/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include @class NSString, NSNumber, NSUserDefaults; @interface LSWAddressPreferences : OGoContentPage { id account; NSUserDefaults* defaults; NSString *enterpriseSubView; NSString *personsSubView; NSString *formletterKind; NSNumber *blockSize; NSString *clipboardFormat; BOOL isEnterpriseSubviewEditable; BOOL isBlockSizeEditable; BOOL isPersonsSubviewEditable; BOOL isRoot; BOOL isFormletterKindEditable; BOOL isClipboardFormatEditable; } @end #include #include "common.h" #ifdef __APPLE__ // TODO ... # include #else # include #endif @implementation LSWAddressPreferences static NSNumber *yes = nil, *no = nil; + (void)initialize { yes = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] retain]; no = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] retain]; } - (void)dealloc { [self->account release]; [self->defaults release]; [self->enterpriseSubView release]; [self->blockSize release]; [self->formletterKind release]; [self->personsSubView release]; [self->clipboardFormat release]; [super dealloc]; } /* notifications */ - (void)awake { [super awake]; self->isRoot = [[self session] activeAccountIsRoot]; } - (void)sleep { [super sleep]; } /* accessors */ - (BOOL)isEditorPage { return YES; } - (BOOL)isRoot { return self->isRoot; } - (BOOL)_isEditable:(NSString *)_defName { id obj; _defName = [@"rootAccess" stringByAppendingString:_defName]; obj = [self->defaults objectForKey:_defName]; return obj ? [obj boolValue] : YES; } - (void)setAccount:(id)_account { NSUserDefaults *ud; [self->defaults release]; self->defaults = nil; [self->enterpriseSubView release]; self->enterpriseSubView = nil; [self->personsSubView release]; self->personsSubView = nil; [self->formletterKind release]; self->formletterKind = nil; [self->blockSize release]; self->blockSize = nil; [self->clipboardFormat release]; self->clipboardFormat = nil; ASSIGN(self->account, _account); ud = _account ? [self runCommand:@"userdefaults::get", @"user", _account, nil] : [self runCommand:@"userdefaults::get", nil]; self->defaults = RETAIN(ud); self->formletterKind = [[self->defaults stringForKey:@"formletter_kind"] copy]; self->personsSubView = [[self->defaults stringForKey:@"persons_sub_view"] copy]; self->enterpriseSubView = [[self->defaults stringForKey:@"enterprise_sub_view"] copy]; self->blockSize = [[self->defaults objectForKey:@"address_blocksize"] copy]; self->clipboardFormat = [self->defaults stringForKey:@"address_clipboard_format"]; self->clipboardFormat = [[[self->clipboardFormat componentsSeparatedByString:@"\\r\\n"] componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"] copy]; self->isBlockSizeEditable = [self _isEditable:@"address_blocksize"]; self->isFormletterKindEditable = [self _isEditable:@"formletter_kind"]; self->isPersonsSubviewEditable = [self _isEditable:@"persons_sub_view"]; self->isEnterpriseSubviewEditable =[self _isEditable:@"enterprise_sub_view"]; self->isClipboardFormatEditable = [self _isEditable:@"address_clipboard_format"]; } - (id)account { return self->account; } - (NSString *)accountLabel { return [[self session] labelForObject:[self account]]; } - (BOOL)isBlockSizeEditable { return self->isBlockSizeEditable || self->isRoot; } - (void)setIsBlockSizeEditableRoot:(BOOL)_flag { if (self->isRoot) { self->isBlockSizeEditable = _flag; } } - (BOOL)hasClipboard { WEClientCapabilities *ccaps; ccaps = [[[self context] request] clientCapabilities]; if (![ccaps isInternetExplorer]) return NO; if ([ccaps isMacBrowser]) return NO; return YES; } - (BOOL)isClipboardFormatEditable { return self->isClipboardFormatEditable || self->isRoot; } - (void)setIsClipboardFormatEditable:(BOOL)_flag { if (self->isRoot) self->isClipboardFormatEditable = _flag; } - (BOOL)isPersonsSubviewEditable { return self->isPersonsSubviewEditable || self->isRoot; } - (void)setIsPersonsSubviewEditableRoot:(BOOL)_flag { if (self->isRoot) { self->isPersonsSubviewEditable = _flag; } } - (BOOL)isEnterpriseSubviewEditable { return self->isEnterpriseSubviewEditable || self->isRoot; } - (void)setIsEnterpriseSubviewEditableRoot:(BOOL)_flag { if (self->isRoot) { self->isEnterpriseSubviewEditable = _flag; } } - (BOOL)isFormletterKindEditable { return self->isFormletterKindEditable || self->isRoot; } - (BOOL)isFormletterKindEditableRoot { return self->isFormletterKindEditable; } - (void)setIsFormletterKindEditableRoot:(BOOL)_flag { if (self->isRoot) { self->isFormletterKindEditable = _flag; } } - (void)setBlockSize:(NSNumber *)_number { ASSIGN(self->blockSize, _number); } - (NSNumber *)blockSize { return self->blockSize; } - (void)setClipboardFormat:(NSString *)_format { ASSIGN(self->clipboardFormat,_format); } - (NSString *)clipboardFormat { return self->clipboardFormat; } - (void)setPersons_sub_view:(NSString *)_subview { ASSIGN(self->personsSubView, _subview); } - (NSString *)persons_sub_view { return self->personsSubView; } - (void)setEnterprise_sub_view:(NSString *)_subview { ASSIGN(self->enterpriseSubView, _subview); } - (NSString *)enterprise_sub_view { return self->enterpriseSubView; } - (void)setFormletterKind:(NSString *)_formletterKind { ASSIGN(self->formletterKind, _formletterKind); } - (NSString *)formletterKind { return self->formletterKind; } /* operations */ - (BOOL)_writeDefault:(NSString *)_name value:(id)_value { NSNumber *uid; if ((uid = [[self account] valueForKey:@"companyId"]) == nil) return NO; [self runCommand:@"userdefaults::write", @"key", _name, @"value", _value, @"defaults", self->defaults, @"userId", uid, nil]; return YES; } /* actions */ - (id)cancel { return [self leavePage]; } - (id)save { id uid; uid = [[self account] valueForKey:@"companyId"]; #if 0 // TODO: hh asks: why is that? if ([self isPersonsSubviewEditable]) [self _writeDefault:@"persons_sub_view" value:[self persons_sub_view]]; if ([self isEnterpriseSubviewEditable]) { [self _writeDefault:@"enterprise_sub_view" value:[self enterprise_sub_view]]; } #endif if ([self isClipboardFormatEditable]) { id tmp = [[[self clipboardFormat] componentsSeparatedByString:@"\r\n"] componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"]; tmp = [[tmp componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"] componentsJoinedByString:@"\\r\\n"]; [self _writeDefault:@"address_clipboard_format" value:tmp]; } if ([self isBlockSizeEditable]) [self _writeDefault:@"address_blocksize" value:[self blockSize]]; if ([self isFormletterKindEditable]) [self _writeDefault:@"formletter_kind" value:[self formletterKind]]; if (self->isRoot) { [self _writeDefault:@"rootAccessformletter_kind" value:self->isFormletterKindEditable ? yes : no]; } [self postChange:LSWUpdatedAccountNotificationName onObject:[self account]]; [[[self session] userDefaults] synchronize]; return [self leavePage]; } @end /* LSWAddressPreferences */