{ __OGoWebMail_CVS_ID__ = "$Id$"; PythonExecutable = "python"; SieveLogPassword = NO; mail_subjectLength = "30"; mail_senderLength = "20"; mail_editor_type = "internal"; mail_send_type = "plain"; mail_viewAttachmentBodysInEditor = NO; cyrus_sieve_port = "2000"; cyrus_sieve_temp_path = "/tmp/"; sieve_install_prefix_var = "GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT"; MailListAttributes = ("isNew", "subject", "sender", "sendDate", "contentLen", "isFlagged"); SearchMailListAttributes = ("subject", "sender", "sendDate", "folder", "contentLen", "isFlagged"); SentMailListAttributes = ("isNew", "subject", "to", "sendDate", "contentLen", "isFlagged"); PanelMailListAttributes = ("subject", "sender", "sendDate", "contentLen"); MailListBlockSize = "30"; SearchMailListBlockSize = "100"; SentMailListBlockSize = "50"; PanelMailListBlockSize = "10"; SearchMailListSortHeader = "sendDate"; SearchMailListSortOrder = 1; PanelMailListSortHeader = "sendDate"; PanelMailListSortOrder = 1; MailListDoClientSideScroll = 1; MailListClientSideScrollTreshold = 200; panelIfNewMails = NO; // mail_pref_expand_generalDefaults = NO; mail_pref_expand_generalMailList = NO; mail_pref_expand_signature = NO; mail_pref_expand_specialFolder = NO; mail_pref_expand_mailList = NO; mail_pref_expand_searchMailList = NO; mail_pref_expand_access = NO; LSWImapMailWrapOutgoingMails = YES; LSWImapMailOutgoingMailWrapLength = 80; LSMailsSendMailsWithoutSkyrixPart = YES; mail_show_target_folder = YES; mail_wrapLongLines = NO; mail_is_cc_collapsed = YES; mail_is_to_collapsed = YES; imap_host_editable = YES; imap_host = ""; rootAccessmail_MDN_type = YES; rootAccessmail_MDN_text = YES; rootAccessmail_MDN_subject = YES; mail_MDN_type = "ask"; // mail_MDN_text = "This is a Return Receipt for the mail you sent on $date$ \nto $to$ with subject '$subject$'.\n\nThis only acknowledges that the message was displayed on the recipient's machine. \nThis is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood."; mail_MDN_text = "Dies ist eine Antwortbestätigung für die Nachricht, die Sie am $date$ \nan $to$ mit dem Titel '$subject$' gesendet haben.\n\nDas bedeutet lediglich, dass die Nachricht auf dem Bildschirm des Empfängers dargestellt wurde. \nDas ist keine Garantie dafür, dass die Nachricht gelesen oder verstanden wurde."; mail_MDN_subject = "Antwortbestätigung"; mail_editor_text_rows = 20; mail_editor_text_columns = 80; mail_editor_replyall_headernames = ( to, cc, reply-to, from ); UseSkyrixLoginForImap = NO; EnableSieveVacation = NO; DisableSieveVacation = NO; EnableSieveFilter = NO; DisableSieveFilter = NO; OGoImapMailsDebugOn = NO; UseMailingListManager = YES; MaxMailAttachmentsSize = 0; UseMemoryStoredMime = NO; Mail_Use_8bit_Encoding_For_Text = NO; MailEditor_TextFieldSize = 80; DisableEpozEditor = NO; // globally disable Epoz mail_editor_htmlmail_header = "