# $Id$ Invoice ======= [EXPERIMENTAL] The developer mailinglist asked for the Invoice application (someone discovered the invoice database tables and wondered what they are good for ;-) So here it is, it's not a very good example and not very good for managing invoices, but have fun nevertheless ! Not all features might work with OGo, since Invoice was written for SKYRiX 3 and is pretty old. If you need help on that, contact Martin at mh@opengroupware.org. ============================================================================== What is OGo Invoices? OGo Invoices is a software-bundle for managing articles, invoices, monitions and debitor-accounts in a company. It's based upon the OpenGroupware.org framework. It has a web-interface, which is accessable from the OGo WebUI. WARNING: The code is old and not used for a while. There might be some problems which issue from the integration of the bundle into the OGo environment. Installation After installing LSInvoice, SkyInvoice and SkyInvoiceLib you need to create a team for all that should have access to your invoices. Manually the login of that team has to be changed to 'invoices' in the database. This isn't possible via the WebUI. How to start? To create invoices you need articles. To create articles you need article-categories and article-units. To create those click on the 'new'-button in the 'articles' or the 'units'-tab in the invoice app. After creating an article you can start creating invoices. Debitor can be any enterprise in your OGo. The syntax for the article area is: articleRow: ":" [ ":" [":" ] ] Bugs/Problems - The dock-icon is missing. - There seems to be a problem with the postgreSQL adaptor when there are NULL values in the double/float fields.