/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "SkyProjectDataSource.h" #include "SkyProject.h" #include "EOQualifier+Project.h" #include "common.h" #include #include @interface SkyProjectDataSource(Privates) - (NSArray *)_morphEOsToDocuments:(NSArray *)_eos; - (NSArray *)_kindsNotToFetch; @end @interface SkyProject(Private) - (void)_setGlobalID:(EOGlobalID *)_gid; - (EOGlobalID *)leader_id; - (EOGlobalID *)team_id; @end @implementation SkyProjectDataSource static NSArray *hiddenProjectTypes = nil; static NSNumber *yesNum = nil; + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSDictionary *defs; NSArray *v; if (yesNum == nil) yesNum = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] retain]; // TODO: all of them could be removed? v = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: @"00_invoiceProject", @"05_historyProject", @"10_edcProject", @"15_accountLog", nil]; defs = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: v, @"hiddenprojectkinds", nil]; [ud registerDefaults:defs]; [defs release]; defs = nil; [v release]; v= nil; if (hiddenProjectTypes == nil) hiddenProjectTypes = [[ud arrayForKey:@"hiddenprojectkinds"] copy]; } - (NSNotificationCenter *)notificationCenter { static NSNotificationCenter *nc = nil; if (nc == nil) nc = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] retain]; return nc; } - (id)initWithContext:(LSCommandContext *)_context { if (_context == nil) { [self release]; return nil; } if ((self = [super init])) { self->context = [_context retain]; [[self notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(postDataSourceChangedNotification) name:@"SkyProjectDidChangeNotification" object:nil]; } return self; } - (id)init { return [self initWithContext:nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [[self notificationCenter] removeObserver:self]; [self->fetchSpecification release]; [self->timeZone release]; [self->context release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (id)context { return self->context; } - (void)setFetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification *)_fSpec { if (self->fetchSpecification == _fSpec || [self->fetchSpecification isEqual:_fSpec]) return; ASSIGNCOPY(self->fetchSpecification, _fSpec); [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } - (EOFetchSpecification *)fetchSpecification { return [[self->fetchSpecification copy] autorelease];; } /* command wrappers */ - (NSArray *)_fetchProjectsForPersonEO:(id)_eo { return [self->context runCommand:@"person::get-projects", @"withArchived", yesNum, @"object", _eo, nil]; } - (NSArray *)_fetchProjectsForPersonEO:(id)_eo butNotThoseOfKind:(NSArray *)_notTheseKinds { if (_notTheseKinds == nil) return [self _fetchProjectsForPersonEO:_eo]; return [self->context runCommand:@"person::get-projects", @"withoutKinds", _notTheseKinds, @"withArchived", yesNum, @"object", _eo, nil]; } /* fetching */ - (void)_adjustTimeZonesOfProjects:(NSArray *)_projects { if (self->timeZone == nil) /* maybe better use GMT in this case? */ return; [[_projects mappedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(objectForKey:) withObject:@"startDate"] makeObjectsPerformSelector:@selector(setTimeZone:) withObject:self->timeZone]; } - (void)_fixupProjectsAfterFetch:(NSArray *)_projects { NSEnumerator *enumerator; id obj; enumerator = [_projects objectEnumerator]; while ((obj = [enumerator nextObject])) { /* set types */ id pca; id teamId; NSString *type; type = nil; pca = [obj valueForKey:@"companyAssignments"]; teamId = [obj valueForKey:@"teamId"]; if (![teamId isNotNull]) teamId = nil; if ((teamId == nil) && [pca count] == 0 && ![[obj valueForKey:@"dbStatus"] isEqualToString:@"archived"]) { /* private */ type = @"private"; } else if (((teamId != nil) || [pca count] > 0) && ![[obj valueForKey:@"dbStatus"] isEqualToString:@"archived"]) { /* common */ type = @"common"; } else if ([[obj valueForKey:@"dbStatus"] isEqualToString:@"archived"]) { type = @"archived"; } if ([type isNotNull]) [obj takeValue:type forKey:@"type"]; } } - (NSArray *)_filterProjectDocs:(NSArray *)_projects { EOQualifier *qualifier; if ((qualifier = [self->fetchSpecification qualifier]) == nil) return _projects; [self debugWithFormat:@"filter: %@", qualifier]; return [_projects filteredArrayUsingQualifier:qualifier]; } - (NSArray *)_applyFetchLimit:(int)_limit onProjectDocs:(NSArray *)_projects { if (!((_limit != 0) && ([_projects count] > _limit))) return _projects; [self logWithFormat:@"Note: fetch limit reached (limit=%d, count=%d)", self, _limit, [_projects count]]; return [_projects subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, _limit)]; } - (NSArray *)_sortProjectDocs:(NSArray *)_projects { NSArray *sortOrderings; if ((sortOrderings = [self->fetchSpecification sortOrderings]) == nil) return _projects; return [_projects sortedArrayUsingKeyOrderArray:sortOrderings]; } - (id)loginAccountEO { /* avoid using this method, rather base stuff on primary key */ return [self->context valueForKey:LSAccountKey]; } - (NSArray *)fetchObjects { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSArray *projects = nil; NSArray *notTheseKinds = nil; NSDictionary *hints; NSArray *attributes; unsigned fetchLimit; BOOL SearchAllProjects, fetchGlobalIDs; hints = [[self fetchSpecification] hints]; SearchAllProjects = [[hints valueForKey:@"SearchAllProjects"] boolValue]; fetchGlobalIDs = [[hints valueForKey:@"fetchGlobalIDs"] boolValue]; attributes = [hints valueForKey:@"attributes"]; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; notTheseKinds = [self _kindsNotToFetch]; fetchLimit = [self->fetchSpecification fetchLimit]; if (SearchAllProjects) { projects = [self _fetchProjectsForPersonEO:[self loginAccountEO]]; } else { projects = [self _fetchProjectsForPersonEO:[self loginAccountEO] butNotThoseOfKind:notTheseKinds]; } if (![projects isNotNull]) { [self logWithFormat: @"WARNING[%s] no projects for %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, [self->context valueForKey:LSAccountKey]]; [pool release]; return nil; } [self _adjustTimeZonesOfProjects:projects]; [self _fixupProjectsAfterFetch:projects]; /* morph EOs to documents */ projects = [self _morphEOsToDocuments:projects]; /* work on documents */ projects = [self _filterProjectDocs:projects]; projects = [self _applyFetchLimit:fetchLimit onProjectDocs:projects]; projects = [self _sortProjectDocs:projects]; /* apply filters ... */ if (attributes != nil) { NSMutableArray *ma; unsigned i, count; count = [projects count]; ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(count + 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { id project; project = [projects objectAtIndex:i]; project = [project valuesForKeys:attributes]; if (project) [ma addObject:project]; } projects = ma; } else if (fetchGlobalIDs) projects = [projects valueForKey:@"globalID"]; /* prepare result */ projects = [projects copy]; [pool release]; return [projects autorelease]; } - (NSArray *)_fetchObjectsForGlobalIDs:(NSArray *)_gids { NSArray *projects; if (_gids == nil) return nil; if ([_gids count] == 0) return 0; projects = [self->context runCommand:@"project::get-by-globalid", @"gids", _gids, nil]; projects = [self _morphEOsToDocuments:projects]; return projects; } - (void)setTimeZone:(NSString *)_tz { ASSIGN(self->timeZone, _tz); } - (NSString *)timeZone { return self->timeZone; } - (Class)documentClass { static Class docClass = Nil; if (docClass == Nil) docClass = [SkyProject class]; return docClass; } - (EOQualifier *)qualifierToCheckForGIDs:(NSArray *)_gids { EOQualifier *qual; qual = [[EOKeyValueQualifier alloc] initWithKey:@"globalID" operatorSelector:EOQualifierOperatorEqual value:_gids]; return [qual autorelease]; } - (EODataSource *)ctxDataSource:(NSString *)_className fetchSpecification:(EOFetchSpecification *)_fspec { EODataSource *ds; ds = [(SkyProjectDataSource *)[NSClassFromString(_className) alloc] initWithContext:[self context]]; if (_fspec != nil) [ds setFetchSpecification:_fspec]; return [ds autorelease]; } - (EOGlobalID *)globalIDForPKey:(NSNumber *)_pkey entityName:(NSString *)_en { if (![_pkey isNotNull]) return nil; return [EOKeyGlobalID globalIDWithEntityName:_en keys:&_pkey keyCount:1 zone:NULL]; } - (NSArray *)_morphEOsToDocuments:(NSArray *)_eos { /* TODO: split up this huge method! */ NSEnumerator *enumerator; NSMutableArray *result, *persons, *teams; id project; int cnt; if (_eos == nil) return nil; if (!(cnt = [_eos count])) return [NSArray array]; result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:cnt]; persons = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:cnt]; teams = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity:cnt]; enumerator = [_eos objectEnumerator]; while ((project = [enumerator nextObject])) { id doc, tmp; doc = [[[self documentClass] alloc] initWithEO:project dataSource:self]; [result addObject:doc]; tmp = [project valueForKey:@"ownerId"]; if ((tmp = [self globalIDForPKey:tmp entityName:@"Person"])) [persons addObject:tmp]; tmp = [project valueForKey:@"teamId"]; if ((tmp = [self globalIDForPKey:tmp entityName:@"Team"])) [teams addObject:tmp]; [doc release]; doc = nil; } { { /* fetch persons */ id ds; EOQualifier *qual; EOFetchSpecification *fs; qual = [self qualifierToCheckForGIDs:[(id)persons allObjects]]; fs = [[EOFetchSpecification alloc] init]; [fs setQualifier:qual]; ds = [self ctxDataSource:@"SkyPersonDataSource" fetchSpecification:fs]; persons = (id)[ds fetchObjects]; [qual release]; qual = nil; } { /* fetch persons */ id ds; EOQualifier *qual; EOFetchSpecification *fs; qual = [self qualifierToCheckForGIDs:[(id)teams allObjects]]; fs = [[EOFetchSpecification alloc] init]; [fs setQualifier:qual]; ds = [self ctxDataSource:@"SkyTeamDataSource" fetchSpecification:fs]; teams = (id)[ds fetchObjects]; } { NSEnumerator *projectEnum; id obj; projectEnum = [result objectEnumerator]; while ((obj = [projectEnum nextObject])) { NSEnumerator *e; id o; e = [persons objectEnumerator]; while ((o = [e nextObject])) { if ([[obj leader_id] isEqual:[o globalID]]) { [obj setLeader:o]; break; } } e = [teams objectEnumerator]; while ((o = [e nextObject])) { if ([[obj team_id] isEqual:[o globalID]]) { [obj setTeam:o]; break; } } } } return result; } } /* if special kind (00_invoiceProject, 05_historyProject, 10_edcProject, 15_accountLog) appears in qualifier, eos are fetched, if not, these kinds are ignored */ - (NSArray *)_kindsNotToFetch { /* extracts a set of project kinds (strings) from a qualifier */ EOQualifier *qual; if ((qual = [[self fetchSpecification] qualifier]) == nil) return hiddenProjectTypes; /* no qualifer => hide all */ return [qual reduceProjectKindRestrictionByUsedNames:hiddenProjectTypes]; } /* operations which modify the database */ - (id)createObject { return [[(SkyProject *)[SkyProject alloc] initWithContext:self->context] autorelease]; } - (void)updatePropertiesOfDocument:(SkyProject *)_obj { static NSString *nsPrefix = @"{http://www.skyrix.com/namespaces/project}"; NSMutableDictionary *oprops; NSEnumerator *keyEnum; NSString *key, *str; /* add proper namespace prefixes */ oprops = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:6]; keyEnum = [[_obj properties] keyEnumerator]; while ((key = [keyEnum nextObject]) != nil) { str = [key characterAtIndex:0] == '{' ? key : [nsPrefix stringByAppendingString:key]; [oprops setObject:[[_obj properties] objectForKey:key] forKey:str]; } /* update in store */ [[self->context propertyManager] takeProperties:oprops globalID:[_obj globalID]]; [oprops release]; oprops = nil; } - (void)insertObject:(id)_obj { NSDictionary *dict; dict = [_obj respondsToSelector:@selector(asDict)] ? [_obj asDict] : (NSDictionary *)_obj; dict = [self->context runCommand:@"project::new" arguments:dict]; [(id)_obj _setGlobalID:[dict valueForKey:@"globalID"]]; /* Update properties */ [self updatePropertiesOfDocument:_obj]; /* post changes */ [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } - (void)deleteObject:(id)_obj { NSDictionary *dict; dict = [_obj asDict]; /* post changes */ [dict takeValue:yesNum forKey:@"reallyDelete"]; [self->context runCommand:@"project::delete" arguments:dict]; /* Note: properties are deleted by project::delete automagically */ /* post changes */ [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } - (void)updateObject:(id)_obj { NSDictionary *dict; if (![_obj isComplete]) return; dict = [_obj asDict]; [self->context runCommand:@"project::set" arguments:dict]; /* Update properties */ [self updatePropertiesOfDocument:_obj]; /* post changes */ [self postDataSourceChangedNotification]; } @end /* SkyProjectDataSource */