// $Id: SkyInvoice.strings,v 1.2 2004/11/17 21:20:27 wolvverine Exp $ 00_accounting = "Accounting"; 00_created = "created"; 01_03_quarter = "1st Quarter"; 01_january = "January"; 02_february = "February"; 03_march = "March"; 04_06_quarter = "2nd Quarter"; 04_april = "April"; 05_may = "Maj"; 05_monition_printout = "Monition Printout"; 05_printed = "printed"; 06_june = "June"; 07_09_quarter = "3rd Quarter"; 07_july = "July"; 08_august = "August"; 09_september = "September"; 10_12_quarter = "4th Quarter"; 10_canceled = "canceled"; 10_invoice_printout = "Invoice Printout"; 10_october = "October"; 11_november = "November"; 12_december = "December"; 15_canceling = "Cancel"; 15_monition = "Monition"; 16_monition2 = "2nd Monition"; 17_monition3 = "3rd Monition"; 20_done = "done"; 20_settling = "Settled"; Faktura = "Faktura"; Invoice = "invoices"; SkyArticleAssignmentEditor = "Invoice Article Editor"; SkyArticleAssignmentViewer = "Invoice Article Viewer"; SkyArticleCategoryEditor = "Category Editor"; SkyArticleCategoryViewer = "Category Viewer"; SkyArticleUnitEditor = "Unit Editor"; SkyArticleUnitViewer = "Unit Viewer"; SkyInvoiceAccountViewer = "Invoice Account Viewer"; SkyInvoiceAccounting = "New Accounting"; SkyInvoiceArticleEditor = "Article Editor"; SkyInvoiceArticleViewer = "Article Viewer"; SkyInvoiceCopyPanel = "Copy Invoices"; SkyInvoiceEditor = "Invoice Editor"; SkyInvoicePreferences = "Invoice Preferences"; SkyInvoiceViewer = "Invoice Viewer"; SkyInvoices = "Invoices"; SkyUnsettledInvoicesViewer = "Unsettled Invoices Viewer"; accountNr = "AccountNr"; accountings = "Accountings"; action = "Action"; actionsLabel = "Actions"; actionsTitle = "Actions"; additionalComment = "Additional Comment"; advancedSearch = "advanced search"; allKindsSelected = "All Invoices"; allMonitionValue = "Arrears"; articleAssignmentEditorWindowTitle = "Invoice Article Assignment Editor"; articleAssignmentViewerWindowTitle = "Invoice Article Assignment Viewer"; articleCategories = "Article Categories"; 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copyInvoices = "Copy Invoices"; currency = "currency"; date = "Date"; debit = "Debit"; debitor = "Debitor"; deleteArticle = "Delete Article"; deleteAssignment = "Delete Assignment"; deleteCategory = "Delete Category"; deleteInvoice = "Delete Invoice"; deleteInvoices = "Delete Invoices"; deleteUnit = "Delete Unit"; description = "Description"; document = "Document"; editAccount = "Edit InvoiceAccount"; editArticle = "Edit Article"; editAssignment = "Edit Assignment"; editCategory = "Edit Category"; editInvoice = "Edit Invoice"; editUnit = "Edit Unit"; finishInvoice = "Invoice Done"; format = "Format"; grossAmount = "Gross Amount"; highestMonitionLevel = "Monition Level"; invoice = "Invoice"; invoiceAccount = "Invoice Account"; invoiceAccountViewerWindowTitle = "Invoice Account Viewer"; invoiceAccounting = "Invoice Accounting"; invoiceAccountingWindowTitle = "New Accounting"; invoiceAccounts = "Invoice Accounts"; invoiceArticleEditorWindowTitle = "Article Editor"; invoiceArticleViewerWindowTitle = "Article Viewer"; invoiceCopyPanelWindowTitle = "Copy Invoices"; invoiceCopyPanel_yyyymmdd = "YYYY-MM-DD:"; invoiceDate = "Date"; invoiceEditorWindowTitle = "Invoice Editor"; invoiceMonition = "Increase Reminder Level"; invoiceMovePanelWindowTitle = "Move Invoices"; invoiceNr = "Invoice"; invoicePreferencesLabel = "Invoice Preferences"; invoiceViewerWindowTitle = "Invoice Viewer"; invoice_cancel = "Credit Advice"; invoice_month = "Monthly Invoices"; invoice_proforma = "Proforma Invoices"; invoice_quarter = "Quarter Invoices"; invoice_single = "Single Invoices"; invoice_viewer_subview = "Invoice Viewer Subview"; invoice_year = "Yearly Invoices"; invoiceeditor_action = "action"; invoiceeditor_addArticle = "Add Articles"; invoiceeditor_addArticlesError = "Syntaxerror"; invoiceeditor_articleNr = "Nr"; invoiceeditor_count = "count"; invoiceeditor_netAmount = "price"; invoiceeditor_searchDebitor = "Search Debitor"; invoiceeditor_singlePrice = "single price"; invoices = "Invoices"; invoices_listLabel = "Invoices"; invoices_listTitle = "Invoices"; invoices_windowLabel = "Invoices"; invoiceviewer_articleList = "Articles"; kind = "Kind"; logText = "Log Text"; logsLabel = "Logs"; logsTitle = "Invoice Logs"; monitionLevel = "Monition Level"; monitions = "Monitions"; moveInvoiceTo = "Move invoices to:"; moveInvoices = "Move Invoices"; netAmount = "Net Amount"; new = "new"; noOfCols = "Number of columns"; number = "Number"; oldestUnsettledInvoiceDate = "Oldest Unsettled Invoice"; overview_monthly = "Monthly Overview"; overview_quarter = "Quarter Overview"; paid = "Paid"; pluralUnit = "Plural Unit"; preview = "Preview"; price = "Price"; printInvoice = "Print Invoice"; printIvnoices = "Print Invoices"; printMonition = "Print Monition"; removeButtonLabel = "remove"; sales = "sales"; sales_all_but_created = "all but created invoices heeded"; saveButtonLabel = "save"; search = "search"; searchArticles = "Search Articles"; searchButtonLabel = "search"; searchResult = "records found"; show = "show"; showButtonLabel = "show"; singlePrice = "Single Price"; singularUnit = "Singular Unit"; status = "Status"; toPay = "To Pay"; unit = "Unit"; units = "Units"; unsettledInvoices = "Unsettled Invoices"; unsettledInvoicesCount = "Unsettled Invoices"; unsettledInvoicesFor = "Unsettled Invoices for: "; unsettled_invoices_windowLabel = "Unsettled Invoices Viewer"; updateButtonLabel = "update";