2008-10-14 Adam Tauno Williams * PDA: moved to Recyler * GNUmakefile: removed reference to PDA subproject. * configure: removed detection of pilot-link (pisock). * INSTALL: removed comment about pisock & PDA module. 2005-08-08 Helge Hess * configure: add linking-results as vars to config.make, do not enforce gstep-make on MacOSX 2005-06-19 Helge Hess * WebUI/GNUmakefile.postamble: fixed creation of template/translation links * GNUmakefile: improved behaviour with empty GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable 2005-03-21 Helge Hess * configure: on OSX use --disable-strip / --with-gnustep per default, check for weird library combos on OSX 2005-03-07 Helge Hess * configure: check for required and optional linking dependencies, eg disable PDA if libpisock could not be found * added configure script 2004-08-20 Helge Hess * moved SandStorm, Publisher and AdminUI to Recycler * created ChangeLog, contains project global changes (this is _not_ a summary)