# $Id$ XML-RPC Daemon which provides tracking functionality, tracks projects, websites, ... Namespace: com.skyrix.track [stripped] --- Method Declarations ------------------------------------------------------- register (name:, type: , args: ) getInfo (name:) getChanges (name:) resetChanges (name:, [element:]) registerAction (name:, element:, type:, args:) trackObjects() getChannels() XML-RPC API: ====================================================================== Method register(name ,type, args) Parameters: name: - unique channel name type: - type of channel args: - arguuments Result: BOOL Description: registers a channel of type as , channel initializes with Method getInfo(name) Parameters: name: - unique channel name Result: dictionary Description: get all infos of the speficied channel (time of last update, channel ID etc.) Method getChanges(name) Parameters: name: - unique channel name Result: dictionary Description: get the changes which happened between the last reset and now Method resetChanges(name, [element]) Parameters: name: - unique channel name element: - single element which should be resetted Result: BOOL Description: reset the changes for project name, if element is given, the change entry for this element is resetted, otherwise all changes are resetted Method registerAction(name, element, type, args) Parameters: name: - unique channel name element: - single element for which the action should be registered type: - action type args: - arguments for the action Result: None Description: registers an action of type for in class , whenever a change on this element occurs, the action is triggered Method trackObjects() Parameters: None Result: BOOL Description: triggers manual tracking (only by root) Method getChannels() Parameters: None Result: array Description: get the unique names of all registered channels for the current user ======================================================================