#include "XmlSchemaElement.h" #include "XmlSchema.h" #include "NSString+XML.h" #include "common.h" @implementation XmlSchemaElement #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_BOEHM_GC - (void)dealloc { RELEASE(self->block); RELEASE(self->defValue); RELEASE(self->fixed); RELEASE(self->form); RELEASE(self->maxOccurs); RELEASE(self->minOccurs); RELEASE(self->ref); RELEASE(self->substitutionGroup); RELEASE(self->type); RELEASE(self->contentType); [super dealloc]; } #endif /* attributes */ - (BOOL)abstract { return self->abstract; } - (NSString *)block { return self->block; } - (NSString *)default { return self->defValue; } - (NSString *)fixed { return self->fixed; } - (NSString *)form { return self->form; } - (NSString *)maxOccurs { return self->maxOccurs; } - (NSString *)minOccurs { return self->minOccurs; } - (BOOL)nillable { return self->nillable; } - (NSString *)ref { return self->ref; } - (NSString *)substitutionGroup { return self->substitutionGroup; } - (NSString *)type { return self->type; } - (NSString *)typeValue { return (self->type) ? [self->type valueFromQName] : self->name; } /* accessors */ - (BOOL)isSimpleType { if (self->contentType == nil) return YES; return [self->contentType isSimpleType]; } - (BOOL)isScalar { if ([self->maxOccurs intValue] == 1) return YES; else return NO; } - (NSArray *)elementNames { if ([self isSimpleType]) return [NSArray array]; else { return [[self->contentType content] elementNames]; } } - (XmlSchemaElement *)elementWithName:(NSString *)_name { return [[self->contentType content] elementWithName:_name]; } - (NSArray *)attributeNames { if ([self isSimpleType]) return [NSArray array]; else { return [self->contentType attributeNames]; } } - (XmlSchemaAttribute *)attributeWithName:(NSString *)_name { return [self->contentType attributeWithName:_name]; } - (void)setContentType:(XmlSchemaType *)_contentType { ASSIGN(self->contentType, _contentType); } - (XmlSchemaType *)contentType { return self->contentType; } - (XmlSchemaContent *)content { return [self-> contentType content]; } - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *str = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [str appendString:@"type attr:@"type" toString:str]; [self append:self->block attr:@"block" toString:str]; [self append:self->defValue attr:@"defValue" toString:str]; [self append:[self final] attr:@"final" toString:str]; [self append:self->fixed attr:@"fixed" toString:str]; [self append:[self id] attr:@"id" toString:str]; [self append:self->maxOccurs attr:@"maxOccurs" toString:str]; [self append:self->minOccurs attr:@"minOccurs" toString:str]; [self append:self->ref attr:@"ref" toString:str]; [self append:self->substitutionGroup attr:@"substitutionGroup" toString:str]; [self append:(self->abstract) ? @"true" : @"false" attr:@"abstract" toString:str]; [self append:(self->nillable) ? @"true" : @"false" attr:@"nillable" toString:str]; [str appendString:@">"]; [str appendString:[self->contentType description]]; [str appendString:@"\n"]; return str; } @end /* XmlSchemaElement */ @implementation XmlSchemaElement(XmlSchemaSaxBuilder) static NSSet *Valid_element_ContentTags = nil; + (void)initialize { if (Valid_element_ContentTags == nil) { Valid_element_ContentTags = [[NSSet alloc] initWithObjects: @"simpleType", @"complexType", @"unique", @"key", @"keyref", nil]; } } - (id)initWithAttributes:(id)_attrs namespace:(NSString *)_namespace namespaces:(NSDictionary *)_ns { if ((self = [super initWithAttributes:_attrs namespace:_namespace namespaces:_ns])) { self->block = [[_attrs valueForRawName:@"block"] copy]; self->defValue = [[_attrs valueForRawName:@"default"] copy]; self->fixed = [[_attrs valueForRawName:@"fixed"] copy]; self->form = [[_attrs valueForRawName:@"form"] copy]; self->maxOccurs = [[_attrs valueForRawName:@"maxOccurs"] copy]; self->minOccurs = [[_attrs valueForRawName:@"minOccurs"] copy]; self->ref = [self copy:@"ref" attrs:_attrs ns:_ns]; self->type = [self copy:@"type" attrs:_attrs ns:_ns]; self->substitutionGroup = [self copy:@"substitutionGroup" attrs:_attrs ns:_ns]; if (self->minOccurs == nil) ASSIGN(self->minOccurs, @"1"); if (self->maxOccurs == nil) ASSIGN(self->maxOccurs, @"1"); if ([self->minOccurs intValue] == 0) ASSIGN(self->maxOccurs, @"0"); if ([self->maxOccurs intValue] == 0) ASSIGN(self->maxOccurs, @"unbounded"); if ([[_attrs valueForRawName:@"abstract"] isEqualToString:@"true"]) self->abstract = YES; if ([[_attrs valueForRawName:@"nillable"] isEqualToString:@"true"]) self->nillable = YES; #if 0 NSAssert1(self->name, @"XmlSchemaElement: no name set (%@)", self); NSAssert1((self->ref == nil || self->type == nil), @"XmlSchemaElement: either ref AND type has to be set (%@)", self); #endif } return self; } /* Schema Representation Constraint: Element Declaration Representation OK In addition to the conditions imposed on element information items by the schema for schemas: all of the following must be true: 1 default and fixed must not both be present. 2 If the item's parent is not , then all of the following must be true: 2.1 One of ref or name must be present, but not both. 2.2 If ref is present, then all of , , , , , nillable, default, fixed, form, block and type must be absent, i.e. only minOccurs, maxOccurs, id are allowed in addition to ref, along with . 3 type and either or are mutually exclusive. 4 The corresponding particle and/or element declarations must satisfy the conditions set out in Constraints on Element Declaration Schema Components (§3.3.6) and Constraints on Particle Schema Components (§3.9.6). finding the type: if (complexType or simpleType tag) -> found else if (type-attribute is present) -> found else if (substitutionGroup-attribute) ->found else 'ur-type' definition. */ - (int)checkConstraints:(XmlSchema *)_schema { if (self->defValue && self->fixed) return 1; // element: default and fixed attr may not both be present. if (![[_schema elementWithName:self->name] isEqual:self]) { //toDo:-isEqual: if (self->ref) { if ((self->name && self->ref) || (!self->name && !self->ref)) { return 2; /* elememt: One of ref or name must be present, but not both. (if items parent is not */ } // not allowed: , , , , if (self->nillable || self->defValue || self->fixed || self->form || self->block || self->type) { return 3; } if (self->contentType) return 4; } } return 0; } - (void)prepareWithSchema:(XmlSchema *)_schema { XmlSchema *mySchema; [super prepareWithSchema:_schema]; if (self->ref) { XmlSchemaElement *elem; NSString *val = [self->ref valueFromQName]; NSString *uri = [self->ref uriFromQName]; if (uri == nil || [uri isEqualToString:[_schema targetNamespace]]) mySchema = _schema; else mySchema = [XmlSchema schemaForNamespace:uri]; elem = [mySchema elementWithName:val]; [self _readFromElement:elem]; } else if (self->contentType != nil) { [self->contentType prepareWithSchema:_schema]; } else if (self->type) { NSString *val = [self->type valueFromQName]; NSString *uri = [self->type uriFromQName]; if (uri == nil || [uri isEqualToString:[_schema targetNamespace]]) mySchema = _schema; else mySchema = [XmlSchema schemaForNamespace:uri]; self->contentType = [mySchema typeWithName:val]; // ToDo: Ref!!! RETAIN(self->contentType); } else if (self->substitutionGroup) { // ToDo: content type muss noch gesetzt werden } else { // ToDo: 'ur-type' definition ??? } } - (BOOL)isTagNameAccepted:(NSString *)_tagName { if ([super isTagNameAccepted:_tagName]) return YES; else return [Valid_element_ContentTags containsObject:_tagName]; } - (BOOL)addTag:(XmlSchemaTag *)_tag { if ([Valid_element_ContentTags containsObject:[_tag tagName]]) { [self setContentType:(XmlSchemaType *)_tag]; return YES; } return [super addTag:_tag]; } - (NSString *)tagName { return @"element"; } @end /* XmlSchemaElement(XmlSchemaSaxBuilder) */ @implementation XmlSchemaElement(PrivateMethods) - (void)_readFromElement:(XmlSchemaElement *)_element { RELEASE(self->name); RELEASE(self->defValue); RELEASE(self->type); self->name = [[_element name] copy]; self->type = [[_element type] copy]; self->defValue = [[_element default] copy]; [self setContentType:[_element contentType]]; } @end