How to setup a SandStorm environment (1) Setup your Defaults ======================= Defaults/NSGlobalDomain.plist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // change this to your registry URL SxComponentRegistryURL = "http://marvin:21000/RPC2"; SxDefaultNamespacePrefix = ""; SxRegistryComponentUser = root; SxRegistryComponentPassword = xx; Defaults/skyregistryd.plist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SxMasterRegistryURL = "http://marvin:12000/RPC2"; Defaults/skymasterd.plist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SMAuthenticationUser = root; SMAuthenticationPassword = yy; (2) Setup the master daemon =========================== - copy the template files you need from $SKYRIX_ROOT/install/masterd to $GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT/config/skymasterd - copy the instance files for the daemons you want to run from $SKYRIX_ROOT/install/masterd/instances to $GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT/config/ skymasterd-instances and _EDIT_ them (esp. watch the port settings in these files) - control the daemon using skyrun.rc/skydaemon.rc from install/