/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OGo OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //$Id$ #include "SkyAccountApplication.h" #include "SkyAccountAction.h" #include #include "common.h" @implementation SkyAccountApplication static NSArray *AccountAttrNames = nil; static NSArray *AccountAttrs = nil; static NSArray *GroupAttrNames = nil; static NSArray *GroupAttrs = nil; static NSArray *CompanyAssAttrNames = nil; static NSArray *CompanyAssAttrs = nil; /* Caches: login2AccountCache --> login -> {login,..} uid2AccountCache --> uid -> {login,..} name2GroupCache --> gname -> {description,..} gid2GroupCache --> gid -> {description,..} uid2GroupCache --> uid -> ({description,..},..) gid2AccountCache --> gid -> ({login,..}, ..) */ + (void)initialize { if (!AccountAttrNames) { AccountAttrNames = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"login", @"companyId", @"name", @"firstname", nil]; GroupAttrNames = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"description", @"companyId", @"isLocationTeam", nil]; CompanyAssAttrNames = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"companyId", @"subCompanyId", nil]; } } - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { [NGXmlRpcAction registerActionClass:[SkyAccountAction class] forURI:@"/RPC2"]; [SkyAccountAction registerMappingsInFile:@"SkyAccountActionMap"]; NS_DURING { [self initCache]; } NS_HANDLER { #warning disable this ABORT in production code! printf("got objc exception %s\n", [[localException description] cString]); abort(); } NS_ENDHANDLER; } return self; } - (void)buildAccountCacheWithModel:(EOModel *)model channel:(EOAdaptorChannel *)adChannel { EOSQLQualifier *qual; EOEntity *entity; entity = [model entityNamed:@"Person"]; if (AccountAttrs == nil) { NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSString *n; NSMutableArray *array; array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: [AccountAttrNames count]]; enumerator = [AccountAttrNames objectEnumerator]; while ((n = [enumerator nextObject])) { [array addObject:[entity attributeNamed:n]]; } AccountAttrs = [array copy]; RELEASE(array); array = nil; } qual = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity:entity qualifierFormat:@"%A <> '%@' AND %A = %@", @"dbStatus", @"archived", @"isAccount", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1], nil]; AUTORELEASE(qual); if (![adChannel selectAttributes:AccountAttrs describedByQualifier:qual fetchOrder:nil lock:NO]) { NSLog(@"ERROR[%s] couldn`t fetch attrs %@ with qual %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, AccountAttrs, qual); return; } { id obj; self->login2AccountCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:512]; self->uid2AccountCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:512]; while ((obj = [adChannel fetchAttributes:AccountAttrs withZone:nil])) { NSString *uid; uid = [[obj objectForKey:@"companyId"] stringValue]; [obj setObject:uid forKey:@"uid"]; [obj removeObjectForKey:@"companyId"]; [self->login2AccountCache setObject:obj forKey:[obj objectForKey:@"login"]]; [self->uid2AccountCache setObject:obj forKey:uid];; } } } - (void)buildAcccountsToGroupsRelations:(EOModel *)model channel:(EOAdaptorChannel *)adChannel { EOSQLQualifier *qual; EOEntity *entity; entity = [model entityNamed:@"CompanyAssignment"]; if (!CompanyAssAttrs) { NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSString *n; NSMutableArray *array; array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: [CompanyAssAttrNames count]]; enumerator = [CompanyAssAttrNames objectEnumerator]; while ((n = [enumerator nextObject])) { [array addObject:[entity attributeNamed:n]]; } CompanyAssAttrs = [array copy]; RELEASE(array); array = nil; } qual = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity:entity qualifierFormat:@"%A = %@", @"toTeam.isTeam", [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], nil]; AUTORELEASE(qual); if (![adChannel selectAttributes:CompanyAssAttrs describedByQualifier:qual fetchOrder:nil lock:NO]) { NSLog(@"ERROR[%s] couldn`t fetch attrs %@ with qual %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, GroupAttrs, qual); return; } { id obj; self->gid2AccountCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:128]; self->uid2GroupCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:512]; while ((obj = [adChannel fetchAttributes:AccountAttrs withZone:nil])) { NSMutableArray *array; NSString *gid, *uid; id o; gid = [[obj objectForKey:@"companyId"] stringValue]; uid = [[obj objectForKey:@"subCompanyId"] stringValue]; if (!(array = [self->gid2AccountCache objectForKey:gid])) { array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:64]; [self->gid2AccountCache setObject:array forKey:gid]; } if ((o = [self->uid2AccountCache objectForKey:uid])) [array addObject:o]; if (!(array = [self->uid2GroupCache objectForKey:uid])) { array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:8]; [self->uid2GroupCache setObject:array forKey:uid]; } if ((o = [self->gid2GroupCache objectForKey:gid])) { [array addObject:o]; } } } } - (void)buildGroupsCacheWithModel:(EOModel *)model channel:(EOAdaptorChannel *)adChannel { EOSQLQualifier *qual; EOEntity *entity; entity = [model entityNamed:@"Team"]; if (GroupAttrs == nil) { NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSString *n; NSMutableArray *array; array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: [GroupAttrNames count]]; enumerator = [GroupAttrNames objectEnumerator]; while ((n = [enumerator nextObject])) { [array addObject:[entity attributeNamed:n]]; } GroupAttrs = [array copy]; RELEASE(array); array = nil; } qual = [[EOSQLQualifier alloc] initWithEntity:entity qualifierFormat:@"%A <> '%@'", @"dbStatus", @"archived", nil]; AUTORELEASE(qual); if (![adChannel selectAttributes:GroupAttrs describedByQualifier:qual fetchOrder:nil lock:NO]) { NSLog(@"ERROR[%s] couldn`t fetch attrs %@ with qual %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, GroupAttrs, qual); return; } { id obj; self->name2GroupCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:128]; self->gid2GroupCache = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:128]; while ((obj = [adChannel fetchAttributes:AccountAttrs withZone:nil])) { NSString *uid; uid = [[obj objectForKey:@"companyId"] stringValue]; [obj setObject:uid forKey:@"gid"]; [obj removeObjectForKey:@"companyId"]; [self->name2GroupCache setObject:obj forKey:[obj objectForKey:@"description"]]; [self->gid2GroupCache setObject:obj forKey:uid];; } } } - (void)initCache { EOModel *model; EOAdaptor *adaptor; EODatabase *db; EODatabaseContext *dbContext; EOAdaptorChannel *adChannel; adaptor = [[self lso] adaptor]; db = [[EODatabase alloc] initWithAdaptor:adaptor]; dbContext = [db createContext]; adChannel = [[dbContext createChannel] adaptorChannel]; model = [adaptor model]; AUTORELEASE(db); if (db == nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: could not create database object !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return; } if (dbContext == nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: could not create database context for db %@ !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, db); return; } if (adChannel == nil) { NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: could not create adaptor channel for ctx %@ !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, dbContext); return; } if (![adChannel openChannel]) { NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: Couldn`t open channel %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, adChannel); return; } if (![[adChannel adaptorContext] beginTransaction]) { NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: Couldn`t begin transaction channel: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, adChannel); return; } [self buildAccountCacheWithModel:model channel:adChannel]; [self buildGroupsCacheWithModel:model channel:adChannel]; [self buildAcccountsToGroupsRelations:model channel:adChannel]; if (![[adChannel adaptorContext] commitTransaction]) { NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: Couldn`t commit transaction channel: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, adChannel); return; } [adChannel closeChannel]; } - (void)dealloc { RELEASE(self->login2AccountCache); RELEASE(self->uid2AccountCache); RELEASE(self->name2GroupCache); RELEASE(self->gid2GroupCache); RELEASE(self->gid2AccountCache); RELEASE(self->uid2GroupCache); [super dealloc]; } - (void)flushCache { } - (NSArray *)allGroups { return [self->gid2GroupCache allValues]; } - (NSDictionary *)groupById:(NSString *)_id { return [self->gid2GroupCache objectForKey:_id]; } - (NSDictionary *)groupByName:(NSString *)_name { return [self->name2GroupCache objectForKey:_name]; } - (NSArray *)accountsForGroup:(NSString *)_id { NSArray *a; if (!(a = [self->gid2AccountCache objectForKey:_id])) a = [NSArray array]; return a; } - (NSArray *)groupsForAccount:(NSString *)_id { NSArray *a; if (!(a = [self->uid2GroupCache objectForKey:_id])) a = [NSArray array]; return a; } - (NSDictionary *)accountById:(NSString *)_id { return [self->uid2AccountCache objectForKey:_id]; } - (NSDictionary *)accountByLogin:(NSString *)_id { return [self->login2AccountCache objectForKey:_id]; } - (void)insertAccount:(NSMutableDictionary *)_account { [self->login2AccountCache setObject:_account forKey:[_account objectForKey:@"login"]]; [self->uid2AccountCache setObject:_account forKey:[_account objectForKey:@"uid"]]; [self->uid2GroupCache setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:[_account objectForKey:@"uid"]]; } - (void)insertGroup:(NSMutableDictionary *)_group { [self->gid2GroupCache setObject:_group forKey:[_group objectForKey:@"gid"]]; [self->name2GroupCache setObject:_group forKey:[_group objectForKey:@"description"]]; [self->gid2AccountCache setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:[_group objectForKey:@"gid"]]; } - (void)flushCachesForLogin:(NSString *)_login { [self flushContextForLogin:_login]; [self->login2AccountCache removeObjectForKey:_login]; } - (void)flushCachesForGroupName:(NSString *)_name { [self->name2GroupCache removeObjectForKey:_name]; } - (void)flushCachesForGid:(NSString *)_gid { NSString *n; [self removeGroupFromAccountsCache:_gid]; n = [[self->gid2GroupCache objectForKey:_gid] objectForKey:@"description"]; [self->name2GroupCache removeObjectForKey:n]; [self->gid2GroupCache removeObjectForKey:_gid]; } - (void)flushCachesForUid:(NSString *)_uid { NSString *login; [self removeAccountFromGroupCache:_uid]; login = [[self->uid2AccountCache objectForKey:_uid] objectForKey:@"login"]; [self flushContextForLogin:login]; [self->login2AccountCache removeObjectForKey:login]; [self->uid2AccountCache removeObjectForKey:_uid]; } - (void)removeAccountFromGroupCache:(NSString *)_uid { NSEnumerator *groups; id obj, acc; acc = [self->uid2AccountCache objectForKey:_uid]; groups = [[self->uid2GroupCache objectForKey:_uid] objectEnumerator]; while ((obj = [groups nextObject])) { [[self->gid2AccountCache objectForKey:[obj objectForKey:@"gid"]] removeObject:acc]; } [self->uid2GroupCache removeObjectForKey:_uid]; } - (void)removeGroupFromAccountsCache:(NSString *)_gid { NSEnumerator *accounts; id obj, group; group = [self->gid2GroupCache objectForKey:_gid]; accounts = [[self->gid2AccountCache objectForKey:_gid] objectEnumerator]; while ((obj = [accounts nextObject])) { [[self->uid2GroupCache objectForKey:[obj objectForKey:@"uid"]] removeObject:group]; } [self->gid2AccountCache removeObjectForKey:_gid]; } - (void)removeAccounts:(NSArray *)_accounts fromGroup:(NSString *)_id { NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSString *account; enumerator = [_accounts objectEnumerator]; while ((account = [enumerator nextObject])) { [[self->gid2AccountCache objectForKey:_id] removeObject: [self->uid2AccountCache objectForKey:account]]; [[self->uid2GroupCache objectForKey:account] removeObject:_id]; } } - (void)addAccounts:(NSArray *)_accounts toGroup:(NSString *)_id { NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSString *account; enumerator = [_accounts objectEnumerator]; while ((account = [enumerator nextObject])) { [[self->gid2AccountCache objectForKey:_id] addObject: [self->uid2AccountCache objectForKey:account]]; [[self->uid2GroupCache objectForKey:account] addObject:_id]; } } @end