- bug ids touched by ChangeLog (check Bugzilla for the complete list): 219, 316, 1598, 1599, 1684, 1708, 1771, 1739 Logic - improved LSAddressConverterCommand (do not use \0 in NSString's) - fixed some access handler logging bug - added a convenience method to LSDBObjectBaseCommand to convert arrays of objects into arrays of primary keys - added appointment::change-attendee-status, appointment::add-me, appointment::remove-me commands to work on individual attendees (related to OGo bug #1771) - added support for 'participants.telephones' and 'participants.extendedAttributes' keys in appointment fetches - improved parameter handling in object::add-log command WebUI - added 'salutation' to contact quick-create panel in apt-editor - fixed some label - use new add-me/remove-me/change-attendee status commands in participants list (fixes OGo bug #1771) - fixed some issues in apt formletter support - expose more contact values to apt formletters - fixed a missing semicolon in some   entity - properly escape dial URLs (fixes OGo bug #1739) XML-RPC - added isPrivate support for teams/companies (OGo bug #316) - added generic.getTypeById method (OGo bug #1708) - added access.getACLById method (OGo bug #1684) - added appointment.setPermissions method (OGo bug #219) - added appointment.setResources method (OGo bug #1599) - fixed duplicate 'comment' key in person records (OGo bug #1598) general - various code cleanups - fixed some MacOS linking warnings - fixed/improved FreeBSD port scripts Contributors on the 1.1.6 release: Adam Tauno Williams Olivier Hallot Frank Reppin Helge Hess ... and many more :-) =========================================================================== compare ../complete/OpenGroupware.org/releases/1.1.5-moveon with . changed: DocumentAPI/OGoRawDatabase/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * OGoRawDatabaseModule.m: fixed MacOS linking warnings (v5.3.13) changed: DocumentAPI/OGoBase/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed OSX linking warnings (v5.3.10) changed: DocumentAPI/OGoAccounts/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * SkyAccountsBundleManager.m: fixed OSX linking warnings (v5.3.22) changed: DocumentAPI/OGoFileSystemProject/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: fixed OSX linking warnings (v5.3.28) changed: WebUI/Contact/PersonsUI/ 2006-08-08 Helge Hess * OGoPersonQCreatePanel.m: added salutation to quick-create panel (v5.3.63) changed: WebUI/Resources/ 2006-08-08 Helge Hess * German.lproj/PersonsUI.strings: replaced ß with an UTF-8 umlaut changed: WebUI/Scheduler/LSWScheduler/ 2006-08-24 Helge Hess * SkyAptParticipantsList.m: rewrote handling of status changes and add/remove-me buttons. The operation is now performed by specific commands and do not update the full participant list but just the login account (should fix bug #1771) (v5.3.108) 2006-08-09 Helge Hess * v5.3.107 * LSWAppointmentEditor.m: fixed a linking issue on MacOSX (do not refer to OGoAptMailOpener class directly, its in a different bundle) * SkyAptParticipantsList.m: catch some OSX mutable dictionary issue, needs further investigation changed: WebUI/Scheduler/OGoScheduler/ 2006-08-04 Helge Hess * Defaults.plist: added 'globalID' to formletter attributes, this is required for extended apt properties. Removed some debug config (v5.3.58) * OGoAptFormLetter.m: expose person keywords as person_keywords and person_keyword1...n, expose individual apt keywords as keyword1..n (v5.3.57) * OGoAptFormLetter.m: properly fetch contact addresses for formletters (v5.3.56) removed: WebUI/Scheduler/OGoScheduler/GNUmakefile.postamble changed: WebUI/Common/BaseUI/ 2006-08-15 Olivier Hallot * LSWViewerTitle.m: added a missing semicolon to a generated ' ' (#1647) (v5.3.126) changed: WebUI/Common/OGoUIElements/ 2006-08-15 Helge Hess * SkyDialNumber.m: code cleanups, use -isNotEmpty, properly escape dial URLs (#1739) (v5.3.47) changed: maintenance/freebsd/ 2006-08-01 Frank Reppin * fixed rc script redirection * fixed distinfo for mod_ngobjweb * use APACHE_PORT?= ... 2006-07-19 Frank Reppin * plist sub'ified pkg-plist * adjust pkg-install.in changed: Logic/LSAccount/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: explicitly link libNGiCal to please MacOS (v5.3.24) added: Logic/LSAccount/GNUmakefile.preamble changed: Logic/LSAddress/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * v5.3.89 * LSAddressConverterCommand.m: reworked not to use NSString's that contain 0 bytes (use NSData instead) * GNUmakefile.preamble: explicitly link bundle against libNGiCal to avoid a warning on MacOS 2006-08-04 Helge Hess * OGoCompanyAccessHandler.m: fixed a logging bug (v5.3.88) changed: Logic/LSEnterprise/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: explicitly link libNGiCal to make OSX happy (v5.3.17) added: Logic/LSEnterprise/GNUmakefile.preamble changed: Logic/LSFoundation/ 2006-08-24 Helge Hess * LSBundleCmdFactory.m: added -description, code cleanups, fixed a potential logging crasher (v5.3.123) * LSDBObjectBaseCommand.m: added support for string keys (v5.3.122) * LSDBObjectBaseCommand.m: added a convenience method to extract primary keys from an array of EOs, global-ids, primary-keys, etc (v5.3.121) changed: Logic/LSTeam/ 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * GNUmakefile.preamble: explicitly link libNGiCal to make OSX happy (v5.3.20) added: Logic/LSTeam/GNUmakefile.preamble changed: Logic/LSScheduler/ 2006-08-24 Helge Hess * v5.3.92 * added new appointment::change-attendee-status command * LSGetDateForADayCommand.m: code cleanups 2006-08-03 Helge Hess * LSGetAppointmentsForGlobalIDs.m: added support for 'participants.telephones' key in fetch attributes (5.3.91) 2006-07-18 Helge Hess * LSGetAppointmentsForGlobalIDs.m: added support for 'participants.extendedAttributes' key in fetch attributes (5.3.90) added: Logic/LSScheduler/LSAddOrRemoveMeCommand.m added: Logic/LSScheduler/LSChangeAttendeeStatusCommand.m changed: Logic/LSBase/ 2006-08-24 Helge Hess * LSAddLogCommand.m: allow primarykeys and globalids in the 'objectToLog' parameter (v5.3.30) changed: XmlRpcAPI/ 2006-08-24 Helge Hess * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Appointment.m: a few code cleanups, added new XML-RPC methods for changing an appointment status (appointment.changeStatus, appointment.accept, appointment.decline, appointment.acceptTentatively and appointment.resetStatus) (v5.3.80) 2006-08-17 Helge Hess * XmlRpcCoding.subproj/SkyAppointmentDocument+XmlRpcCoding.m: expose resourceNames to XML-RPC (v5.3.79) 2006-08-15 Adam Tauno Williams * XmlRpcCoding.subproj/SkyCompanyDocument+XmlRpcCoding.m, SkyPersonDocument+XmlRpcCoding.m: moved isPrivate handling from PersonDocument into CompanyDocument object to allow for isPrivate in company records (#316) (v5.3.78) * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Generic.m: added generic.getTypeById method (#1708) (v5.3.77) * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Generic.m: added access.getACLById method (#1684) (v5.3.76) * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Appointment.m: added appointment.setPermissions method (#219) (v5.3.75) * XmlRpcCoding.subproj/SkyPersonDocument+XmlRpcCoding.m: removed duplicate encoding of 'comment' key (#1598) (v5.3.74) * Actions.subproj/DirectAction+Appointment.m: added appointment.setResources method (#1599) (v5.3.73) added: XmlRpcAPI/tests/createTask1.py added: XmlRpcAPI/tests/changeAptStatus.py changed: PDA/OGoPalmWebUI/ 2006-08-04 Helge Hess * SkyPalmAssignDate.m, SkyPalmCategoryPopUp.m: fixed some gcc 4.1 warnings (v5.3.30)