// $Id: JobUI.strings,v 1.1 2004/01/20 21:16:12 helge Exp $ 00_created = "kezdés" 02_rejected = "visszautasítva" 05_accepted = "elfogadva" 05_changed = "változott" 1 = "nagyon sürgős" 10_archived = "arhivált" 10_commented = "kommentált" 15_divided = "osztott" 2 = "magas" 20_processing = "feldolgozás" 25_done = "kész" 27_reactivated = "újra aktivált" 3 = "átlagos" 30_archived = "arhivált" 4 = "alacsony" 5 = "nagyon alacsony" Always = "Mindig" Comment = "Megjegyzés" GroupLabel = "Csoport feladat" ImportAnnotation = "Importált feladat" JobHtmlPageTitleLabel = "Feladat levelezés" JobImportWindowTitle = "Feladat importálása" JobViewerWindowTiltle = "Feladat nézet" Jobs = "Feladatok" LSWJobAction = "Feladat művelet" LSWJobEditor = "Feladat szerkesztése" LSWJobViewer = "Feladat megtekintése" LSWJobs = "Feladatok" Never = "Soha" NoTeamAndExecutantsWasSelected = "Hiba: Csoportot vagy felhasználót meg kell adni végrehajtónak!" OnAcceptDone = "On accept/done"; SkyAssignProjectToJobEditor = "Projekt hozzárendelése feladathoz" TeamAndExecutantsWasSelected = "Hiba: Csoport vagy felhasználó választható végrahajtónak!" TeamAndNoProjectWasSelected = "Team but no project was selected!" accept = "elfogadott" accept2 = "elfogad" acceptDisabled = "you aren't executor or job is already accepted" accountSeperator = "----------" action = "Művelet" actor = "Actor" addAccounts = "Végrahajtók hozzáadása"; annotation = "széljegyzet" annotationDisabled = "no permission to annotate job" annotationLabel = "Széljegyzet" annotationSubmit = "Set" archive = "arhivált" archive2 = "arhivált" archiveDisabled = "you aren't creator or job is already archived" archivedJobs = "arhivált feladatok" assignProject = "projetk hozzárendelése" blockSize = "Lista elemek száma"; byLabel = "by" cancel = "cancel" categoryLabel = "Category" category_ = "- no category -" category_Administration = "Administration" category_Development = "Development" category_Layout = "Layout" category_Private = "Private" clip = "clip" comment = "commented" createLabel = "created by" created = "created" creator = "Creator" creatorLabel = "Creator" current = "current jobs" date = "Date" delegatedJobs = "delegated jobs" delete = "delete" descriptionLabel = "Description" detachProject = "detach project" divided = "divided" done = "done" done2 = "done" doneDisabled = "you aren't executor or job is already done" due = "Due" edit = "edit" editDisabled = "no edit permissions" empty = "" endDate = "End Date" endDateLabel = "End Date" error_cannotAssignProject = "cannot assign project" error_cannotDetachProject = "cannot detach project" error_no_name = "Error in field name: please fill in! " error_no_start_date = "Error in field startdate: please fill in!" error_no_end_date = "Error in field enddate: please fill in!" error_noProjectSelected = "no project selected" error_end_before_start = "Error: end before start!" error_end_before_now = "Error: end before today!" error_start_before_now = "Error: start before today!" errorDesription = "Error description" executant = "Executor" executantLabel = "Executor" executantsLabel = "Executors" fileUpload = "File Upload" footerRowLabel1 = "SKYRiX" footerRowLabel2 = "2000-2009 SKYRIX Software AG"; future = "future jobs" gotoMailUrlLabel = "mail url" hideErrors = "Hide errors" hierachie = "Hierachie" import = "Import" importErrors = "Import Errors" jobActionHeadLine_accept = "Accept Job" jobActionHeadLine_annotate = "Annotate Job" jobActionHeadLine_archive = "Archive Job" jobActionHeadLine_done = "Done Job" jobActionHeadLine_reject = "Reject Job" jobActionWindowTitle = "Job Action" jobEditorWindowTitle = "Job Editor" jobHistoryLabel = "JobHistory" jobHistoryList = "history" jobHistoryTitle = "Job History" jobImportWindowTitle = "Job Import" jobLabel = "Job" jobListLabel = "Jobs" jobListTitle = "Job list" jobName = "Job name" jobPreferencesLabel = "Job Preferences" jobSeperatorLabel = "/" jobStatus = "Status" jobViewer = "Job view" jobViewerWindowTitle = "Job Viewer" joblist_view = "Job List" jobs = "Sub Jobs" jobsWindowLabel = "Jobs" jobview = "Job Subiew" keywords = "Keywords" linkLabel = "Link" locationLabel = "Location" logText = "Log Message" logsTitle = "logs" mail = "send" name = "Name" new = "new" newJob = "New Job" noOfCols = "Number of columns" noProject = "-- No Project --" notify = "Notify" notifyCreator = "Notify creator" objectVersionLabel= "Version"; oldJob = "Old Job" onLabel = "on" oneControlJob = "One controljob" palmJobs = "Palm Jobs" parentJob = "Parent job" participantsLabel = "Participants" priorityLabel = "Priority" priority_1 = "very high" priority_2 = "high" priority_3 = "average" priority_4 = "low" priority_5 = "very low" privateJobs = "private jobs" privateLabel = "me" processes = "Processes" project = "Project" projectJobs = "project jobs" projectLabel = "Project" reactivate = "reactivated" records = "Record number" reject = "rejected" reject2 = "reject" resubmission = "resubmission" resume = "Resume" resumeAll = "Resume all" resumeSelected = "Resume selected" save = "save" saveButtonLabel_accept = "accept job and save comment" saveButtonLabel_annotate = "save annotation" saveButtonLabel_archive = "archive job and save comment" saveButtonLabel_done = "make job done and save comment" saveButtonLabel_reject = "reject done and save comment" searchButtonLabel = "search" searchExecutants = "Search Executants" searchLabel = "Search" searchProjectButtonLabel = "Search Project" send = "Send" showErrors = "Show errors" startDate = "Start Date" startDateLabel = "Start Date" statusLabel = "Status" subJobLabel = "Sub Job for" subJobList = "sub job list" subJobListLabel = "Jobs" subJobListTitle = "Subjob list" takeSearchField = "Search -->" job = "Job" taskName = "Task name" teamLabel = "Team" titleLabel = "Title" toDoList = "to do list" toProject = "Project" attributesTab = "attributes" accountingInfo = "Accounting Information" actualWork = "Actual Work" associatedCompanies = "Associated Companies" associatedContacts = "Associated Contacts" completionDate = "Completion Date" jobComment = "Comment" kilometers = "Travel Kilometers" percentComplete = "Percent Complete" sensitivity = "Sensitivity" totalWork = "Total Work" priority = "Priority" category = "Kategória" sensitivity_1 = "normal" sensitivity_2 = "magán" sensitivity_3 = "privát" sensitivity_4 = "bizalmas" jobeditor_title = "Feladat szerkesztés" SkyJobAttributesEditor = "Feladat szerkesztés" commonAttributes = "Közös" extendedAttributes = "Kiterjesztett" projectAttributes = "Projekt" executantAttributes = "Végrehajtó" commentAttributes = "Megjegyzés" executantSelection = "Végrahajtó kiválasztása" startTimer = "Stopper indít" stopTimer = "Stopper leáll" clearTimer = "Stopper töröl" minutes = "percek" kilometersLabel = "km" timer = "Stopper" show = "mutat"