# $Id$ XML-RPC Daemon which provides Contact Data (Enterprise/Person Info) ... Namespace: com.skyrix.contacts [stripped] com.skyrix.contacts.person com.skyrix.contacts.enterprise XML-RPC API: ====================================================================== Package person Method person.getByNumber(arg1) Parameters: arg1: unique number of a person (String or Number) Result: PersonDocument Examples: person.getByNumber(12345) Method person.deleteByNumber(arg1) Parameters: arg1: unique number of a person (String or Number) Result: / Examples: person.deleteByNumber(12345) Method person.fetchIds(arg1) Parameters: arg1: FetchSpecification Result: Array of IDs Examples: person.fetchIds( { qualifier = "name like '*Duck*'"; } ) Method person.fetch(arg1) Parameters: arg1: FetchSpecification Result: Array of PersonDocuments Examples: person.fetch( { qualifier = "name like '*Duck*'"; sortOrderings = ( "name" ); } ) Method person.insert(arg1) Parameters: arg1: Dictionary Result: PersonDocument Examples: person.insert( { firstname = "Donald"; middlename = "Die Ente"; name = "Duck"; } ) Method person.update(arg1) Parameters: arg1: PersonDocument Result: PersonDocument Examples: person.update( { id = "___ person id ___"; firstname = "Donaldo"; middlename = "The Scar"; name = "Duckfonzo"; } ) Method person.delete(arg1) Parameters: arg1: PersonDocument Result: / Examples: person.delete( { id = "___ person id ___"; ... some more attributes ... } ) Method person.getEnterprises(arg1) Parameters: arg1: PersonDocument Result: array of EnterpriseDocuments Examples: person.getEnterprises( { id = "___ person id ___"; ... some more attributes ... } ) Method person.fetchEnterprises(arg1, arg2) Parameters: arg1: PersonDocument arg2: FetchSpecification Result: array of EnterpriseDocuments Examples: person.fetchEnterprises( { id = "___ person id ___"; ... some more attributes ... }, { hints = { attributes = ["name", "nickname"]; }; } ) Method person.getProjects Parameters: PersonDocument (*MUST* contain the person number) Result: array of ProjectDocuments Examples: person.getProjects(12345) person.getProjects( { number = "12345"; // absolute necessary!!! ... some more attributes ... } ) Method person.insertEnterprise(arg1, arg2) Parameters: arg1: PersonDocument arg2: EntepriseDocument Result: / Examples: person.insertEnterprise( { id = "___ person id ___"; }, { id = "___ enterprise id ___"; } ); Method person.deleteEnterprise(arg1, arg2) Parameters: arg1: PersonDocument arg2: EntepriseDocument Result: / Examples: person.deleteEnterprise( { id = "___ person id ___"; }, { id = "___ enterprise id ___"; } ); Method person.get(arg1) Parameters: unique number of a person (String or Number) OR Dictionary (containing the query attributes) Result: Array OR PersonDocument Examples: person.get(12345); person.get( { name = "Duck"; firstname = "Donald"; nickname = "ente" } ) // creates an AND qualifier Package enterprise Method getByNumber Parameters: unique number of a enterprise (String or Number) Result: EnterpriseDocument Examples: enterprise.getByNumber(12345) Method deleteByNumber Parameters: unique number of a enterprise (String or Number) Result: ??? Examples: enterprise.deleteByNumber(12345) Method enterprise.fetchIds(arg1) Parameters: arg1: FetchSpecification Result: Array of IDs Examples: enterprise.fetchIds( { qualifier = "name like '*Duck*'"; } ) Method fetch Parameters: FetchSpecification Result: Array of EnterpriseDocuments Examples: enterprise.fetch( { qualifier = "name = 'Skyrix'"; sortOrdeings = ( "name" ); } ) Method insert Parameters: Dictionary Result: the new EnterpriseDocument (including the enterprise number) Examples: enterprise.insert( { firstname = "Donald"; // ??? middlename = "Die Ente"; name = "Duck"; } ) Method update Parameters: EnterpriseDocument (*MUST* contain the enterprise number!!!) Result: the updated EnterpriseDocument Examples: enterprise.update( { number = "12345"; // absolute necessary!!! firstname = "Donaldo"; middlename = "The Scar"; name = "Duckfonzo"; } ) Method delete Parameters: unique number of an enterprise (String or Number) OR EnterpriseDocument (*MUST* contain the enterprise number) Result: ??? Examples: enterprise.delete(12345) enterprise.delete( { number = "12345"; // absolute necessary!!! name = "Duck"; firstname = "Donald"; } ) Method get Parameters: unique number of an enterprise (String or Number) OR EnterpriseDocument (*MUST* contain the enterprise number) Result: ??? Examples: enterprise.get(12345) enterprise.get( { number = "12345"; // absolute necessary!!! ... some more attributes ... } ) Method getPersons Parameters: unique number of an enterprise (String or Number) OR EnterpriseDocument (*MUST* contain the enterprise number) Result: array of PersonDocuments Examples: enterprise.getPersons(12345) enterprise.getPersons( { number = "12345"; // absolute necessary!!! ... some more attributes ... } ) Method fetchPersons Parameters: 1. unique number of an enterprise (String or Number) OR EnterpriseDocument (*MUST* contain the enterprise number) 2. FetchSpecification Result: array of PersonDocuments Examples: fSpec = {} fSpec['attributes'] = ["name", "nickname"] enterprise.fetchPersons(12345, fSpec) Method getProjects Parameters: unique number of an enterprise (String or Number) OR EnterpriseDocument (*MUST* contain the enterprise number) Result: array of ProjectDocuments Examples: enterprise.getProjects(12345) enterprise.getProjects( { number = "12345"; // absolute necessary!!! ... some more attributes ... } ) ======================================================================