// bind template to controller Frame: LSWSkyrixFrame {} Window: LSWWindowFrame { title = labels.jobsWindowLabel; onClose = session.navigation.leavePage; } Form: WOForm { name = "filterform"; action = filter; } TabView: SkyTabView { selection = tabKey; } TodoTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "toDoList"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.toDoList; } DelegateTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "delegatedJobs"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.delegatedJobs; } ArchivedTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "archivedJobs"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.archivedJobs; } PalmJobTab: SkySimpleTabItem { key = "palmJobs"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.palmJobs; } // TODO: convert to WETableView! ToDoList: LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.jobListTitle; start = start; label = labels.jobListLabel; list = filteredJobList; item = job; relatedObject = subJob; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = blockSize; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isDescending; attributes = ( { key = "jobStatus"; sort = YES; label = ""; alt = "jobStatus"; image = { "00_created" = "led_red.gif"; "02_rejected" = "led_red.gif"; "20_processing" = "led_yellow.gif"; "25_done" = "led_green.gif"; "30_archived" = "led_dark.gif"; }; isAltLocalized = YES; }, { key = "jobStatus"; labelKey = "jobStatus"; sort = NO; isLocalized = YES; }, { key = "name"; labelKey = "taskName"; sort = YES; action = "viewJob"; }, { key = "endDate"; labelKey = "due"; sort = YES; changeFontColorCondition = "endDateOutOfTime"; fontColor = "#000000"; electFontColor = "#FF0000"; }, { key = "creator"; relKey = "login"; labelKey = "creator"; sort = NO; changeFontColorCondition = isCreatorArchived; electFontColor = "colors_deleted_object"; fontColor = "font_color"; }, { key = "__executant_name__"; labelKey = "executant"; sort = NO; changeFontColorCondition = isExecutantArchived; electFontColor = "colors_deleted_object"; fontColor = "font_color"; }, { key = "toProject"; relKey = "name"; labelKey = "projectLabel"; sort = NO; }, { key = "category"; labelKey = "categoryLabel"; sort = YES; }, { key = "keywords"; labelKey = "keywords"; sort = YES; }, { key = "priority"; labelKey = "priorityLabel"; sort = YES; isLocalized = YES; },); } ArchivedJobList: LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.jobListTitle; start = start; label = labels.jobListLabel; list = filteredJobList; item = job; relatedObject = subJob; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = blockSize; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isDescending; attributes = ( { key = "name"; labelKey = "taskName"; sort = YES; action = "viewJob"; }, { key = "endDate"; labelKey = "due"; sort = YES; }, { key = "__executant_name__"; labelKey = "executant"; sort = NO; changeFontColorCondition = isExecutantArchived; electFontColor = "colors_deleted_object"; fontColor = "font_color"; }, { key = "toProject"; relKey = "name"; labelKey = "projectLabel"; sort = NO; }, { key = "category"; labelKey = "categoryLabel"; sort = YES; }, { key = "keywords"; labelKey = "keywords"; sort = YES; },); } DelegatedJobList: LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.jobListTitle; start = start; label = labels.jobListLabel; list = filteredJobList; item = job; relatedObject = subJob; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = blockSize; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isDescending; attributes = ( { key = "jobStatus"; sort = YES; label = ""; alt = "jobStatus"; image = { "00_created" = "led_red.gif"; "02_rejected" = "led_red.gif"; "20_processing" = "led_yellow.gif"; "25_done" = "led_green.gif"; "30_archived" = "led_dark.gif"; }; isAltLocalized = YES; }, { key = "jobStatus"; labelKey = "jobStatus"; sort = NO; isLocalized = YES; }, { key = "name"; labelKey = "taskName"; sort = YES; action = "viewJob"; }, { key = "endDate"; labelKey = "due"; sort = YES; changeFontColorCondition = "endDateOutOfTime"; fontColor = "#000000"; electFontColor = "#FF0000"; }, { key = "__executant_name__"; labelKey = "executant"; sort = NO; changeFontColorCondition = isExecutantArchived; electFontColor = "colors_deleted_object"; fontColor = "font_color"; }, { key = "toProject"; relKey = "name"; labelKey = "projectLabel"; sort = NO; }, { key = "category"; labelKey = "categoryLabel"; sort = YES; }, { key = "keywords"; labelKey = "keywords"; sort = YES; }, { key = "priority"; labelKey = "priorityLabel"; sort = YES; isLocalized = YES; },); } PalmJobList: SkyPalmJobList { subKey = "LSWJobs"; action = "viewPalmJob"; job = job; } Buttons: SkyButtonRow { ordering = ( ); onNew = newJob; new = labels.new; tipNew = labels.new; } TeamPopup: WOPopUpButton { list = teams; item = item; string = item.description; selection = selectedTeam; nilString = labels.privateLabel; onChange = "document.filterform.submit(); return true"; } TimePopup: WOPopUpButton { list = timeList; item = item; string = timeLabel; selection = timeSelection; onChange = "document.filterform.submit(); return true"; } FilterSubmit: WOSubmitButton { action = filter; value = labels.show; class = "button_narrow"; } IsToDoList: WOConditional { condition = tabKey; value = "toDoList"; } IsNotArchivedJobs: WOConditional { condition = tabKey; value = "archivedJobs"; negate = YES; } IsNotPalmJobs: WOConditional { condition = tabKey; value = "palmJobs"; negate = YES; } NeedGroupCheckBoxCond: WOConditional { condition = needGroupCheckBox; } GroupCheckBox: WOCheckBox { checked = showMyGroups; onClick = "document.filterform.submit(); return true"; } MeTooString: WOString { value = labels.GroupLabel; } Font: SkyConfigFont {} KeywordsLabel: WOString { value = labels.keywords; } KeywordsSearchField: WOTextField { value = keywordsString; size = 20; } IsPreferredExecutantEnabled : WOConditional { condition = preferredExecutantsEnabled; } PreferredExecutantTab : SkySimpleTabItem { key = "prefExeJobs"; action = tabClicked; label = labels.prefExeJobs; } PreferredExecutantList : LSWTableView { labels = labels; title = labels.prefExeJobs; start = start; label = labels.jobListLabel; list = filteredJobList; item = job; selectedAttribute = selectedAttribute; blockSize = blockSize; sorter = session.eoSorter; isDescending = isDescending; attributes = ( { key = "jobStatus"; sort = YES; label = ""; alt = "jobStatus"; image = { "00_created" = "led_red.gif"; "02_rejected" = "led_red.gif"; "20_processing" = "led_yellow.gif"; "25_done" = "led_green.gif"; "30_archived" = "led_dark.gif"; }; isAltLocalized = YES; }, { key = "jobStatus"; labelKey = "jobStatus"; sort = NO; isLocalized = YES; }, { key = "name"; labelKey = "taskName"; sort = YES; action = "viewJob"; }, { key = "endDate"; labelKey = "due"; sort = YES; changeFontColorCondition = "endDateOutOfTime"; fontColor = "#000000"; electFontColor = "#FF0000"; }, { key = "creator"; relKey = "login"; labelKey = "creator"; sort = NO; changeFontColorCondition = isCreatorArchived; electFontColor = "colors_deleted_object"; fontColor = "font_color"; }, { key = "__executant_name__"; labelKey = "executant"; sort = NO; changeFontColorCondition = isExecutantArchived; electFontColor = "colors_deleted_object"; fontColor = "font_color"; }, { key = "toProject"; relKey = "name"; labelKey = "projectLabel"; sort = NO; }, { key = "category"; labelKey = "categoryLabel"; sort = YES; }, { key = "keywords"; labelKey = "keywords"; sort = YES; }, { key = "priority"; labelKey = "priorityLabel"; sort = YES; isLocalized = YES; },); }