{ // TODO: a lot of DUPs between this and OGoSchedulerViews! scheduler_hide_new_proposal_on_rescat = YES; scheduler_selectPanel_showAptTypes = YES; scheduler_memberteams_only = NO; scheduler_daychart_maxaptinfolength = 14; scheduler_weekchart_maxaptinfolength = 7; scheduler_weekchart_starthour = 8; scheduler_weekchart_endhour = 21; scheduler_weekchart_columnsperday = 24; scheduler_daychart_columnsperday = 60; scheduler_first_day_of_week = 1; // monday scheduler_monthoverview_maxaptperday = 20; scheduler_monthoverview_maxaptinfolength = 14; scheduler_dayoverview_timeinterval = 3600; // in seconds scheduler_dayoverview_daystart = 480; // minutes after 0:00 scheduler_dayoverview_dayend = 1080; // minutes after 0:00 scheduler_additional_popup_entries = 20; scheduler_overview_short_info = YES; scheduler_overview_with_resources = YES; // holidays scheduler_show_holiday_shrovetide = NO; // Fastnacht scheduler_show_holiday_ascension = YES; // Christi Himmelfahrt scheduler_show_holiday_mothersDay = NO; // Muttertag scheduler_show_holiday_corpusChristi = NO; // Fronleichnam scheduler_show_holiday_summertimeChange = YES; // Sommerzeitumstellung scheduler_show_holiday_wintertimeChange = YES; // Winterzeitumstellung scheduler_show_holiday_christmasEve = YES; // Weihnachtsabend scheduler_show_holiday_newYearsEve = YES; // Silvester scheduler_show_holiday_deathsSunday = NO; // Totensonntag scheduler_show_holiday_newYear = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_holyThreeKings = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_goodFriday = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_easter = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_firstMay = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_whitsun = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_germanUnityDay = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_reformationsDay = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_allSaintsDay = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_christmasDay = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_boxingDay = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_firstAdvent = NO; scheduler_show_holiday_secondAdvent = NO; scheduler_show_holiday_thirdAdvent = NO; scheduler_show_holiday_fourthAdvent = NO; scheduler_show_holiday_dayOfPrayerAndRepetance = YES; scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_bay = NO; // Bayern scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_ber = NO; // Berlin scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_bra = NO; // Brandenburg scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_bre = NO; // Bremen scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_bwb = NO; // Baden-Wuertt. scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_hes = NO; // Hessen scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_hh = NO; // Hamburg scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_mvp = NO; // Meck.-P. scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_nrw = NO; // Nordrein-W. scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_nsa = NO; // Niedersachsen scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_rpf = NO; // Rheinland-Pf. scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_saa = NO; // Saarland scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_sac = NO; // Sachsen scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_sah = YES; // Sachsen-Anhalt scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_thu = NO; // Thueringen scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_slh = NO; // Schleswig H. scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_bylaw = YES; // Gesetzl. Feiert. scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_advent = NO; // Advent scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_custom_all = YES; // benutzerdefinierte scheduler_show_holiday_holidaygroup_custom_private = YES; // Ereignisse // holidays not bound in groups scheduler_available_holidays = ( "shrovetide", "mothersDay", "summertimeChange", "wintertimeChange", "christmasEve", "deathsSunday", "newYearsEve" ); // school holidays scheduler_school_holidays = { // Bayern holidaygroup_bay = ""; // Berlin holidaygroup_ber = ""; // Brandenburg holidaygroup_bra = ""; // Bremen holidaygroup_bre = ""; // Baden-Wuerttemberg holidaygroup_bwb = ""; // Hessen holidaygroup_hes = ""; // Hamburg holidaygroup_hh = ""; // Meckl. V. holidaygroup_mvp = ""; // Nordrein-W. holidaygroup_nrw = ""; // Rheinland-Pf. holidaygroup_rpf = ""; // Saarland holidaygroup_saa = ""; // Sachsen holidaygroup_sac = ""; // Niedersachsen holidaygroup_nsa = ""; // Sachsen-Anhalt holidaygroup_sah = ""; // Thueringen holidaygroup_thu = ""; // Schleswig-H. holidaygroup_slh = ""; }; // grouped holidays scheduler_holiday_groups = { // Advent-Feiertage holidaygroup_advent = ""; // Gesetzliche Feiertage holidaygroup_bylaw = ""; // Benutzerdefinierte Feiertage holidaygroup_custom_all = ""; // Privat Feiertage holidaygroup_custom_private = ""; }; schedulerpage_tab = "weekoverview"; schedulerpage_weekview = "overview"; schedulerpage_dayview = "overview"; scheduler_show_jobs = NO; scheduler_show_palm_dates = YES; scheduler_popup_maxlength = 25; schedulerselect_fetchkeys = ( title, location, aptType, startDate, endDate, globalID, ownerId, accessTeamId, permissions, resourceNames, "participants.companyId", "participants.globalID", "participants.login", "participants.firstname", "participants.name", "participants.description", "participants.isTeam", "participants.isAccount" ); schedulerselect_teamfetchkeys = ( description ); schedulerselect_personfetchkeys = ( name, firstname, isAccount, login, companyId, globalID ); schedulerselect_months = ( January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December ); schedulerconflicts_fetchkeys = ( title, location, startDate, endDate, globalID ); schedulerconflicts_conflictkeys = ( companyId, partStatus, role, team.isTeam, team.description, person.name, person.firstname ); /* those are keys mapped to the bindings dictionary available for formletters */ schedulerformletter_personkeys = ( emailAlias, office, assistantName, number, sex, keywords, contactId, salutation, nameAffix, firstname, companyId, anniversary, priority, occupation, partnerName, description, degree, middlename, objectVersion, freebusyUrl, department, birthday, bossName, name, url, imAddress, nameTitle, dirServer, email1, email2 ); schedulerformletter_aptkeys = ( startDate, endDate, resourceNames, keywords, title, cycleEndDate, location, type, dateId, objectVersion, aptType, busyType, fbtype, ownerId ); OGoSchedulerFormLetterTypes = { OOo = { fieldSeparator = "\t"; lineSeparator = "\n"; quoteFields = "\""; /* dateformat = "%d.%m.%Y"; */ preamble = ( "Title", "First Name", "Last Name", "Company Name", "Address Line 1", "Address Line 2", "City", "State", "ZIP", "Country", "Telephone private", "Telephone business", "E-mail Address", "Gender", "Appointment" ); line = ( "$salutation$", "$firstname$", "$name$", "", "$mailing_name1$", "$mailing_name2$", "$mailing_city$", "$mailing_state$", "$mailing_zip$", "$mailing_country$", "", "", "$email1$", "$sex$", "$title$ - $location$ ($startDate$ - $endDate$)" ); }; FrameMaker = { lineSeparator = ""; line = "$mailing_name1$\n$mailing_name2$\n$mailing_name3$\n$degree$ $firstname$ $name$\n\n$mailing_street$\n$mailing_zip$ $mailing_city$\n\n\n\n\n\n$salutation$ $name$,\n\n"; }; WinWord = { fieldSeparator = ";"; lineSeparator = "\n"; line = ( "$salutation$", "$sex$", "$degree$", "$firstname$", "$name$", "$mailing_name1$", "$mailing_name2$", "$mailing_name3$", "$mailing_street$", "$mailing_zip$", "$mailing_city$", "", "$email1$", "$title$ - $location$ ($startDate$ - $endDate$)" ); }; }; }