/* Copyright (C) 2002-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "SxAptSetHandler.h" #include "SxAptManager.h" #include "NGResourceLocator+ZSB.h" #include "common.h" #include @interface SxAptManager(Privates) - (NSArray *)globalIDsForLoginAccount; - (NSArray *)globalIDsForGroup:(id)_group; @end @implementation SxAptSetHandler static NSArray *pkeyAndVersionGetAttrs = nil; static NSArray *coreInfoGetAttrs = nil; static NSArray *eoExtractAttrs = nil; static NSArray *permissionsAttrs = nil; static BOOL debugOn = NO; + (void)initialize { static BOOL didInit = NO; NGResourceLocator *locator; NSUserDefaults *ud; NSDictionary *plist; NSString *p; if (didInit) return; didInit = YES; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; locator = [NGResourceLocator zsbResourceLocator]; p = [locator lookupFileWithName:@"AptBackendSets.plist"]; plist = [p length] > 10 ? [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:p] : nil; if (plist == nil) [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR: could not load apt-backend plist: %@", p]; pkeyAndVersionGetAttrs = [[plist objectForKey:@"KeyAndVersionAttrs"] copy]; coreInfoGetAttrs = [[plist objectForKey:@"CoreInfoAttrs"] copy]; eoExtractAttrs = [[plist objectForKey:@"EOExtractAttrs"] copy]; permissionsAttrs = [[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"permissions", @"accessTeamId", nil] copy]; didInit = YES; debugOn = [ud boolForKey:@"SxDebugAptHandler"]; } - (id)initWithSetId:(SxAptSetIdentifier *)_setId manager:(SxAptManager *)_manager { if ((self = [super init])) { self->setId = [_setId retain]; self->manager = _manager; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->setId release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (NSCalendarDate *)defaultStartDate { return [self->manager defaultStartDate]; } - (NSCalendarDate *)defaultEndDate { return [self->manager defaultEndDate]; } - (LSCommandContext *)commandContext { return [self->manager commandContext]; } /* operations */ - (NSArray *)fetchAccessTeamGIDsFrom:(NSDate *)_start to:(NSDate *)_end { /* only fetch for proper read-access group */ NSArray *gids; EOGlobalID *cgid; cgid = ([[self->setId group] length] > 0) ? [self->manager globalIDForGroupWithName:[self->setId group]] : (EOKeyGlobalID *)[NSNull null]; /* this says "fetch private" */ if (cgid == nil) { [self logWithFormat:@"got no gids for group/login %@ !", [self->setId group]]; return nil; } if (_start == nil) _start = [self defaultStartDate]; if (_end == nil) _end = [self defaultEndDate]; gids = [[self commandContext] runCommand:@"appointment::query", @"fromDate", _start, @"toDate", _end, @"accessTeam", cgid, nil]; if (debugOn) { [self logWithFormat:@"fetched %i access team %@ gids: %@", [gids count], cgid, self->setId]; } return gids; } - (NSArray *)fetchOverviewGIDsFrom:(NSDate *)_start to:(NSDate *)_end { /* include all appointments of a group/account */ NSArray *gids; NSArray *cgids; cgids = ([[self->setId group] length] > 0) ? [self->manager globalIDsForGroup:[self->setId group]] : [self->manager globalIDsForLoginAccount]; if (cgids == nil) { [self logWithFormat:@"got no gids for group/login %@ !", [self->setId group]]; return nil; } if (_start == nil) _start = [self defaultStartDate]; if (_end == nil) _end = [self defaultEndDate]; gids = [[self commandContext] runCommand:@"appointment::query", @"fromDate", _start, @"toDate", _end, @"companies", cgids, nil]; return gids; } - (NSArray *)fetchGIDs { return [self->setId isOverviewSet] ? [self fetchOverviewGIDsFrom:nil to:nil] : [self fetchAccessTeamGIDsFrom:nil to:nil]; } - (int)fetchCount { NSArray *a; if ((a = [self fetchGIDs]) == nil) return -1; return [a count]; } - (NSArray *)fetchGIDsFrom:(NSDate *)_from to:(NSDate *)_to { return [self->setId isOverviewSet] ? [self fetchOverviewGIDsFrom:_from to:_to] : [self fetchAccessTeamGIDsFrom:_from to:_to]; } - (NSArray *)fetchPkeysAndModDatesFrom:(NSDate *)_from to:(NSDate *)_to { /* only fetch for proper read-access group */ // TODO: support for last-modified in Date table NSArray *gids; NSMutableArray *result; NSCalendarDate *now; EOGlobalID *cgid; unsigned i, count; NSString *_group = [self->setId group]; cgid = (_group) ? [self->manager globalIDForGroupWithName:_group] : (EOKeyGlobalID *)[NSNull null]; /* this says "fetch private" */ gids = [[self commandContext] runCommand:@"appointment::query", @"fromDate", _from, @"toDate", _to, @"accessTeam", cgid, nil]; if (gids == nil) return nil; count = [gids count]; result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(count + 1)]; now = [NSCalendarDate date]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { EOKeyGlobalID *gid; NSDictionary *entry; NSDate *modDate; id keys[2], vals[2]; gid = [gids objectAtIndex:i]; modDate = now; // TODO: support for last-modified in Date table keys[0] = @"pkey"; vals[0] = [gid keyValues][0]; keys[1] = @"lastmodified"; vals[1] = modDate; entry = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjects:vals forKeys:keys count:2]; [result addObject:entry]; [entry release]; } //[self logWithFormat:@"got: %@", result]; return result; } // only valid on infos with 'permissions' and 'accessTeam' attribute - (BOOL)checkViewPermissionForApt:(id)_apt { NSString *perm = [_apt valueForKey:@"permissions"]; // need view permissions if ((perm == nil) || ([perm rangeOfString:@"v"].length == 0)) return NO; return [[_apt valueForKey:@"accessTeamId"] isNotNull]; } - (NSArray *)checkPermissions:(NSArray *)_infos { NSMutableArray *checked; unsigned i, max; id apt; checked = nil; max = [_infos count]; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { apt = [_infos objectAtIndex:i]; if (![self checkViewPermissionForApt:apt]) { if (checked == nil) { checked = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:max]; if (i) { [checked replaceObjectsInRange:NSMakeRange(0,0) withObjectsFromArray:_infos range:NSMakeRange(0,i)]; } } } else { // view granted if (checked != nil) [checked addObject:apt]; } } return (checked != nil) ? (NSArray *)checked : _infos; } - (BOOL)shouldCheckPermissions { // if overview calendar of group, then check the permission // --> no private appointments in team-overview cache return (([self->setId isOverviewSet]) && ([[self->setId group] length])) ? YES : NO; } - (NSArray *)fetchDateIdAndObjectVersionForGIDs:(NSArray *)_gids { // returns: dateId, objectVersion NSArray *infos; unsigned count; BOOL checkPermissions; NSArray *attributes; checkPermissions = [self shouldCheckPermissions]; if (debugOn && checkPermissions) [self debugWithFormat:@"fetching permission-checked ids and versions"]; attributes = checkPermissions ? [pkeyAndVersionGetAttrs arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:permissionsAttrs] : pkeyAndVersionGetAttrs; if (_gids == nil) return nil; if ((count = [_gids count]) == 0) return [NSArray array]; infos = [[self commandContext] runCommand:@"appointment::get-by-globalid", @"gids", _gids, @"attributes", attributes, nil]; return checkPermissions ? [self checkPermissions:infos] : infos; } - (NSArray *)fetchCoreInfoForGIDs:(NSArray *)_gids { // returns: title, location, end/startdate, sensitivity NSMutableArray *gidMiss; NSMutableArray *result; NSArray *keys; NSArray *infos; NSArray *attributes; BOOL checkPermissions; unsigned i, count; if (_gids == nil) return nil; if ((count = [_gids count]) == 0) return [NSArray array]; checkPermissions = [self shouldCheckPermissions]; attributes = checkPermissions ? [coreInfoGetAttrs arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:permissionsAttrs] : coreInfoGetAttrs; // TODO: is ordering of result considered significant ? we return unsorted if (debugOn) [self debugWithFormat:@"check cache ..."]; /* fetch current version info */ keys = [self fetchDateIdAndObjectVersionForGIDs:_gids]; if ((count = [keys count]) == 0) return keys; gidMiss = nil; result = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:(count + 1)]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { NSDictionary *info; id pkeyNum; int pkey, version; info = [keys objectAtIndex:i]; pkeyNum = [info objectForKey:@"dateId"]; pkey = [pkeyNum intValue]; version = [[info objectForKey:@"objectVersion"] intValue]; EOKeyGlobalID *gid; if (gidMiss == nil) gidMiss = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count]; gid = [EOKeyGlobalID globalIDWithEntityName:@"Date" keys:&pkeyNum keyCount:1 zone:NULL]; [gidMiss addObject:gid]; } if (gidMiss == nil) { if (debugOn) [self debugWithFormat:@"full cache hit !"]; return result; } /* fill cache */ if (debugOn) { [self debugWithFormat:@"need to fetch %i gids (cache misses)", [gidMiss count]]; } infos = [[self commandContext] runCommand:@"appointment::get-by-globalid", @"gids", gidMiss, @"attributes", attributes, nil]; if ((count = [infos count]) == 0) return result; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { NSDictionary *info; info = [infos objectAtIndex:i]; if ((!checkPermissions) || ([self checkViewPermissionForApt:info])) { [result addObject:info]; } } return result; } - (NSArray *)fetchCoreInfo { // returns: title, location, end/startdate, sensitivity return [self fetchCoreInfoForGIDs:[self fetchGIDs]]; } /* generation */ - (int)refreshInterval { static int ref = -1; if (ref == -1) { ref = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"ZLFolderRefresh"] intValue]; } return ref > 0 ? ref : 300; /* every five minutes */ } - (int)generationOfSet { /* This is used by ZideLook to track folder changes. TODO: implement folder-change detection ... (snapshot of last id/version set contained in the folder) */ return (time(NULL) - 1047000000) / [self refreshInterval]; } /* set */ static int dateIdCompare(id date1, id date2, void *self){ return [(NSNumber *)[(NSDictionary *)date1 objectForKey:@"pkey"] compare:[(NSDictionary *)date2 objectForKey:@"pkey"]]; } - (NSString *)idsAndVersionsCSV { /* Returns a string in the format: (id:version\n)* TODO: should do: - ask cache manager whether it's time to check updates set - if not => cacheManager -idsAndVersionsCSV .. */ NSMutableString *ms; NSArray *gids, *dates; unsigned i, max; gids = [self fetchGIDs]; if (gids == nil) return nil; if ([gids count] == 0) return @""; dates = [self fetchDateIdAndObjectVersionForGIDs:gids]; if (dates == nil) return nil; if ((max = [dates count]) == 0) return @""; /* sort dates to ensure set identity */ dates = [dates sortedArrayUsingFunction:dateIdCompare context:self]; if (debugOn) [self debugWithFormat:@"[ids and versions] processing %i apts", max]; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:(max * 10)]; for (i = 0; i < max; i++) { NSDictionary *date; date = [dates objectAtIndex:i]; [ms appendString:[[date objectForKey:@"dateId"] stringValue]]; [ms appendString:@":"]; [ms appendString:[[date objectForKey:@"objectVersion"] stringValue]]; if (i != (max - 1)) /* TODO: check, not for the last ? */ [ms appendString:@"\n"]; } return ms; } @end /* SxAptSetHandler */