// $Id: PersonsUI.strings,v 1.1 2004/01/20 21:16:12 helge Exp $ 00_created = "létrehozva" 01_dear_ms = "Tisztelt Hölgyem!" 01_tel = "Telefon 1" 01_tel_search = "Telefon 1" 02_dear_mrs = "Tisztelt Asszonyom!" 02_tel = "Telefon 2" 02_tel_search = "Telefon 2" 03_dear_mr = "Tisztelt Uram!" 03_tel_funk = "Mobil" 03_tel_funk_search = "Mobil" 04_dear_prof = "Tisztelt Professzor Úr!" 05_changed = "változtatva" 05_dear_dr = "Dear Dr." 05_tel_private = "Privát telefon" 05_tel_private_search = "Tel privát" 06_geehrt_herr = "Sehr geehrter Herr" 06_tel = "Telefon 3" 06_tel_search = "Telefon 3" 07_geehrt_frau = "Sehr geehrte Frau" 07_tel = "Telephone 4" 07_tel_search = "Telephone 4" 08_geehrt_herr_prof = "Sehr geehrter Herr Prof." 08_tel = "Telephone 5" 08_tel_search = "Telephone 5" 09_geehrt_herr_dr = "Sehr geehrter Herr Dr." 09_tel = "Telephone 6" 09_tel_search = "Telephone 6" 10_archived = "archiválva" 10_fax = "Fax" 10_fax_search = "Fax" 10_geehrt_frau_prof = "Sehr geehrte Frau Prof." 11_geehrt_frau_dr = "Sehr geehrte Frau Dr." 15_fax_private = "Fax private" 15_fax_private_search = "Fax private" 20_email = "Email" 21_email = "Email" 25_isdn = "ISDN" 25_isdn_search = "ISDN" AddressAccessPreferences = "Default Access Preferences" AddressPreferences = "Company/Contact Preferences" Contacts = "Kapcsolatok" EditEnterpriseLabel = "Edit Company" EnterpriseEditorAssignTitle = "Person Assignment" EnterpriseEditorTitle = "Company Editor" EnterpriseSearchPageTitle = "Company Search (wizard mode)" Enterprises = "Companies" ExtendedView = "Show Companies" FormLetterLink = "Formalevél" LSWPersonAdvancedSearch = "Kapcsolatok kiterjesztett keresése" LSWPersonEditor = "Edit Person" LSWPersonViewer = "View Person" LSWPersons = "Személyek" NO = "nem" SkyPersonAttributesEditor = "Edit Person" SkyPersonEditor = "Edit Person" SkyPersonViewer = "View Person" YES = "igen" access = "Jogok" accessTab = "jogok" account = "Account" accountName = "account" action = "Action" action_newjob = "új feladat" action_toAccount = "create account"; 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branche = "Branch" branche_other = "Branch (Other)" cancelButtonLabel = "mégse" categories = "Kategóriák" categoryLabel = "Kategória" chamber_of_trade = "Chamber" chamber_of_trade_comment = "Chamber comment" chamber_of_trade_state = "Chamber state" chooseEnterprise = "choose Company     " chooseMailingAddress = "choose Mailing Address" choosePrivateAddress = "choose Private Address" chooseProjects = "Choose Projects" city = "Város" clearButtonLabel= "bevitel törlése" clip = "kivág" comment = "Megjegyzés" commonAttributes = "Közös" common_gathering_title = "Common Attributes" company_gathering_title = "Cég"; competition_products= "Competition products" contact = "Kapcsolat" contact_type = "Kapcsolat" couldNotSavePerson = "Could not save person"; country = "Ország" createTab = "Create Tab" createWithAccessOnlyForMe = "create with access limited to me" creationDate = "Date" date_of_purchase = "Date of purchase" decision = "Decision" degree = "Degree" deleteButtonLabel = "törlés" deleteFolder = "mappa törlés"; deleteImage = "Kép törlése" description = "Leírás" documents = "dokumentumok" download = "Letöltés" downloadFormletter = "Formalevél letöltés"; edit = "szerkeszt" editFolder = "mappa szerkesztés"; ego_infoline = "Ego Infoline" email = "Email" email1 = "Email 1" email2 = "Email 2" email3 = "Email 3" emptyTrash = "empty trash"; endDate = "End date" enterprise = "Cég" enterpriseView = "Cég" enterpriseViewer = "Company view" enterprise_name = "Cégnév" enterprise_number = "Number" enterprise_state = "Company state" enterprise_state_comment = "Company state comment" enterprise_sub_view = "Company Subview" enterprises = "cégek" enterpriseviewer_logsLabel = "Logs" enterpriseviewer_logsTitle = "Company Logs" enterpriseviewer_personlabel = "Kapcsolatok" enterpriseviewer_personlist = "Contacts list" enterpriseviewer_projectlabel = "Kapcsolatok" enterpriseviewer_projectlist = "Contacts list" enterpriseviewer_tab_attributes = "jellemzők" enterpriseviewer_tab_bill = "bill address" enterpriseviewer_tab_documents = "dokumentumok" enterpriseviewer_tab_jobs = "feladatok" enterpriseviewer_tab_overview = "áttekintés" enterpriseviewer_tab_persons = "személyek" enterpriseviewer_tab_projects = "projektek" enterpriseviewer_tab_ship = "ship address" enterpriseviewer_tab_urls = "urls" enterpriseviewer_title = "Company Viewer" error_birthday_format = "Error in field birthday: wrong format! " error_no_name = "Error in field name: please fill in! " error_nu_exceed = "Error: Number of named users exceed! " evaluation_status = "Evaluation status" extendedAttributes = "Extended" favorites = "kedvencek" favoured_contact_type = "Favorizált kapcsolat" female = "nő" fieldMustBeUnique = "A következő mezőnek egyedinek kell lennie" first = "első " firstName = "Vezetéknév" firstname = "Vezetéknév" folderTitle = "Foldername"; formletterButtonLabel = "Formletter" formletter_kind = "Form Letter" forward_request_to = "Forward to" framemaker = "Framemaker" fullSearch = "teljes szöveges keresés" fullSearchTab = "teljes szöveg" function = "Function" gathering = "Business Card Gathering" info = "Info" infolineGathering = "Infoline Gathering" infoline_comment_intern = "Comment internal" information_package = "Information package" job_title = "Pozició" jobs = "feladatok" keywords = "Kategóriák" last = "last" lastName = "Keresztnév" limitedSearchLabel = "Search was limited to" link = "Link" list = "Lista" loadSearch = "Load Search" location = "location" locationaddresseditor_wizard_title = "Location Address (wizard mode)" logText = "Log Message" login = "Login" loginStatus = "is account" mailing = "mailing" mailingaddresseditor_wizard_title = "Mailing Address (wizard mode)" male = "férfi" maxResults = "max. találat szám" middlename = "Middlename" moveFolder = "move folder"; 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Az Ön verziója: " version_current = "\nÚj verzió: " version_save_anyway = "Mindenképpen mentendő?" winword = "Winword" wizard = "Wizard" wizardBack = "Vissza" wizardCancel = "Mégse" wizardFinish = "Befejezés" wizardForward = "Előre" xlink_kd_nr = "Xlink no" zip = "Irányítószám"