# $Id: README 1 2004-08-20 11:17:52Z znek $ Tasks - mapped to SKYRiX Jobs - child of - group-folder - home-folder - disallow as child of account/person-folder ! This is (still) special, because the SxTask objects are used as value containers ! Job Creation: cdoAction [1280] cdoIsRecurring [eg 0] cdoItemIsComplete [eg 0] date davUid isTeamTask locationURL outlookMessageClass [IPM.Task] ownerName [eg "Helge Hess"] sideeffects [272] taskCompletion [eg 0.00] taskStatus [eg 0] threadTopic [eg tst5] Sourcefiles =========== SxTask controller for an individual task, also used for delivery of task sets (as a wrapper for the EO) SxTaskFolder controller for a set of tasks mapped as a folder SxDavTaskAction a common superclass for TaskChange and TaskCreate, filters out unnecessary attributes, detects states etc SxDavTaskChange used to change a task (moving the task between states etc) SxDavTaskCreate used to create a task SxTaskRenderer used to render a task in the iCalendar format SxTaskStatus a small helper class to abstract the Outlook task status and to calculate skyrix representations