// $Id: AdminUI.strings,v 1.4 2004/11/29 21:14:28 wolvverine Exp $ "Password check failed" = "Podane hasło jest nieprawidłowe"; "Password too short - must be at least 6 characters" = "Nowe hasło jest za krótkie. Co najmniej 6 znaków."; Repeated input failed" = "Powtórka hasła różni się od pierwszego."; 0 = "Nie"; 1 = "Tak"; Action = "Akcja"; AdditionalPackages = "Additional packages"; AvailableUpdates = "Available updates"; Category = "Category"; Confirmation = "Potwierdzenie"; CurrentTransaction = "Current transaction"; Date = "Data"; Defaults = "domyślne"; Description = "Opis"; DoYouReallyWantToDeleteLicense = "Na pewno usunąć licencję?"; Download = "Pobierz"; English = "Angielski"; English_OGo = "Angielski (OGo)"; English_OOo = "Angielski (OOo)"; English_benhur = "Angielski (BenHur)"; English_blue = "Angielski (Blue)"; English_kde = "Angielski (KDE)"; English_cobalt = "Angielski (Cobalt)"; English_ems = "Angielski (EMS)"; English_glm = "Angielski (Greenlight Media)"; English_orange = "Angielski (classic)"; Errors = "Błędy"; General = "General"; GeneralPackageInformations = "General package informations"; German = "Niemiecki"; German_OGo = "Niemiecki (OGo)"; German_OOo = "Niemiecki (OOo)"; German_benhur = "Niemiecki (BenHur)"; German_blue = "Niemiecki (Blue)"; German_kde = "Niemiecki (KDE)"; German_cobalt = "Niemiecki (Cobalt)"; German_ems = "Niemiecki (EMS)"; German_glm = "Niemiecki (Greenlight Media)"; German_orange = "Niemiecki (classic)"; History = "History"; Host = "Host"; Importance = "Importance"; Install = "Install"; InstallInProgress = "Installation is in progress..."; Installation = "Installation"; Installed = "Installed"; InstalledPackages = "Installed packages"; Key = "Key"; LSWAccountViewer = "Ustawienia konta"; LSWEnterpriseLicenseEditor = "Wpisz licencję"; LSWPasswordEditor = "Edytuj hasło"; LSWStaff = "Administracja"; LSWTeamEditor = "Edytuj grupę"; LSWTeamViewer = "Pokaż grupę"; Licenses = "Licencje"; ManagePackages = "manage packages"; Messages = "Messages"; NO = "Nie"; Package = "Package"; PackageHistory = "Transaction history of this package"; PackageInformations = "Package informations"; PackageName = "Package name"; PackageProvides = "This package provides the following packages"; PackageRequires = "This package requires the following packages"; Packages = "Packages"; PackagesToRemove = "Packages to remove"; Progress = "Progress"; Provides = "Provides"; RCConnectError = "Unable to connect to red carpet deamon"; Release = "Release"; Remove = "Usuń"; RequestedPackages = "Requested packages"; Requires = "Requires"; Size = "Wielkość"; SkyDefaultsEditor = "Ustawienia"; SkyPackageManager = "Package manager"; State = "State"; Step = "Krok"; Summary = "Razem"; SyncFailedError = "Synchronizacja nie powiodła się"; TimeElapsed = "Time elapsed"; TimeExpected = "Time expected"; TimeRemaining = "Time remaining"; Transactions = "Transactions"; Uninstalled = "Niezainstalowane"; UninstalledPackages = "Niezainstalowane Moduły"; Update = "Aktualizacja"; Updates = "Aktualizacje"; User = "Użytkownik"; UserManager = "Menadzer użytkowników"; ValuesDontMatchError = "Wartości ze starej [old[%@] i nowej new[%@] domeny są różne."; Version = "Wersja"; YES = "Tak"; account = "Konto"; accountList = "Konta"; accounts = "Konta"; accountsSubview = "Konta"; accountViewerTitle = "Pokaż konto"; action = "Akcja"; addAccounts = "Dodaj Konta"; admin_team_doexport = "Export Team"; admin_team_mailbox = "Team-Mailbox"; admin_vaddresses = "Wirtualne adresy"; aptResources = "Term. zasoby"; bill = "Adres rachunku"; cancelButtonLabel = "anuluj"; cancelDownloadButtonLabel = "cancel download"; clip = "clip"; closeButtonLabel = "close"; date = "Data"; deleteButtonLabel = "usuń"; delete = "Usuń licencję"; download = "download"; editLabel = "Zmień dane konta"; edit_Preferences = "Zmień preferencje"; edit = "Edytuj"; email1 = "Email 1"; email = "Email-włącz do wiadomości"; enterLicenseTitle = "Wpisz licencję"; enterprise_sub_view = "Pokaż podkategorie firmy"; external = "Zewn.link"; extraAccountLabel = "Dodatkowe konto"; failed = "failed"; fileContent = "Klucz licencji"; fileName = "Nazwa pliku"; firstname = "Imię"; finished = "finished"; groups = "grupy"; html = "Pobierz dokument Html"; installation = "installation"; internal = "wewn."; isValid = "ważne"; job_import_name = "Importuj zadanie"; language = "Język"; license_company = "Firma"; license_expire = "Ważny do"; license_file = "Plik"; license_host = "Host"; license_modules = "Moduł"; Licenses = "Licencje"; licensesTab = "Licencje"; license_user = "Kontakt"; locationTeamLabel = "adres"; locked = "zablokowane"; loginLabel = "Login"; mailConfig = "Poczta"; mail_editor_type = "Edytor poczty"; mail_send_type = "Wyślij pocztę jako"; members = "Konta"; name = "Nazwisko"; new = "nowe"; newPassword = "nowe hasło"; newTemplate = "nowy użytkownik"; nickname = "Pseudonim"; noLocationLabel = "- bez adresu -"; noValue = "nie"; of = "of"; oldPassword = "stare hasło"; overview = "przegląd"; packages = "packages"; passwordTitle = "Zmień hasło"; persons = "Osoby"; plain = "Tekst"; progress = "progress"; projects = "Projekty"; providedBy = "provided by"; refresh = "Odśwież"; repeatPassword = "Powtórz hasło"; saveButtonLabel = "zapisz"; scheduler_chart = "Grafik tygodniowy"; scheduler_day = "Widok dzieć"; scheduler_end_hour = "Zakończ terminarz"; scheduler_overview = "Widok tydzień"; scheduler_start_hour = "Uruchom terminarz"; scheduler_view" = "Wygląd terminarza"; search = "Szukaj"; searchall = "Pokaż wszystkie"; searchAccounts = "Szukaj kont"; sessionLogs = "Logi sesji"; sessionLogTab = "Logi sesji"; ship = "Adres dostawy"; shutdown = "Aktywuj licencje"; staffTitle = "Administrator"; startButtonLabel = "start"; successful = "successful"; teamLabel = "Przynależność do grupy"; teamList = "Grupy"; teams = "Grupy"; teamsSubview = "Grupy"; teamTitle = "Edycja grupy"; teamViewerTitle = "Pokaż grupę"; timezone = "Strefa czasowa"; UserManager = "Administrator"; valueNotSet = "(brak wartości)"; yesValue = "tak"; zidestore = "ZideStore";