compare /home/helge/dev/complete/ with /home/helge/dev/OGo-1.0a/ added: debian changed: DocumentAPI/OGoDocuments/ 2004-09-24 Helge Hess * SkyDocumentManagerImp.m: do not throw exception in case the "skyrix_id" default is not configured (just prints a warning) (v5.1.22) changed: Database/OGoModel/ 2004-09-28 Helge Hess * added an own principal class for the bundle (v5.1.13) added: Database/OGoModel/OGoModel.m added: Database/OGoModel/OGo.model added: Misc/Invoice/ChangeLog added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/calendar.js added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/WOStats.xsl removed: ZideStore/Maps changed: ZideStore/Main/ 2004-09-29 Helge Hess * fhs.make: install daemon into $FHS_ROOT/sbin (v1.3.88) 2004-09-27 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: renamed ogo-zidestore-13 to ogo-zidestore-1.3 (v1.3.87) 2004-09-24 Helge Hess * ZideStore.m: prepared to use defaults in /etc/ (v1.3.86) * v1.3.85 * made ZideStore a regular, versioned tool (ogo-zidestore-13) * moved product.plist to the new ZSCommon product (SoObjects/) * GNUmakefile: moved all maps to appropriate subdirs (v1.3.84) 2004-09-23 Helge Hess * ZideStore.m: moved some mappings to ZSFrontend, rewrite startup on default port 20000 to port 21000 to avoid clashes with no WOPort being configured (v1.3.83) added: ZideStore/Main/fhs.make removed: ZideStore/Main/product.plist removed: ZideStore/Main/GNUmakefile.postamble changed: ZideStore/ZSBackend/ 2004-09-28 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed library search path (v1.3.79) 2004-09-27 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble (libZSBackend_LIBRARIES_DEPEND_UPON): fixed strict dependencies for MacOSX (v1.3.78) added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/GNUmakefile.postamble added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/NGResourceLocator+ZSB.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/NGResourceLocator+ZSB.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/Appointments/AptBackendSets.plist changed: ZideStore/Protocols/RSS/ 2004-09-26 Helge Hess * added generic RSS method which works on all folders (v1.3.5) added: ZideStore/Protocols/RSS/SxFolderRSS.m changed: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/ 2004-09-24 Helge Hess * v1.3.90 * SxFolder.m: use NGResourceLocator to find DAVPropSets.plist * SxMsgRootFolder.m: lookup PersonalFolderInfo.plist using NGResourceLocator * GNUmakefile: added PersonalFolderInfo.plist and DAVPropSets.plist (where application resources before) * OLDavPropMapper.m: moved resource-locator code to a new category, NGResourceLocator+ZSF.m 2004-09-23 Helge Hess * v1.3.89 * OLDavPropMapper.m: locate mapping files using NGResourceLocator * moved in mapping lists from main executable, install them in share locations added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/DAVPropSets.plist added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/MAPIPropIDMap.plist added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/ProprietaryProps.plist added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/MAPIPropMap.plist added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/GNUmakefile.postamble added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/NGResourceLocator+ZSF.h added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/NGResourceLocator+ZSF.m added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/PersonalFolderInfo.plist added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/E2KAttrMap.plist added: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSCommon changed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSAppointments/ 2004-09-30 Helge Hess * v1.3.81 * SxAppointment.m: added ability to PUT individual iCalendar files, can guess iCalendar content from PUTs without content-type (Cadaver ...), creates a new DB record in case the PUT target was not found * SxAppointmentMessageParser.[hm]: added -parseICalendarData: method to parse raw iCalendars * SxAppointment.m: improved a log message 2004-09-26 Helge Hess * v1.3.80 * SxAppointment.m: added methods to fetch appointment comment, added specific RSS title/description support * SxAppointmentFolder.m: added support for -davChildKeysInContext:, added specific RSS channel title, changed some logs into debug logs to avoid logfile clutter changed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSProjects/ 2004-09-26 Helge Hess * v1.3.89 * SxProjectFolder.m: added methods to fetch the abstract of a project, added special RSS support for using that abstract as the RSS description * SxProjectsFolder.m: added special RSS channel title * SxNote.m: use 'title' as the davDisplayName (used in the RSS generator) 2004-09-25 Helge Hess * v1.3.88 * SxNote.m: added asBrHTML and asPreHTML actions, use creationDate as the davLastModified date (should be changed!) * added RSS support for project notes. The RSS is exposed as "Notes.rss" in the project folder. * SxNote.m: catch exceptions when attempting to write notes, fixes OGo bug #923, minor improvements to WebDAV interface, fixes writing of notes (v1.3.87) added: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSProjects/SxProjectNotesRSS.m added: maintenance/ogo-environment.spec added: maintenance/opengroupware.spec added: maintenance/changes-1.0a7-to-1.0a8.txt changed: Logic/LSProject/ 2004-09-25 Helge Hess * LSSetNoteCommand.m: improved error handling (v5.1.30) changed: Logic/LSAddress/ 2004-10-01 Helge Hess * LSSetCompanyCommand.m: removed some code which was commented out (relationship is fetched explicitly instead of using a fault) (v5.1.44) added: Contrib/ changed: XmlRpcAPI/Daemon/ 2004-09-29 Helge Hess * fhs.make: install daemon into $FHS_ROOT/sbin (v5.1.49) 2004-09-27 Helge Hess * XmlRpcCoding.subproj/SkyDocument+XmlRpcCoding.[hm]: added proper header include protection, made category name unique (fixes a warning on MacOSX) (v5.1.48) 2004-09-27 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: renamed executable to ogo-xmlrpcd-1.0a as requested by sley (v5.1.47) 2004-09-24 Helge Hess * xmlrpcd.m: prepared to use defaults in /etc/ (v5.1.46) * XmlRpcApplication.m: added a default port (22000) so that we don't clash without configuration (v5.1.45) 2004-09-24 Helge Hess * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Mails.m: minor code cleanups, fixed a warning on MacOSX (v5.1.44) changed: PDA/OGoPalmWebUI/ 2004-10-01 Helge Hess * SkyPalmAssignDate.m: major code cleanups (v5.1.26) 2004-10-01 Tiny Toon * SkyPalmAssignDate.m: added 'location' to fetch attributes * bundle-info.plist: removed dependency on BaseUI and OGoUIElements 2004-09-21 Helge Hess * code cleanups in all files (v5.1.25) changed: PDA/OGoPalm/ 2004-10-01 Tiny Toon * v5.1.29 * SkyPalmDateDocument.m: improved support for allday appointments * SkyPalmPreSync.m, SkyPalmDateDataSource.m, SkyPalmDateDocument.m: added 'location' to fetch attributes 2004-09-26 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: added proper library version for gstep-make 1.10 added: PDA/OGoPalm/OGoPalmDS.ds changed: PDA/PPSync/ 2004-10-01 Tiny Toon * PPSyncContext.m: added debugging code (v5.1.12) 2004-09-29 Helge Hess * fhs.make: install daemon into $FHS_ROOT/sbin (v5.1.11) 2004-09-27 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: renamed executable to ogo-nhsd-1.0a as requested by sley (v5.1.10) changed: PDA/OGoNHSSync/ 2004-09-26 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile (libOGoNHS_VERSION): fixed version to include subminor added: PDA/OGoNHSSync/OpenGroupwareNHS.conduit changed: PDA/OGoPalmUI/ 2004-09-26 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: added proper library version for gstep-make 1.10 2004-09-21 Helge Hess * added common.h file (v5.1.6) added: PDA/OGoPalmUI/common.h added: WebUI/Main added: WebUI/SoOGo removed: WebUI/ changed: WebUI/JobUI/ 2004-09-27 Helge Hess * LSWJobMailPage.m: some code cleanups, added -lastComment and -isTeamJob accessors (for use in template) (v5.1.48) removed: WebUI/Scheduler/OGoSchedulerViews/English.lproj removed: WebUI/Scheduler/OGoSchedulerViews/English_blue.lproj added: WebUI/Templates/ogo-webui-1.0a added: WebUI/Templates/GNUmakefile removed: WebUI/Templates/OpenGroupware10a added: WebUI/Templates/OGoDocInlineViewers/SkyDocEmbedInlineViewer.wox-notyet removed: WebUI/Templates/OGoDocInlineViewers/SkyDocEmbedInlineViewer.wox added: WebUI/Templates/PersonsUI/SkyPersonViewer.wox-notyet removed: WebUI/Templates/PersonsUI/SkyPersonViewer.wox added: WebUI/Templates/AddressUI/ChangeLog added: WebUI/Templates/BaseUI/Main.wod added: WebUI/Templates/BaseUI/OGoLogoutPage.html added: WebUI/Templates/BaseUI/LSWObjectViewer.wox-notyet added: WebUI/Templates/BaseUI/Main.html added: WebUI/Templates/BaseUI/OGoLogoutPage.wod removed: WebUI/Templates/BaseUI/LSWObjectViewer.wox added: WebUI/Templates/OGoMailEditor/LSWImapMailEditor.wox-notyet added: WebUI/Templates/OGoMailEditor/GNUmakefile removed: WebUI/Templates/OGoMailEditor/LSWImapMailEditor.wox added: WebUI/Templates/JobUI/ChangeLog added: WebUI/Templates/OGoProject/SkyProject4DocumentViewer.wox-notyet removed: WebUI/Templates/OGoProject/SkyProject4DocumentViewer.wox added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/orange/ogo-webui-1.0a removed: WebUI/Templates/Themes/orange/OpenGroupware10a added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/orange/BaseUI/LSWLogoutPage.html added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/blue/ogo-webui-1.0a removed: WebUI/Templates/Themes/blue/OpenGroupware10a added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/blue/BaseUI/LSWLogoutPage.html added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/kde/ogo-webui-1.0a added: WebUI/Templates/OGoMailViewers/LSWMultipartAlternativeBodyViewer.wox-notyet added: WebUI/Templates/OGoMailViewers/LSWTextPlainBodyViewer.wox-notyet removed: WebUI/Templates/OGoMailViewers/LSWMultipartAlternativeBodyViewer.wox removed: WebUI/Templates/OGoMailViewers/LSWTextPlainBodyViewer.wox changed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoWebMail/ 2004-09-21 Helge Hess * LSWImapMail2Project.m: fixed a memory leak (no -dealloc!) (v5.1.100) removed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoWebMail/English.lproj/OGoWebMail.ccfg changed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoMailViewers/ 2004-09-22 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: moved components config to Templates (v5.1.19) removed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoMailViewers/German.lproj removed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoMailViewers/English.lproj/OGoMailViewers.ccfg changed: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/ 2004-09-22 Helge Hess * moved Headers to main directory, removed empty English.lproj, moved LSWMailModule.h into .m file (v5.1.10) 2004-09-22 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: moved component config to Templates (v5.1.9) 2 added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWNotifications.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailFilterEditor.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWObjectTextMailPage.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailViewer.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailEditor.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailRenderPage.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWDeletedObjectViewer.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailFolderMove.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailFolderTree.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWObjectHtmlMailPage.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailSearch.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMails.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailList.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailFolderEditor.h added: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailMove.h removed: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/German.lproj removed: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/English.lproj removed: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/Headers changed: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/ 2004-10-01 Helge Hess * SkyObjectField.m: minor change to link generation (v5.1.95) * SkyObjectField.m: code cleanups (v5.1.94) 2004-09-28 Helge Hess * Main.m: be a bit more tolerant when being invoked in an incorrect context (v5.1.93) 2004-09-22 Helge Hess * added Main and OGoLogoutPage components from main application (v5.1.92) * moved LSWBaseModule.h into .m file (v5.1.91) added: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/Main.h added: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/Main.m added: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/OGoLogoutPage.h added: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/OGoLogoutPage.m removed: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/LSWBaseModule.h changed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/ 2004-09-22 Helge Hess * v5.1.74 * OGoSession.m: do not lookup config values in OGoModuleManager but only in the main components.cfg * OGoModuleManager.m: removed support for per-bundle components.cfg files (bundlename.ccfg), all config things now need to be placed in the master components.cfg file (Note: components.cfg is considered deprecated and should not be used!) * removed LSWNavigation.h (use OGoNavigation.h) * renamed LSWModuleManager.h to OGoModuleManager.h * OGoContentPage.m: removed ability to acquire page labels from the components config (use the labels facility instead!) 2004-09-21 Helge Hess * OGoResourceManager.m: fixed to properly lookup components.cfg in the Templates directories (v5.1.73) 2004-09-21 Helge Hess * v5.1.72 * OGoResourceManager.m: prepared to lookup components.cfg files in the Templates directory. Needs to be completed. * OGoContentPage.h: removed deprecated LSWContentPage protocol (use OGoContentPage instead) * removed deprecated LSWComponent, LSWSession * renamed LSWObjectMailPage to OGoObjectMailPage added: WebUI/OGoFoundation/OGoObjectMailPage.h added: WebUI/OGoFoundation/OGoObjectMailPage.m added: WebUI/OGoFoundation/OGoModuleManager.h removed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/LSWNavigation.h removed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/LSWModuleManager.h removed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/LSWComponent.h removed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/LSWObjectMailPage.h removed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/LSWObjectMailPage.m removed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/LSWSession.h removed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/LSWSession.m changed: WebUI/PreferencesUI/ 2004-09-22 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: moved Headers into main directory (v5.1.36) * moved LSWPreferencesModule.h into .m file (v5.1.35) added: WebUI/PreferencesUI/LSWPreferencesFunctions.h added: WebUI/PreferencesUI/LSWPreferencesEditor.h removed: WebUI/PreferencesUI/Headers changed: WebUI/AdminUI/ 2004-09-21 Helge Hess * SkyDefaultsElementViewer.m: fixed a memory leak (v5.1.31) changed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/ 2004-09-26 Helge Hess * LSWProjectEditor.m: fixed a small memory leak in fetching project comments (v5.1.42) 2004-09-22 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile: moved component config to Templates (v5.1.41) removed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/German.lproj removed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/English.lproj/LSWProject.ccfg