/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "SoWCAPRenderer.h" #include "WCAPResultSet.h" #include #include #include "common.h" #include #include "WCAPEvent.h" #include "WCAPToDo.h" #include #include #include #include #define WCAP_COMPONENT_FREEBUSY 0x00 #define WCAP_COMPONENT_EVENT 0x01 #define WCAP_COMPONENT_TODO 0x02 #define WCAP_COMPONENT_ALL 0x03 @implementation SxUserFolder(WCAP) - (id)iCalPersonForParticipant:(id)_participant { iCalPerson *person; NSString *cn; NSString *email; person = [[iCalPerson alloc] init]; if ([[_participant valueForKey:@"isTeam"] boolValue]) { cn = [_participant valueForKey:@"descriptions"]; email = [_participant valueForKey:@"email"]; } else { cn = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@", [_participant valueForKey:@"firstname"], [_participant valueForKey:@"name"]]; email = [_participant valueForKey:@"email1"]; } [person setCn:cn]; [person setEmail:email]; [person setRole:[_participant valueForKey:@"role"]]; [person setRsvp:[_participant valueForKey:@"rsvp"]]; [person setXuid:[[_participant valueForKey:@"companyId"] stringValue]]; [person setPartStat:[_participant valueForKey:@"partStatus"]]; return [person autorelease]; } - (id)wcapEventForRecord:(id)_record withLogin:(id)_account { NSEnumerator *participants; id participant; id ownerId; iCalPerson *person; WCAPEvent *event; int accountId; BOOL ownerFound = NO; accountId = [[_account valueForKey:@"companyId"] intValue]; event = [[WCAPEvent alloc] init]; [event setUid:[[_record valueForKey:@"dateId"] stringValue]]; [event setSummary:[_record valueForKey:@"title"]]; [event setLocation:[_record valueForKey:@"location"]]; [event setComment:[_record valueForKey:@"comment"]]; [event setStartDate:[_record valueForKey:@"startDate"]]; [event setEndDate:[_record valueForKey:@"endDate"]]; [event setPriority:[_record valueForKey:@"importance"]]; [event setSequence:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]]; participants = [[_record valueForKey:@"participants"] objectEnumerator]; ownerId = [_record valueForKey:@"ownerId"]; while ((participant = [participants nextObject])) { person = [self iCalPersonForParticipant:participant]; [event addToAttendees:person]; if ([ownerId isEqual:[participant valueForKey:@"companyId"]]) { [event setOrganizer:person]; ownerFound = YES; } } if ((!ownerFound) && ([ownerId intValue] == accountId)) { [event setOrganizer:[self iCalPersonForParticipant:_account]]; } return [event autorelease]; } - (id)wcapToDoForRecord:(id)_record withLogin:(id)_account { WCAPToDo *todo; todo = [[WCAPToDo alloc] init]; [todo setUid:[[_record valueForKey:@"jobId"] stringValue]]; [todo setSummary: [_record valueForKey:@"name"]]; [todo setComment: [_record valueForKey:@"comment"]]; [todo setStartDate:[_record valueForKey:@"startDate"]]; [todo setDue: [_record valueForKey:@"endDate"]]; [todo setCompleted:[_record valueForKey:@"completionDate"]]; [todo setPriority: [[_record valueForKey:@"priority"] stringValue]]; [todo setSequence:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0]]; [todo setPercentComplete: [[_record valueForKey:@"percentComplete"] stringValue]]; [todo setOrganizer:[self iCalPersonForParticipant:_account]]; return [todo autorelease]; } - (id)wcapEventsForRecords:(NSArray *)_records withLogin:(id)_account { NSMutableArray *events; NSEnumerator *e; id record; events = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[_records count]+1]; e = [_records objectEnumerator]; while ((record = [e nextObject])) { [events addObject:[self wcapEventForRecord:record withLogin:_account]]; } return events; } - (id)wcapToDosForRecords:(NSArray *)_records withLogin:(id)_account { NSMutableArray *todos; NSEnumerator *e; id record; todos = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[_records count]+1]; e = [_records objectEnumerator]; while ((record = [e nextObject])) { [todos addObject:[self wcapToDoForRecord:record withLogin:_account]]; } return todos; } // TODO: SOPE should be able to map a request to such a method ! - (id)wcapFetchCalendar:(NSString *)_calendar from:(NSDate *)_startDate to:(NSDate *)_endDate type:(int)_componentType inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *properties; NSArray *result; NSCalendarDate *now; id cmdctx; id account; SxAptManager *am; SxTaskManager *tm; [self logWithFormat:@"shall fetch cal %@ from %@ to %@ type %i", _calendar, _startDate, _endDate, _componentType]; now = [NSCalendarDate date]; properties = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: now, @"lastModified", @"Europe/Berlin", @"tzid", @"en", @"language", @"999", @"read", @"999", @"write", _calendar, @"name", [NSNumber numberWithInt:_componentType], @"component-type", nil]; cmdctx = [self commandContextInContext:_ctx]; account = [cmdctx valueForKey:LSAccountKey]; am = [SxAptManager managerWithContext:cmdctx]; tm = [SxTaskManager managerWithContext:cmdctx]; if (_componentType == WCAP_COMPONENT_FREEBUSY) { // free busy result = [am freeBusyDataForUser:[self nameInContainer] from:_startDate to:_endDate]; } else { result = [NSArray array]; if (_componentType & WCAP_COMPONENT_EVENT) { result = [am coreInfoForAppointmentSet:[SxAptSetIdentifier privateOverviewSet]]; [am fetchParticipantsForAppointments:result]; result = [self wcapEventsForRecords:result withLogin:account]; //NSLog(@"%s: fetched %d events", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, // [result count]); } if (_componentType & WCAP_COMPONENT_TODO) { NSArray *jobs; jobs = [tm fetchTasksOfGroup:nil type:@"todo"]; jobs = [self wcapToDosForRecords:jobs withLogin:account]; result = [result arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:jobs]; } } return [WCAPResultSet resultSetWithProperties:properties result:result]; } - (id)wcapFetchByRangeInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSCalendarDate *startDate, *endDate; WORequest *r; NSString *calid; NSException *error; NSString *ctype; NSArray *result; r = [_ctx request]; calid = [r formValueForKey:@"calid"]; ctype = [r formValueForKey:@"component-type"]; startDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithExDavString: [r formValueForKey:@"dtstart"]]; endDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithExDavString: [r formValueForKey:@"dtend"]]; result = [self wcapFetchCalendar:calid from:startDate to:endDate type:[ctype intValue] inContext:_ctx]; /* render */ error = [[SoWCAPRenderer sharedRenderer] renderObject:result inContext:_ctx]; if (error) return error; return [_ctx response]; } - (id)wcapGetFreeBusyInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSCalendarDate *startDate, *endDate; WORequest *r; NSString *calid; NSException *error; NSArray *result; r = [_ctx request]; calid = [r formValueForKey:@"calid"]; startDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithExDavString: [r formValueForKey:@"dtstart"]]; endDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithExDavString: [r formValueForKey:@"dtend"]]; result = [self wcapFetchCalendar:calid from:startDate to:endDate type:0 inContext:_ctx]; /* render */ error = [[SoWCAPRenderer sharedRenderer] renderObject:result inContext:_ctx]; if (error) return error; return [_ctx response]; } - (id)wcapUserPrefsInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSDictionary *prefs = nil, *sprefs = nil, *all; NSException *error; NSString *email, *cn, *gn, *sn, *user; [self logWithFormat:@"shall get WCAP user-prefs ..."]; cn = @"Helge Hess"; gn = @"Helge"; sn = @"Hess"; email = [[self nameInContainer] stringByAppendingString:@"@skyrix.com"]; user = [self nameInContainer]; /* collect */ prefs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: cn, @"cn", gn, @"givenName", sn, @"sn", email, @"mail", @"", @"preferredlanguage", user, @"nswcalCALID", /* ICS */ user, @"icsCalendar", @"Europe/Berlin", @"icsTimezone", @"", @"icsDefaultSet", @"", @"icsFirstDay", @"lucy$,jjones$,jsmith:jdoe", @"icsSubscribed", user, @"icsFreeBusy", @"dogbert", @"icsDWPHost", @"jdoe$John's Calendar,jdoe:personal$John's Personal Calendar", @"icsCalendarOwned", /* CE (Calendar Express) */ @"PT0H30M", @"ceInterval", @"19", @"ceDayTail", @"overview", @"ceDefaultView", @"pref_group4", @"ceColorSet", @"1", @"ceToolText", @"1", @"ceToolImage", @"PrimSansBT,Verdana,sans-serif", @"ceFontFace", @"0", @"ceExcludeSatSun", @"1", @"ceGroupInviteAll", @"0z", @"ceSingleCalendarTZID", @"0", @"ceAllCalendarTZIDs", @"0", @"ceNotifyEnable", email, @"ceNotifyEmail", @"P15M", @"ceDefaultAlarmStart", email, @"ceDefaultAlarmEmail", nil]; sprefs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"no", @"allowchangepassword", @"yes", @"allowcreatecalendars", @"", @"allowdeletecalendars", @"yes", @"allowpublicwritablecalendars", @"no", @"validateowners", nil]; all = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: prefs, @"preferences", sprefs, @"server-preferences", nil]; /* render */ error = [[SoWCAPRenderer sharedRenderer] renderObject:all inContext:_ctx]; if (error) return error; return [_ctx response]; } - (id)wcapStoreEventsInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { [self logWithFormat:@"WCAP store not implemented."]; return nil; } @end /* SxUserFolder(WCAP) */