/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "LSSetCompanyCommand.h" #include "common.h" @interface LSSetCompanyCommand(PrivateMethodes) - (void)_increaseVersion; @end @interface LSSetCompanyCommand(ExtendedAttributes) - (NSDictionary *)_fetchDefaultExtendedAttributes:(id)_context; - (NSMutableDictionary *)_getDefaults:(NSString *)_status with:(id)_context; @end /* LSSetCompanyCommand(ExtendedAttributes) */ @implementation LSSetCompanyCommand - (id)initForOperation:(NSString *)_operation inDomain:(NSString *)_domain { if ((self = [super initForOperation:_operation inDomain:_domain])) { [self takeValue:@"05_changed" forKey:@"logAction"]; [self takeValue:@"company changed" forKey:@"logText"]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->telephones release]; [self->comment release]; [self->pictureData release]; [self->pictureFilePath release]; [super dealloc]; } // command methods - (BOOL)_setCompanyInfo:(id)_ctx { #if 1 NSNumber *objId; EOSQLQualifier *qual; EOModel *model; model = [[[_ctx valueForKey:LSDatabaseKey] adaptor] model]; objId = [[self object] valueForKey:@"companyId"]; qual = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity: [model entityNamed:@"CompanyInfo"] qualifierFormat:@"%A=%@", @"companyId", objId, nil]; if (![[self databaseChannel] selectObjectsDescribedByQualifier:qual fetchOrder:nil]) { [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR[%s]: select of company info failed (%@)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [self object]]; return NO; } [qual release]; qual = nil; { BOOL isOk = NO; id genObjInfo = nil; genObjInfo = [[self databaseChannel] fetchWithZone:NULL]; [[self databaseChannel] cancelFetch]; if (genObjInfo) { id c; c = [self comment]; if ([c length] == 0) c = [NSNull null]; [genObjInfo takeValue:c forKey:@"comment"]; { id obj; obj = [self primaryKeyValue]; if ([obj intValue] != 0) [genObjInfo takeValue:obj forKey:@"companyId"]; } [genObjInfo takeValue:@"updated" forKey:@"status"]; [self assert:(genObjInfo != nil) reason:@"no toCompanyInfo to update .."]; isOk = [[self databaseChannel] updateObject:genObjInfo]; } return isOk; } #else BOOL isOk = NO; id genObjInfo = nil; id obj = [self object]; [self assert:(obj != nil) reason:@"no company object set for operation !"]; genObjInfo = [obj valueForKey:@"toCompanyInfo"]; if (genObjInfo) { id c; c = [self comment]; if (![c length]) c = [EONull null]; [genObjInfo takeValue:c forKey:@"comment"]; { id obj; obj = [self primaryKeyValue]; if ([obj intValue] != 0) [genObjInfo takeValue:obj forKey:@"companyId"]; } [genObjInfo takeValue:@"updated" forKey:@"status"]; [self assert:(genObjInfo != nil) reason:@"no toCompanyInfo to update .."]; isOk = [[self databaseChannel] updateObject:genObjInfo]; } return isOk; #endif } - (void)_setExtendedAttributesInContext:(id)_context { NSDictionary *defaultAttrs = nil; NSMutableArray *excludeKeys = nil; NSEnumerator *keyEnum = nil; NSArray *extAttrs = nil; NSString *key = nil; NSMutableDictionary *map = nil; NSMutableArray *compValues = nil; NSNumber *accountId = nil; int i, cnt; id obj; // handle already existing attributes obj = [self object]; extAttrs = [obj valueForKey:@"companyValue"]; for (i = 0, cnt = [extAttrs count]; i < cnt; i++) { id extAttr = [extAttrs objectAtIndex:i]; id value = [obj valueForKey:[extAttr valueForKey:@"attribute"]]; LSRunCommandV(_context, @"companyvalue", @"set", @"object", extAttr, @"checkAccess", [self checkAccess], @"value", value, nil); } // handle new attributes excludeKeys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[[obj entity] classPropertyNames]]; [excludeKeys addObjectsFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"projects", @"groups", @"members", @"owner", @"contact", @"comment", @"persons", @"companyValue", @"telephones", @"pictureFilePath", @"pictureData", @"attributeMap", @"projectAssignments", nil]]; [excludeKeys addObjectsFromArray:[extAttrs valueForKey:@"attribute"]]; defaultAttrs = [self _fetchDefaultExtendedAttributes:_context]; keyEnum = [defaultAttrs keyEnumerator]; map = [obj valueForKey:@"attributeMap"]; compValues = [obj valueForKey:@"companyValue"]; accountId = [[_context valueForKey:LSAccountKey] valueForKey:@"companyId"]; while ((key = [keyEnum nextObject])) { NSDictionary *attr; int type; NSString *label; id userId; id compValue = nil; if (!(![excludeKeys containsObject:key] && [obj valueForKey:key] != nil)) continue; attr = [defaultAttrs objectForKey:key]; type = [[attr valueForKey:@"type"] intValue]; label = [attr valueForKey:@"label"]; userId = [NSNull null]; if ([[attr objectForKey:@"isPrivate"] boolValue]) userId = accountId; if (type == 0) type = 1; if (label == nil) label = (id)[NSNull null]; compValue = LSRunCommandV(_context, @"companyvalue", @"new", @"companyId", [obj valueForKey:@"companyId"], @"attribute", key, @"uid", userId, @"label", label, @"type", [NSNumber numberWithInt:type], @"value", [obj valueForKey:key], nil); [map setObject:compValue forKey:key]; [compValues addObject:compValue]; } } - (id)_findEOWithId:(NSNumber *)_phoneId { NSArray *tels = [[self object] valueForKey:@"toTelephone"]; id tel = nil; int i, cnt = [tels count]; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { tel = [tels objectAtIndex:i]; if ([[tel valueForKey:@"telephoneId"] isEqual:_phoneId]) break; } return tel; } - (void)_setTelephoneCommandsInContext:(id)_context { int i, cnt = [self->telephones count]; id pkey = [[self object] valueForKey:[self primaryKeyName]]; id setCmd = LSLookupCommand(@"telephone", @"set"); id newCmd = LSLookupCommand(@"telephone", @"new"); for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { NSDictionary *telDict = [self->telephones objectAtIndex:i]; id phoneId = [telDict valueForKey:@"telephoneId"]; id telEO = [self _findEOWithId:phoneId]; if ([phoneId isNotNull]) { [setCmd takeValue:telEO forKey:@"object"]; [setCmd takeValuesFromDictionary:telDict]; [setCmd runInContext:_context]; } else { [newCmd takeValuesFromDictionary:telDict]; [newCmd takeValue:pkey forKey:@"companyId"]; phoneId = [[newCmd runInContext:_context] valueForKey:@"telephoneId"]; [telDict takeValue:phoneId forKey:@"telephoneId"]; } } } - (void)_prepareForExecutionInContext:(id)_context { id obj, n; [super _prepareForExecutionInContext:_context]; obj = [self object]; n = [obj valueForKey:@"number"]; if ([n isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) if (![n length]) n = nil; if (![n isNotNull]) { n = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SKY%@", [obj valueForKey:@"companyId"]]; [obj takeValue:n forKey:@"number"]; } } - (void)_executeInContext:(id)_context { [self assert:([self object] != nil) reason:@"no company object to act on"]; if ([[self checkAccess] boolValue]) { if (![[_context accessManager] operation:@"w" allowedOnObjectID:[[self object] valueForKey:@"globalID"]]) { NSLog(@"%s: Missing write access for %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [self object]); [self setReturnValue:nil]; return; } } [self _increaseVersion]; [super _executeInContext:_context]; // if (self->comment) [self assert:[self _setCompanyInfo:_context]]; [self _setExtendedAttributesInContext:_context]; if (self->telephones != nil) [self _setTelephoneCommandsInContext:_context]; // save attachement { NSFileManager *manager; NSUserDefaults *defaults; id obj; NSString *fileName = nil; NSString *fName = nil; BOOL isOk = NO; manager = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; defaults = [_context userDefaults]; obj = [self object]; fileName = [defaults stringForKey:@"LSAttachmentPath"]; fileName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.picture", fileName, [obj valueForKey:@"companyId"]]; if ((self->pictureData != nil && self->pictureFilePath != nil && [self->pictureData length] > 0) || self->deleteImage) { fName = [fileName stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"jpg"]; if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:fName]) { [manager removeFileAtPath:fName handler:nil]; } fName = [fileName stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"gif"]; if ([manager fileExistsAtPath:fName]) { [manager removeFileAtPath:fName handler:nil]; } } if (self->pictureData !=nil && self->pictureFilePath != nil && [self->pictureData length] > 0) { fName = [fileName stringByAppendingPathExtension: [self->pictureFilePath pathExtension]]; isOk = [self->pictureData writeToFile:fName atomically:YES]; [self assert:isOk reason:@"error during save of person/enterprise picture"]; } } LSRunCommandV(_context, @"object", @"add-log", @"logText" , [self valueForKey:@"logText"], @"action" , [self valueForKey:@"logAction"], @"objectToLog", [self object], nil); } /* accessors */ - (void)setTelephones:(NSArray *)_telephones { ASSIGN(self->telephones, _telephones); } - (NSArray *)telephones { return self->telephones; } /* company info accessors */ - (void)setComment:(NSString *)_comment { if (self->comment != _comment) { RELEASE(self->comment); self->comment = nil; self->comment = [_comment copyWithZone:[self zone]]; } } - (NSString *)comment { return self->comment; } - (void)setPictureData:(NSData *)_pictureData { ASSIGN(self->pictureData, _pictureData); } - (NSData *)pictureData { return self->pictureData; } - (void)setPictureFilePath:(NSString *)_pictureFilePath { ASSIGN(self->pictureFilePath, _pictureFilePath); } - (NSString *)pictureFilePath { return self->pictureFilePath; } - (void)setDeleteImage:(BOOL)_flag { self->deleteImage = _flag; } - (BOOL)deleteImage { return self->deleteImage; } /* key/value coding */ - (void)takeValue:(id)_value forKey:(NSString *)_key { if ([_key isEqualToString:@"telephones"]) { [self setTelephones:_value]; return; } if ([_key isEqualToString:@"comment"]) { [self setComment:_value]; return; } if ([_key isEqualToString:@"pictureData"]) { [self setPictureData:_value]; return; } if ([_key isEqualToString:@"pictureFilePath"]) { [self setPictureFilePath:_value]; return; } if ([_key isEqualToString:@"deleteImage"]) { [self setDeleteImage:[_value boolValue]]; return; } [super takeValue:_value forKey:_key]; } - (id)valueForKey:(NSString *)_key { if ([_key isEqualToString:@"comment"]) return [self comment]; if ([_key isEqualToString:@"telephones"]) return [self telephones]; if ([_key isEqualToString:@"pictureData"]) return [self pictureData]; if ([_key isEqualToString:@"pictureFilePath"]) return [self pictureFilePath]; if ([_key isEqualToString:@"deleteImage"]) return [NSNumber numberWithBool:[self deleteImage]]; return [super valueForKey:_key]; } /* PrivateMethodes */ - (void)_increaseVersion { id obj = nil; int vCount = 0; obj = [self object]; vCount = [[obj valueForKey:@"objectVersion"] intValue] + 1; [obj takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:vCount] forKey:@"objectVersion"]; } /* ExtendedAttributes */ - (NSDictionary *)_fetchDefaultExtendedAttributes:(id)_context { NSMutableDictionary *attrs; attrs = [self _getDefaults:@"Public" with:_context]; [attrs addEntriesFromDictionary:[self _getDefaults:@"Private" with:_context]]; return attrs; } // _status should be "Private" or "Public" - (NSMutableDictionary *)_getDefaults:(NSString *)_status with:(id)_context { BOOL isPrivate; id account; NSString *key; NSUserDefaults *defs; isPrivate = [_status isEqualToString:@"Private"]; account = [_context valueForKey:LSAccountKey]; key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Sky%@Extended", _status]; defs = nil; if (account == nil) { defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; } else { defs = LSRunCommandV(_context, @"userdefaults", @"get", @"user", account, nil); } key = [key stringByAppendingString:[self entityName]]; key = [key stringByAppendingString:@"Attributes"]; //e.g. key = "SkyPublicExtendedPersonAttributes" { NSMutableDictionary *result; NSEnumerator *attrEnum; NSMutableDictionary *attr; result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16]; attrEnum = [[defs arrayForKey:key] objectEnumerator]; while ((attr = [attrEnum nextObject])) { [self assert:([attr objectForKey:@"key"] != nil) reason:@"Extended attribute: missing attribute 'key'"]; if (isPrivate) [attr setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"isPrivate"]; [result setObject:attr forKey:[attr objectForKey:@"key"]]; } return result; } } @end /* LSSetCompanyCommand */