// bind template to controller Frame: LSWSkyrixFrame {} Window: LSWWindowFrame { title = labels.AppEditorTitle; onClose = cancel; } IsJavaScriptEnabled: WOConditional { condition = session.isJavaScriptEnabled; } IsJavaScriptDisabled: WOConditional { condition = session.isJavaScriptEnabled; negate = YES; } ShowCalPopUp: WOConditional { condition = context.request.clientCapabilities.isJavaScriptBrowser; } EditorForm: WOForm { name = "editform"; } AppointmentDayLabel: WOString { value = appointmentDayLabel; } WarningModeCond: WOConditional { condition = isInWarningMode; } WarningModeCondElse: WOConditional { condition = isInWarningMode; negate = YES; } Warning: LSWWarningPanel { onOk = warningOkAction; phrase = warningPhrase; } AptDateSelection: SkyAptDateSelection { startDate = startDate; startHour = startHour; startMinute = startMinute; startTime = startTime; endDate = endDate; endHour = endHour; endMinute = endMinute; endTime = endTime; isAllDayEvent = isAllDayEvent; timeInputType = timeInputType; isNewOrNotCyclic = isNewOrNotCyclic; formName = "editform"; useAMPMDates = showAMPMDates; } NotificationLabel: WOString { value = labels.notificationTime; } MeasuresPopUp: WOPopUpButton { list = ( "10m", "30", "60", "120", "360", "720", "1440", "2880", "5760", "11520" ); item = measure; string = measureLabel; selection = notificationTime; noSelectionString = "-"; } AccessTeamSelect: WOPopUpButton { list = accessTeams; item = item; string = item.description; selection = selectedAccessTeam; noSelectionString = labels.privateAppointment; } TitleTextFieldJS: JSValidatedField { formName = "editform"; inputText = appointment.title; errorMessage = "title is required"; fieldSize = 40; inputIsRequired = YES; } TitleTextField: WOTextField { name = "title"; value = appointment.title; SIZE = 40; } LocationTextField: WOTextField { name = "location"; value = appointment.location; SIZE = 40; } AbsenceTextField: WOTextField { name = "absence"; value = appointment.absence; SIZE = 40; } CommentTextArea: SkyTextEditor { text = comment; rows = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_comment_rows; columns = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_comment_columns; wrap = "physical"; } NoParticipantsConditional: WOConditional { condition = hasParticipantSelection; negate = YES; } ParticipantsConditional: WOConditional { condition = hasParticipantSelection; negate = NO; } HasParticipantsConditional: WOConditional { condition = hasParticipantSelection; } AppointmentOnLabel: WOString { value = labels.appointmentOnLabel; } CycleEndDateLabel: WOString { value = labels.cycleEndDateLabel; } IsNotNewConditional: WOConditional { condition = isInNewMode; negate = YES; } SaveSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = save; value = labels.saveButtonLabel; title = labels.saveButtonLabel_title; class = "button_narrow"; } SaveAndMailSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = saveAndSendMail; value = labels.saveAndMailButtonLabel; title = labels.saveAndMailButtonLabel_title; class = "button_wide"; } DeleteLink: WOHyperlink { action = delete; string = labels.deleteButtonLabel; title = labels.deleteButtonLabel_title; disabled = isDeleteDisabled; class = "button_narrow"; } IsDeleteEnabled: WOConditional { condition = isDeleteDisabled; negate = YES; } IsDeleteDisabled: WOConditional { condition = isDeleteDisabled; } DeleteDeniedButton: JSAlertPanel { filename = "remove_inactive.gif"; ALT = labels.deleteButtonLabel; action = context.page; alertMessage = "You cannot delete the appointment !"; } DeleteSubmitJS: JSConfirmPanel { // filename = "remove.gif"; // altTag = labels.deleteButtonLabel; action = reallyDelete; string = labels.deleteButtonLabel; confirmMessage = labels.really_delete; border = 0; class = "button_narrow"; } DateProposalSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = appointmentProposal; value = labels.proposalButtonLabel; class = "button_narrow"; } SaveAllSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = saveAllCyclic; value = labels.saveAllButtonLabel; title = labels.saveAllButtonLabel_title; disabled = isSaveDisabled; class = "button_wide"; } DeleteAllLink: WOHyperlink { action = deleteAllCyclic; string = labels.deleteAllButtonLabel; title = labels.deleteAllButtonLabel_title; disabled = isDeleteDisabled; class = "button_wide"; } CancelSubmit: WOHyperlink { action = cancel; string = labels.cancelButtonLabel; class = "button_narrow"; } // move section MoveAmountPopUp: WOPopUpButton { list = ( "", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ); item = item; selection = moveAmount; string = moveAmountLabel; } MoveUnitPopUp: WOPopUpButton { list = idxArray3; item = item; selection = moveUnit; string = moveUnitLabel; } MoveDirectionPopUp: WOPopUpButton { list = idxArray2; item = item; selection = moveDirection; string = moveDirectionLabel; } MoveSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = moveAppointment; value = labels.moveButtonLabel; title = labels.moveButtonLabel_title; class = "button_narrow"; } AttributeCell: SkyAttributeCell {} ValueCell: SkyValueCell {} ValueCell2: SkyValueCell { alignTop = YES; } TitleAttribute: WOString { value = labels.title; } LocationAttribute: WOString { value = labels.location; } AbsenceAttribute: WOString { value = labels.absence; } CreatorAttribute: WOString { value = labels.creator; } AccessTeamAttribute: WOString { value = labels.accessTeamLabel; } CommentAttribute: WOString { value = labels.comment; } SearchParticipantsAttribute: WOString { value = labels.searchParticipants; } AddParticipantsAttribute: WOString { value = labels.addParticipants; } MoveAppointmentAttribute: WOString { value = labels.moveAppointment; } MainButtonRow: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "tr"; BGCOLOR = config.colors_mainButtonRow; } IgnoreConflictsCheckBox: WOCheckBox { checked = ignoreConflicts; } IgnoreConflictsPopUp: WOPopUpButton { list = ( "onlyNow", "always" ); item = item; string = ignoreConflictsLabel; selection = ignoreConflictsSelection; noSelectionString = "-"; } ButtonFont: WOGenericContainer { elementName = "font"; class = "defaultfont"; } IgnoreConflictsButtons: WORadioButtonList { list = ( "dontIgnore", "onlyNow", "always" ); item = item; value = ignoreConflictsLabel; /* the visible label */ selection = ignoreConflictsButtonSelection; prefix = " "; suffix = " "; } IgnoreConflictsLabel: WOString { value = labels.ignoreConflictsLabel; } // aptType is not the repetition type .. !! ShowAptTypeSelectionCond: WOConditional { condition = YES;//hasAptTypes; } AptTypeAttr: SkyAttribute { label = labels.attribute_aptType; } AptTypeSelection: SkyAptTypeSelection { selection = appointment.aptType; } AbsenceCheckBox: WOCheckBox { checked = isAbsence; } ReachableLabel: WOString { value = labels.reachable; } Font: SkyConfigFont {} EditFont: SkyConfigEditFont {} IsInNewMode: WOConditional { condition = isInNewMode; } IsCyclic: WOConditional { condition = isCyclic; } IsNotCyclic: WOConditional { condition = isCyclic; negate = YES; } IsNewOrNotCyclic: WOConditional { condition = isNewOrNotCyclic; } CyclePopUp: WOPopUpButton { list = ("daily", "weekly", "14_daily", "4_weekly", "monthly", "weekday", "yearly" ); //list = config.cycleUnits; item = item; string = unitLabel; selection = appointmentType; noSelectionString = labels.once; } Cycle: WOString { value = cycleType; escapeHTML = NO; } CycleAttribute: WOString { value = labels.type; } UntilLabel: WOString { value = labels.until; } BeforeLabel: WOString { value = labels.before; } AttendanceLabel: WOString { value = labels.attendance; } CycleEndDateString: WOString { value = cycleEndDateString; } CycleEndDate: WOTextField { name = "cycleEndDate"; value = cycleEndDate; SIZE = 12; } CalendarPopupCycleEndDateLink: SkyCalendarPopUp { elementName = "cycleEndDate"; formName = "editform"; } AttendanceChecker: WOCheckBox { checked = isAttendance; } Calendar: SkyCalendarScript {} ParticipantsSelection: SkyParticipantsSelection { participants = participants; selectedParticipants = selectedParticipants; onlyAccounts = NO; headLineLabel = "searchParticipants"; searchLabel = "searchParticipants"; selectionLabel = "addParticipants"; viewHeadLine = NO; isClicked = isParticipantsClicked; } AccessSelection: SkyParticipantsSelection { participants = accessMembers; selectedParticipants = selectedAccessMembers; onlyAccounts = YES; headLineLabel = "assignAccessRights"; searchLabel = "searchAccounts"; selectionLabel = "chooseAccounts"; viewHeadLine = NO; isClicked = isAccessClicked; } ResourceSelection: SkyResourceSelection { resources = resources; resultList = moreResources; viewHeadLine = NO; onlyResources = YES; isClicked = isResourceClicked; } IsSchedulerClassicEnabled: WOConditional { condition = isSchedulerClassicEnabled; } IsMailEnabled: WOConditional { condition = isMailEnabled; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- CollTitleMode: SkyCollapsibleTitleMode {} CollContentMode: SkyCollapsibleContentMode {} AppCollapsible: SkyCollapsibleContent { visibility = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_expand_attributes; submitActionName = ""; structuredMode = YES; } ParticipantsTitle: SkyCollapsibleContent { visibility = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_expand_participants; title = labels.searchParticipants; submitActionName = ""; isClicked = isParticipantsClicked; } ResourcesTitle: SkyCollapsibleContent { visibility = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_expand_resources; title = labels.searchResources; submitActionName = ""; isClicked = isResourceClicked; } AccessTitle: SkyCollapsibleContent { visibility = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_expand_access; title = labels.assignAccessRights; submitActionName = ""; isClicked = isAccessClicked; } CommentTitle: SkyCollapsibleContent { visibility = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_expand_comment; title = labels.comment; submitActionName = ""; } MoveTitle: SkyCollapsibleContent { visibility = session.userDefaults.scheduler_editor_expand_move; title = labels.move; submitActionName = ""; } ShowIgnoreConflictsCond: WOConditional { condition = isShowIgnoreConflicts; } IsNotificationEnabled: WOConditional { condition = isNotificationEnabled; } DefaultAction: WOImageButton { action = search; filename = "invisible_space_1.gif"; BORDER = 0; }