// $Id: PreferencesUI.strings,v 1.14 2004/08/04 23:19:52 helge Exp $ "Account with login '%@' already exists." = "Account with login '%@' already exists."; "GMT+0100" = "GMT+0100"; "GMT+0200" = "GMT+0200"; "GMT+0300" = "GMT+0300"; "GMT+0400" = "GMT+0400"; "GMT+0500" = "GMT+0500"; "GMT+0600" = "GMT+0600"; "GMT+0700" = "GMT+0700"; "GMT+0800" = "GMT+0800"; "GMT+0900" = "GMT+0900"; "GMT+1000" = "GMT+1000"; "GMT+1100" = "GMT+1100"; "GMT+1200" = "GMT+1200"; "GMT-0100" = "GMT-0100"; "GMT-0200" = "GMT-0200"; "GMT-0300" = "GMT-0300"; "GMT-0400" = "GMT-0400"; "GMT-0500" = "GMT-0500"; "GMT-0600" = "GMT-0600"; "GMT-0700" = "GMT-0700"; "GMT-0800" = "GMT-0800"; "GMT-0900" = "GMT-0900"; "GMT-1000" = "GMT-1000"; "GMT-1100" = "GMT-1100"; "GMT-1200" = "GMT-1200"; "No last name set" = "No last name set"; "No login set" = "No login set"; 00="00:00"; 01="01:00"; 02="02:00"; 03="03:00"; 04="04:00"; 05="05:00"; 06="06:00"; 07="07:00"; 08="08:00"; 09="09:00"; 100="100"; 10="10:00"; 11="11:00"; 12="12:00"; 13="13:00"; 14="14:00"; 15="15:00"; 16="16:00"; 17="17:00"; 18="18:00"; 19="19:00"; 20="20:00"; 21="21:00"; 22="22:00"; 23="23:00"; 30="30"; 40="40"; 50="50"; 60="60"; 70="70"; 80="80"; 90="90"; Address = "Companies/Contacts"; CST = "CST"; ClipboardLabel = "place in clipboard"; DefaultAccessPreferences = "Default Access Preferences"; Display = "Display"; DisplayAccessPreferences = "Default Access Preferences"; EET = "EET"; EST = "EST"; EditablePreferences = "Edit rights"; English = "English"; English_OGo = "English (OGo)"; English_OOo = "English (OOo)"; English_benhur = "English (BenHur)"; English_blue = "English (Blue)"; English_kde = "English (KDE)"; English_cobalt = "English (Cobalt)"; English_ems = "English (EMS)"; English_glm = "English (Greenlight Media)"; English_orange = "English (classic)"; GMT = "GMT"; German = "German"; German_OGo = "German (OGo)"; German_OOo = "German (OOo)"; German_benhur = "German (BenHur)"; German_blue = "German (Blue)"; German_kde = "German (KDE)"; German_cobalt = "German (Cobalt)"; German_ems = "German (EMS)"; German_glm = "German (Greenlight Media)"; German_orange = "German (classic)"; HST = "HST"; Invoice = "Invoices"; JST = "JST"; Job = "Tasks"; LSWPreferencesEditor = "Edit Preferences"; LSWPreferencesViewer = "Preferences"; MET = "MET"; MST = "MST"; MailQuota = "Mail quota"; Mails = "Mails"; ModuleEditors = "Application Preferences"; NO = "No"; NZST = "NZST" ; News = "News"; PST = "PST"; PalmSync = "Palm Synchronization"; Preferences = "Preferences"; Project = "Projects"; Resource = "Resources"; Scheduler = "Calendar"; SkyDisplayPreferences = "Display Preferences"; YES = "Yes"; YST = "YST"; accountEditor = "Account Editor"; accountViewer = "Account Viewer"; action_toPerson = "remove account status"; action_viewAccountLogs = "view account logs"; admin_LocalDomainAliases = "Local domains"; admin_exportAddresses = "Export account"; admin_mailquota = "Mailquota"; admin_vaddresses = "Virtual Addresses"; appPreferences = "Application Preferences"; attributes = "Attributes" ; bill = "Billaddress"; blockSize = "Number of list items(Usermanager)"; cancelButtonLabel = "cancel"; categories = "Categories"; categoryLabel = "Category"; configLabel = "Configuration"; defaultButtonsLeft = "Show Default Buttons left"; deleteButtonLabel = "delete"; dockAction = "Action"; dockShowBookmarks = "Show Bookmarks"; dockShowDesktop = "Show Desktop"; dock_addPageAtBottom = "+ bottom"; dock_addPageAtTop = "+ top"; dock_movePageBottom = "bottom"; dock_movePageDown = "down"; dock_movePageTop = "top"; dock_movePageUp = "up"; dock_removeDockPage = "remove"; dockablePage = "Dockable Page"; dockablePages = "Dock"; editPassword = "edit password"; editableForAccount = "editable"; email1 = "Email 1"; enterprise_sub_view = "Company Subview"; external = "External"; extraAccountLabel = "Extra Account"; fileUploadLabel = "Bookmark upload"; firstname = "Firstname"; gotoEditLabel = "edit"; groups = "Teams"; hideInactiveButtons = "Hide Inactive Buttons"; html = "Html"; inMB = " Megabyte"; internal = "Internal"; isTemplateUser = "Is Template User"; language = "Language"; locationTeamLabel = "Location Team"; locked = "Locked"; login = "Login"; mail_editor_type = "Type of Maileditor"; mail_send_type = "Send Mail as"; mail_viewAttachmentsInline = "View Attachments inline"; mail_viewImagesInline = "View Images inline"; maxClipCount = "Favoriteslist Size"; maxNavLabelLength = "Max length of navigation labels"; name = "Name"; new = "new"; newAccount = "New Account"; nickname = "Nickname"; noLocationLabel = "- no location -"; non_selected_local_addesses_title = "local domains"; onlyRoot = "editable"; overview = "Overview"; passwordButtonLabel = "password"; persons = "Contacts"; plain = "Text"; preferencesEditor = "Preferences Editor"; preferencesViewer = "Preferences Viewer"; projects = "Project"; resetEditable = "reset editable flag"; resetToDefault = "reset to default"; resource = "Resources for appointments"; saveButtonLabel = "save"; scheduler_chart = "Week Chart"; scheduler_day = "Day View"; scheduler_end_hour = "Calendar Endhour"; scheduler_overview = "Week Overview"; scheduler_start_hour = "Calendar Starthour"; scheduler_view = "Calendar View"; selected_local_addesses_title = "selected local domains"; ship = "Ship Address"; showAMPMDates = "use AM/PM format"; signature = "Signature"; teamLabel = "Teams"; templateUser = "Template User"; textModeButtons = "Text Buttons"; textModeDocks = "Text Dock"; theme = "Theme"; timezone = "Timezone"; usermanager_blocksize = "Number of list items (usermanager)"; viewAttachmentsInline = "View Attachments inline"; viewImagesInline = "View Images inline";