/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "PPSyncContext.h" #include "PPResourceDatabase.h" #include "PPRecordDatabase.h" #include "PPGlobalID.h" #include "PPClassDescription.h" #include "common.h" #include "PPTransaction.h" #include "pi-version.h" @interface PPSyncContext(PrivateMethods2) - (Class)_classForDatabaseNamed:(NSString *)_name creator:(unsigned long)_creator type:(unsigned long)_type; - (PPDatabase *)databaseNamed:(NSString *)_name; @end @implementation PPSyncContext - (id)initWithDescriptor:(int)_sd { if (_sd < 0) { RELEASE(self); self = nil; [NSException raise:@"InvalidArgumentException" format:@"got invalid descriptor %i !", _sd]; } self->sd = _sd; self->pisock = find_pi_socket(self->sd); self->fsd = ((struct pi_socket *)self->pisock)->sd; self->databases = NSCreateMapTable(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 128); self->openDatabases = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; self->deletedDatabases = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(classDescriptionNeededForClass:) name:@"EOClassDescriptionNeededForClass" object:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(classDescriptionNeededForEntityName:) name:@"EOClassDescriptionNeededForEntityName" object:nil]; { int i; for (i = 0; i < PPSync_MAXCARDS; i++) self->lastDBInfoIndex[i] = 0; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [EOClassDescription invalidateClassDescriptionCache]; RELEASE(self->pilotTimeZone); RELEASE(self->cachedEntities); RELEASE(self->openDatabases); RELEASE(self->deletedDatabases); NSFreeMapTable(self->databases); RELEASE(self->cards); RELEASE(self->successfulSyncDate); RELEASE(self->lastSyncDate); RELEASE(self->userName); RELEASE(self->password); RELEASE(self->syncHostName); RELEASE(self->syncAddress); RELEASE(self->syncSubnetMask); RELEASE(self->systemName); if (self->sd != -1) pi_close(self->sd); [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (int)fileDescriptor { return self->fsd; } - (void)setUserName:(NSString *)_name { if ([_name isEqualToString:self->userName]) return; self->userInfoChanged = YES; ASSIGN(self->userName, _name); } - (NSString *)userName { return self->userName; } - (void)updateLastSyncDate { NSDate *lastSync = [NSDate date]; self->userInfoChanged = YES; ASSIGN(self->lastSyncDate,lastSync); } - (void)updateSuccessfulSyncDate { NSDate *successfulSync = [NSDate date]; self->userInfoChanged = YES; ASSIGN(self->successfulSyncDate,successfulSync); [self updateLastSyncDate]; } - (NSString *)password { return self->password; } - (unsigned long)systemLocale { return self->systemLocale; } - (unsigned long)systemRomVersion { return self->systemRomVersion; } - (NSString *)systemName { return self->systemName; } - (void)setPilotTimeZone:(NSTimeZone *)_tz { NSLog(@"setting PilotTimeZone to %@", [_tz abbreviation]); ASSIGN(self->pilotTimeZone, _tz); } - (NSTimeZone *)pilotTimeZone { return self->pilotTimeZone ? self->pilotTimeZone : [NSTimeZone localTimeZone]; } - (NSArray *)availablePPDatabases { static NSArray *available = nil; if (available == nil) { NGBundleManager *bm; id one; bm = [NGBundleManager defaultBundleManager]; one = [bm providedResourcesOfType:@"PPDatabases"]; available = [one copy]; } return available; } - (Class)_ppDatabaseClassForPalmDb:(NSString *)_palmDb creator:(NSString *)_creator type:(NSString *)_type { EOQualifier *q; id resource; NSBundle *bundle; q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"creator=%@ AND type=%@ AND name=%@", _creator, _type, _palmDb]; resource = [[self availablePPDatabases] filteredArrayUsingQualifier:q]; if (![resource count]) { q = [EOQualifier qualifierWithQualifierFormat: @"creator=%@ AND type=%@", _creator, _type]; resource = [[self availablePPDatabases] filteredArrayUsingQualifier:q]; } resource = [resource lastObject]; if (resource == nil) return [PPRecordDatabase class]; { NSString *rname = [resource valueForKey:@"name"]; if (([rname length]) && (![rname isEqualToString:_palmDb])) // name is give, so must be the same return [PPRecordDatabase class]; } bundle = [[NGBundleManager defaultBundleManager] bundleProvidingResourceOfType:@"PPDatabases" matchingQualifier:q]; if (bundle == nil) { NSLog(@"%s: didn't find bundle for PPDatabases: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, resource); return [PPRecordDatabase class]; } if (![bundle load]) { NSLog(@"%s: failed to load bundle %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, bundle); return [PPRecordDatabase class]; } resource = [resource valueForKey:@"class"]; if ([resource length]) { //NSLog(@"%s found %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, resource); return NSClassFromString(resource); } return [PPRecordDatabase class]; } /* operations */ - (Class)_classForDatabaseNamed:(NSString *)_name creator:(unsigned long)_creator type:(unsigned long)_type { if (_type == 'DATA') { switch (_creator) { case 'addr': return NSClassFromString(@"PPAddressDatabase"); case 'todo': return NSClassFromString(@"PPToDoDatabase"); case 'date': return NSClassFromString(@"PPDatebookDatabase"); case 'memo': return NSClassFromString(@"PPMemoDatabase"); } } { #if 1 NSString *creator; NSString *type; _creator = ntohl(_creator); _type = ntohl(_type); creator = [NSString stringWithCString:(char *)&_creator length:4]; type = [NSString stringWithCString:(char *)&_type length:4]; //NSLog(@"%s: looking for database %@ (creator:%@ type:%@)", // __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name, creator, type); return [self _ppDatabaseClassForPalmDb:_name creator:creator type:type]; #endif } return [PPRecordDatabase class]; } - (Class)_classForDatabaseNamed:(NSString *)_name withInfo:(struct DBInfo *)_info onCard:(int)_cardno { if (_info->flags & dlpDBFlagResource) return [PPResourceDatabase class]; else { return [self _classForDatabaseNamed:_name creator:_info->creator type:_info->type]; } } - (void)prepare { struct SysInfo sysInfo; struct NetSyncInfo nsi; struct PilotUser pu; id tmp; int i, len; if ((len = dlp_OpenConduit(self->sd)) < 0) NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't open conduit (error=%i) !", self, len); /* read common info */ if ((len = dlp_ReadSysInfo(self->sd, &sysInfo)) <= 0) NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't read system info (error=%i) !", self, len); else { self->systemRomVersion = sysInfo.romVersion; self->systemLocale = sysInfo.locale; #if ((PILOT_LINK_VERSION == 0) && (PILOT_LINK_MAJOR >= 11) || (PILOT_LINK_VERSION > 0)) if (sysInfo.prodIDLength > 0) { self->systemName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:sysInfo.prodID length:sysInfo.prodIDLength]; } #else if (sysInfo.nameLength > 0) { self->systemName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:sysInfo.name length:sysInfo.nameLength]; } #endif } if ((len = dlp_ReadUserInfo(self->sd, &pu)) <= 0) NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't read user info (error=%i) !", self, len); else { self->userID = pu.userID; self->viewerID = pu.viewerID; self->lastSyncPC = pu.lastSyncPC; self->successfulSyncDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSince1970:pu.successfulSyncDate]; self->lastSyncDate = [[NSDate alloc] initWithTimeIntervalSince1970:pu.lastSyncDate]; if (strlen(pu.username) > 0) self->userName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:pu.username]; if (pu.passwordLength > 0) { self->password = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:pu.password length:pu.passwordLength]; } } if ((len = dlp_ReadNetSyncInfo(self->sd, &nsi)) <= 0) NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't read netsync info (error=%i) !", self, len); else { self->lanSyncEnabled = nsi.lanSync ? YES : NO; self->syncHostName = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:nsi.hostName]; self->syncAddress = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:nsi.hostAddress]; self->syncSubnetMask = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:nsi.hostSubnetMask]; } /* determine available cards */ tmp = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:4]; for (i = 0; i < PPSync_MAXCARDS; i++) { struct CardInfo ci; len = dlp_ReadStorageInfo(self->sd, i /*cardnumber*/, &ci); if (len == -5) /* no card with specified number */ break; else if (len <= 0) { [NSException raise:@"PalmReadException" format:@"WARNING: %@ couldn't read info of card %i !", self, i]; } else { /* process card info */ NSMutableDictionary *d; //struct DBInfo dbinfo; //int j; if (ci.card != i) { NSLog(@"WARNING: retrieved card number (%i) " @"does not match expected one (%i) !", ci.card, i); } d = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:ci.card] forKey:@"number"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:ci.version] forKey:@"version"]; [d setObject:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:ci.creation] forKey:@"creationDate"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:ci.romSize] forKey:@"sizeOfROM"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:ci.ramSize] forKey:@"sizeOfRAM"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:ci.ramFree] forKey:@"availableRAM"]; if (strlen(ci.name) > 0) [d setObject:[NSString stringWithCString:ci.name] forKey:@"name"]; if (strlen(ci.manufacturer) > 0) { [d setObject:[NSString stringWithCString:ci.manufacturer] forKey:@"manufacturer"]; } /* what does 'more' ? */ //NSLog(@"%s got card %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, d); [tmp addObject:AUTORELEASE([d copy])]; /* determine databases on card */ #if 0 /* mh [2003-02-19]: * * going thru all databases in -prepare() * takes much time since a palm device can have hundreds of * databases * each dlp_ReadDBList takes about 0.2 sec * with 100 databases on one card this is already 20 seconds !! * * now[2003-02-19] databases are searched on demand, * (see -databaseNamed() ) * which is in worsed case as slow as loading all databases * (if the wanted one is the last in list) * * getting an db-handle for a dbname is pretty easy and fast * (using dlp_OpenDB) * but it seems impossible to get a dbInfo out of a db-handle * * so this going thru of all databases is neccessary * */ for (j = lastDBInfoIndex[i]; YES; j = dbinfo.index + 1) { Class dbClass; NSString *dbName; PPDatabase *db; { //NSDate *date = [NSDate date]; //NSLog(@"%s dlp_ReadDBList", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); len = dlp_ReadDBList(self->sd, i/*ci.card*/, /*dlpDBListROM |*/ dlpDBListRAM, j, &dbinfo); //NSLog(@"%s dlp_ReadDBList took %.4fs", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, // [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:date]); } if (len <= 0) break; lastDBInfoIndex[i] = dbinfo.index + 1; dbName = [NSString stringWithCString:dbinfo.name]; dbClass = [self _classForDatabaseNamed:dbName withInfo:&dbinfo onCard:i/*ci.card*/]; db = [dbClass databaseWithName:dbName flags:dbinfo.flags miscFlags:dbinfo.miscFlags type:dbinfo.type creator:dbinfo.creator version:dbinfo.version modificationCount:dbinfo.modnum creationDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:dbinfo.createDate] modificationDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:dbinfo.modifyDate] backupDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:dbinfo.backupDate] card:[tmp objectAtIndex:i] syncContext:self]; if (db) { NSMapInsert(self->databases, dbName, db); } # if DEBUG else { NSLog(@"%s: failed to init db for class: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, NSStringFromClass(dbClass)); } # endif /* DEBUG */ } # if DEBUG NSLog(@"Palm: found %i databases for card %i", NSCountMapTable(self->databases), i); # endif /* DEBUG */ #endif /* 0 */ } } self->cards = [tmp copy]; tmp = nil; } - (void)finish { NSEnumerator *e; id entry; int len; /* sync user info */ if (self->userInfoChanged) { struct PilotUser pu; pu.userID = self->userID; pu.viewerID = self->viewerID; pu.lastSyncPC = self->lastSyncPC; pu.successfulSyncDate = [self->successfulSyncDate timeIntervalSince1970]; pu.lastSyncDate = [self->lastSyncDate timeIntervalSince1970]; [self->userName getCString:pu.username maxLength:sizeof(pu.username)]; [self->password getCString:pu.password maxLength:sizeof(pu.password)]; pu.passwordLength = [self->password cStringLength]; if ((len = dlp_WriteUserInfo(self->sd, &pu)) < 0) NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ couldn't write modified user-info: %i", self, len); } /* close open databases */ while ([self->openDatabases count] > 0) [self closeDatabase:[self->openDatabases lastObject]]; /* process deleted databases */ e = [self->deletedDatabases objectEnumerator]; while ((entry = [e nextObject])) { PPDatabase *db; if ((db = NSMapGet(self->databases, entry))) { int card; card = [db cardNumber]; if ((len = dlp_DeleteDB(self->sd, card, (char *)[entry cString])) < 0) NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ couldn't delete database '%@': %i", self, db, len); } else { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ delete failed, di not find database named '%@' !", self, entry); } } [self->deletedDatabases removeAllObjects]; /* end sync */ if (self->shallResetSystemAfterSync) { if ((len = dlp_ResetSystem(self->sd)) < 0) NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't mark for reset (error=%i) !", self, len); } if ((len = dlp_EndOfSync(self->sd, 0)) < 0) NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't finish sync (error=%i) !", self, len); /* closing socket */ if (self->sd != -1) { pi_close(self->sd); self->sd = -1; } } /* database block IO */ - (NSData *)readAppBlockOfDatabase:(PPDatabase *)_db { char buf[0xFFFF]; int len; len = dlp_ReadAppBlock(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle], 0, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ could not read app block of db %@: %i", self, _db, len); return nil; } return [NSData dataWithBytes:buf length:len]; } - (BOOL)writeAppBlock:(NSData *)_block ofDatabase:(PPDatabase *)_db { int len; if ((_db == nil) || (_block == nil)) return NO; len = dlp_WriteAppBlock(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle], [_block bytes], [_block length]); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't write app block of db %@: %i", self, _db, len); return NO; } else return YES; } - (NSData *)readSortBlockOfDatabase:(PPDatabase *)_db { char buf[0xFFFF]; int len; len = dlp_ReadSortBlock(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle], 0, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ could not read app block of db %@: %i", self, _db, len); return nil; } return [NSData dataWithBytes:buf length:len]; } - (BOOL)writeSortBlock:(NSData *)_block ofDatabase:(PPDatabase *)_db { int len; if ((_db == nil) || (_block == nil)) return NO; len = dlp_WriteSortBlock(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle], [_block bytes], [_block length]); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't write app block of db %@: %i", self, _db, len); return NO; } else return YES; } /* databases */ - (PPDatabase *)databaseNamed:(NSString *)_name { PPDatabase *db = nil; if ((db = NSMapGet(self->databases, _name))) { /* database is already known .. */ return db; } else { BOOL deepSearch = NO; int i; int dbh, len, j, card; struct DBInfo dbinfo; for (j = 0; j < [self->cards count]; j++) { len = dlp_OpenDB(self->sd, j /* cardno */, 0x80 /* mode */, (char *)[_name cString] /* dbname */, &dbh /* dbhandle */); if (len >= 0) break; } card = j; if (len < 0) { /* database does not exist */ NSLog(@"WARNING[%s]: db %@ seems not to exist! deep search ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name); deepSearch = YES; } dlp_CloseDB(self->sd, dbh); ///* scan databases on card */ if (deepSearch) { // going thru the cards i = 0; card = [self->cards count]; } else { // just one card i = card; card ++; } for (;isd, i /* card */, /*dlpDBListROM |*/ dlpDBListRAM, j, &dbinfo); if (len <= 0) break; lastDBInfoIndex[i] = dbinfo.index + 1; dbName = [NSString stringWithCString:dbinfo.name]; dbClass = [self _classForDatabaseNamed:dbName withInfo:&dbinfo onCard:i]; db = [dbClass databaseWithName:dbName flags:dbinfo.flags miscFlags:dbinfo.miscFlags type:dbinfo.type creator:dbinfo.creator version:dbinfo.version modificationCount:dbinfo.modnum creationDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:dbinfo.createDate] modificationDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:dbinfo.modifyDate] backupDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:dbinfo.backupDate] card:0 syncContext:self]; if (db) NSMapInsert(self->databases, dbName, db); if ([dbName isEqualToString:_name]) { if (deepSearch) NSLog(@"%s: .. found %@ in deep search", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name); return db; } } } } return nil; } - (PPDatabase *)openDatabaseNamed:(NSString *)_dbName { PPDatabase *db; int card, mode, dh; int len; if ((db = [self databaseNamed:_dbName]) == nil) /* no such database */ return nil; if ([self->openDatabases containsObject:db]) return db; [self->openDatabases makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(close)]; card = [db cardNumber]; mode = dlpOpenRead | dlpOpenExclusive | dlpOpenSecret; if (![db isReadOnly]) mode |= dlpOpenWrite; len = dlp_OpenDB(self->sd, card, mode, (char *)[_dbName cString], &dh); if (len < 0) { NSString *reason = @"failed"; switch (len) { case dlpErrTooManyOpen: NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ tried to open too many databases ..", self); reason = @"too many open databases"; case dlpErrSystem: reason = @"system error"; break; case dlpErrMemory: reason = @"memory error"; break; case dlpErrParam: reason = @"OpenDB parameter error"; break; case dlpErrNotFound: reason = @"did not find database"; break; case dlpErrNoneOpen: reason = @"none open"; break; case dlpErrAlreadyOpen: reason = @"database is already open"; break; case dlpErrExists: reason = @"database exists"; break; case dlpErrOpen: reason = @"database is open"; break; case dlpErrDeleted: reason = @"database is deleted"; break; case dlpErrBusy: reason = @"database is busy"; break; case dlpErrNotSupp: reason = @"unsupported feature"; break; case dlpErrReadOnly: reason = @"database is read-only"; break; case dlpErrSpace: reason = @"missing space"; break; case dlpErrLimit: reason = @"encountered limit"; break; case dlpErrSync: reason = @"sync error"; break; case dlpErrWrapper: reason = @"wrapper error"; break; case dlpErrArgument: reason = @"OpenDB argument error"; break; case dlpErrSize: reason = @"size error"; break; } [NSException raise:@"PalmOpenError" format: @"ERROR: %@ couldn't open database '%@' " @"(card %i, mode=0x%08X): %i %@", self, db, card, mode, len, reason]; return nil; } [self->openDatabases addObject:db]; [db syncContext:self openedDatabaseWithHandle:dh]; return db; } - (void)closeDatabase:(PPDatabase *)_db { int handle, len; if (_db == nil) return; if (![self->openDatabases containsObject:_db]) { /* database is not open */ NSLog(@"database %@ not open (open=%@) !", _db, self->openDatabases); return; } handle = [_db _databaseHandle]; if ((len = dlp_CloseDB(self->sd, handle)) >= 0) { [self->openDatabases removeObject:_db]; [_db syncContextClosedDatabase:self]; } else { [NSException raise:@"PalmConnectionError" format:@"WARNING: couldn't close database %@", _db]; } } - (PPDatabase *)createDatabaseNamed:(NSString *)_dbName creator:(unsigned long)_creator type:(unsigned long)_type flags:(int)_flags version:(int)_version onCard:(int)_cardno { PPDatabase *db; int len; if ((db = NSMapGet(self->databases, _dbName))) { int card; card = [db cardNumber]; /* database already exists */ if ([self->deletedDatabases containsObject:_dbName]) { /* database was marked for deletion before, so we now need to delete it really and recreate it afterwards .. */ if ((len = dlp_DeleteDB(self->sd, card, (char *)[_dbName cString])) < 0) { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ couldn't delete database '%@': %i", self, db, len); return nil; } [self->deletedDatabases removeObject:_dbName]; NSMapRemove(self->databases, _dbName); } else { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ database already exists '%@': %i", self, db, len); return nil; } } /* database does not exist yet or was deleted */ return nil; } - (BOOL)deleteDatabaseNamed:(NSString *)_dbName { PPDatabase *db; if (_dbName == nil) /* invalid name .. */ return NO; if ((db = NSMapGet(self->databases, _dbName)) == NULL) /* no such database */ return NO; if ([self->openDatabases containsObject:db]) NSLog(@"WARNING: deleting open database '%@' !", _dbName); if (self->deletedDatabases == nil) self->deletedDatabases = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [self->deletedDatabases addObject:_dbName]; return NO; } - (NSArray *)databasesMatchingQualifier:(EOQualifier *)_qualifier { NSMutableArray *result; NSMapEnumerator e; NSString *dbName; PPDatabase *db; e = NSEnumerateMapTable(self->databases); result = nil; while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&e, (void**)&dbName, (void**)&db)) { if ([(id)_qualifier evaluateWithObject:db]) { if (result == nil) result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16]; [result addObject:db]; } } return AUTORELEASE([result copy]); } - (NSArray *)databasesCreatedBy:(NSString *)_creator { NSMutableArray *result; NSMapEnumerator e; NSString *dbName; PPDatabase *db; e = NSEnumerateMapTable(self->databases); result = nil; while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&e, (void**)&dbName, (void**)&db)) { if ([[db creatorString] isEqualToString:_creator]) { if (result == nil) result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16]; [result addObject:db]; } } return AUTORELEASE([result copy]); } - (NSArray *)databasesWithType:(NSString *)_type { NSMutableArray *result; NSMapEnumerator e; NSString *dbName; PPDatabase *db; e = NSEnumerateMapTable(self->databases); result = nil; while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&e, (void**)&dbName, (void**)&db)) { if ([[db typeString] isEqualToString:_type]) { if (result == nil) result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16]; [result addObject:db]; } } return AUTORELEASE([result copy]); } /* record databases */ - (NSArray *)readRecordIDsOfDatabase:(PPDatabase *)_db { int len; int count; int offset = 0; recordid_t rid[10000]; /* unsigned long [] */ NSMutableArray *ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:32]; int max; len = dlp_ReadOpenDBInfo(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle], &max); if (len < 0) { [NSException raise:@"PalmDatabaseException" format:@"Couldn't read number of records of " @"database %@: %i", _db, len]; return nil; } if (max == 0) return [NSArray array]; while (YES) { len = dlp_ReadRecordIDList(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle], 0 /* sort */, offset /* start */, 10000 /* max */, rid, &count); if (len < 0) { if (len == -5) { /* dlpErrNotFound */ /* no *contents* in database */ return [NSArray array]; } [NSException raise:@"PalmDatabaseException" format:@"Couldn't read record IDs of database %@: %i", _db, len]; return nil; } else if (count == 0) return [ma copy]; else { id keys[count]; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { keys[i] = [PPGlobalID ppGlobalIDForCreator:[_db creator] type:[_db type] databaseName:[_db databaseName] uniqueID:rid[i]]; } [ma addObjectsFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:keys count:count]]; offset += count; if (offset == max) return [ma copy]; } } } - (NSData *)fetchRecordByID:(EOGlobalID *)_oid fromDatabase:(PPRecordDatabase *)_db attributes:(int *)_attrs category:(int *)_category { recordid_t rid; int len; int dummy, idx, size; char buffer[0xFFFF]; if (_attrs == NULL) _attrs = &dummy; if (_category == NULL) _category = &dummy; //NSLog(@"fetching record %@", _oid); if (![self->openDatabases containsObject:_db]) { [self closeDatabase:[self->openDatabases lastObject]]; [self openDatabaseNamed:[_db databaseName]]; } rid = [(PPGlobalID *)_oid uniqueID]; len = dlp_ReadRecordById(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle], rid, buffer, &idx, &size, _attrs, _category); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ couldn't read record for id %@ from database %@: %i", self, _oid, _db, len); return nil; } return [NSData dataWithBytes:buffer length:len]; } - (BOOL)updateRecord:(NSData *)_packedRecord inDatabase:(PPRecordDatabase *)_db flags:(int)_flags categoryID:(unsigned char)_category oid:(EOGlobalID *)_oid { //NSData *data; //int category; unsigned long newId; int len; int dbh; void *buffer; unsigned bufLen; buffer = (void *)[_packedRecord bytes]; bufLen = [_packedRecord length]; dbh = [_db _databaseHandle]; //NSLog(@"writing record of length %i category %i", bufLen, _category); len = dlp_WriteRecord(self->sd, dbh, _flags, [(PPGlobalID *)_oid uniqueID], _category, buffer, bufLen, &newId); if (len < 0) { if (len == -4) { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ couldn't update record, invalid parameters: " @" flags=%04X uid=%d category=%i bufLen=%i", self, _flags, [(PPGlobalID *)_oid uniqueID], _category, bufLen); } else NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ couldn't update record (error=%i) !", self, len); return NO; } if (newId != [(PPGlobalID *)_oid uniqueID]) { NSLog(@"WARNING: new id 0x%08X is not equal to old id 0x%08X !", newId, [(PPGlobalID *)_oid uniqueID]); } return YES; } - (BOOL)deleteRecord:(EOGlobalID *)_oid inDatabase:(PPRecordDatabase *)_db { int dbh; int len; dbh = [_db _databaseHandle]; len = dlp_DeleteRecord(self->sd, dbh, 0 /* all ? */, [(PPGlobalID *)_oid uniqueID]); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"ERROR: %@ couldn't delete record %@ (error=%i) !", self, _oid, len); return NO; } return YES; } - (EOGlobalID *)insertRecord:(NSData *)_packedRecord intoDatabase:(PPRecordDatabase *)_db isPrivate:(BOOL)_flag categoryID:(unsigned char)_category { //NSData *data; //int category; int flags; unsigned long newId; int len; int dbh; void *buffer; unsigned bufLen; buffer = (void *)[_packedRecord bytes]; bufLen = [_packedRecord length]; dbh = [_db _databaseHandle]; flags = _flag ? dlpRecAttrSecret : 0; //NSLog(@"writing record of length %i category %i", bufLen, _category); len = dlp_WriteRecord(self->sd, dbh, flags, 0 /* record-id */, [_db indexOfCategoryWithID:_category], buffer, bufLen, &newId); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ couldn't insert record (error=%i) !", self, len); if (len == -4) { NSLog(@"category id is %i, idx is %i, name=%@", _category, [_db indexOfCategoryWithID:_category], [_db categoryForID:_category]); } return nil; } return [PPGlobalID ppGlobalIDForCreator:[_db creator] type:[_db type] databaseName:[_db databaseName] uniqueID:newId]; } - (NSArray *)objectsWithFetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification *)_fspec { PPRecordDatabase *db; EOQualifier *q; NSArray *so; NSArray *all; if ((db = (id)[self databaseNamed:[_fspec entityName]]) == nil) return nil; all = [db registeredObjects]; if ((q = [_fspec qualifier])) all = [all filteredArrayUsingQualifier:q]; if ((so = [_fspec sortOrderings])) all = [all sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray:so]; return all; } /* logging to Pilot */ - (void)syncLogWithString:(NSString *)_str { int len; if ((len = dlp_AddSyncLogEntry(self->sd, (char *)[_str cString])) < 0) NSLog(@"WARNING: %@ could not add sync log: %@", self, _str); } - (void)syncLogWithFormat:(NSString *)_fmt, ... { va_list va; NSString *s; va_start(va, _fmt); s = [NSString stringWithFormat:_fmt arguments:va]; va_end(va); [self syncLogWithString:s]; } /* description */ - (id)propertyList { NSMutableDictionary *d; d = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:128]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:self->systemRomVersion] forKey:@"systemRomVersion"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:self->systemLocale] forKey:@"systemLocale"]; if (self->systemName) [d setObject:self->systemName forKey:@"systemName"]; /* netsync info */ [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:self->lanSyncEnabled] forKey:@"lanSyncEnabled"]; if (self->syncHostName) [d setObject:self->syncHostName forKey:@"syncHostName"]; if (self->syncAddress) [d setObject:self->syncAddress forKey:@"syncAddress"]; if (self->syncSubnetMask) [d setObject:self->syncSubnetMask forKey:@"syncSubnetMask"]; /* user info */ [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:self->userID] forKey:@"userID"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:self->viewerID] forKey:@"viewerID"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:self->lastSyncPC] forKey:@"lastSyncPC"]; if (self->successfulSyncDate) [d setObject:self->successfulSyncDate forKey:@"successfulSyncDate"]; if (self->lastSyncDate) [d setObject:self->lastSyncDate forKey:@"lastSyncDate"]; if (self->userName) [d setObject:self->userName forKey:@"userName"]; [d setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[self->password length] > 0 ? YES : NO] forKey:@"hasPassword"]; /* card info */ if (self->cards) [d setObject:self->cards forKey:@"cards"]; return d; } - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *s; s = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [s appendFormat:@"<%@[0x%08X]:", NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; [s appendFormat:@" user=%@", self->userName]; if (self->lanSyncEnabled) [s appendString:@" lanSync"]; [s appendString:@">"]; return s; } @end /* PPSyncContext */ @implementation PPSyncContext(EOObjectStore) /* open databases */ - (void)_ensureDatabaseIsOpen:(PPRecordDatabase *)_db { if ([self->openDatabases containsObject:_db]) return; [self closeDatabase:[self->openDatabases lastObject]]; [self openDatabaseNamed:[_db databaseName]]; } /* initialization */ - (void)initializeObject:(id)_object withGlobalID:(EOGlobalID *)_oid ppTransaction:(PPTransaction *)_ec { } /* faults */ - (id)faultForGlobalID:(EOGlobalID *)_oid ppTransaction:(PPTransaction *)_ec{ //Class dbClass; PPRecordDatabase *db; id eo; if ((eo = [_ec objectForGlobalID:_oid])) return eo; if ((db = (PPRecordDatabase *)[self databaseNamed:[_oid entityName]]) == nil) NSLog(@"did not find database %@", [_oid entityName]); if ((eo = [db faultForGlobalID:_oid])) { [_ec recordObject:eo globalID:_oid]; return eo; } return nil; } /* fetching */ - (void)_fetchDatabaseNamed:(NSString *)_db ppTransaction:(PPTransaction *)_ec { PPRecordDatabase *db; if (self->cachedEntities == nil) self->cachedEntities = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; if ((db = (PPRecordDatabase *)[self openDatabaseNamed:_db])) { NSEnumerator *oids; EOGlobalID *oid; oids = [[self readRecordIDsOfDatabase:db] objectEnumerator]; while ((oid = [oids nextObject])) { id fault; fault = [self faultForGlobalID:oid ppTransaction:_ec]; //NSLog(@"got fault %@ for oid %@", fault, oid); } [self closeDatabase:db]; [self->cachedEntities addObject:_db]; } else NSLog(@"couldn't open database named %@", _db); } - (NSArray *)objectsWithFetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification *)_fspec ppTransaction:(PPTransaction *)_ec { NSString *entityName; EOQualifier *qualifier, *delQual; NSArray *objects; delQual = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc] initWithKey:@"isDeleted" operatorSelector:EOQualifierOperatorEqual value:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]]; AUTORELEASE(delQual); entityName = [_fspec entityName]; qualifier = [_fspec qualifier]; if (![self->cachedEntities containsObject:entityName]) { /* need to retrieve objects from Pilot */ [self _fetchDatabaseNamed:entityName ppTransaction:_ec]; } objects = [(PPRecordDatabase *)[self databaseNamed:entityName] registeredObjects]; if (qualifier) { qualifier = [[EOAndQualifier alloc] initWithQualifiers:qualifier, delQual, nil]; AUTORELEASE(qualifier); } else qualifier = delQual; objects = [objects filteredArrayUsingQualifier:qualifier]; return objects; } /* saving changes */ - (BOOL)_processChangesInDatabase:(PPRecordDatabase *)_db insertedObjects:(NSArray *)_inserted deletedObjects:(NSArray *)_deleted updatedObjects:(NSArray *)_updated ppTransaction:(PPTransaction *)_ec { NSEnumerator *e; id eo; #if 0 NSLog(@"process db-changes\n" @" inserted: %@\n deleted: %@\n updated: %@\n in db %@", _inserted, _deleted, _updated, _db); #endif [self _ensureDatabaseIsOpen:_db]; /* perform inserts */ if ((e = [_inserted objectEnumerator])) { NSMutableDictionary *keyMap; keyMap = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; while ((eo = [e nextObject])) { EOGlobalID *old; old = [_ec globalIDForObject:eo]; if (![_db insertRecord:eo]) { NSLog(@"FAILED to insert %@", eo); [NSException raise:@"PPInsertException" format:@"Couldn't insert eo %@", eo]; } else { EOGlobalID *new; new = [_db globalIDForObject:eo]; [keyMap setObject:new forKey:old]; } } [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"EOGlobalIDChanged" object:self userInfo:keyMap]; AUTORELEASE(keyMap); } /* perform updates */ if ((e = [_updated objectEnumerator])) { while ((eo = [e nextObject])) { if (![_db storeRecord:eo]) NSLog(@"FAILED to store %@", eo); #if 0 else NSLog(@"stored record %@", eo); #endif } } /* perform deletes */ if ((e = [_deleted objectEnumerator])) { while ((eo = [e nextObject])) { if (![_db deleteRecord:eo]) NSLog(@"FAILED to delete record %@", eo); } } /* cleanup db */ dlp_CleanUpDatabase(self->sd, [_db _databaseHandle]); /* done */ return YES; } - (NSString *)_entityNameForRecord:(id)_rec { PPClassDescription *cd = nil; cd = [[PPClassDescription alloc] initWithClass:[_rec class]]; AUTORELEASE(cd); return [cd entityName]; } - (void)saveChangesInTransaction:(PPTransaction *)_ec { NSArray *inserted, *updated, *deleted; NSMutableDictionary *entityToChange; NSEnumerator *e; NSString *entityName; id object; //NSException *exc; /* store user-info changes */ if (self->userInfoChanged) { struct PilotUser pu; int r; pu.userID = self->userID; pu.viewerID = self->viewerID; pu.lastSyncPC = self->lastSyncPC; pu.successfulSyncDate = [self->successfulSyncDate timeIntervalSince1970]; pu.lastSyncDate = [self->lastSyncDate timeIntervalSince1970]; [self->userName getCString:pu.username maxLength:128]; [self->password getCString:pu.password maxLength:128]; pu.passwordLength = [self->password cStringLength]; r = dlp_WriteUserInfo(self->sd, &pu); if (r < 0) { NSLog(@"Could not write userinfo: %i", r); } self->userInfoChanged = NO; } /* retrieve changed records from transaction */ inserted = [_ec insertedObjects]; updated = [_ec updatedObjects]; deleted = [_ec deletedObjects]; /* group changes by database */ entityToChange = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:16]; e = [inserted objectEnumerator]; while ((object = [e nextObject])) { NSMutableDictionary *idict; NSMutableArray *ia; NSString *entityName; entityName = [object entityName]; if (entityName == nil) entityName = [self _entityNameForRecord:object]; if ((idict = [entityToChange objectForKey:entityName]) == nil) { idict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [idict setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:@"inserted"]; [entityToChange setObject:idict forKey:entityName]; RELEASE(idict); } ia = [idict objectForKey:@"inserted"]; [ia addObject:object]; } e = [deleted objectEnumerator]; while ((object = [e nextObject])) { NSMutableDictionary *idict; NSMutableArray *ia; NSString *entityName; entityName = [object entityName]; if (entityName == nil) entityName = [self _entityNameForRecord:object]; if ((idict = [entityToChange objectForKey:entityName]) == nil) { idict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [idict setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:@"deleted"]; [entityToChange setObject:idict forKey:entityName]; RELEASE(idict); } ia = [idict objectForKey:@"deleted"]; [ia addObject:object]; } e = [updated objectEnumerator]; while ((object = [e nextObject])) { NSMutableDictionary *idict; NSMutableArray *ia; NSString *entityName; entityName = [object entityName]; if (entityName == nil) entityName = [self _entityNameForRecord:object]; if ((idict = [entityToChange objectForKey:entityName]) == nil) { idict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [idict setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:@"updated"]; [entityToChange setObject:idict forKey:entityName]; RELEASE(idict); } ia = [idict objectForKey:@"updated"]; [ia addObject:object]; } /* ensure that all new objects are valid */ e = [entityToChange keyEnumerator]; while ((entityName = [e nextObject])) { PPRecordDatabase *db; NSArray *a; NSDictionary *cinfo; // int dbh; db = (PPRecordDatabase *)[self databaseNamed:entityName]; if (db == nil) { /* entity does not exist in Palm, create one if possible */ PPClassDescription *cd; int len, dbh; cd = (id)[PPClassDescription classDescriptionForEntityName:entityName]; if ([cd creator] == 0) { NSLog(@"cannot save changes to database %@", entityName); NSLog(@"class description: %@", cd); continue; } /* close open databases */ while ([self->openDatabases count] > 0) [self closeDatabase:[self->openDatabases lastObject]]; len = dlp_CreateDB(self->sd /* connection */, [cd creator], [cd type], 0 /* cardno */, 0 /* flags */, 0 /* version */, [entityName cString] /* name */, &dbh /* dbhandle */); if (len < 0) { NSLog(@"Could not create database %@ (card %i): %i", entityName, 0, len); NSLog(@"cannot save changes to database %@", entityName); NSLog(@"class description: %@", cd); continue; } NSLog(@"Created database %@ on Palm.", entityName); dlp_CloseDB(self->sd, dbh); if ((db = (id)[self databaseNamed:entityName]) == nil) { NSLog(@"couldn't find newly created database %@", entityName); NSLog(@"cannot save changes to database %@", entityName); NSLog(@"class description: %@", cd); continue; } } /* perform validity check on inserted objects */ cinfo = [entityToChange objectForKey:entityName]; a = [cinfo objectForKey:@"inserted"]; if ([a count] > 0) { NSEnumerator *e = [a objectEnumerator]; id o; NSMutableArray *excs = nil; while ((o = [e nextObject])) { NSException *exc; [o setDatabase:db]; if ((exc = [o validateForInsert])) { if (excs == nil) excs = [NSMutableArray array]; [excs addObject:exc]; } } if ([excs count] == 1) [[excs objectAtIndex:0] raise]; else if ([a count] > 1) { NSException *e; e = [NSException aggregateExceptionWithExceptions:excs]; [e raise]; } } } /* perform changes */ e = [entityToChange keyEnumerator]; while ((entityName = [e nextObject])) { PPRecordDatabase *db; //int dbh; NSDictionary *cinfo; db = (PPRecordDatabase *)[self databaseNamed:entityName]; if (db == nil) continue; cinfo = [entityToChange objectForKey:entityName]; [self _processChangesInDatabase:db insertedObjects:[cinfo objectForKey:@"inserted"] deletedObjects:[cinfo objectForKey:@"deleted"] updatedObjects:[cinfo objectForKey:@"updated"] ppTransaction:_ec]; } //NSLog(@"processed changes %@ ..", entityToChange); } /* notifications */ - (void)classDescriptionNeededForEntityName:(NSNotification *)_notification { NSString *entityName; entityName = [_notification object]; //NSLog(@"asked for class description of entity %@", entityName); } - (void)classDescriptionNeededForClass:(NSNotification *)_notification { Class c; NSMapEnumerator e; NSString *dbName; PPDatabase *db; EOClassDescription *cd; c = [_notification object]; e = NSEnumerateMapTable(self->databases); while (NSNextMapEnumeratorPair(&e, (void*)&dbName, (void*)&db)) { if ((cd = [db classDescriptionNeededForClass:c])) break; } if (cd) { [EOClassDescription registerClassDescription:cd forClass:c]; //NSLog(@"got class description %@ for class %@", cd, c); } else { NSLog(@"got no class description for class %@", c); } } @end /* PPSyncContext(EOObjectStore) */ NSString *PPStringFromCreator(unsigned long _creator) { unsigned long cl; cl = ntohl(_creator); return [NSString stringWithCString:(void *)&cl length:4]; } NSString *PPStringFromType(unsigned long _type) { unsigned long cl; cl = ntohl(_type); return [NSString stringWithCString:(void *)&cl length:4]; } unsigned long PPCreatorFromString(NSString *_creator) { unsigned long cl; [_creator getCString:(void*)&cl maxLength:4]; return htonl(cl); } unsigned long PPTypeFromString(NSString *_type) { unsigned long cl; [_type getCString:(void*)&cl maxLength:4]; return htonl(cl); }