[Note: changelog derived from 1.0a.12-to-1.0b.1, majority of changes is the same] - bug ids touched by ChangheLog: #1398, #1371, #1242, #1419, #138, #1290, #1325, #1409, #1387, #1331, #1412, #1418, #384, #1401, #1413, #1463 - Note: first 1.1 release, directory names and locations have been changed! - fixed creation of template/translation links - improved behaviour of main makefile with empty GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable - improved configure on OSX - improved SQL constraint creation script - added query debugging to company datasource ('OGoCompanyDataSourceExplain') - fixed gcc 4.0 warnings - renamed projectbase "Skyrix" to "Database" (#1398) - trash folder path configurable using the 'OGoProjectTrashFolderPath' - added debug logging to folder DS ('SkyProjectFolderDataSourceDebugEnabled') - fixed incorrect calculation of mothers day (#1371) - added icons for Oasis OpenDocument types - fixed some OpenBSD linking flags ZideStore - fixed generation of attendee fields in ZideStore - removed rendering of x-microsoft fields in iCal render of ZideStore - render 'sensitivity' database field as iCal 'class' for vevents - properly fetch access-team when updating appointments in ZideStore - removed some old ZideStore bundles - changes to WebDAV properties of ZideStore folders, removed Connector maps - added a hack for Kontact GroupDAV ('ZSDisableKontact34GroupDAVHack') - changed lookup of ZS folder entity/pkey/CRUD info to use product.plist - ZS base object now returns a 405 if a PUT is attempted but not implemented - folder return a 405 if a PUT is attempted (instead of a 200) - fixed a crasher when retrieving the ZS project list - added support for parsing VTODOs in ZS - added etag support for VTODO folders - only sent location header in ZS if an item actually changed its location - added some hacks for OSX WebDAV FS in ZS contacts - properly deliver etags for vcard requests - implemented missing ZS get-command for vcards - added vcard PUT support to ZideStore using company::set-vcard WebUI - joblist now uses a DA to activate a job - added DA to jump to advanced search (LSWPersons/showAdvancedSearch) - added multi keyword (category) searches to contacts (1.1: including operator) - major code cleanups in scheduler views, fixed #1419 - properly send notification mails on editor conflicts (OGo bug #138) - bundle loader ensures same load ordering - bundle loader now +initialize's all classes on startup - activate method now works without session info - fixed some HTML tag nesting issues in contacts/prefs - disabled download-all functionality (OGo bug #1290) - fixed login actions to properly keep the session-id (#1325) - removed unused LSWTextDocumentEditor, LSWFolderEditor, LSWDocumentMove, LSWDocumentAdvancedSearch - SkyTabView: added colors_tabText key to configure the font-color - tabview: retrieve tab width/height from components.cfg - SkyCalendarPopUp now avail as - added new .wox elements: OGo:field, OGo:fieldset - properly transfer 'admin_exportAddresses' default when saving new records - use SkyDocEmbedInlineViewer (iframe) to display text/html files in a proj. - added "show" constraints to docviewer plugin bundles - made docviewer tab selection configurable ('OGoDocViewerRules') - fixed some issues with month view in scheduler Logic - remove deprecated LSResource bundle - LSSetVCardCommand: fixed processing of firstname (OGo bug #1409) - added company::set-vcard command - greatly improved vcard generation support - use sensitivity for 'class' vcard property - some reorgs in extended contact search commands - extended contact search cmds can now search for just categories - added LSDebugExtSearch default - removed parent-job code and devide action - added code to deal with CSV database columns (like keywords) - removed unused classDescription methods - sort all command bundles prior loading to ensure consistent behaviour - initialize all command classes on bundle loading - added debug logs to attribute FS ('SkyAttributeDataSourceDebugEnabled') - fixed a bug in some property manager EOAttribute array - changed get-ical commands to map 'sensitivity' to the iCal 'class' - fixed some crasher in the ext-search (#1387) - deprecated 'SendmailPath' in favor of 'WOSendMail' - fixed some doc-lookup bug (#1331) - map .sed extensions to application/x-sedscript type - added MIME mappings for Oasis document types XML-RPC - added support for more task properties (#1412) - added 'aptType' field processing (#1418, #384) - improved participant handling in appointment.setParticipants (#1401) Misc - added ogo-vcard-put tool - changed most toolnames to use an ogo- prefix PDA - fixed some assertion (#1413) =========================================================================== r1180 compare /home/helge/dev/complete/OpenGroupware.org/releases/1.0alpha12-ultra with . changed: 2005-06-19 Helge Hess * WebUI/GNUmakefile.postamble: fixed creation of template/translation links * GNUmakefile: improved behaviour with empty GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES variable 2005-03-21 Helge Hess * configure: on OSX use --disable-strip / --with-gnustep per default, check for weird library combos on OSX changed: DocumentAPI/OGoContacts/ 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * SkyCompanyDataSource.m: changed to merge multiple 'keywords' arguments in AND/OR qualifiers into a single search record key (using CSV hack), log operator when explain option is turned on (v5.3.45) 2005-05-24 Helge Hess * minor code cleanups, added test_ogocds_addrfetch tool to test address fetching using datasources (v5.1.44) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * v5.1.43 * added tool test_ogocds to run queries against SkyPersonDataSource * SkyCompanyDataSource.m: added query debugging, can be enabled using the 'OGoCompanyDataSourceExplain' default * GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed linking path to LSFoundation (v5.1.42) added: DocumentAPI/OGoContacts/test_ogocds_addrfetch.m added: DocumentAPI/OGoContacts/test_ogocds.m changed: DocumentAPI/OGoDocuments/ 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * v5.1.24 * SkyDocument+XmlRpcCoding.m, SkyDocumentManagerImp.m: fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * NGLocalFileDocument+DOM.m: added compatibility with new DOM in SOPE 4.5 changed: DocumentAPI/OGoProject/ 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * v5.1.39 * SkyContentHandler.m: fixed a warning * SkyProjectURLHandle.m: fixed a warning * OGoFileManagerFactory.m: fixed not to use deprecated methods changed: DocumentAPI/OGoDatabaseProject/ 2005-06-08 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: renamed projectbase "Skyrix" to "Database" (fixes OGo bug #1398) (v5.1.51) 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * v5.1.50 * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * SkyProjectDocument+DOM.m: added compatibility with new DOM in SOPE 4.5 2005-04-26 Helge Hess * SkyProjectFileManager+Extensions.m: made trash folder path configurable using the 'OGoProjectTrashFolderPath' default (v5.1.49) 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * v5.1.48 * SkyProjectFileManagerCache.m: added some debug logs, moved deep search code to own method * SkyProjectFolderDataSource.m: enhanced debug logging 2005-03-31 Helge Hess * SkyProjectFolderDataSource.m: added debug logging which can be enabled using 'SkyProjectFolderDataSourceDebugEnabled' (v5.1.47) changed: DocumentAPI/OGoScheduler/ 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * SkyAppointmentDataSource.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.33) * GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed static library dependencies for OSX 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v5.1.32) * SkyHolidayCalculator.m: fixed OGo bug #1371 (incorrect calculation of mother's day (v5.1.31) changed: DocumentAPI/OGoFileSystemProject/ 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * v5.1.26 * SkyFSDocument+DOM.m: added compatibility with new DOM in SOPE 4.5 * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings 2005-04-26 Helge Hess * SkyFSFileManager.m: made trash folder path configurable using the 'OGoProjectTrashFolderPath' default (v5.1.25) added: Database/MySQL changed: Database/OGoModel/ 2005-04-19 Helge Hess * OGoModel.py: added MySQL5 model information (v5.1.15) added: Database/OGoModel/OpenGroupware.org_MySQL5.eomodel changed: Database/PostgreSQL/ 2005-03-22 Stefan Huehner * pg-build-schema.psql.constraints: removed all table creation and DML statements to use the script as an addon to pg-build-schema.psql changed: Themes/ 2005-03-18 Helge Hess * WebServerResources/English.lproj: made Oasis icons from OOo icons added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_orange.lproj/first.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_orange.lproj/previous.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_orange.lproj/next.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_orange.lproj/last.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_blue.lproj/first.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_blue.lproj/previous.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_blue.lproj/next.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German_blue.lproj/last.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.text_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula-template_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/English.lproj/mimeicon_application_vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart-template_16x19.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German.lproj/first.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German.lproj/previous.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German.lproj/next.gif added: Themes/WebServerResources/German.lproj/last.gif changed: ZideStore/Main/ 2005-06-11 Helge Hess * ZideStore.m: improved ZideStore bundle lookup on Cocoa (v1.3.90) changed: ZideStore/ZSBackend/ 2005-06-05 Helge Hess * v1.3.87 * SxAptManager+iCal.m: ensure that appointments are fetched with all participants by performing a fetch using the global-id (instead of the possibly unloaded EO) - this fixes the generation of attendee fields * SxAppointmentRenderer.m: do not render x-microsoft fields, do not render created,last-modified and dtstamp (currently unsupported, can be supported using log-table) 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * v1.3.86 * SxAptManager+iCal: fetch 'sensitivity' attribute * SxAppointmentRenderer.m: changed to map 'sensitivity' to iCal 'class' instead of using the access group * moved Appointments, Contacts subproject files to top-level (v1.3.85) 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v1.3.84) 2005-04-07 Thomas Klute * Appointments/SxAptManager+iCal.m: fetch 'accessTeamId' to allow proper rendering of public/private class, might fix part of OGo bug #1242 (v1.3.83) added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchGroup.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchGroup.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/NSMutableDictionary+SetSafeObject.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/NSMutableDictionary+SetSafeObject.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxAppointmentRenderer.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxAppointmentRenderer.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxContactManager+evo.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxZLContactSQLQuery.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxZLContactSQLQuery.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxContactSQLQuery.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxContactSQLQuery.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxAptManager+iCal.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxEvoContactSQLQuery.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxEvoContactSQLQuery.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchEnterprise.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchEnterprise.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxContactSetIdentifier.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxContactManager.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchContact.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchContact.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxContactEmailSQLQuery.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxContactEmailSQLQuery.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxListContactSQLQuery.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxListContactSQLQuery.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchPerson.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxFetchPerson.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxUpdateContact.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxAptSetHandler.h added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxAptSetHandler.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxAptSetIdentifier.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/AptBackendSets.plist added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxUpdatePerson.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxUpdateEnterprise.m added: ZideStore/ZSBackend/SxAptManager.m removed: ZideStore/ZSBackend/Contacts removed: ZideStore/ZSBackend/Appointments changed: ZideStore/UI-X/Mailer/ 2005-03-23 Marcus Mueller * GNUmakefile, {English/French}.lproj/default.strings: renamed default.strings to Localizable.strings (v0.9.zs102) added: ZideStore/UI-X/Mailer/French.lproj/Localizable.strings removed: ZideStore/UI-X/Mailer/French.lproj/default.strings added: ZideStore/UI-X/Mailer/English.lproj/Localizable.strings removed: ZideStore/UI-X/Mailer/English.lproj/default.strings changed: ZideStore/Protocols/RSS/ 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * SxFolderRSS.m: moved NSObject category to own file (v1.3.6) added: ZideStore/Protocols/RSS/NSObject+SoRSSObject.h added: ZideStore/Protocols/RSS/NSObject+SoRSSObject.m changed: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/ 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * v1.3.113 * SxUserFolder.m: removed specific root property mappings, removed some deprecated Evo connector methods * DAVPropSets.plist: removed deprecated Evolution mappings, removed some default property sets 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * SxFolder.m: moved ZideLook related methods to own file/category (v1.3.112) * SxFolder.m: added new factory method for existing children (v1.3.111) 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v1.3.110) 2005-05-25 Helge Hess * SxObject.m: added a hack to disable etag consistency check when ZideStore is accessed using Kontact 3.4. This can be disabled using the 'ZSDisableKontact34GroupDAVHack' default. (v1.3.109) 2005-05-17 Helge Hess * SxObject.m: lookup entity/pkey/CRUD methods using SoClass (v1.3.108) 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * v1.3.107 * SxObject.m: return a 405 if a PUT is attempted (subclasses need to override to support a PUT) * SxFolder.m: return 405 instead of 200 if a PUT on a folder is attempted added: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/SxFolder+ZL.m removed: ZideStore/ZSFrontend/Persons changed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSTasks/ 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * v1.3.79 * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * SxTaskFolder.m: moved ZideLook / Evo Connector methods to own file 2005-05-26 Helge Hess * SxTask.m: moved out some old Exchange connector support, added parsing of iCalendar VTODO's (put changes are not yet applied) (v1.3.78) 2005-05-17 Helge Hess * v1.3.77 * SxTask.m: added etag support to GET action, prepared PUTAction * SxTaskFolder.m, SxTask.m: moved some old MAPI code to separate file, lookup EO object command/config using SoClass added: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSTasks/SxTaskFolder+ZL.m added: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSTasks/SxTaskFolder+MAPI.m added: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSTasks/SxTask+OldExCon.m added: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSTasks/SxTask+ZL.m changed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSAppointments/ 2005-06-05 Helge Hess * v1.3.101 * SxAppointment+Participants.m: fixed handling of extended participant properties (proper defaults for WebUI), fixed handling of participant change sets * SxAppointment.m, SxAppointmentMessageParser.m: properly deal with iCal class=>sensitivity mapping, improved changelogs, added support for some fields 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed some gcc 4.0 warnings, fixed a compilation issue with ZSBackend (v1.3.100) 2005-05-26 Helge Hess * SxAppointmentMessageParser.m: fixed some gcc 4.0 warnings (v1.3.99) 2005-05-25 Helge Hess * SxAppointment.m: only set PUT 'location' header if the location changed (v1.3.98) 2005-05-18 Helge Hess * SxICalendar.m: rewritten to use folder for queries instead of doing queries on its own (fixed OGo bug #1386) (v1.3.97) changed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSContacts/ 2005-06-02 Helge Hess * v1.3.93 * ZSPersonListEntryRenderer.m: improved rendering of names * SxAddress.m: added a hack for MacOSX WebDAV file system PUT's (does an empty PUT prior PUTting the real vCard content), fixed GETAction to work with invalid global-ids 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * v1.3.92 * SxAddressFolder.m: removed contact specific default WebDAV property sets (), if we need this again, we should use a product.plist slot for this functionality * SxAddressFolder.m: moved ZL specific stuff to own category/file * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * SxAddressFolder.m: properly tag records as private which are 'apparently' existing (v1.3.91) 2005-05-25 Helge Hess * SxAddress.m: only set PUT 'location' header if the location changed (v1.3.90) 2005-05-17 Helge Hess * SxAddress.m: removed code for product.plist binding, this now lives in SxObject (v1.3.89) 2005-05-13 Helge Hess * SxAddress.m: properly deliver etag in GET requests (v1.3.88) * SxAddressFolder.m: added proper mapping for 'new' key records (v1.3.87) * SxAddress.m: implemented missing getCommand, this allows deletes from WebDAV/Evolution (v1.3.86) 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * SxAddress.m: improved exception handling (v1.3.85) * SxAddress.m: properly commit changes (v1.3.84) 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * SxAddress.m: added vCard PUT support based on the company::set-vcard command (v1.3.83) * moved a lot of settings from code to product.plist (v1.3.82) added: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSContacts/SxAddressFolder+ZL.m removed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSContacts/Groups removed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSContacts/Persons removed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSContacts/Companies changed: ZideStore/SoObjects/ZSProjects/ 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v1.3.96) * SxProjectFolder.m: fixed a crasher when retrieving the project list (v1.3.95) 2005-05-25 Helge Hess * SxProjectsFolder.m: added a hack to stop Kontact 3.4.0 from traversing the full WebDAV hierarchy. This can be disabled using the 'ZSDisableKontact34GroupDAVHack' default. If the hack is enabled (default setting), you won't be able to use Konqueror to browse your project documents. (v1.3.94) changed: maintenance/ 2005-06-17 Helge Hess * ogo-environment.spec, opengroupware.spec, ogofull-singleprm.spec, ogo-database-setup.spec: fixed some versions for 1.0 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * opengroupware.spec, ogofull-singleprm.spec: fixed tool names, removed LSResource.cmd added: maintenance/rpm_buildenvironment/macros/rhel4 added: maintenance/rpm_buildenvironment/macros/fedora-core4 added: maintenance/rpm_buildenvironment/macros/suse93 changed: Logic/ 2005-05-09 Helge Hess * removed deprecated LSResource bundle removed: Logic/LSResource changed: Logic/LSSearch/ 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * LSGenericSearchRecord.m: fixed a -description format argument (v5.3.26) 2005-06-27 Helge Hess * v5.3.25 * LSExtendedSearchCommand.m, LSExtendedSearch.m: some code cleanups * LSGenericSearchRecord.m: added NSCopying support, improved -description 2005-05-22 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchCommand.m: fixed a HFS vs Linux compilation issue (v5.1.24) 2005-05-21 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchCommand.m: fixed another crasher introduced in one of the last commits (similiar issue to OGo bug #1387) (v5.1.23) 2005-05-20 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchCommand.m: fixed a crasher introduced in one of the last commits (fixed OGo bug #1387) (v5.1.22) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchCommand.m: fixed a bug in keyword record scanning (v5.1.21) * v5.1.20 * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * LSExtendedSearch.m: moved in some keyword related code from LSPerson * v5.1.19 * LSExtendedSearch.m: code cleanups * LSExtendedSearchCommand.m: major code cleanups changed: Logic/LSTasks/ 2005-05-11 Helge Hess * LSJobActionCommand.m: removed parent-job code, removed support for 'devide' action (v5.1.4) changed: Logic/LSFoundation/ 2005-07-23 Sebastian Reitenbach * GNUmakefile.preamble: added OpenBSD linking flags (v5.3.105) 2005-06-26 Helge Hess * SkyObjectPropertyManager.m: fixed an NSNull Cocoa issue (v5.3.104) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * EOSQLQualifier+LS.m: added hack to split keywords containing ", " into multiple searches (v5.1.103) * EOSQLQualifier+LS.m: added category on EOSQLQualifier to build qualifiers which search in DB columns which contain comma separated values (eg the 'keywords' field) (v5.1.102) 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * LSDBObjectSetCommand.m, LSBaseCommand.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.101) 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * LSTypeManager: removed classDescription methods (unused) (v5.1.100) 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v5.1.99) 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * NGBundleManager+OGo.m: sort bundles by name prior loading to ensure the same load sequence on all platforms/installs (v5.1.98) 2005-03-31 Helge Hess * v5.1.97 * SkyAttributeDataSource.m: properly post a datasource changed notification, added debug logs (can be enabled using the 'SkyAttributeDataSourceDebugEnabled' default) * LSCommandContext.m: minor code cleanups * SkyObjectPropertyManager.m: fixed a bug in adaptor channel attribute array (passed strings instead of EOAttribute's to adaptor) (v5.1.96) 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * LSModuleManager.m: changed behaviour to +initialize all classes on bundle loading. This ensures all initialization is done prior the app runs (slows down startup time!) (v5.1.95) added: Logic/LSFoundation/EOSQLQualifier+LS.h added: Logic/LSFoundation/EOSQLQualifier+LS.m changed: Logic/LSBase/ 2005-06-17 Helge Hess * LSGetLogsCommand.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.23) 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings, minor code cleanups (v5.1.22) 2005-03-29 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: map .sed extension to application/x-sedscript (v5.1.21) 2005-03-18 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: added extension/MIME-type mappings for Oasis documents (OOo 2.0) (v5.1.20) changed: Logic/LSTeam/ 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed compilation for new LSAddress (v5.1.11) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v5.1.10) changed: Logic/LSNews/ 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings, minor code cleanups (v5.1.4) changed: Logic/LSScheduler/ 2005-06-24 Helge Hess * LSFetchCyclicAppointmentCommand.m: fixed a bug, probably introduced in v5.1.58 (v5.3.60) 2005-06-05 Helge Hess * v5.1.59 * LSListParticipantsCommand.m: fixed a typo * LSGetICalForAppointmentsCommand.m: code cleanups 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * v5.1.58 * LSGetICalForAppointmentsCommand.m, LSNewAppointmentFromVEventCommand.m, LSUpdateAppointmentWithVEventCommand.m: changed to map 'sensitivity' to iCal 'class' instead of using the readAccessGroup * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings, minor code cleanups * LSAptAccessCommand.m: major code cleanups 2005-05-09 Helge Hess * moved in LSSetResourcesCommand.m from LSAddress (v5.1.57) added: Logic/LSScheduler/LSSetResourcesCommand.m changed: Logic/LSMail/ 2005-04-27 Helge Hess * LSMailDeliverCommand.m: deprecated 'SendmailPath' default in favor of 'WOSendMail' (v5.1.14) changed: Logic/LSAccount/ 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed compilation for new LSAddress (v5.1.18) 2005-05-03 Helge Hess * v5.1.17 * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (mostly KVC) * LSGetAccountsForGlobalIDsCommand.m: removed dead code changed: Logic/LSEnterprise/ 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchEnterpriseCommand.m: added special processing for keyword searches (v5.3.16) 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed compilation for new LSAddress, fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v5.1.15) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchEnterpriseCommand.m: changed to use new methods for keyword generation/handling (see LSPerson for details) (v5.1.14) changed: Logic/LSPerson/ 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchPersonCommand.m: added special processing for keyword searches (v5.3.28) 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed compilation for new LSAddress (v5.1.27) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * LSExtendedSearchPersonCommand.m: moved some methods to superclass (v5.1.26) * LSExtendedSearchPersonCommand.m: modified to allow fetches for just categories (without other keys) (v5.1.25) * LSExtendedSearchPersonCommand.m: do not use LOWER in keyword fetches, changed behaviour to strip patterns from keywords (v5.1.24) * v5.1.23 * LSExtendedSearchPersonCommand.m: code cleanups, added 'LSDebugExtSearch' default to enable debug logs for command * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * LSSetPersonCommand.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.22) 2005-05-09 Helge Hess * LSGetPersonCommand.m, LSGetPersonsForGlobalIDs.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.21) changed: Logic/LSDocuments/ 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: moved in UseFoldersForIDRanges default from LSProject (should fix OGo bug #1331) (v5.1.5) changed: Logic/LSProject/ 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: removed UseFlatDocumentFileStructureStatus default, doesn't seem to be used anywhere, moved UseFoldersForIDRanges default to LSDocuments bundle (where it is used) - should fix OGo bug #1331 (v5.1.39) 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: moved 'LSAttachmentPath' default to LSAddress (v5.1.38) * bundle-info.plist: removed LSSetResourceCommand, this is provided by LSResource.cmd (v5.1.37) changed: Logic/LSAddress/ 2005-06-07 Helge Hess * LSSetVCardCommand.m: fixed processing of firstname (OGo bug #1409) (v5.1.77) 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * v5.1.76 * moved Header files to main directory * LSSetVCardCommand.m, LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: fixed 'confidential' sensitivity (is 3, not 1) 2005-06-02 Helge Hess * LSSetVCardCommand.m: map vCard 'title' property to 'job_title' ext-attrs (v5.1.75) * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m, LSSetVCardCommand.m: improved handling of ORG property, added support for 8-digit birthdays (Outlook), fixed handling of 'url' property (v5.1.74) 2005-06-01 Helge Hess * v5.1.73 * Defaults.plist: fixed mappings for uppercase address types * LSSetVCardCommand.m: properly add classification * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m, LSSetVCardCommand.m: use 'sensitivity' DB field for vCard 'class' property (instead of trying to map that to actual permissions) (v5.1.72) 2005-05-31 Helge Hess * LSSetVCardCommand.m: changed to use specific get-by-globalid commands to ensure a consistent fetch, this removed the issue with email address values being duplicated (v5.1.71) * v5.1.70 * LSSetVCardCommand.m: work on vCard email support * LSSetCompanyCommand.m: print a warning if extattrs are being changed but no companyValue record is set in object * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: do not generate 'internet' mail types for emails (generate no type), added support for a email4 (Evolution has support for 4 different mail addresses in the UI), generate ext-attr emails for enterprises/teams, fixed naming of teams * v5.1.69 * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: fixed generation of multiple phone types, added support for V: prefixed phone types * LSSetVCardCommand.m: finished saving phone numbers from vCards * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: improved phone generation (v5.1.68) 2005-05-30 Helge Hess * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: changed to use 'number' for vCard instead of 'realNumber' (which happens to be unset if the number doesn't match a pattern [eg contains strings]) (v5.1.67) * LSSetVCardCommand.m: preparations for phone handling (v5.1.66) * LSSetCompanyCommand.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.65) 2005-05-25 Helge Hess * v5.1.64 * LSSetVCardCommand.m: finished address support in vCard set command * LSVCardAddressFormatter.m: added a small hack to retrieve pobox/ext. into name2/name3 fields * Defaults.plist: changed default vCard/type mappings to better match Evolution and Kontact * v5.1.63 * LSSetVCardCommand.m: improved mapping of array values - avoid NSNull being generated as (eg freebusyUrl), improved handling of source-urls * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: generate full LSAddress version into vCard product-id, added support for special V: values in OGo addresses to store arbitary vCard types * LSVCardAddressFormatter.m: removed unused name[1-3] local variables 2005-05-24 Helge Hess * LSNewTelephoneCommand.m: moved phone number parser to string category (v5.1.62) 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * v5.1.61 * LSSetVCardCommand.m: fixed vcard update for core attributes * LSDeleteCompanyCommand.m, LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: code cleanups * v5.1.60 * LSSetVCardCommand.m: work on vCard mapping * LSSetCompanyCommand.m, NSNewCompanyCommand.m: major code cleanups 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * LSSetVCardCommand.m: fixed call to object::get-by-globalid (v5.1.59) * GNUmakefile.preamble: link against NGiCal to get access to the vCard parser (v5.1.58) 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * v5.1.57 * LSGetCompanyCommand.m: minor code cleanups * LSSetVCardCommand.m: work on vCard put 2005-05-09 Helge Hess * started LSSetVCardCommand (company::set-vcard) (v5.1.56) * moved LSSetResourcesCommand.m to LSScheduler (v5.1.55) * LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m: improved support for uid/source fields, added support for FBURL, X-EVOLUTION-FILE-AS, X-AIM|X-ICQ|X-JABBER, X-EVOLUTION-ANNIVERSARY, X-EVOLUTION-SPOUSE, X-EVOLUTION-ASSISTANT, X-EVOLUTION-MANAGER, ROLE (v5.1.54) 2005-05-09 Helge Hess * LSGetVCardForGlobalIDsCommand.m: major code reorgs, moved vCard formatting methods for company objects to NSFormatter classes (v5.1.53) 2005-05-05 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v5.1.52) 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * v5.1.51 * LSGetVCardForGlobalIDsCommand.m: print a warning if the LSAttachmentPath could not be resolved * Defaults.plist: moved in 'LSAttachmentPath' default from LSProject * bundle-info.plist: removed superflous bookmark-command registrations, fixed entry for LSChangeLoginStatusCommand (v5.1.50) added: Logic/LSAddress/LSUserDefaultCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSUserDefaultsFunctions.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardCompanyFormatter.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardCompanyFormatter.m added: Logic/LSAddress/LSNewCompanyCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSMemberToGroupAssignmentCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSSetCompanyCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSGetCompanyForMemberCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSUserDefaults.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardNameFormatter.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardNameFormatter.m added: Logic/LSAddress/LSSetVCardCommand.m added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardLabelFormatter.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardLabelFormatter.m added: Logic/LSAddress/NSString+Phone.h added: Logic/LSAddress/NSString+Phone.m added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardAddressFormatter.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSVCardAddressFormatter.m added: Logic/LSAddress/LSAddressConverterCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSGetCompanyCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSBuildConverterDataCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSDeleteCompanyCommand.h added: Logic/LSAddress/LSGetMemberForCompanyCommand.h removed: Logic/LSAddress/LSSetResourcesCommand.m removed: Logic/LSAddress/Headers changed: XmlRpcAPI/ 2005-07-23 Sebastian Reitenbach * GNUmakefile.preamble: added OpenBSD linking flags (v5.3.65) 2005-06-17 Helge Hess * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Job.m: added support for changing most of the Outlook related task properties, should fix OGo bug #1412 (v5.1.64) * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Appointment.m: added 'aptType' to insert/update processing, should fix OGo bug #1418 (v5.1.63) 2005-06-08 Helge Hess * XmlRpcCoding.subproj/SkyAppointmentDocument+XmlRpcCoding.m: added support for 'aptType' field (should fix OGo bug #384) (v5.1.62) 2005-06-07 Helge Hess * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Appointment.m: improved handling of participants in appointment.setParticipants (should fix OGo bug #1401) (v5.1.61) 2005-06-05 Helge Hess * XmlRpcCoding.subproj/SkyJobDocument+XmlRpcCoding.m: added support for most of the Outlook related task properties (v5.1.60) 2005-06-04 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v5.1.59) changed: Tools/ 2005-07-23 Sebastian Reitenbach * GNUmakefile.preamble: added OpenBSD linking flags 2005-05-25 Helge Hess * ogo-vcard-put.m: properly commit put transactions 2005-05-10 Helge Hess * added ogo-vcard-put tool 2005-05-09 Helge Hess * added ogo-vcard-get tool * changed names of most tools to be more consistent (ogo-xxx-yyy), with the exception of skyaptnotify, sky_install_sieve and sky_send_bulk_messages (to avoid breaking setups) * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings added: Tools/ogo-project-list.m added: Tools/ogo-project-import.m added: Tools/ogo-project-export.m added: Tools/ogo-vcard-get.m added: Tools/ogo-vcard-put.m added: Tools/ogo-instfilter-procmail.m added: Tools/ogo-check-permission.m added: Tools/ogo-runcmd.m added: Tools/ogo-jobs-export.m added: Tools/ogo-list-acls.m added: Tools/ogo-defaults.m removed: Tools/skycheckperm.m removed: Tools/skyprojectimporter.m removed: Tools/skylistacls.m removed: Tools/skyprojectexporter.m removed: Tools/skyjobs2ical.m removed: Tools/skydefaults.m removed: Tools/sky_install_procmail.m removed: Tools/skylistprojects.m removed: Tools/skyruncmd.m added: debian/opengroupware.org-skyaptnotify.README.Debian added: debian/README.Instances changed: PDA/OGoPalmWebUI/ 2005-06-17 Helge Hess * v5.1.29 * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings * SkyPalmAssignDate.m: code cleanups, use 00:00/23:59 for from-date and to-date ranges, avoid an assertion (should fix bug #1413) - spotted by Marc Lardy 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: removed missing SkyPalmEntryListViewer (v5.1.28) changed: PDA/OGoPalm/ 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * SkyPalmAddressDocument.m: minor code cleanups (v5.3.31) changed: WebUI/JobUI/ 2005-03-29 Helge Hess * SkyJobList.m: changed to use direct action for activating a job (v5.1.51) changed: WebUI/Contact/EnterprisesUI/ 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * LSWEnterpriseAdvancedSearch.m: when multiple keywords (categories) are selected the search UI now creates multiple EOKeyValueQualifiers to represent the query. Further it now supports the selection of the search operation (AND or OR) (v5.3.35) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * v5.1.34 * LSWEnterpriseAdvancedSearch.m: added keywords-array accessor to support multi-keyword searches * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings changed: WebUI/Contact/AddressUI/ 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: removed superflous LSWExtendedAttributeEditor and SkyCompanyAttributesViewer registry entries (v5.1.50) changed: WebUI/Contact/PersonsUI/ 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * LSWPersonAdvancedSearch.m: when multiple keywords (categories) are selected the search UI now creates multiple EOKeyValueQualifiers to represent the query. Further it now supports the selection of the search operation (AND or OR) (v5.3.54) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * v5.1.53 * LSWPersons.m: added direct action to jump to advanced search (LSWPersons/showAdvancedSearch) * LSWPersonAdvancedSearch.m: included @interface in .m file, deleted .h file removed: WebUI/Contact/PersonsUI/LSWPersonAdvancedSearch.h changed: WebUI/Scheduler/OGoSchedulerViews/ 2005-06-17 Helge Hess * SkyInlineDayHChart.m, SkyInlineWeekHChart.m: major code cleanups, fixed OGo bug #1419 (issue with hcharts and multiple teams) (v5.1.45) 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * fixed gcc 4.0 warnings (v5.1.44) changed: WebUI/Scheduler/OGoResourceScheduler/ 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: removed a category registered as a class (v5.1.11) changed: WebUI/Scheduler/OGoScheduler/ 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * WODirectAction+SchedulerViews.m: properly include common.h (v5.1.34) 2005-04-13 Ralph Schmidt * SkySchedulerConflictPage.m: properly send notification mails on editor conflicts (OGo bug #138) (v5.1.33) changed: WebUI/Main/ 2005-07-23 Sebastian Reitenbach * GNUmakefile.preamble: added OpenBSD linking flags (v5.3.78) 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * OGoWebBundleLoader.m: sort bundles by name prior loading to ensure the same load sequence on all platforms/installs (v5.1.77) 2005-03-29 Helge Hess * v5.1.76 * DirectAction.m: allow 'activate' method without session info * WODirectAction+LoginAction.m: added some debug logs changed: WebUI/Templates/ 2005-07-17 Olivier Hallot * OGoSchedulerViews/SkyInlineMonthOverview.wod, OGoSchedulerViews/SkyInlineYearOverview.wod: properly pass month as a parameter (fixes OGo bug #1463) 2005-06-28 Helge Hess * EnterprisesUI/LSWEnterpriseAdvancedSearch.[html|wod]: added UI for search operator selection * PersonsUI/LSWPersonAdvancedSearch.[html|wod]: added UI for search operator selection 2005-05-30 Helge Hess * PreferencesUI/LSWPreferencesEditor.html: fixed nesting of form/table tag 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * PersonUI/LSWPersonAdvancedSearch, EnterprisesUI/LSWEnterpriseAdvancedSearch: added multi-category selection * EnterprisesUI/LSWEnterpriseAdvancedSearch.html: fixed broken HTML / element nesting 2005-05-11 Helge Hess * PersonsUI/LSWPersonAdvancedSearch.html: fixed broken HTML / element nesting * PersonsUI/LSWPersonAdvancedSearch.wod: added names to most form fields 2005-04-07 Helge Hess * updated themes/components.cfg with tab-text fontcolor settings * updated themes/components.cfg with tab-width/height settings 2005-04-06 Helge Hess * LSWScheduler/LSWAppointmentEditor.wod: some template cleanups 2005-04-04 Helge Hess * BaseUI: removed CVS ID comments, minor template cleanups * OGoProject/SkyProject4DocumentEditor: minor template cleanups * OGoUIElements/SkyTextEditor: minor template cleanups 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * OGoWebMail/LSWImapMailViewer.wod: disabled download-all to fix OGo bug #1290 2005-03-29 Helge Hess * BaseUI/Main.wod: fixed login actions (properly keep the session id in the form), fixes OGo bug #1325 2005-03-22 Helge Hess * OGoProject/SkyProject4DocumentViewer.wod: removed unused element declarations 2005-03-17 Helge Hess * OGoProject/SkyP4FolderView.html: some template cleanups 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * LSWProject: removed unused LSWTextDocumentEditor, LSWFolderEditor, LSWDocumentMove, LSWDocumentAdvancedSearch * LSWMail: removed unused LSWMailFilterEditor templates added: WebUI/Templates/ogo-webui-1.1 removed: WebUI/Templates/ogo-webui-1.0a added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/orange/ogo-webui-1.1 removed: WebUI/Templates/Themes/orange/ogo-webui-1.0a added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/blue/ogo-webui-1.1 removed: WebUI/Templates/Themes/blue/ogo-webui-1.0a added: WebUI/Templates/Themes/kde/ogo-webui-1.1 removed: WebUI/Templates/Themes/kde/ogo-webui-1.0a removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWMail/LSWMailFilterEditor.html removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWMail/LSWMailFilterEditor.wod removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWProject/LSWFolderEditor.wod removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWProject/LSWTextDocumentEditor.wod removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWProject/LSWFolderEditor.html removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWProject/LSWDocumentMove.wod removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWProject/LSWTextDocumentEditor.html removed: WebUI/Templates/LSWProject/LSWDocumentMove.html changed: WebUI/NewsUI/ 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: removed superflous 'LSWNewsArticles' registry entry (v5.1.14) changed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoWebMail/ 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: moved mailing-list registry entries to OGoRecipientLists bundle (v5.1.104) changed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoMailViewers/ 2005-04-06 Helge Hess * LSWInlineBodyViewer.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.25) 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: fixed registry entry for SkyMailIcon (actually the class is SkyP4MailIcon) (v5.1.24) added: WebUI/Mailer/OGoMailViewers/SkyP4MailIcon.m removed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoMailViewers/SkyMailIcon.m changed: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/ 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * removed unused LSWMailFilterEditor (v5.1.12) removed: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailFilterEditor.h removed: WebUI/Mailer/LSWMail/LSWMailFilterEditor.m changed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoRecipientLists/ 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: moved in mailing-list registry entries from OGoWebMail bundle (v5.1.3) changed: WebUI/Mailer/OGoMailEditor/ 2005-03-24 Helge Hess * v5.1.8 * LSWImapMailEditor.m: code cleanups * LSWImapMailEditor.m, NSString+MailEditor.m: moved method to append a signature to mail content to the NSString category changed: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/ 2005-04-06 Helge Hess * SkyButtonRow.[hm]: fixed std-button bitfield, minor code cleanups (v5.1.105) 2005-03-23 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: removed SkyTableView (class is implemented in a different bundle) (v5.1.104) 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: removed deprecated LSWTab* classes from registry (v5.1.103) changed: WebUI/Common/OGoUIElements/ 2005-05-12 Helge Hess * OGoUIElementsBuilder.m: fixed a warning on non-lf setups (v5.1.44) 2005-04-07 Helge Hess * SkyTabView.m: added colors_tabText key to configure the font-color (v5.1.43) * SkySimpleTabItem.m, SkyTabView.m: retrieve tab width/height from components.cfg, reuse WOAssociation objects (v5.1.42) 2005-04-06 Helge Hess * v5.1.41 * SkyDateField.m: code cleanups * OGoUIElementsBuilder.m: map to SkyCalendarPopUp and to SkyCalendarScript, properly trigger debug logs 2005-04-05 Helge Hess * SkyDateField.m: code cleanups (v5.1.40) 2005-03-23 Helge Hess * OGoUIElementsBuilder.m: added new element which is similiar to the previous OGo forms one (maps to WOCollapsibleComponentContent with some special bindings) (v5.1.39) 2005-03-22 Helge Hess * OGoUIElementsBuilder.m: map to SkyCollapsibleContent (v5.1.38) 2005-03-18 Helge Hess * OGoElemBuilder.m: added new styling elements, OGoField and OGoFieldSet (OGo:field, OGo:fieldset in .wox) (v5.1.37) added: WebUI/Common/OGoUIElements/OGoFieldSet.m added: WebUI/Common/OGoUIElements/OGoField.m removed: WebUI/Common/OGoUIElements/SkyTabItem.m changed: WebUI/OGoFoundation/ 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * OGoModuleManager.m: changed behaviour to +initialize all classes on bundle loading. This ensures all initialization is done prior the app runs. (v5.1.85) changed: WebUI/PreferencesUI/ 2005-05-30 Helge Hess * v5.1.38 * OGoDefaultEditField.m: some code cleanups * LSWPreferencesEditor.m: properly transfer 'admin_exportAddresses' default when saving new records removed: WebUI/PreferencesUI/TODO changed: WebUI/Project/OGoDocInlineViewers/ 2005-04-06 Helge Hess * bundle-info.plist: use SkyDocEmbedInlineViewer (iframe) to display text/html files in a project (v5.1.8) 2005-03-19 Helge Hess * added GNUmakefile.preamble for MacOSX (v5.1.7) 2005-03-17 Helge Hess * added "show" constraints to docviewer plugin bundles (v5.1.6) 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * v5.1.5 * work on doc-viewer components * bundle-info.plist: changed doc-part format added: WebUI/Project/OGoDocInlineViewers/GNUmakefile.preamble changed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/ 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * added Defaults.plist as a resource (to fix OGo bug #1268) (v5.1.47) 2005-03-16 Helge Hess * removed unused LSWTextDocumentEditor, LSWFolderEditor, LSWDocumentMove, LSWDocumentAdvancedSearch (those were excluded from the compile, but still bound to some actions in bundle-info.plist?) (v5.1.46) removed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/LSWFolderEditor.m removed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/LSWDocumentMove.m removed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/LSWTextDocumentEditor.m removed: WebUI/Project/LSWProject/Headers/LSWTextDocumentEditor.h changed: WebUI/Project/OGoProject/ 2005-04-04 Helge Hess * SkyProject4DocumentEditor.m: minor code cleanups (v5.1.68) 2005-04-01 Helge Hess * SkyP4FolderView.m: minor code improvements, fixed a small memleak (v5.1.67) 2005-03-17 Helge Hess * SkyProject4DocumentViewer.m: major changes to make tab selection configurable using rules ('OGoDocViewerRules' default) and extensible using bundles (v5.1.66) * v5.1.65 * SkyP4DocumentDownloadLogList.m: minor code cleanups * SkyProject4BLOBViewer.m: code cleanups 2005-03-16 Helge Hess