/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "SxFreeBusyManager.h" #include "common.h" #include #include #include // TODO: HACK! Why is the backend calling into the frontend?! //#include @implementation SxFreeBusyManager static SxFreeBusyManager *sharedInstance = NULL; + (id)freeBusyManager { if (sharedInstance == NULL) { sharedInstance = [[SxFreeBusyManager alloc] init]; } return sharedInstance; } - (EOAdaptor *)adaptor { if (self->adaptor == nil) { NSUserDefaults *defs; NSString *adaptorName; NSDictionary *conDict; defs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; adaptorName = [defs stringForKey:@"LSAdaptor"]; self->adaptor = [[EOAdaptor adaptorWithName:adaptorName] retain]; if ((conDict = [self->adaptor connectionDictionary]) == nil) { /* no connection dictionary set in adaptor .. */ *(&conDict) = [defs dictionaryForKey:@"LSConnectionDictionary"]; if (conDict) [self->adaptor setConnectionDictionary:conDict]; } } return self->adaptor; } - (EOAdaptorContext *)adaptorContext { if (self->context == nil) { self->context = [[[self adaptor] createAdaptorContext] retain]; } return self->context; } - (EOAdaptorChannel *)adaptorChannel { if (self->channel == nil) { self->channel = [[[self adaptorContext] createAdaptorChannel] retain]; } return self->channel; } - (NSString *)modelName { NSString *modelName; if (self->model) return [self->model name]; modelName = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"LSModelName"]; if (modelName == nil) { EOAdaptorChannel *chan; EOAdaptorContext *ctx; BOOL canConnect = YES; NS_DURING { chan = [self adaptorChannel]; ctx = [self adaptorContext]; if (![chan isOpen]) { if (![chan openChannel]) { canConnect = NO; modelName = nil; } } if (canConnect) { if ([chan evaluateExpression: @"SELECT model_name FROM object_model"]) { NSArray *attrs; NSDictionary *record; attrs = [chan describeResults]; record = [chan fetchAttributes:attrs withZone:NULL]; [chan cancelFetch]; modelName = [record objectForKey:@"modelName"]; [ctx commitTransaction]; } [chan closeChannel]; } else { [self logWithFormat:@"couldn't begin transaction to get modelname."]; modelName = nil; } } NS_HANDLER { fprintf(stderr, "[%s] connection failed: %s\n", [[self description] cString], [[localException description] cString]); fflush(stderr); canConnect = NO; } NS_ENDHANDLER; } return modelName; } - (EOModel *)model { NSString *modelName; if (self->model != nil) return self->model; if ((modelName = [self modelName])) { NGBundleManager *bm; NSString *modelPath; NSBundle *modelBundle; if ((bm = [NGBundleManager defaultBundleManager]) == nil) NSLog(@"ERROR: couldn't instantiate bundle manager !"); modelBundle = [bm bundleProvidingResource:modelName ofType:@"EOModels"]; if (modelBundle == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR: did not find bundle for model %@ (type=EOModels)", modelName); modelPath = nil; return nil; } else { modelPath = [modelBundle pathForResource:modelName ofType:@"eomodel"]; if (modelPath == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR: did not find path for model %@ " @"(type=eomodel) in bundle %@", modelName, modelBundle); return nil; } } if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:modelPath]) { self->model = [[EOModel alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:modelPath]; } if (self->model == nil) { NSString *path; path = [[NGBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:modelName ofType:@"eomodel"]; if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:path]) { self->model = [[EOModel alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path]; } } if (self->model == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): could not load model %@ !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, modelName); return nil; } } else { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): no model name set", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return nil; } return self->model; } - (void)appendFirst:(NSString *)_str as:(NSString *)_as to:(NSMutableString *)_ms { [_ms appendString:_str]; [_ms appendString:@" AS "]; [_ms appendString:_as]; } - (void)append:(NSString *)_str as:(NSString *)_as to:(NSMutableString *)_ms { [_ms appendString:@", "]; [self appendFirst:_str as:_as to:_ms]; } - (NSString *)formatDate:(NSCalendarDate *)_date { EOEntity *dateEntity; EOAttribute *startDateAttr; dateEntity = [[self model] entityNamed:@"Date"]; startDateAttr = [dateEntity attributeNamed:@"startDate"]; if (startDateAttr == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR[%s]: cannot get startDate attribute of entity Date", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return nil; } return [[self adaptor] formatValue:_date forAttribute:startDateAttr]; } - (NSString *)formatEmail:(NSString *)_email { EOEntity *cvEntity; EOAttribute *valueAttr; cvEntity = [[self model] entityNamed:@"CompanyValue"]; valueAttr = [cvEntity attributeNamed:@"value"]; if (valueAttr == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR[%s]: cannot get valueString attribute of entity " @"CompanyValue[%@] (model: %@)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, cvEntity, [self model]); return nil; } return [[self adaptor] formatValue:_email forAttribute:valueAttr]; } - (NSString *)formatCompanyId:(id)_companyId { EOEntity *personEntity; EOAttribute *valueAttr; personEntity = [[self model] entityNamed:@"Person"]; valueAttr = [personEntity attributeNamed:@"companyId"]; if (valueAttr == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR[%s]: cannot get companyId attribute of entity " @"Person", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return nil; } return [[self adaptor] formatValue:_companyId forAttribute:valueAttr]; } - (NSString *)dateTableName { return [[[self model] entityNamed:@"Date"] externalName]; } - (NSString *)dateCompanyAssignmentTableName { return [[[self model] entityNamed:@"DateCompanyAssignment"] externalName]; } - (NSString *)personTableName { return [[[self model] entityNamed:@"Person"] externalName]; } - (NSString *)companyAssignmentTableName { return [[[self model] entityNamed:@"CompanyAssignment"] externalName]; } - (NSString *)companyValueTableName { return [[[self model] entityNamed:@"CompanyValue"] externalName]; } - (NSString *)teamTableName { return [[[self model] entityNamed:@"Team"] externalName]; } - (id)freeBusyDataForExpression:(NSString *)_sql { NSString *sql; EOAdaptorChannel *chan; EOAdaptorContext *ctx; NSArray *attributes; id record; NSMutableArray *result; BOOL closeConnection; static id values[4]; static id keys[4] = { @"startDate", @"endDate", @"fbtype", @"busytype" }; sql = _sql; chan = [self adaptorChannel]; ctx = [self adaptorContext]; closeConnection = NO; if (![chan isOpen]) { [chan openChannel]; closeConnection = YES; } [ctx beginTransaction]; if (![chan isOpen]) { return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"SQLException" reason:@"channel is not open" userInfo:nil]; } if (![chan evaluateExpression:sql]) { [ctx rollbackTransaction]; if (closeConnection) { [chan closeChannel]; } return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"SQLException" reason:@"could not execute SQL statement" userInfo:nil]; } if ((attributes = [chan describeResults]) == nil) { [chan cancelFetch]; [ctx rollbackTransaction]; if (closeConnection) { [chan closeChannel]; } return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"SQLException" reason: @"could not get a description of the SQL results" userInfo:nil]; } result = [NSMutableArray array]; while ((record = [chan fetchAttributes:attributes withZone:NULL])) { values[0] = [record objectForKey:@"startdate"]; values[1] = [record objectForKey:@"enddate"]; values[2] = [record objectForKey:@"fbtype"]; values[3] = [record objectForKey:@"busytype"]; [result addObject: [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:values forKeys:keys count:4]]; } [ctx rollbackTransaction]; if (closeConnection) [chan closeChannel]; return result; } - (NSString *)buildExpressionForEmail:(NSString *)_email from:(NSCalendarDate *)_from to:(NSCalendarDate *)_to { NSString *emailString; NSString *fromString; NSString *toString; NSMutableString *ms; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:32]; emailString = [self formatEmail:_email]; fromString = [self formatDate:_from]; toString = [self formatDate:_to]; // SELECT [ms appendString:@"SELECT DISTINCT " @"d.date_id as pkey, " @"d.start_date as startdate, " @"d.end_date as enddate, " @"d.fbtype as fbtype, " @"d.busy_type as busytype"]; // FROM [ms appendString:@" FROM "]; [self appendFirst:[self dateTableName] as:@"d" to:ms]; [self append:[self dateCompanyAssignmentTableName] as:@"dca" to:ms]; [self append:[self personTableName] as:@"p" to:ms]; [self append:[self companyAssignmentTableName] as:@"ca" to:ms]; [self append:[self teamTableName] as:@"t" to:ms]; [self append:[self companyValueTableName] as:@"cv" to:ms]; [ms appendFormat:@" WHERE " @"lower(cv.value_string) = %@ AND " @"lower(cv.attribute) = 'email1' AND " @"p.db_status <> 'archived' AND " @"p.company_id = cv.company_id AND " @"ca.sub_company_id = p.company_id AND " @"t.company_id = ca.company_id AND " @"(dca.company_id = p.company_id OR dca.company_id = t.company_id) AND " @"d.end_date > %@ AND " @"d.start_date < %@ AND " @"d.date_id = dca.date_id", emailString, fromString, toString]; return ms; } - (NSString *)buildExpressionForCompanyId:(id)_companyId from:(NSCalendarDate *)_from to:(NSCalendarDate *)_to { NSString *companyIdString; NSString *fromString; NSString *toString; NSMutableString *ms; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:32]; companyIdString = [self formatCompanyId:_companyId]; fromString = [self formatDate:_from]; toString = [self formatDate:_to]; // SELECT [ms appendString:@"SELECT DISTINCT " @"d.date_id as pkey, " @"d.start_date as startdate, " @"d.end_date as enddate, " @"d.fbtype as fbtype, " @"d.busy_type as busytype"]; // FROM [ms appendString:@" FROM "]; [self appendFirst:[self dateTableName] as:@"d" to:ms]; [self append:[self dateCompanyAssignmentTableName] as:@"dca" to:ms]; [self append:[self personTableName] as:@"p" to:ms]; [self append:[self companyAssignmentTableName] as:@"ca" to:ms]; [self append:[self teamTableName] as:@"t" to:ms]; [ms appendFormat:@" WHERE " @"p.company_id = %@ AND " @"p.db_status <> 'archived' AND " @"ca.sub_company_id = p.company_id AND " @"t.company_id = ca.company_id AND " @"(dca.company_id = p.company_id OR dca.company_id = t.company_id) AND " @"d.end_date > %@ AND " @"d.start_date < %@ AND " @"d.date_id = dca.date_id", companyIdString, fromString, toString]; return ms; } - (id)freeBusyDataForEmail:(NSString *)_email { NSCalendarDate *now = [NSCalendarDate date]; return [self freeBusyDataForEmail:_email from:[now dateByAddingYears:0 months:-3 days:0] to:[now dateByAddingYears:0 months:3 days:0]]; } - (id)freeBusyDataForEmail:(NSString *)_email from:(NSCalendarDate *)_from to:(NSCalendarDate *)_to { EOKeyGlobalID *gid; // TODO: HACK HACK: why is the backend calling into the frontend? gid = (EOKeyGlobalID *)[NSClassFromString(@"SxAppointment") gidForPKeyEmail:_email]; return [self freeBusyDataForExpression: (gid != nil) ? [self buildExpressionForCompanyId:[gid keyValues][0] from:_from to:_to] : [self buildExpressionForEmail:_email from:_from to:_to]]; } - (id)freeBusyDataForCompanyId:(id)_companyId { NSCalendarDate *now = [NSCalendarDate date]; return [self freeBusyDataForCompanyId:_companyId from:[now dateByAddingYears:0 months:-3 days:0] to:[now dateByAddingYears:0 months:3 days:0]]; } - (id)freeBusyDataForCompanyId:(id)_companyId from:(NSCalendarDate *)_from to:(NSCalendarDate *)_to { return [self freeBusyDataForExpression: [self buildExpressionForCompanyId:_companyId from:_from to:_to]]; } @end /* SxFreeBusyManager */