssociation *dayIndex; WOAssociation *weekStart; WOAssociation *startDateKey; WOAssociation *endDateKey; WOAssociation *weekdayTitleBgColor; WOAssociation *saturdayTitleBgColor; WOAssociation *sundayTitleBgColor; WOAssociation *selectedBgColor; WOAssociation *bgColor; @private NSMutableDictionary *matrix[14]; WOElement *titles[7]; WOElement *template; } @end @implementation SkyWeekRepetition - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary *)_config template:(WOElement *)_tmp { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations:_config template:_tmp])) { self->list = OWGetProperty(_config, @"list"); self->item = OWGetProperty(_config, @"item"); self->index = OWGetProperty(_config, @"index"); self->identifier = OWGetProperty(_config, @"identifier"); self->dayIndex = OWGetProperty(_config, @"dayIndex"); self->weekStart = OWGetProperty(_config, @"weekStart"); self->startDateKey = OWGetProperty(_config, @"startDateKey"); self->endDateKey = OWGetProperty(_config, @"endDateKey"); self->weekdayTitleBgColor= OWGetProperty(_config, @"weekdayTitleBgColor"); self->saturdayTitleBgColor=OWGetProperty(_config, @"saturdayTitleBgColor"); self->sundayTitleBgColor = OWGetProperty(_config, @"sundayTitleBgColor"); self->selectedBgColor = OWGetProperty(_config, @"selectedBgColor"); self->bgColor = OWGetProperty(_config, @"bgColor"); if (self->startDateKey == nil) { self->startDateKey = [WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"startDate"]; RETAIN(self->startDateKey); } if (self->endDateKey == nil) { self->endDateKey = [WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"endDate"]; RETAIN(self->endDateKey); } if (self->weekStart == nil) { self->weekStart = [WOAssociation associationWithValue:[NSCalendarDate calendarDate]]; RETAIN(self->weekStart); } ASSIGN(self->template, _tmp); } return self; } - (void)resetMatrix { int i; for (i=0; i<14; i++) { RELEASE(self->matrix[i]); self->matrix[i] = nil; } } - (void)resetTitles { int i; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { RELEASE(self->titles[i]); self->titles[i] = nil; } } #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_BOEHM_GC - (void)dealloc { RELEASE(self->list); RELEASE(self->item); RELEASE(self->index); RELEASE(self->identifier); RELEASE(self->dayIndex); RELEASE(self->weekStart); RELEASE(self->startDateKey); RELEASE(self->endDateKey); RELEASE(self->weekdayTitleBgColor); RELEASE(self->saturdayTitleBgColor); RELEASE(self->sundayTitleBgColor); RELEASE(self->selectedBgColor); RELEASE(self->bgColor); [self resetMatrix]; [self resetTitles]; RELEASE(self->template); [super dealloc]; } #endif static inline void _applyIdentifier(SkyWeekRepetition *self, WOComponent *comp, NSString *_idx) { NSArray *array; unsigned count; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; count = [array count]; if (count > 0) { unsigned cnt; /* find subelement for unique id */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++) { NSString *ident; if (self->index) [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:cnt inComponent:comp]; if (self->item) [self->item setValue:[array objectAtIndex:cnt] inComponent:comp]; ident = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp]; if ([ident isEqualToString:_idx]) { /* found subelement with unique id */ return; } } [comp logWithFormat: @"SkyWeekRepetition: array did change, " @"unique-id isn't contained."]; [self->item setValue:nil inComponent:comp]; [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:0 inComponent:comp]; } } static inline void _applyIndex(SkyWeekRepetition *self, WOComponent *comp, unsigned _idx) { NSArray *array; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; if (self->index) [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:_idx inComponent:comp]; if (self->item) { int count = [array count]; if (_idx < count) { [self->item setValue:[array objectAtIndex:_idx] inComponent:comp]; } else { [comp logWithFormat: @"SkyWeekRepetition: array did change, index is invalid."]; [self->item setValue:nil inComponent:comp]; [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:0 inComponent:comp]; } } } - (void)_calcMatrixInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; NSCalendarDate *startWeek; NSCalendarDate *endWeek; NSArray *array; NSString *startKey; NSString *endKey; int i, idx, idx2, cnt; [self resetMatrix]; comp = [_ctx component]; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; startKey = [self->startDateKey stringValueInComponent:comp]; endKey = [self->endDateKey stringValueInComponent:comp]; startWeek = [self->weekStart valueInComponent:comp]; endWeek = [startWeek addTimeInterval:SecondsPerWeek]; for (i=0, cnt=[array count]; imatrix[idx] == nil) self->matrix[idx] = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; [self->matrix[idx] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i] forKey:app]; } idx = (idx < 0) ? (idx % 2) + 2 : idx + 2; diff = [ed timeIntervalSinceDate:startWeek]; idx2 = floor((diff / SecondsPerWeek) * 14); idx2 = (idx2 > 14) ? 14 : idx2; while (idx < idx2) { if (self->matrix[idx] == nil) self->matrix[idx] = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; [self->matrix[idx] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i] forKey:app]; idx = idx + 2; } } } /* - (void)appendDateTitleToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx day:(int)_day { NSMutableDictionary *config; NSCalendarDate *date; config = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:8]; date = [self->weekStart valueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; date = [date addTimeInterval:_day * SecondsPerDay]; [config setObject:@"Monday" forKey:@"title"]; [config setObject:@"neu" forKey:@"newLabel"]; [config setObject:([date isToday]) ? @"YES" : @"NO" forKey:@"highlight"]; [config setObject:@"NO" forKey:@"disableNew"]; [config setObject:date forKey:@"date"]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; self->titles[_day] = WECreateElement(@"LSWSchedulerDateTitle", @"Title", config, nil); [self->titles[_day] appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } */ - (void)appendDateTitleToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx day:(int)_day { WOComponent *comp; NSString *bgcolor; comp = [_ctx component]; if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:_day inComponent:comp]; if (_day == 6) bgcolor = [self->sundayTitleBgColor stringValueInComponent:comp]; else if (_day == 5) bgcolor = [self->saturdayTitleBgColor stringValueInComponent:comp]; else bgcolor = [self->weekdayTitleBgColor stringValueInComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString:@"']; [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:SkyWeekRep_TitleMode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"t"]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", _day]]; [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete day index [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete "t" [_ctx removeObjectForKey:SkyWeekRep_TitleMode]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } - (void)appendContentToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx index:(int)_index { WOComponent *comp; NSArray *apps; id app; int i, cnt, idx; comp = [_ctx component]; apps = [self->matrix[_index] allKeys]; // idx is the dayIndex (0=Mon ... 6=Sun) idx = (int)(_index / 2); if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:idx inComponent:comp]; // *** append day info if ((_index % 2) == 0) { // if AM-section... [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:SkyWeekRep_InfoMode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"i"]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", idx]]; [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete dayIndex [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete "i" [_ctx removeObjectForKey:SkyWeekRep_InfoMode]; } // *** append day content [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"c"]; // append section id (0 = Mon AM, 1 = Mon PM, 2 = Tue AM, ...) [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", _index]]; [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:SkyWeekRep_ContentMode]; for (i = 0, cnt = [apps count]; i < cnt; i++) { app = [apps objectAtIndex:i]; // idx is the appointment index in self->list idx = [[self->matrix[_index] objectForKey:app] intValue]; if ([self->item isValueSettable]) [self->item setValue:app inComponent:comp]; if ([self->index isValueSettable]) [self->index setIntValue:idx inComponent:comp]; if (self->identifier == nil) [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", idx]]; else { NSString *s; s = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; } [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } [_ctx removeObjectForKey:SkyWeekRep_ContentMode]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete section id [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete "c" } - (NSString *)cellColorForDay:(int)_day inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSCalendarDate *date; date = [self->weekStart valueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; date = [date addTimeInterval:_day * SecondsPerDay]; return ([date isToday]) ? [self->selectedBgColor stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]] : [self->bgColor stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; } /*** responder ***/ - (void)takeValuesFromRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { } - (id)invokeActionForRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; id result; NSString *cid; NSString *sectionId; cid = [_ctx currentElementID]; // get mode ("t" or "i" or "c") [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:cid]; sectionId = [_ctx currentElementID]; // get section id [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:sectionId]; comp = [_ctx component]; if ([cid isEqualToString:@"t"]) { if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:[sectionId intValue] inComponent:comp]; result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } else if ([cid isEqualToString:@"i"]) { if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:([sectionId intValue] / 2) inComponent:comp]; result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } else if ([cid isEqualToString:@"c"]) { NSString *idxId; if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:([sectionId intValue] / 2) inComponent:comp]; if ((idxId = [_ctx currentElementID])) { [_ctx consumeElementID]; // consume index-id [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:idxId]; if (self->identifier) _applyIdentifier(self, comp, idxId); else _applyIndex(self, comp, [idxId intValue]); result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete index-id } } else NSLog(@"WARNING! SkyWeekRepetition: wrong section"); [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete section id [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete mode return result; } - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSString *bgcolor; int i; [self _calcMatrixInContext:_ctx]; /*** append title row (monday - saturday) ***/ [_response appendContentString:@""]; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { [self appendDateTitleToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx day:i]; } [_response appendContentString:@""]; /*** append AM content row + saturday ***/ [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* AM weekdays content */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 2) { [_response appendContentString:@"']; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:i]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } /* saturday content */ [_response appendContentString:@"']; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:10]; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:11]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; /*** append PM content row + sunday ***/ [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* PM weekdays content */ for (i = 1; i < 11; i = i + 2) { [_response appendContentString: @"']; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:i]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } /* sunday title */ [self appendDateTitleToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx day:6]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* sunday row */ [_response appendContentString:@""]; [_response appendContentString:@"']; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:12]; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:13]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; [self resetMatrix]; } @end /* @interface SkyWeekRepetitionContentMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation SkyWeekRepetitionContentMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return @"SkyWeekRepetitionContentMode"; } @end */