// $Id: LSWProject.strings,v 1.10 2004/02/13 23:36:56 helge Exp $ 00_created = "created"; 00_sequential = "sequential"; 00_sleeping = "sleeping"; 02_rejected = "rejected"; 05_accepted = "accepted"; 05_changed = "changed"; 05_processing = "processing"; 1 = "VERY HIGH"; 10_commented = "commented"; 10_out_of_date = "out of date"; 10_parallel = "parallel"; 15_divided = "divided"; 2 = "High"; 20_processing = "processing"; 25_done = "done"; 27_reactivated = "reactivated"; 3 = "Average"; 30_archived = "archived"; 4 = "Low"; 5 = "Very Low"; Enterprise = "Company"; ExtendedView = "Show Companies"; ExtendedViewProjectCode = "Show Projectcode"; FileSystem = "Filesystem"; LSWDocumentEditor = "Edit Document"; LSWDocumentMove = "Move Document"; LSWDocumentViewer = "View Document"; LSWFolderEditor = "Edit Folder"; LSWNoteEditor = "Edit Note"; LSWObjectLinkEditor = "Edit Objectlink"; LSWObjectLinkViewer = "View Objectlink"; LSWProjectEditor = "Edit Project"; LSWProjectViewer = "View Project"; LSWProjectWizard = "Edit Project"; LSWProjects = "Projects"; LSWTextDocumentEditor = "Edit Textdocument"; NO = "No"; ProjectBase = "Project Base"; ProjectPreferences = "Project Preferences"; Projects = "Projects"; SkyProjectAssignment = "Assign Projects"; Skyrix = "Database"; Subversion = "Subversion"; YES = "Yes"; _job_ = "Task"; abstract = "Title"; accessAccounts = "Access List"; accessList = "Access List"; accessTeam = "Access Team"; accessTeams = "Access Teams"; accountName = "Account"; action = "Action"; action_checkout = "checkout"; actor = "Actor"; actualWorkSum = "Actual Work"; annotation = "Comment"; any_object = "Link to an object"; appointment = "Link to appointment"; archive = "archived"; archiveButton = "archive"; archived = "archived"; assignedEnterprises = "Associated Companies"; assignedPersons = "Associated Contacts"; assignedResources = "assigned resources"; attributes = "attributes"; autorelease = "Autorelease"; backButton = "go back"; basedOnVersion = "Based on version"; blockSize = "Number of list items"; bmp = "Download BMP image"; cancelButton = "cancel"; category = "Category"; changeToFolder = "change to folder"; checkedOut = "This version was checked out"; checkout = "Checkout"; checkoutDate = "Checked out on"; chooseProject = "Choose Project" ; chooseProjects = "Choose Projects" ; clearButtonLabel = "clear form"; clip = "clip"; clip_long = "place in clipboard"; clipboard = "Place in clipboard"; code = "Projectcode"; comment = "Comment"; common = "common"; contact = "Contacts"; contents = "Contents"; createAs = "create as"; creation = "Creation date"; creationDate = "Creation"; creator = "Creator"; currentEditor = "Current Editor"; currentOwner = "Current Owner"; date = "Date"; day = "day"; days = "days"; delete = "delete"; deleteButton = "delete"; deleteFolderLabel = "delete this folder"; deletefolder = "delete"; doc = "Download WORD document"; docMoveTitle = "Move Document"; document = "Link to document"; documentSubview = "documents subview"; documentViewer = "Document view"; documents = "documents"; doneButton = "done"; download = "Download"; due = "Due"; duration = "Duration"; edit = "edit"; editModeButton = "switch to editmode"; editNote = "Edit note"; editObjectLink = "edit this objectlink"; edit_access = "Edit Access"; editattrs = "attributes"; edited = "document is edited"; editingDownloadLabel = "Download"; email = "Link to email"; endDate = "Enddate"; enterprise = "Link to company"; enterpriseProjectAssociates = "Company Associates"; enterpriseType = "Company"; error_leader_not_in_team = "Error: The selected projectlead '%@' is not in the access group %@!"; error_no_end_date = "Error in field end date: Please set!\n"; error_no_project = "Error: No project set!\n"; error_no_project_name = "Error in field name: Please fill in!\n"; error_no_start_date = "Error in field start date: Please set!\n"; error_pcode_not_unique = "Error in field projectcode: Already used!\n"; error_projectContainsDataOrNoAccess = "Error: Project contains data or no access!"; executant = "Executor"; extended = "Extended"; extension = "Extension"; external = "External Link"; favorites = "favorites"; fax = "Download FAX document"; fileName = "Filename"; fileSize = "Size"; fileType = "Object kind"; fileUpload = "Fileupload"; finishButton = "finish"; firstOwner = "First Owner"; fm = "Download Framemaker document"; fm_error_1 = "Try to move from/to version"; fm_error_10 = "Only current owner or root can move edited files"; fm_error_11 = "Missing access for insert"; fm_error_12 = "Move failed"; fm_error_13 = "doc::set-folder failed"; fm_error_14 = "doc::set-object-link failed"; fm_error_15 = "Missing path extension"; fm_error_16 = "doc::checkout failed"; fm_error_17 = "doc::set failed"; fm_error_18 = "doc::release failed"; fm_error_19 = "doc::move failed"; fm_error_2 = "Try to move root folder"; fm_error_20 = "Missing file"; fm_error_21 = "Missing delete access"; fm_error_22 = "Couldn`t delete at path"; fm_error_23 = "Only current owner or root can delete edited files"; fm_error_24 = "Path is not a folder"; fm_error_25 = "Could not create file"; fm_error_26 = "Missing target"; fm_error_27 = "Missing folder"; fm_error_28 = "Could not create link"; fm_error_29 = "Missing read access"; fm_error_3 = "Try to move do descendant"; fm_error_30 = "Directories or symbolic links has no content!"; fm_error_31 = "Try to copy to descendant"; fm_error_32 = "Source is a folder"; fm_error_33 = "Couldn't create folder"; fm_error_34 = "Missing path"; fm_error_35 = "Missing write access"; fm_error_36 = "Operation is not allowed for versions"; fm_error_37 = "Only current owner or root can edit edited files"; fm_error_38 = "Unsupported file attributes"; fm_error_39 = "Missing document"; fm_error_4 = "Missing source"; fm_error_40 = "Uncomplete document"; fm_error_41 = "Could not autocreate document"; fm_error_42 = "Could not delete tmp file after exception"; fm_error_43 = "Missing propertymanager"; fm_error_44 = "Missing globalID"; fm_error_45 = "Error during add properties"; fm_error_46 = "Error during delete properties"; fm_error_47 = "Error during update properties"; fm_error_48 = "Could not checkout folder"; fm_error_49 = "File is already in edit mode"; fm_error_5 = "Missing destination"; fm_error_50 = "doc::checkout failed"; fm_error_51 = "File is already released"; fm_error_52 = "doc::release failed"; fm_error_53 = "doc::reject failed"; fm_error_54 = "Missing version"; fm_error_55 = "documentversion::checkout failed"; fm_error_56 = "Missing blob name"; fm_error_57 = "reject failed after doc::set failed"; fm_error_6 = "Source path doesn`t exist"; fm_error_7 = "Destination path already exist"; fm_error_8 = "Missing global id for parent folder"; fm_error_9 = "Missing access for move"; folder = "Folder"; folderEditorTitle = "Folder Editor"; folderViewer = "Folder view"; frame = "Download Framemaker document"; frm = "Download Framemaker document"; gif = "Download GIF image"; gz = "Download GZ document"; hour = "hour"; hours = "hours"; htm = "Download HTML document"; html = "Download HTML document"; in = "in"; job = "Link to task"; jobHistoryLabel = "Process History"; jobHistoryTitle = "Process History"; jobLabel = "task"; jobStatus = "Status"; jobs = "Tasks"; jobsLabel = "tasks"; jobsSubview = "tasks subview"; jobs_title = "Tasks"; jpg = "Download JPG image"; kilometersLabel = "kilometers"; kilometersSum = "Kilometers"; lastModifiedBy = "Last modified by"; leader = "Projectlead"; link = "Link"; link_appointment = "Appointment"; link_date = "Appointment"; link_doc = "Document"; link_document = "Document"; link_email = "Email"; link_enterprise = "Company"; link_external = "External Link"; link_job = "Task"; link_person = "Person"; link_project = "Project"; lockedLabel = "Locked by"; logsLabel = "Logs"; mail = "Mail"; mailLabel = "mail document link"; match = "Match"; maxDuration = "max. duration"; mif = "Download Framemaker document"; minutesLabel = "minutes"; mode_0 = "Main Attributes"; mode_1 = "Accounts"; mode_2 = "Project Manager"; mode_3 = "Companies/Contacts"; mode_4 = "Start/Enddate"; mode_4.1 = "Process List"; mode_4.2 = "Resource Assignment"; modified = "Modified"; move = "move"; moveButton = "move"; moveDocuments = "move documents"; moveInactiveLabel = "no permission to move"; moveLabel = "move this folder"; moveLink = "move this link"; moveToFolder = "to this folder"; movefolder = "move"; mpp = "Download MPP document"; name = "Name"; new = "new"; newButton = "new"; newDocumentLabel = "insert new document"; newFolderLabel = "create new subfolder"; newJobLabel = "create new task"; newObjectLinkLabel = "create new objectlink"; newTextDocumentLabel = "insert new text document"; newdoc = "new document"; newfolder = "new folder"; newjob = "new task"; newlink = "new link"; newtextdoc = "new textdocument"; nextButton = "go forward"; noDocTitle = ""; noDownload = "no download - document never released"; noJobAssociated = "-"; noOfCols = "Number of columns"; noProject = "- no project -"; noactualWorkData = "no worktime data collected"; nokilometersData = "no kilometer data collected"; nopercentData = "no completion data collected"; note = "Note"; note_title = "Title"; notes = "notes"; notesSubview = "notes subview"; notetitle = "Name"; nothingToPaste = "no pasteable content in clipboard"; nototalWorkData = "no worktime data collected"; number = "Number"; objectLink = "Url"; objectLinkViewerTitle = "Objectlink Viewer"; objectVersionLabel = "version"; ofProcess = "sub process of"; oldJobs = "Tasks"; operativePart = "Operative Part"; orEnterprise = "or Company"; owner = "Owner"; parallelProcess = "parallel process"; paste = "Paste"; pdf = "Download PDF document"; percent = "%"; percentSum = "Completion"; permissionDenied = "Permission denied"; permissions_d = "Delete"; permissions_f = "Form Designer"; permissions_i = "Insert"; permissions_m = "Project Manager"; permissions_r = "Read"; permissions_w = "Write"; person = "Link to person"; personProjectAssociates = "Contact Associates"; personType = "Person"; pot = "Download POT document"; pps = "Download PPS document"; ppt = "Download PPT document"; priority = "Priority"; priorityLabel = "Priority"; priority_1 = "Very High"; priority_2 = "High"; priority_3 = "Average"; priority_4 = "Low"; priority_5 = "Very Low"; private = "private"; project = "Project"; projectEditorTitle = "Project Editor"; projectLeader = "Projectlead"; projectReportLabel = "Task List Report"; projectTitle = "Projects"; projectUrl = "Project URL"; projectViewer = "Projectview"; projectViewerTitle = "Project Viewer"; projectWindowTitle = "Look for Projects Data"; projectWizardTitle = "Project Wizard"; project_assignment_title = "Assign Projects"; project_subview = "Project Subview"; projects = "Projects"; projects_subview = "Projects Subview"; r = "read"; refresh = "refresh"; reject = "reject"; release = "release"; releaseDate = "Release Date"; released = "checkout document"; renameFolderLabel = "rename this folder"; renamefolder = "rename"; resourceName = "Resource Name"; resourceNumber = "resources"; resources = "Resources"; root = "root"; rtf = "Download RTF document"; rw = "read+write"; save = "save"; saveAndMoveButton = "save and move"; saveAndNextButton = "save and next"; saveButton = "save"; search = "search"; searchAccounts = "Search Accounts"; searchAccountsOption = "free search -->"; searchButton = "search"; searchCompanies = "Search Associates"; searchDocuments = "search"; searchEnterprise = "Search Company"; searchProject = "Search Project"; searchProjects = "Search Projects"; send = "send"; sendContent = "Attach File"; sequentialProcess = "sequential process"; showAttributes = "show attributes"; sinceLabel = "since"; sit = "Download SIT document"; size = "Size"; sortOpSuffixAND = "all of search fields"; sortOpSuffixOR = "any of search fields"; staff = "staff"; standardCosts = "Standard Costs"; startDate = "Startdate"; startLabel = "You are here:"; status = "Checkout"; statusLabel = "Status"; statusReleased = "document is released"; subDuration = "duration of sub processes"; subJobs = "Subtasks"; taskName = "Taskname"; team = "Team"; teamNilSelect = "private"; text = "Text"; textedit = "texteditor"; tgz = "Download TGZ document"; tif = "Download TIF document" ; tiff = "Download TIF document" ; title = "Filename"; titleLabel = "Filename"; token = "Token"; totalWorkSum = "Total Work"; txt = "Download text document"; type = "Type"; unknown = "download miscellaneous document type"; useStartEndDate = "Start/Enddate"; version = "Version"; view = "Viewer"; viewButton = "view"; viewDocument = "View Document"; viewLink = "View Objectlink"; viewModeButton = "switch to view mode"; week = "week"; weeks = "weeks"; windowTitleAttributeDocumentEditor = "Edit Attributes"; windowTitleDocumentEditor = "Edit Document"; windowTitleDocumentViewer = "Document Viewer"; windowTitleNoteEditor = "Edit Note"; windowTitleObjectLinkEditor = "Edit Objectlink"; windowTitleTextDocumentEditor = "Edit Textdocument"; xls = "Download Excel document"; zip = "Download Zip document"; zoomInButton = "zoom in"; zoomOutButton = "zoom out";