// $Id: SkyInvoice.strings,v 1.3 2004/08/10 22:30:14 helge Exp $ 00_accounting = "comptabilisé" 00_created = "créé"; 01_03_quarter = "1er trimestre" 01_january = "janvier" 02_february = "février" 03_march = "mars" 04_06_quarter = "2ème trimestre" 04_april = "avril" 05_may = "mai" 05_monition_printout = "Affichage d'avertissement" 05_printed = "imprimé"; 06_june = "juin" 07_09_quarter = "3ème trimestre" 07_july = "juillet" 08_august = "août" 09_september = "septembre" 10_12_quarter = "4ème trimestre" 10_canceled = "annulé"; 10_invoice_printout = "imprimer la facture" 10_october = "octobre" 11_november = "novembre" 12_december = "décembre" 15_canceling = "Annulé" 15_monition = "Monition"; 16_monition2 = "2nd Monition"; 17_monition3 = "3rd Monition"; 20_done = "effectué"; 20_settling = "établi"; Faktura = "Facture" Invoice = "Facture" SkyArticleAssignmentEditor = "Éditeur d'article-facture" SkyArticleAssignmentViewer = "Visualisation d'article-facture" SkyArticleCategoryEditor = "Éditeur de catégorie" SkyArticleCategoryViewer = "Visualisation de catégorie" SkyArticleUnitEditor = "Éditeur d'unité" SkyArticleUnitViewer = "Visualisation d'unité" SkyInvoiceAccounting = "Nouveau compte" SkyInvoiceAccountViewer = "Visualisation de compte-facture" SkyInvoiceArticleEditor = "Éditeur d'article" SkyInvoiceArticleViewer = "Visualisation d'article" SkyInvoiceCopyPanel = "Copie de factures" SkyInvoiceEditor = "Éditeur de facture" SkyInvoicePreferences = "Préférences de facture" SkyInvoiceViewer = "Visualisation de facture" SkyInvoices = "facture" SkyUnsettledInvoicesViewer = "Visualisation des factures non rangées" accountings = "comptabilisés" accountNr = "CompteNo" action = "Action" actionsTitle = "Actions" actionsLabel = "Actions" additionalComment = "Commentaire additionnel" advancedSearch = "recherche avancée" allKindsSelected = "toutes les factures" allMonitionValue = "Arrears"; articleAssignmentEditorWindowTitle = "Éditeur d'affectation d'article-facture" articleAssignmentViewerWindowTitle = "Visualisation d'affectation d'article-facture" articleCategories = "Catégories d'article" articleCategory = "Catégories" articleCategoryEditorWindowTitle = "Éditeur de catégorie" articleCategoryViewerWindowTitle = "Visualisation de catégorie" articleCount = "Compte" articleName = "Nom" articleNr = "ArticleNr" articleUnit = "Unité" articleUnitEditorWindowTitle = "Éditeur d'unité" articleUnitViewerWindowTitle = "Visualisation d'unité" articleVat = "TVA" articles = "Articles" assignmentviewer_article = "Article" assignmentviewer_invoice = "Facture" attributes = "Attributs"; back = "Retour" balance = "Balance" blockSize = "Nombre d'entrée de liste" cancelButtonLabel = "Annuler" cancelInvoice = "Annuler facture" categoryName = "Description" categoryAbbrev = "Abréviation" certifyMonitionPrintout = "Certify Monition Printout" certifyPrintout = "Certify Printout" changeToMDLink = "Change to MDLink online service center GmbH" changeToSkyrix = "Change to SKYRIX Software AG" checkButtonLabel = "check" clip = "Presse-papier" comment = "Commentaire" copyInvoice = "Copie facture" copyInvoiceTo = "Copie facture à:"; copyInvoices = "Copie factures" currency = "unité monétaire"; date = "Date" debit = "Débit" debitor = "Débiteur" deleteArticle = "Supprimer l'article" deleteAssignment = "Supprimer affectation" deleteCategory = "Supprimer une catégorie" deleteInvoice = "Supprimer la facture" deleteInvoices = "Supprimer les factures" deleteUnit = "Supprimer une unité" description = "Description" document = "Document" editAccount = "Éditer compte facture" editArticle = "Éditer un article" editAssignment = "Éditer une mission" editCategory = "Éditer une catégorie" editInvoice = "Éditer une facture" editUnit = "Éditer l'unité" finishInvoice = "Facture établie" format = "Formater" grossAmount = "Gross Amount" highestMonitionLevel = "Monition Level" invoice = "Facture" invoiceAccounting = "Facture comptabilisé" invoiceAccount = "Numéro de la facture" invoiceAccountingWindowTitle = "New Compteing" invoiceAccountViewerWindowTitle = "Invoice Compte Viewer" invoiceAccounts = "Invoice Comptes" invoiceArticleEditorWindowTitle = "éditeur d'article" invoiceArticleViewerWindowTitle = "Article Viewer" invoiceCopyPanelWindowTitle = "Copier Invoices"; invoiceCopyPanel_yyyymmdd = "YYYY-MM-DD:"; invoiceDate = "Date" invoiceEditorWindowTitle = "Invoice éditeur" invoiceMonition = "Increase Reminder Level" invoiceMovePanelWindowTitle = "Move Invoices"; invoiceNr = "Facture" invoicePreferencesLabel = "Invoice Preferences" invoiceViewerWindowTitle = "Invoice Viewer" invoice_cancel = "Credit Advice" invoice_month = "Monthly Invoices" invoice_proforma = "Proforma Invoices" invoice_quarter = "Quarter Invoices" invoice_single = "Single Invoices" invoice_viewer_subview = "Invoice Viewer Subview" invoice_year = "Yearly Invoices" invoiceeditor_action = "action" invoiceeditor_addArticle = "Ajouter des articles" invoiceeditor_addArticlesError = "Syntaxerror" invoiceeditor_articleNr = "Nr" invoiceeditor_count = "compter" invoiceeditor_netAmount = "prix" invoiceeditor_searchDebitor = "Rechercher le Débiteur" invoiceeditor_singlePrice = "single price" invoices = "Invoices" invoices_listLabel = "Invoices" invoices_listTitle = "Invoices" invoices_windowLabel = "Invoices" invoiceviewer_articleList = "Articles" kind = "Kind" logsLabel = "Journaux" logsTitle = "Invoice Logs" logText = "Journaux texte" monitionLevel = "Monition Level"; monitions = "Monitions" moveInvoiceTo = "Déplacer les factures vers :"; moveInvoices = "Déplacer les factures" netAmount = "Montant net" new = "nouveau" noOfCols = "Nombre de colonnes" number = "Nombre" oldestUnsettledInvoiceDate = "Oldest Unsettled Invoice" overview_monthly = "vue d'ensemble mensuel" overview_quarter = "vue d'ensemble trimestrielle" paid = "Paid" pluralUnit = "Plural Unit" preview = "Afficheur"; price = "Prix" printInvoice = "Imprimer la facture" printIvnoices = "Imprimer les factures" printMonition = "Imprimer Monition"; removeButtonLabel = "supprimer" sales = "ventes" sales_all_but_created = "all but created invoices heeded" saveButtonLabel = "sauvegarder" showButtonLabel = "afficher" search = "rechercher" searchArticles = "Rechercher les articles" searchButtonLabel = "recherche" searchResult = "records trouvés" show = "afficher" singlePrice = "Single Price" singularUnit = "Singular Unit" status = "Statut" toPay = "à payer" unit = "Unité" units = "Unités" unsettledInvoices = "Unsettled Invoices"; unsettledInvoicesCount = "Unsettled Invoices" unsettledInvoicesFor = "Unsettled Invoices for: "; unsettled_invoices_windowLabel = "Unsettled Invoices Viewer"; updateButtonLabel = "mise à jour"