/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #import "common.h" #define SkySubEditors @"SkyEditor_SubEditors" @interface SkyEditorPage(PrivateMethods) - (BOOL)_performSubEditorSel:(SEL)_selector; - (NSNumber *)objectVersion; @end @implementation SkyEditorPage static NSArray *objVersionName = nil; + (int)version { return [super version] /* v3 */; } + (void)initialize { NSAssert2([super version] == 3, @"invalid superclass (%@) version %i !", NSStringFromClass([self superclass]), [super version]); if (objVersionName == nil) objVersionName = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"objectVersion",nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [self->document release]; [self->windowTitle release]; [self->subEditors release]; [super dealloc]; } /* operations */ - (void)clearEditor { [self->document release]; self->document = nil; [self setIsInWarningMode:NO]; } - (BOOL)prepareForNewCommand:(NSString *)_command type:(NGMimeType *)_type configuration:(NSDictionary *)_cmdCfg { //[self logWithFormat:@"%@ ..", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; return YES; } - (BOOL)prepareForEditCommand:(NSString *)_command type:(NGMimeType *)_type configuration:(NSDictionary *)_cmdCfg { //[self logWithFormat:@"%@ ..", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)]; return YES; } - (BOOL)prepareForActivationCommand:(NSString *)_command type:(NGMimeType *)_type configuration:(NSDictionary *)_cfg { [self clearEditor]; if ((self->isInNewMode = [_command hasPrefix:@"new"])) { SkyDocument *doc; LSCommandContext *ctx; ctx = [(OGoSession *)[self session] commandContext]; // TODO: fix typing doc = [(SkyAccessManager *)[NSClassFromString([_type subType]) alloc] initWithContext:ctx]; [self setObject:doc]; [doc release]; doc = nil; return [self prepareForNewCommand:_command type:_type configuration:nil]; } if ((self->document = [[[self session] getTransferObject] retain])) { return [self prepareForEditCommand:_command type:_type configuration:nil]; } [self setErrorString:@"No object in transfer pasteboard !"]; return NO; } /* object */ - (void)setIsInNewMode:(BOOL)_status { self->isInNewMode = _status; } - (BOOL)isInNewMode { return self->isInNewMode; } - (void)setObject:(id)_object { ASSIGN(self->document, _object); } - (id)object { return self->document; } - (NSString *)objectLabel { NSString *l; id obj; if ((obj = [self object]) != nil) return [[self session] labelForObject:obj]; if (!self->isInNewMode) return nil; l = [[self labels] valueForKey:@"new"]; return (l != nil) ? l : (NSString *)@"new"; } /* content page */ - (NSString *)label { NSString *label = [super label]; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", label, [self objectLabel]]; } - (BOOL)isDeleteDisabled { return self->isInNewMode ? YES : NO; } /* constraints */ - (BOOL)checkConstraintsForSave { NSNumber *objVers = nil; EOGlobalID *gid = nil; NSNumber *newVers; NSString *str; id labels; if (![self _performSubEditorSel:@selector(checkConstraintsForSave)]) return NO; if ([self->document respondsToSelector:@selector(objectVersion)]) { objVers = [(id)self->document objectVersion]; gid = [self->document globalID]; } if (!(objVers != nil && gid != nil)) // document is new return YES; /* document is not new */ newVers = [[[self runCommand:@"object::get-by-globalid", @"gid", gid, @"attributes", objVersionName, nil] lastObject] valueForKey:@"objectVersion"]; if (newVers == nil) { [self warnWithFormat:@"%s: Cannot check objectVersion", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; return YES; } if ([newVers isEqual:objVers]) return YES; /* TODO: simplify the following section? */ labels = [self labels]; str = [labels valueForKey:@"version_changed"]; str = [str stringByAppendingString:[objVers stringValue]]; str = [str stringByAppendingString: [labels valueForKey:@"version_current"]]; str = [str stringByAppendingString:[newVers stringValue]]; str = [str stringByAppendingString:@"\n"]; str = [str stringByAppendingString: [labels valueForKey:@"version_save_anyway"]]; [self takeValue:str forKey:@"confirmString"]; [self takeValue:@"reallyOverwrite" forKey:@"confirmAction"]; return NO; } - (BOOL)checkConstraintsForDelete { return [self _performSubEditorSel:@selector(checkConstraintsForDelete)]; } - (BOOL)checkConstraintsForCancel { return [self _performSubEditorSel:@selector(checkConstraintsForCancel)]; } /* actions */ - (id)_saveDocumentAndGoBackWithCount:(int)_backCount { if (![self->document save]) { [self setErrorString:@"Unknown error. Could not save document!"]; return nil; } if ([self->document reload]) return [self backWithCount:_backCount]; return nil; } - (id)reallyOverwrite { [self takeValue:@"" forKey:@"confirmString"]; [self takeValue:@"" forKey:@"confirmAction"]; return [self _saveDocumentAndGoBackWithCount:1]; } - (id)saveAndGoBackWithCount:(int)_backCount { if (![self checkConstraintsForSave]) { [self debugWithFormat:@"save constraint check failed !"]; return nil; } if (![self _performSubEditorSel:@selector(save)]) { [self debugWithFormat:@"could not save in subeditors!"]; return nil; } return [self _saveDocumentAndGoBackWithCount:_backCount]; } - (id)deleteAndGoBackWithCount:(int)_backCount { [self setIsInWarningMode:NO]; if (![self checkConstraintsForDelete]) return nil; if (self->isInNewMode) { [self setErrorString:@"Cannot delete in new mode !"]; return nil; } if (![self _performSubEditorSel:@selector(delete)]) { [self debugWithFormat:@"could not save in subeditors!"]; return nil; } if ([self->document delete]) return [self backWithCount:_backCount]; else [self setErrorString: @"Cannot delete this object!\n" @"(Maybe it's still assigned to other objects)"]; [self debugWithFormat:@"couldn't delete object... "]; return nil; } - (id)cancel { if (![self checkConstraintsForCancel]) { return nil; } if (![self _performSubEditorSel:@selector(cancel)]) { [self debugWithFormat:@"could not cancel in subeditors!"]; return nil; } if ([self->document reload]) return [self back]; [self debugWithFormat:@"couldn't cancel editor... "]; return nil; } - (id)cancelDelete { [self setIsInWarningMode:NO]; return nil; } - (id)save { return [self saveAndGoBackWithCount:1]; } - (id)delete { [self setWarningOkAction:@"reallyDelete"]; [self setWarningPhrase:@"Really Delete"]; [self setIsInWarningMode:YES]; return nil; } - (id)reallyDelete { return [self deleteAndGoBackWithCount:2]; } /* page actions */ - (id)placeInClipboard { [[self session] placeInClipboard:[self object]]; return nil; } - (id)view { return [self activateObject:[self object] withVerb:@"view"]; } - (NSString *)windowTitle { return self->windowTitle; } - (void)setWindowTitle:(NSString *)_title { ASSIGN(self->windowTitle, _title); } - (NSString *)windowTitleLabel { NSString *label = nil; NSString *title = nil; if ((title = [self windowTitle]) == nil) title = @"-- no windowtitle --"; label = [[self labels] valueForKey:title]; return (label != nil) ? label : title; } - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { [_ctx setObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:8] forKey:SkySubEditors]; [super appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [self->subEditors release]; self->subEditors = nil; self->subEditors = [[_ctx objectForKey:SkySubEditors] retain]; [_ctx removeObjectForKey:SkySubEditors]; } @end /* SkyEditorPage */ @implementation SkyEditorPage(PrivateMethodes) - (BOOL)_performSubEditorSel:(SEL)_selector { NSEnumerator *subEnum = [self->subEditors objectEnumerator]; BOOL status = YES; SkyEditorComponent *sub; while ((sub = [subEnum nextObject])) { if ([sub respondsToSelector:_selector]) status = status && [sub performSelector:_selector]; } return status; } @end /* SkyEditorPage(PrivateMethodes) */ @implementation NSObject(SkyEditorPageTyping) - (BOOL)isEditorPage { return NO; } @end /* NSObject(SkyEditorPageTyping) */ @implementation SkyEditorPage(SkyEditorPageTyping) - (BOOL)isEditorPage { return YES; } @end /* SkyEditorPage(SkyEditorPageTyping) */