// $Id: LSWStaff.wod,v 1.8 2004/02/23 13:28:02 helge Exp $ Frame: LSWSkyrixFrame {} Window: LSWWindowFrame { title = labels.staffTitle; onClose = session.navigation.leavePage; } TabBody: SkyTabView { selection = tabKey; } AccountsTab: SkyTabItem { key = "accounts"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.accountsSubview; icon = "accounts"; } TeamsTab: SkyTabItem { key = "teams"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.teamsSubview; icon = "teams"; } IsSchedulerLicensed: SkyLicenseConditional { modules = ( Scheduler2 ); showInfo = NO; } ResourcesTab: SkyTabItem { key = "resources"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.aptResources; icon = "resources"; } LicenseTab: SkyTabItem { key = "licenses"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.licensesTab; icon = "licenses"; } DefaultsTab: SkyTabItem { key = "defaults"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.Defaults; icon = "defaults"; } DefaultsView: SkyDefaultsViewer { domains = ("Skyrix", "NSGlobalDomain", "skyxmlrpcd", "snsd", "skyaptnotify"); } SessionLogTab: SkyTabItem { key = "sessionlogs"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.sessionLogTab; icon = "log"; } // TODO: replace with WETableView AccountList: LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.accountList; start = start; label = labels.accounts; list = accounts; item = account; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = blockSize; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isDescending; attributes = ( { key = "login"; label = "Login"; sort = YES; action = "viewAccount"; }, { key = "description"; label = "Nickname"; sort = YES; }, { key = "email1"; label = "Email 1"; sort = YES; href = "mailto:"; }, { key = "groups"; labelKey = "teamLabel"; sort = NO; relKey = "description"; }, { key = "isLocked"; labelKey = "locked" ; sort = NO; isLocalized = YES; nilString = "0"; } ); } AccountButtons: SkyButtonRow { ordering = ( template, new ); hasNew = canCreateAccounts; onTemplate = newTemplate; onNew = newAccount; template = labels.newTemplate; new = labels.new; } // TODO: replace with WETableView TeamList: LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.teamList; start = start; label = labels.teams; list = teams; item = team; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = blockSize; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isDescending; attributes = ( { key = "description"; labelKey = "name"; sort = YES; action = "viewTeam"; }, { key = "email"; labelKey = "email"; sort = YES; href = "mailto:"; }, { key = "members"; labelKey = "members"; relKey = "login"; sort = NO; } ); } TeamButtons: SkyButtonRow { ordering = ( new ); onNew = newTeam; new = labels.new; } LicenseButtons: SkyButtonRow { ordering = ( new, shutdown ); onNew = onNew; onShutdown = onShutdown; new = labels.new; shutdown = labels.shutdown; } AptResourceList: SkyAptResourceList { aptResources = aptResources; } NoLicenseInstalled: WOConditional { condition = isLicenseInstalled; negate = NO; } EnterLicense: WOTextField { value = licenseValue; size = "50"; } LicenseList: LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.Licenses; start = start; label = labels.Licenses; list = application.licenseManager.licenses; item = license; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = blockSize; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isDescending; attributes = ( { key = "filename"; labelKey = "license_file"; sort = YES; changeFontColorCondition = "isLicenseValid"; fontColor = "#000000"; electFontColor = "#FF0000"; }, { key = "ownerCompany"; labelKey = "license_company"; }, { key = "ownerUser"; labelKey = "license_user"; }, { key = "licensedHost"; labelKey = "license_host"; changeFontColorCondition = "isLicenseValidOnHost"; fontColor = "#000000"; electFontColor = "#FF0000"; }, { key = "expireDate"; labelKey = "license_expire"; changeFontColorCondition = "isLicenseExpired"; fontColor = "#000000"; electFontColor = "#FF0000"; }, { key = "nuString"; labelKey = "nu"; }, { key = "cuString"; labelKey = "zidestore"; }, { key = "modules"; relKey = "stringValue"; labelKey = "license_modules"; }, { key = "isValidString"; labelKey = "isValid"; sort = YES; changeFontColorCondition = "isLicenseValid"; fontColor = "#000000"; electFontColor = "#FF0000"; isLocalized = YES; nilString = "0"; }, { key = "delete"; image = "icon_delete_license.gif"; labelKey = "delete"; action = "delete"; } ); } SessionLogList: LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.sessionLogs; start = start; label = labels.sessionLogs; list = sessionLogs; item = sessionLog; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = 100; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isLogDescending; dateFormatter = session.formatDateTime; attributes = ( { key = "logDate"; labelKey = "date"; sort = YES; }, { key = "account"; labelKey = "account"; sort = YES; relKey = "login"; }, { key = "action"; labelKey = "action"; sort = YES; } ); } // account/team search Form: WOForm { name = "searchform"; action = search; } SearchTextField: WOTextField { name = "focusField"; value = searchString; size = 20; } SearchSubmit: WOSubmitButton { value = labels.search; class = "button_narrow"; } SearchAllSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = searchAll; value = labels.searchall; class = "button_narrow"; } Font: SkyConfigFont {} EditFont: SkyConfigEditFont {} IsLogTabEnabled: WOConditional { condition = isLogTabEnabled; } IsDeleteLicenseWarning : WOConditional { condition = licenseWarningMode; } IsDeleteLicenseWarningElse : WOConditional { condition = licenseWarningMode; negate = YES; } Warning: LSWWarningPanel { onOk = "reallyDeleteLicense"; phrase = warningPhrase; } IsMailConfigEnabled : WOConditional { condition = isMailConfigEnabled; } MailConfigTab : SkyTabItem { key = "mailConfig"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.mailConfig; icon = "mailConfig"; } MailConfigView : SkyDefaultsViewer { domains = ("MTA"); }