/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "SkyPersonJobDataSource.h" #include "common.h" #include "SkyJobDocument.h" @interface SkyPersonJobDataSource(PrivateMethodes) - (NSArray *)_morphEOsToDocuments:(NSArray *)_eos withType:(NSString *)_types; - (NSString *)_typeFromQualifier; - (EOQualifier *)_filteredQualifier; - (NSArray *)_makeGIDsFromIDs:(NSArray *)_ids; @end @interface SkyJobDocument(SkyPersonJobDataSource) - (void)_setGlobalID:(id)_gid; // set globalID after insertObject @end @implementation SkyPersonJobDataSource + (int)version { return [super version] + 0; /* v1 */ } + (void)initialize { NSAssert2([super version] == 1, @"invalid superclass (%@) version %i !", NSStringFromClass([self superclass]), [super version]); } - (id)initWithContext:(id)_ctx personId:(EOGlobalID *)_gid { NSAssert(_ctx, @"missing context for datasource !"); NSAssert(_gid, @"missing Person gid for datasource !"); if ((self = [super init])) { NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(noteChange:) name:SkyNewJobNotification object:nil]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(noteChange:) name:SkyUpdatedJobNotification object:nil]; [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(noteChange:) name:SkyDeletedJobNotification object:nil]; self->context = [_ctx retain]; self->personId = [_gid retain]; } return self; } - (id)initWithContext:(id)_ctx { return [self initWithContext:_ctx personId:[[_ctx valueForKey:LSAccountKey] globalID]]; } - (id)init { return [self initWithContext:nil personId:nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; [self->fetchSpecification release]; [self->personId release]; [self->context release]; [self->lastException release]; [super dealloc]; } - (void)noteChange:(NSNotification *)_notification { [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } /* accessors */ - (void)setFetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification *)_fSpec { if ([self->fetchSpecification isEqual:_fSpec]) return; ASSIGNCOPY(self->fetchSpecification, _fSpec); [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } - (EOFetchSpecification *)fetchSpecification { return [[self->fetchSpecification copy] autorelease]; } - (id)context { return self->context; } /* fetching */ - (NSString *)commandNameForType:(NSString *)_type { if ([_type isEqualToString:@"toDoJob"]) return @"job::get-todo-jobs"; if ([_type isEqualToString:@"controlJob"]) return @"job::get-control-jobs"; if ([_type isEqualToString:@"delegatedJob"]) return @"job::get-delegated-jobs"; if ([_type isEqualToString:@"archivedJob"]) return @"job::get-archived-jobs"; if ([_type isEqualToString:@"palmJob"]) return @"job::get-palm-jobs"; return nil; } - (NSArray *)fetchObjects { NSArray *jobs; NSString *cmdName; NSString *type; NSDictionary *hints; id person; BOOL returnGlobalIds; type = [self _typeFromQualifier]; hints = [self->fetchSpecification hints]; returnGlobalIds = [[hints objectForKey:@"fetchGlobalIDs"] boolValue]; /* could introduce hint to set this dynamically .. */ if (self->personId == nil) return nil; if ((cmdName = [self commandNameForType:type]) == nil) return [NSArray array]; NS_DURING { person = [[self->context runCommand:@"person::get-by-globalid", @"gid", self->personId, nil] lastObject]; NSAssert1(person, @"could not get Person for gid %@", self->personId); jobs = [self->context runCommand:cmdName, @"object", person, nil]; if (!returnGlobalIds) { [self->context runCommand:@"job::get-job-executants", @"objects", jobs, @"relationKey", @"executant", nil]; } } NS_HANDLER { *(&jobs) = nil; ASSIGN(self->lastException, localException); } NS_ENDHANDLER; if (returnGlobalIds) return [self _makeGIDsFromIDs:jobs]; { NSArray *sortOrderings = nil; EOQualifier *qualifier = nil; jobs = [self _morphEOsToDocuments:jobs withType:type]; if ((qualifier = [self _filteredQualifier]) != nil) jobs = [jobs filteredArrayUsingQualifier:qualifier]; if ((sortOrderings = [self->fetchSpecification sortOrderings]) != nil) jobs = [jobs sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray:sortOrderings]; } return jobs; } /* operations */ - (id)createObject { SkyJobDocument *doc = nil; EOKeyGlobalID *gid; NSMutableDictionary *dict; NSCalendarDate *now; gid = [[self->context valueForKey:LSAccountKey] valueForKey:@"globalID"]; now = [NSCalendarDate date]; dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"", @"name", now, @"startDate", now, @"endDate", @"", @"category", @"00_created", @"jobStatus", [NSNumber numberWithInt:3], @"priority", [gid keyValues][0], @"executantId", nil]; doc = [[SkyJobDocument alloc] initWithJob:dict globalID:nil dataSource:self]; return [doc autorelease]; } - (void)insertObject:(id)_object { NSDictionary *dict; dict = [self->context runCommand:@"job::new" arguments:[_object asDict]]; [_object _setGlobalID:[dict valueForKey:@"globalID"]]; [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } - (void)deleteObject:(id)_object { EOGlobalID *gid; id jobEO; gid = [_object globalID]; jobEO = [self->context runCommand:@"job::get-by-globalid", @"gid", gid, nil]; [self->context runCommand:@"job::delete", @"object", jobEO, @"reallyDelete", [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], nil]; [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } - (void)updateObject:(id)_object { NSDictionary *dict; if (![_object isComplete]) // TODO: should throw/set exception?! return; dict = [_object asDict]; [self->context runCommand:@"job::set" arguments:dict]; [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } /* SubClassing */ - (NSString *)_typeFromQualifier { EOQualifier *qual = [self->fetchSpecification qualifier]; int i, cnt; if (qual == nil) return nil; if ([qual isKindOfClass:[EOKeyValueQualifier class]]) { return ([[(EOKeyValueQualifier *)qual key] isEqualToString:@"type"]) ? [(EOKeyValueQualifier *)qual value] : nil; } if ([qual isKindOfClass:[EOOrQualifier class]] || [qual isKindOfClass:[EOAndQualifier class]]) { NSArray *quals = [(id)qual qualifiers]; cnt = [quals count]; for (i=0; ifetchSpecification qualifier]; if ([qual isKindOfClass:keyValueQualClass]) return [[(id)qual key] isEqualToString:@"type"] ? (EOQualifier *)nil :qual; return qual; } @end /* SkyPersonJobDataSource */