Blogger ======= Attempt to implement the Blogger XML-RPC API for ZideStore. Note: this is far from being complete! It is currently tested with project notes in Echo and allows: - list notes as posts - post new notes (with HTML marker in the note) - delete notes Use a URL like: http://localhost/zidestore/so/donald/Projects/DBTEST/ this will show the "Documents" and "Notes" subfolders as BLOGs. Root Methods vs Context Methods =============================== Note that we could define the methods on the application object, because the API has no concept of object traversal. All the methods get a parameter specifing the blog and user in question. Currently this isn't done because there can be quite a lot of blogs in OGo for one user (especially in project contexts). NOTES ===== - blogger.deletePost does not specify the blog, only the post id TODO ==== - authentication should be done via XML-RPC, not via basic auth Links ===== What Ecto Does ============== MovableType Mode 1. XML-RPC: bloggers.getUsersBlogs 2. on each blog URL: GET 3. metaWeblog.getRecentPosts 4. mt.supportedTextFilters 5. mt.getCategoryList Note: Ecto does not escape '>': ---snip--- description <p> mein <strong>content</strong> 1 </p> ---snap--- Ecto currently throws exceptions: ---snip--- ---snap--- Atom ==== Not currently implemented. First we need "X-Wsse" authentication: ---snip--- X-Wsse: UsernameToken Username="helge", PasswordDigest="lmay9ZhN0/RmchYJhuf1jQT3E50=", Nonce="ZWN0by0zNzI3", Created="2004-10-24T14:37:27Z" ---snap---