/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "SkyCompanyDocument.h" #include "SkyAddressDocument.h" #include "common.h" #include "SkyContactAddressDataSource.h" #include #include #include @interface SkyCompanyDocument(PrivateMethodes) - (void)_registerForGID; - (void)_fetchAddresses; - (void)_setObjectVersion:(NSNumber *)_version; - (EOKeyGlobalID *)_personGidFrom:(NSString *)_personId; - (void)_reloadImage; - (void)_setGlobalID:(id)_gid; - (void)_setCompanyId:(id)_companyId; @end /* SkyCompanyDocument(PrivateMethodes) */ @implementation SkyCompanyDocument + (int)version { return [super version] + 7; /* v8 */ } + (void)initialize { NSAssert2([super version] == 1, @"invalid superclass (%@) version %i !", NSStringFromClass([self superclass]), [super version]); } // designated initializer - (id)initWithCompany:(id)_company globalID:(EOGlobalID *)_gid dataSource:(EODataSource *)_ds addAsObserver:(BOOL)_addAsObserver { if ((self = [super init])) { self->addAsObserver = _addAsObserver; ASSIGN(self->globalID, _gid); [self _registerForGID]; ASSIGN(self->dataSource, _ds); { EOFetchSpecification *fSpec = [_ds fetchSpecification]; NSArray *attrs = [[fSpec hints] objectForKey:@"attributes"]; ASSIGN(self->supportedAttributes, attrs); } } return self; } - (id)initWithEO:(id)_eo dataSource:(EODataSource *)_ds { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR(%s): subclasses need to override this method!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; [self release]; return nil; } - (void)dealloc { if (self->addAsObserver) [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [self->dataSource release]; [self->globalID release]; [self->addresses release]; [self->phones release]; [self->phoneTypes release]; [self->extendedAttrs release]; [self->extendedKeys release]; [self->objectVersion release]; [self->comment release]; [self->keywords release]; [self->imageData release]; [self->imageType release]; [self->imagePath release]; [self->contact release]; [self->owner release]; [self->ownerGID release]; [self->contactGID release]; [self->supportedAttributes release]; [self->attributeMap release]; [self->bossName release]; [self->department release]; [self->office release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (BOOL)isComplete { if ([self isValid] == NO) return NO; if (self->supportedAttributes != nil) return NO; return self->status.isComplete; } - (EOGlobalID *)globalID { return self->globalID; } - (NSArray *)attributesForNamespace:(NSString *)_namespace { if (_namespace == nil) return nil; return nil; } - (id)context { if (self->dataSource) return [(id)self->dataSource context]; #if DEBUG NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): document %@ has no datasource/context !!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self); #endif return nil; } - (EODataSource *)dataSource { return self->dataSource; } - (void)setSupportedAttributes:(NSArray *)_attrs { ASSIGN(self->supportedAttributes, _attrs); } - (NSArray *)supportedAttributes { return self->supportedAttributes; } - (BOOL)isAttributeSupported:(NSString *)_attr { return (self->supportedAttributes == nil) ? YES : [self->supportedAttributes containsObject:_attr]; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- - (BOOL)isNew { return (self->globalID == nil) ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)isValid { return self->status.isValid; } - (void)invalidate { RELEASE(self->phones); self->phones = nil; RELEASE(self->phoneTypes); self->phoneTypes = nil; RELEASE(self->addresses); self->addresses = nil; RELEASE(self->comment); self->comment = nil; RELEASE(self->keywords); self->keywords = nil; RELEASE(self->imageType); self->imageType = nil; RELEASE(self->imageData); self->imageData = nil; [self->bossName release]; self->bossName = nil; [self->department release]; self->department = nil; [self->office release]; self->office = nil; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; RELEASE(self->globalID); self->globalID = nil; self->status.isValid = NO; } - (void)invalidate:(NSNotification *)_notification { [self invalidate]; } - (BOOL)isEdited { return (self->globalID == nil || self->status.isEdited) ? YES : NO; } /* telephones */ - (NSArray *)phoneTypes { return self->phoneTypes; } - (void)setPhoneNumber:(NSString *)_number forType:(NSString *)_type { id phone; if (_type == nil) return; if ([[self phoneNumberForType:_type] isEqual:_number]) return; phone = [self->phones valueForKey:_type]; self->status.isEdited = YES; if (phone == nil) { phone = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4]; [phone takeValue:_type forKey:@"type"]; [self->phones takeValue:phone forKey:_type]; } [phone takeValue:_number forKey:@"number"]; } - (NSString *)phoneNumberForType:(NSString *)_type { id tmp = nil; if (_type == nil) return nil; tmp = [self->phones valueForKey:_type]; return [tmp valueForKey:@"number"]; } - (void)setPhoneInfo:(NSString *)_info forType:(NSString *)_type { id phone; if (_type == nil) return; if ([[self phoneInfoForType:_type] isEqual:_info]) return; phone = [self->phones valueForKey:_type]; self->status.isEdited = YES; if (phone == nil) { phone = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4]; [phone takeValue:_type forKey:@"type"]; [self->phones takeValue:phone forKey:_type]; } [phone takeValue:_info forKey:@"info"]; } - (NSString *)phoneInfoForType:(NSString *)_type { id tmp = nil; if (_type == nil) return nil; tmp = [self->phones valueForKey:_type]; return [tmp valueForKey:@"info"]; } /* addresses */ - (EODataSource *)addressDataSource { SkyContactAddressDataSource *das = nil; EOFetchSpecification *fSpec; NSDictionary *hints; if (self->globalID == nil) return nil; das = [[SkyContactAddressDataSource alloc] initWithContext:[self context] contact:self->globalID]; das = [das autorelease]; if (self->addAsObserver) return das; hints = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"addDocumentsAsObserver", nil]; fSpec = [[EOFetchSpecification alloc] init]; [fSpec setHints:hints]; [das setFetchSpecification:fSpec]; [fSpec release]; [hints release]; return das; } - (SkyAddressDocument *)addressForType:(NSString *)_type { if (self->addresses == nil) [self _fetchAddresses]; return [self->addresses objectForKey:_type]; } - (NSArray *)addressTypes { if (![self isAttributeSupported:@"addresses"]) return nil; [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR(%s): subclasses need to override this method!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; return nil; } /* extended attributes */ - (NSArray *)extendedKeys { return self->extendedKeys; } - (void)setExtendedAttribute:(id)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key { NSString *obj = nil; if (_key == nil) return; obj = [self->extendedAttrs objectForKey:_key]; if (![obj isEqual:_value]) { self->status.isEdited = YES; [self->extendedAttrs setObject:_value forKey:_key]; } } - (id)extendedAttributeForKey:(NSString *)_key { return [self->extendedAttrs objectForKey:_key]; } - (NSDictionary *)attributeMap { return self->attributeMap; } /* contact */ - (void)setContact:(SkyDocument *)_contact { id inputId = nil; id currentId = nil; inputId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)[_contact globalID] keyValuesArray] lastObject]; currentId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->contactGID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; if (![currentId isEqual:inputId]) { RELEASE(self->contact); self->contact = nil; RELEASE(self->contactGID); self->contactGID = nil; // ASSIGN(self->contact, (id)nil); // ASSIGN(self->contactGID, (id)nil); self->contactGID = [self _personGidFrom:inputId]; RETAIN(self->contactGID); self->status.isEdited = YES; } } - (SkyDocument *)contact { if (![self isAttributeSupported:@"contact"]) return nil; if (self->contact == nil && self->contactGID != nil) { static Class clazz = Nil; if (clazz == Nil) clazz = NSClassFromString(@"SkyAccountDocument"); self->contact = [[clazz alloc] initWithGlobalID:self->contactGID context:[self context]]; } return self->contact; } /* owner */ - (void)setOwner:(SkyDocument *)_owner { id inputId = nil; id currentId = nil; inputId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)[_owner globalID] keyValuesArray] lastObject]; currentId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->ownerGID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; if ([currentId isEqual:inputId]) return; [self->owner release]; self->owner = nil; [self->ownerGID release]; self->ownerGID = nil; self->ownerGID = [[self _personGidFrom:inputId] retain]; self->status.isEdited = YES; } - (SkyDocument *)owner { static Class clazz = Nil; if (![self isAttributeSupported:@"owner"]) return nil; if (!(self->owner == nil && self->ownerGID != nil)) return self->owner; if (clazz == Nil) clazz = NSClassFromString(@"SkyAccountDocument"); self->owner = [[clazz alloc] initWithGlobalID:self->ownerGID context:[self context]]; return self->owner; } /* comment */ - (void)setComment:(NSString *)_comment { ASSIGNCOPY_IFNOT_EQUAL(self->comment, _comment, self->status.isEdited); } - (NSString *)comment { return self->comment; } - (void)setKeywords:(NSString *)_keywords { ASSIGNCOPY_IFNOT_EQUAL(self->keywords, _keywords, self->status.isEdited); } - (NSString *)keywords { return self->keywords; } - (void)setBossName:(NSString *)_name { ASSIGNCOPY_IFNOT_EQUAL(self->bossName,_name,self->status.isEdited); } - (NSString *)bossName { return self->bossName; } - (void)setDepartment:(NSString *)_dep { ASSIGNCOPY_IFNOT_EQUAL(self->department,_dep,self->status.isEdited); } - (NSString *)department { return self->department; } - (void)setOffice:(NSString *)_office { ASSIGNCOPY_IFNOT_EQUAL(self->office,_office,self->status.isEdited); } - (NSString *)office { return self->office; } - (void)setIsReadonly:(BOOL)_isReadonly { if (self->isReadonly != _isReadonly) { self->isReadonly = _isReadonly; self->status.isEdited = YES; } } - (BOOL)isReadonly { return self->isReadonly; } - (void)setIsPrivate:(BOOL)_isPrivate { if (self->isPrivate != _isPrivate) { self->isPrivate = _isPrivate; self->status.isEdited = YES; } } - (BOOL)isPrivate { return self->isPrivate; } /* image */ - (void)setImageData:(NSData *)_data filePath:(NSString *)_filePath { NSString *ext; NSUserDefaults *defaults; NSString *companyId; NSString *path; NSString *imgPath; NSData *oldData; NSString *newType; // delete image file, if exists oldData = [self imageData]; ext = [[_filePath pathExtension] lowercaseString]; ext = ([ext isEqualToString:@"jpeg"]) ? (NSString *)@"jpg" : ext; newType = [@"image/" stringByAppendingString:ext]; if ([oldData isEqual:_data] && [self->imageType isEqualToString:newType]) return; self->status.isEdited = YES; if ([oldData length] > 0 || [self->imageType length] > 0) { NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; [fm removeFileAtPath:self->imagePath handler:nil]; } [self->imageData release]; self->imageData = nil; [self->imageType release]; self->imageType = nil; [self->imagePath release]; self->imagePath = nil; companyId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->globalID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; if (companyId == nil) return; defaults = [[self context] valueForKey:LSUserDefaultsKey]; path = [defaults stringForKey:@"LSAttachmentPath"]; imgPath = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/%@.picture.%@", path, companyId, ext]; [_data writeToFile:imgPath atomically:YES]; } - (NSData *)imageData { if (self->imageData == nil) { [self _reloadImage]; } return self->imageData; } - (NSString *)imageType { if (self->imageType == nil) { [self _reloadImage]; } return self->imageType; } /* object version */ - (NSNumber *)objectVersion { return self->objectVersion; } - (NSNumber *)companyId { return [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->globalID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; } - (NSString *)entityName { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return nil; } /* ****************************** */ - (NSDictionary *)asDict { NSMutableDictionary *dict; NSNumber *companyId; dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16]; companyId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->globalID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; if (companyId != nil) [dict setObject:companyId forKey:@"companyId"]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"telephones"]) [dict takeValue:[self->phones allValues] forKey:@"telephones"]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"comment"]) [dict takeValue:[self comment] forKey:@"comment"]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"keywords"]) [dict takeValue:[self keywords] forKey:@"keywords"]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"extendedAttributes"]) [dict takeValuesFromDictionary:self->extendedAttrs]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"contact"] || [self isAttributeSupported:@"contactId"]) { NSString *contactId; contactId=[[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->contactGID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; [dict takeValue:contactId forKey:@"contactId"]; } if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"owner"] || [self isAttributeSupported:@"ownerId"]) { NSString *ownerId; ownerId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->ownerGID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; [dict takeValue:ownerId forKey:@"ownerId"]; } if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"isReadonly"]) { [dict takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[self isReadonly]] forKey:@"isReadonly"]; } if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"isPrivate"]) { [dict takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[self isPrivate]] forKey:@"isPrivate"]; } if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"bossName"]) [dict takeValue:[self bossName] forKey:@"bossName"]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"department"]) [dict takeValue:[self department] forKey:@"department"]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"office"]) [dict takeValue:[self office] forKey:@"office"]; return dict; } - (void)_setGlobalID:(id)_gid { if (self->globalID == nil) { [self _registerForGID]; ASSIGN(self->globalID,_gid); } } /* equality */ - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)_other { if (_other == self) return YES; if (![_other isKindOfClass:[self class]]) return NO; if (![[_other globalID] isEqual:[self globalID]]) return NO; /* docs have same global-id, but could be in different editing state .. */ if (![_other isEdited] && ![self isEdited]) return YES; return NO; } /* actions */ - (void)logException:(NSException *)_exception { NSLog(@"%s: catched exception: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _exception); } - (NSString *)nameOfSetCommand { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR(%s): subclasses need to override this method!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; return nil; } - (BOOL)save { BOOL result = YES; if (self->status.isEdited == NO) return YES; if (![self isComplete]) return NO; NS_DURING { if (self->globalID == nil) { NSArray *addrs; int i, cnt; [self->dataSource insertObject:self]; addrs = [[self context] runCommand:@"address::get", @"companyId", [self companyId], @"returnType", intObj(LSDBReturnType_ManyObjects), nil]; for (i = 0, cnt = [addrs count]; i < cnt; i++) { SkyAddressDocument *addrDoc = nil; EOKeyGlobalID *gid = nil; id addrEO = [addrs objectAtIndex:i]; id value[1]; addrDoc = [self addressForType:[addrEO valueForKey:@"type"]]; value[0] = [addrEO valueForKey:@"addressId"]; gid = [EOKeyGlobalID globalIDWithEntityName:@"Address" keys:value keyCount:1 zone:[addrDoc zone]]; [(id)addrDoc _setGlobalID:gid]; [(id)addrDoc _setCompanyId:[addrEO valueForKey:@"companyId"]]; [addrDoc save]; } } else { NSEnumerator *typE = [[self addressTypes] objectEnumerator]; id one = nil; while ((one = [typE nextObject])) { one = [self addressForType:one]; if (one != nil) [one save]; } [self->dataSource updateObject:self]; } self->status.isEdited = NO; } NS_HANDLER { result = NO; [self logException:localException]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return result; } - (BOOL)delete { BOOL result = YES; NS_DURING { [self->dataSource deleteObject:self]; } NS_HANDLER { result = NO; [self logException:localException]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return result; } - (BOOL)reload { if ([self isValid] == NO) return NO; if ([self globalID] == nil) { [self invalidate]; } else { id obj; obj = [[[self context] runCommand:@"object::get-by-globalid", @"gid", [self globalID], nil] lastObject]; [self _loadDocument:obj]; } return YES; } - (void)_loadPhoneTypes { id tmp; ASSIGN(self->phoneTypes, (id)nil); tmp = [[[self context] userDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@"LSTeleType"]; tmp = [tmp objectForKey:[self entityName]]; tmp = [tmp sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; self->phoneTypes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:tmp]; } - (void)_loadDocument:(id)_object { NSArray *list; int i, cnt; // set telephone numbers if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"telephones"]) { list = [_object valueForKey:@"telephones"]; cnt = [list count]; RELEASE(self->phones); self->phones = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:cnt]; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { id phone = [list objectAtIndex:i]; NSString *type = [phone valueForKey:@"type"]; if ([type isNotNull]) { NSMutableDictionary *dict; dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4]; [dict takeValue:[phone valueForKey:@"type"] forKey:@"type"]; [dict takeValue:[phone valueForKey:@"number"] forKey:@"number"]; [dict takeValue:[phone valueForKey:@"info"] forKey:@"info"]; if ([phone objectForKey:@"telephoneId"] != nil) { [dict setObject:[phone objectForKey:@"telephoneId"] forKey:@"telephoneId"]; } [self->phones setObject:dict forKey:type]; } } [self _loadPhoneTypes]; } [self _setObjectVersion:[_object valueForKey:@"objectVersion"]]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"extendedAttributes"]) { NSMutableArray *slist = nil; list = [[_object valueForKey:@"attributeMap"] allKeys]; list = [list sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(caseInsensitiveCompare:)]; cnt = [list count]; slist = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:cnt]; [self->extendedAttrs release]; self->extendedAttrs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:cnt]; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { NSString *key = [list objectAtIndex:i]; id obj = [_object valueForKey:key]; if (obj) [self->extendedAttrs setObject:obj forKey:key]; if ([key isEqualToString:@"email1"]) [slist insertObject:key atIndex:0]; else if ([key isEqualToString:@"email2"]) { if ([slist count] > 0) [slist insertObject:key atIndex:1]; else [slist addObject:key]; } else [slist addObject:key]; } ASSIGN(self->extendedKeys, slist); [self->attributeMap release]; self->attributeMap = [[_object valueForKey:@"attributeMap"] retain]; } [self->contact release]; self->contact = nil; [self->contactGID release]; self->contactGID = nil; self->contactGID = [self _personGidFrom:[_object valueForKey:@"contactId"]]; [self->contactGID retain]; [self->owner release]; self->owner = nil; [self->ownerGID release]; self->ownerGID = nil; self->ownerGID = [self _personGidFrom:[_object valueForKey:@"ownerId"]]; [self->ownerGID retain]; [self->addresses release]; self->addresses = nil; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"comment"]) { [self setComment:[[_object valueForKey:@"comment"] valueForKey:@"comment"]]; } if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"keywords"]) [self setKeywords:[_object valueForKey:@"keywords"]]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"isReadonly"]) [self setIsReadonly:[[_object valueForKey:@"isReadonly"] boolValue]]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"isPrivate"]) [self setIsPrivate:[[_object valueForKey:@"isPrivate"] boolValue]]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"bossName"]) [self setBossName:[_object valueForKey:@"bossName"]]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"department"]) [self setBossName:[_object valueForKey:@"department"]]; if ([self isAttributeSupported:@"office"]) [self setBossName:[_object valueForKey:@"office"]]; self->status.isComplete = (self->supportedAttributes == nil); self->status.isValid = YES; self->status.isEdited = NO; } @end /* SkyCompanyDocument */ @implementation SkyCompanyDocument(Private) - (void)_registerForGID { if (!self->addAsObserver) return; if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DebugDocumentRegistration"]) { NSLog(@"++++++++++++++++++ Warning: register Document" @" in NotificationCenter(%s)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } if (self->globalID) { //printf("%s: %s[%p]\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [self->globalID class]->name, // self->globalID); [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(invalidate:) name:SkyGlobalIDWasDeleted object:self->globalID]; } } - (void)_fetchAddresses { SkyAddressDocument *one = nil; NSEnumerator *e = nil; NSMutableDictionary *dict = nil; if (![self isAttributeSupported:@"addresses"]) return; if (self->globalID == nil) { NSArray *types = [self addressTypes]; NSString *type; dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[types count]]; e = [types objectEnumerator]; while ((type = [e nextObject])) { one = [[SkyAddressDocument alloc] initWithContext:[self context]]; [one setType:type]; [dict setObject:one forKey:type]; RELEASE(one); } } else { NSArray *all = nil; all = [[self addressDataSource] fetchObjects]; e = [all objectEnumerator]; dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:[all count]]; while ((one = [e nextObject])) { [dict setObject:one forKey:[one type]]; } } RELEASE(self->addresses); self->addresses = dict; dict = nil; } - (EOKeyGlobalID *)_personGidFrom:(NSString *)_personId { EOKeyGlobalID *result = nil; if ([_personId isNotNull]) { id values[1]; values[0] = _personId; result = [EOKeyGlobalID globalIDWithEntityName:@"Person" keys:values keyCount:1 zone:[self zone]]; } return result; } - (void)_setObjectVersion:(NSNumber *)_version { ASSIGNCOPY_IFNOT_EQUAL(self->objectVersion,_version,self->status.isEdited); } - (void)_reloadImage { NSUserDefaults *defaults; NSFileManager *manager; NSString *companyId; NSString *path; NSString *imgPath; companyId = [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->globalID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; if (companyId == nil) return; RELEASE(self->imageData); self->imageData = nil; RELEASE(self->imageType); self->imageType = nil; RELEASE(self->imagePath); self->imagePath = nil; if (![self isAttributeSupported:@"image"]) return; manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; defaults = [[self context] valueForKey:LSUserDefaultsKey]; path = [defaults stringForKey:@"LSAttachmentPath"]; imgPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.picture.jpg", path, companyId]; if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:imgPath]) { self->imageData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:imgPath]; self->imageType = @"image/jpeg"; RETAIN(self->imageType); ASSIGN(self->imagePath, imgPath); return; } imgPath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.picture.gif", path, companyId]; if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:imgPath]) { self->imageData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:imgPath]; self->imageType = @"image/gif"; ASSIGN(self->imagePath, imgPath); RETAIN(self->imageType); } if (self->imageData == nil) self->imageData = [[NSData alloc] init]; if (self->imageType == nil) self->imageType = [[NSString alloc] init]; } - (NSArray *)_newTelephones:(id)_ctx { NSEnumerator *e = nil; id one = nil; NSMutableArray *tels = nil; NSArray *types = [[[_ctx userDefaults] dictionaryForKey:@"LSTeleType"] objectForKey:[self entityName]]; e = [types objectEnumerator]; tels = [NSMutableArray array]; while ((one = [e nextObject])) { NSMutableDictionary *tel = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4]; [tel setObject:one forKey:@"type"]; [tels addObject:tel]; } return tels; } - (NSArray *)_attributesForState:(NSString *)_state ctx:(id)_ctx { NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Sky%@Extended", _state]; key = [key stringByAppendingString:[self entityName]]; key = [key stringByAppendingString:@"Attributes"]; return [[_ctx userDefaults] arrayForKey:key]; } - (NSDictionary *)_newAttributeMap:(id)_ctx { NSMutableDictionary *map = nil; NSArray *allAttrs = nil; int cnt = 0; int pos = 0; map = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:12]; allAttrs = [self _attributesForState:@"Private" ctx:_ctx]; allAttrs = (allAttrs != nil) ? [allAttrs arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: [self _attributesForState:@"Public" ctx:_ctx]] : [self _attributesForState:@"Public" ctx:_ctx]; if (allAttrs == nil) allAttrs = [NSArray array]; for (pos = 0, cnt = [allAttrs count]; pos < cnt; pos++) { id attr = [allAttrs objectAtIndex:pos]; [map setObject:attr forKey:[attr objectForKey:@"key"]]; } return map; } - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@[%@] owner:%@ " @"self->supportedAttributes %@ self->attributeMap %@", [super description], self->globalID, self->owner, self->supportedAttributes, self->attributeMap]; } @end /* SkyCompanyDocument(Private) */ @implementation SkyCompanyDocument(EOGenericRecord) /* compatibility with EOGenericRecord (is deprecated!!!)*/ - (void)takeValue:(id)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key { NSAssert1((_key != nil), @"%s: key is nil", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (_value == nil) return; else if (![self isValid]) { [NSException raise:@"invalid person document" format:@"cannot takeValue:forKey:%@, document %@ is invalid", _key, self]; return; } else if (![self isComplete]) { [NSException raise:@"person document is not complete, use reload" format:@"cannot takeValue:forKey:%@, document %@ is incomplete", _key, self]; return; } else if ([self->extendedKeys containsObject:_key]) [self setExtendedAttribute:_value forKey:_key]; else if ([[self phoneTypes] containsObject:_key]) [self setPhoneNumber:_value forType:_key]; else if ([_key hasSuffix:@"_info"]) { NSArray *frags = [_key componentsSeparatedByString:@"_info"]; if ([frags count] == 2) [self setPhoneInfo:_value forType:[frags objectAtIndex:0]]; } else if ([_key isEqualToString:@"extendedAttrs"]) { NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: tried to set extendedAttrs", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); } else { //NSLog(@"%s: _value[%@][%p] %@ _key[%@][%p] %@", // __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [_value class], _value, _value, // [_key class], _key, _key); [super takeValue:_value forKey:_key]; } } - (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)_key { if ([_key isEqualToString:@"ownerId"]) return [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->ownerGID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; if ([_key isEqualToString:@"contactId"]) return [[(EOKeyGlobalID *)self->contactGID keyValuesArray] lastObject]; if ([_key isEqualToString:@"globalID"]) return self->globalID; if ([[self addressTypes] containsObject:_key]) return [self addressForType:_key]; if ([[self phoneTypes] containsObject:_key]) return [self phoneNumberForType:_key]; if ([_key hasSuffix:@"_info"]) { NSArray *frags = [_key componentsSeparatedByString:@"_info"]; return ([frags count] == 2) ? [self phoneInfoForType:[frags objectAtIndex:0]] : nil; } if ([self->extendedKeys containsObject:_key]) return [self extendedAttributeForKey:_key]; return [super valueForKey:_key]; } @end /* SkyCompanyDocument(EOGenericRecord) */