/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include #if 0 @interface SkyPalmAddressCategoryDocument : SkyPalmCategoryDocument {} @end @interface SkyPalmMemoCategoryDocument : SkyPalmCategoryDocument {} @end @interface SkyPalmJobCategoryDocument : SkyPalmCategoryDocument {} @end #endif @interface SkyPalmCategoryDocument(PrivatMethods) - (void)_setSourceAndParse:(NSDictionary *)_src; - (void)_setDataSource:(SkyPalmCategoryDataSource *)_ds; @end #include #include @implementation SkyPalmCategoryDocument - (id)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)_src fromDataSource:(SkyPalmCategoryDataSource *)_ds { if ((self = [self init])) { self->palmId = 0; self->categoryIndex = 0; [self _setSourceAndParse:_src]; [self _setDataSource:_ds]; if ([self isNewRecord]) [self prepareAsNew]; } return self; } - (id)initAsNewWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)_src fromDataSource:(SkyPalmCategoryDataSource *)_ds { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [_src mutableCopy]; [dict removeObjectForKey:@"globalID"]; self = [self initWithDictionary:dict fromDataSource:_ds]; RELEASE(dict); return self; } - (id)initAsNewFromDataSource:(SkyPalmCategoryDataSource *)_ds { return [self initWithDictionary:[NSDictionary dictionary] fromDataSource:_ds]; } #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_BOEHM_GC - (void)dealloc { RELEASE(self->source); RELEASE(self->dataSource); // values RELEASE(self->categoryName); RELEASE(self->md5Hash); RELEASE(self->deviceId); [super dealloc]; } #endif // accessors - (void)setPalmId:(int)_pid { self->palmId = _pid; } - (int)palmId { return self->palmId; } - (void)setIsModified:(BOOL)_flag { self->isModified = _flag; } - (BOOL)isModified { return self->isModified; } - (void)setCategoryIndex:(int)_idx { self->categoryIndex = _idx; } - (int)categoryIndex { return self->categoryIndex; } - (void)setCategoryName:(NSString *)_name { ASSIGN(self->categoryName,_name); } - (NSString *)categoryName { return self->categoryName; } - (void)setMd5Hash:(NSString *)_hash { ASSIGN(self->md5Hash,_hash); } - (NSString *)md5Hash { return self->md5Hash; } - (void)setDeviceId:(NSString *)_did { ASSIGN(self->deviceId,_did); } - (NSString *)deviceId { return self->deviceId; } // initalizing - (void)_setSource:(NSDictionary *)_dict { ASSIGN(self->source,_dict); } - (void)_parseDict:(NSDictionary *)_dict { [self setPalmId: [[_dict valueForKey:@"palm_id"] intValue]]; [self setIsModified: [[_dict valueForKey:@"is_modified"] boolValue]]; [self setCategoryIndex: [[_dict valueForKey:@"category_index"] intValue]]; [self setCategoryName: [_dict valueForKey:@"category_name"]]; [self setMd5Hash: [_dict valueForKey:@"md5hash"]]; [self setDeviceId: [_dict valueForKey:@"device_id"]]; } - (void)_setSourceAndParse:(NSDictionary *)_src { [self _setSource:_src]; [self _parseDict:_src]; } - (void)_setDataSource:(SkyPalmCategoryDataSource *)_ds { ASSIGN(self->dataSource,_ds); } - (void)prepareAsNew { NSString *device = [[self devices] objectAtIndex:0]; // NSLog(@"%s Preparing as new", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (device == nil) { NSLog(@"%s !!!! WARNING !!!! parent %@ has no valid devices", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self->dataSource); return; } [self setPalmId:0]; [self setIsModified:NO]; [self setCategoryIndex:0]; [self setCategoryName:@"Unfiled"]; [self setMd5Hash:@" "]; [self setDeviceId:device]; } - (void)updateSource:(NSDictionary *)_src fromDataSource:(SkyPalmCategoryDataSource *)_ds { if (_ds == self->dataSource) [self _setSourceAndParse:_src]; else { // _ds has no access to modifie document } } // other - (id)globalID { return [self->source valueForKey:@"globalID"]; } - (NSNumber *)companyId { return [self->source valueForKey:@"company_id"]; } - (NSArray *)devices { return [self->dataSource devices]; } - (BOOL)isNewRecord { if ([self globalID] == nil) return YES; return NO; } - (NSMutableDictionary *)asDictionary { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [self->source mutableCopy]; [dict takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self palmId]] forKey:@"palm_id"]; [dict takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[self isModified]] forKey:@"is_modified"]; [dict takeValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self categoryIndex]] forKey:@"category_index"]; [dict takeValue:[self categoryName] forKey:@"category_name"]; [dict takeValue:[self md5Hash] forKey:@"md5hash"]; [dict takeValue:[self deviceId] forKey:@"device_id"]; [dict takeValue:[self palmTable] forKey:@"palm_table"]; AUTORELEASE(dict); return dict; } - (NSString *)palmTable { return [self->dataSource palmTable]; } // helper - (NSString *)_md5Source { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@%@", [[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self palmId]] stringValue], [[NSNumber numberWithInt:[self categoryIndex]] stringValue], [self categoryName], [self palmTable]]; } - (NSString *)generateMD5Hash { NGMD5Generator *generator = nil; NSString *src = nil; NSString *digest = nil; generator = [[NGMD5Generator alloc] init]; src = [self _md5Source]; [generator encodeData:[src dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; digest = [generator digestAsString]; RELEASE(generator); return digest; } // actions - (id)saveWithoutReset { if ([self isNewRecord]) { [self->dataSource insertObject:self]; } else { [self->dataSource updateObject:self]; } return self; } - (id)save { if (![self isNewRecord]) [self setIsModified:YES]; return [self saveWithoutReset]; } - (id)revert { if ([self isNewRecord]) [self prepareAsNew]; [self _parseDict:self->source]; return self; } - (id)delete { if ([self globalID] != nil) [self->dataSource deleteObject:self]; return nil; } - (id)reload { [self _setSource:[self->dataSource fetchDictionaryForDocument:self]]; return nil; } // description - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@ Name:'%@' Index:%d PalmID:%d>", [super description], [self categoryName], [self categoryIndex], [self palmId]]; } - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)_other { // both should not be modified if (self == _other) return YES; if ([_other categoryIndex] != [self categoryIndex]) return NO; if (![[_other palmTable] isEqualToString:[self palmTable]]) return NO; return YES; } @end /* SkyPalmCategoryDocument */