/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // $Id$ #include "SkyInvoicePrintoutFormatter.h" #include "common.h" #include #include @class NSDateFormatter, NSNumberFormatter; @interface SkyInvoicePrintoutFormatter(PrivateMethods) - (id)invoice; - (NSArray *)invoices; - (NSArray *)articles; - (id)debitor; - (NSString *)currency; - (NSString*)_stringWithSettings:(NSDictionary*)_settings andObject:(id)_obj; - (void)setDefaultSettings:(NSDictionary*)_settings; - (void)setFormatSettings:(NSDictionary*)_settings; @end #include "SkyCurrencyFormatter.h" @implementation SkyInvoicePrintoutFormatter - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { self->formattedString = nil; self->currency = @"DEM"; RETAIN(self->currency); } return self; } + (SkyInvoicePrintoutFormatter *) skyInvoicePrintoutFormatterWithDefaultSettings: (NSDictionary *)_settings { SkyInvoicePrintoutFormatter *format = [[SkyInvoicePrintoutFormatter alloc] init]; [format setDefaultSettings:_settings]; return AUTORELEASE(format); } #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_BOEHM_GC - (void)dealloc { RELEASE(self->invoice); RELEASE(self->invoices); RELEASE(self->articles); RELEASE(self->debitor); RELEASE(self->defaultSettings); RELEASE(self->formatSettings); RELEASE(self->formattedString); RELEASE(self->currency); [super dealloc]; } #endif - (NSString *)labelForCurrency { if ([self->currency isEqualToString:@"DEM"]) return @"DM"; return self->currency; } //printing functions - (NSString*)_stringWithFormat:(NSString*)_format andObject:(id)_obj { NSArray *sep = [_format componentsSeparatedByString:@"{%"]; NSEnumerator *sepEnum = [sep objectEnumerator]; NSString *str; NSString *output = @""; while ((str = [sepEnum nextObject])) { NSMutableArray* strs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [str componentsSeparatedByString:@"}"]]; if ([strs count] > 1) { NSString *toReplace = [strs objectAtIndex:0]; NSArray *replaceStrings = [toReplace componentsSeparatedByString:@"%"]; NSString *format = [replaceStrings objectAtIndex:0]; NSString *key = [replaceStrings objectAtIndex:1]; NSString *readyString; id value; [strs removeObjectAtIndex:0]; // toReplaceString if (![key isEqualToString:@""]) { value = [self _stringWithSettings:[self->formatSettings objectForKey:key] andObject: _obj]; } else { value = _obj != nil ? [_obj stringValue] : @""; } format = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%%%@", format]; readyString = [NSString stringWithFormat: format, value]; str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", readyString, [strs componentsJoinedByString:@"}"]]; } else { str = str; } output = [output stringByAppendingString: str]; } return output; } - (NSString*)_stringWithSettings:(NSDictionary*)_settings andObject:(id)_obj { NSString *object = nil; NSString *key = nil; NSString *type = nil; NSString *subItem = nil; NSString *value = nil; NSString *nullString = nil; NSString *dateFormat = nil; NSString *numberFormat = nil; NSString *numberFormat_tSep = nil; NSString *numberFormat_dSep = nil; NSString *split = nil; BOOL isCurrency = NO; NSString *readyString = @""; id subObj = nil; object = [_settings objectForKey:@"object"]; key = [_settings objectForKey:@"key"]; type = [_settings objectForKey:@"type"]; subItem = [_settings objectForKey:@"subItem"]; value = [_settings objectForKey:@"value"]; nullString = [_settings objectForKey:@"nullString"]; dateFormat = [_settings objectForKey:@"dateFormat"]; numberFormat = [_settings objectForKey:@"numberFormat"]; numberFormat_tSep = [_settings objectForKey:@"numberFormat_tSep"]; numberFormat_dSep = [_settings objectForKey:@"numberFormat_dSep"]; split = [_settings objectForKey:@"split"]; isCurrency = [[_settings objectForKey:@"isCurrency"] boolValue]; if (value != nil) return value; if ((_obj != nil) && ([_obj isNotNull]) && ([_obj isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) && (!([type isEqualToString:@"list"] && (key == nil)) )) _obj = [_obj lastObject]; if (object != nil) { if ([object isEqualToString:@"invoice"]) _obj = [self invoice]; else if ([object isEqualToString:@"invoices"]) _obj = [self invoices]; else if ([object isEqualToString:@"articles"]) _obj = [self articles]; else if ([object isEqualToString:@"debitor"]) _obj = [self debitor]; else if ([object isEqualToString:@"now"]) _obj = [NSCalendarDate date]; else if ([object isEqualToString:@"currency"]) return [self labelForCurrency]; } if ((key != nil) && (_obj != nil)) subObj = [_obj valueForKey:key]; else subObj = _obj; if ((split != nil) && ([type isEqualToString:@"list"])) subObj = [[subObj stringValue] componentsSeparatedByString:split]; else if (dateFormat != nil) { NSDateFormatter *dform = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] initWithDateFormat:dateFormat allowNaturalLanguage:NO]; subObj = [dform stringForObjectValue: subObj]; RELEASE(dform); dform = nil; } else if (numberFormat != nil) { NSFormatter *nform = nil; if (isCurrency) { nform = [[SkyCurrencyFormatter alloc] init]; [(SkyCurrencyFormatter *)nform setCurrency:self->currency]; } else { nform = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; } [(NSNumberFormatter *)nform setFormat: numberFormat]; if (numberFormat_tSep != nil) [(NSNumberFormatter *)nform setThousandSeparator:numberFormat_tSep]; if (numberFormat_dSep != nil) [(NSNumberFormatter *)nform setDecimalSeparator:numberFormat_dSep]; subObj = [nform stringForObjectValue: subObj]; RELEASE(nform); nform = nil; } if (nullString != nil) { if ((subObj == nil) || (![subObj isNotNull]) || (([subObj isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) && ([subObj count] == 0)) || (([subObj isKindOfClass: [NSString class]]) && (([subObj isEqualToString:@""]) || ([subObj isEqualToString:@" "]))) ) return nullString; } if ([type isEqualToString:@"key"]) { if (subItem != nil) readyString = [self _stringWithFormat: [self->formatSettings objectForKey:subItem] andObject:subObj]; else readyString = [subObj stringValue]; } else if ([type isEqualToString:@"list"]) { NSEnumerator *objEnum = [subObj objectEnumerator]; id obj; obj = nil; if (subItem != nil) { while ((obj = [objEnum nextObject])) { readyString = [readyString stringByAppendingString: [self _stringWithFormat: [self->formatSettings objectForKey:subItem] andObject: obj]]; } } else { while ((obj = [objEnum nextObject])) readyString = [readyString stringByAppendingString: [obj stringValue]]; } } if (nullString != nil) { if ([readyString length] == 0) { return nullString; } } return readyString; } - (void)setFormattedString:(NSString*)_formatted { ASSIGN(self->formattedString, _formatted); } - (NSString*)formattedString { NSString* formatted = self->formattedString; if (formatted == nil) { formatted = [self _stringWithFormat:[self->formatSettings objectForKey:@"MAIN"] andObject: nil]; [self setFormattedString: formatted]; } return formatted; } //accessors - (void)setInvoice:(id)_invoice { ASSIGN(self->invoice, _invoice); } - (id)invoice { return self->invoice; } - (void)setInvoices:(NSArray *)_invoices { ASSIGN(self->invoices, _invoices); } - (NSArray *)invoices { return self->invoices; } - (void)setArticles:(NSArray *)_articles { ASSIGN(self->articles, _articles); } - (NSArray*)articles { return self->articles; } - (void)setDebitor:(id)_debitor { ASSIGN(self->debitor, _debitor); } - (id)debitor { return self->debitor; } - (void)setDefaultSettings:(NSDictionary *)_settings { ASSIGN(self->defaultSettings, _settings); [self setFormatSettings:_settings]; } - (NSDictionary*)defaultSettings { return self->defaultSettings; } - (void)setFormatSettings:(NSDictionary*)_settings { NSMutableDictionary *settings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:self->formatSettings]; [settings addEntriesFromDictionary:_settings]; ASSIGN(self->formatSettings, settings); } - (id)formatSettings { return self->formatSettings; } - (NSData*)createOutput { return [[self formattedString] dataUsingEncoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]]; } - (NSString*)stringForKey:(NSString*)_key andObject:(id)_obj { return [self _stringWithFormat:[self->formatSettings objectForKey:_key] andObject:_obj]; } - (void)setCurrency:(NSString *)_cur { ASSIGN(self->currency,_cur); } - (NSString *)currency { return self->currency; } @end